348 research outputs found

    Inspædia, Inspiring a Collaborative Intelligence Network: Designing the User Experience

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    The main objective of this paper is to present the interface design concept of Inspædia focused on the userexperience, to create knowledge in innovation and design and to facilitate collaborative intelligence. We considerinnovation in the disciplinary context of the design to inspire new design processes and to expand and diversify theframe of references in order to stimulate ideation in design, as well as to offer to the inspædiers a stimulatinginteraction and knowledge experience. Whereas Inspædia is malleable enough to inspire and operating a network ofcollaborative intelligence in the areas of innovation and design - the results achieved are a significant contribution toknowledge in design and (hopefully) to the science of design (since not all knowledge is science).Research Centre for Territory, Architecture and Design - CITAD Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Lusíada University of Lisbon. Lisbon, Portugal Research Centre of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design - CIAUD Faculty of Architecture of Lisbon University. Lisbon, Portugal Special Visiting Researcher, Science Without Borders Program - CAPES Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Brazil CAPES/BRASIL / Grant by CAPES/BRAZIL PGDesign, Architecture Faculty, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Brazi

    A Brazilian Total Diet Study: Evaluation of essential elements

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    AbstractTotal Diet Study (TDS) has been adopted worldwide and is based on the evaluation of food samples representing a Market Basket, which shows dietary habits of a large-scale population. This TDS presents results of the element concentrations, daily dietary intakes and contributions to the total daily intake of essential elements, Na, K, Ca, Fe, Zn and Cr in 30 food groups of a Market Basket of São Paulo State, Brazil. The methodology for the first Brazilian TDS for the São Paulo State population and its respective Market Basket was developed. Food consumption data and information were obtained from the National Household Food Budget Survey, Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) 2002–2003 conducted by the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics, which includes 5440 foods. The selection criteria to carry out the Market Basket were the foods consumed at more than 2g/day/person, which represented 72% of the total weight of the foods for this population. Element concentrations were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis and ranged in mgkg−1 as follows: Na: 1.5–256,185; K: 0.51–532; Ca: 22–1827; Fe: 0.08–49; Zn: 0.030–98; and in μgkg−1 Cr: 2.6–799. The dietary intakes contributed by the Market Basket were: 1928mg/day−1 Na; 861mg/day−1 K; 275mg/day−1 Ca; 5.70mg/day−1 Fe; 4.25mg/day−1 Zn and 20.7μg/day−1 Cr. The observed low levels are probably due to the fact that Market Basket represented 72% of the weight of the household consumed foods. The highest contributions to the total intake of the essential elements were: salts, 78.9% of Na; breads, 36.9% of Fe and 46.4% of Cr; cereals, 18.7% of Zn; and milk/cream, 58.7% of Ca and 23.6% of K

    Qualidade física dos solos e sua relação com o uso da terra na bacia do Rio Urubu, Tocantins

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    O presente estudo descreve o uso, a cobertura da terra e caracterizar a qualidade física de amostras de solos na bacia do rio Urubu, Tocantins. A análise do uso e ocupação da terra foi realizada por meio de classificação supervisionada de imagens do satélite LANDSAT 8. Por meio do programa Qualisolo®, foi calculado o índice S para 15 amostras de solo distribuídas entre as categorias de uso de cobertura identificadas, considerando os parâmetros físicos: densidade globais, de partícula e granulometria. Observou-se que mais de 40% das terras da bacia foram antropizadas, e todas as amostras de solo obtiveram valores de índice S inferiores a 0.035, sendo, portanto, proveniente de solos de baixa qualidade física e possivelmente degradados. Faz-se necessária a adoção de práticas de manejo do solo que sejam mais sustentáveis a fim de garantir o uso eficiente do solo. Recomenda-se a realização de um estudo focado na qualidade física dos solos cujos usos causem mais danos ambientais à bacia, tendo como suporte uma análise multitemporal dos usos e cobertura da terra

    Nasotracheal tube wire support: a safety device in maxillofacial surgery technical note after five years of experience

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    A well fixed endotracheal tube is essential for safety during general anesthesia. In maxillofacial surgeries, securely fixing a nasotracheal tube in place has always been problematic. The aim of this article is to describe a simple but effective technique to fasten the nasotracheal tube using a wire support that allows a full range of head movement without interference in the surgical field. During the last 5 years, this device was successfully used in almost two hundred patients with very few complications

    Selection of aptamers against the Jagged-1 protein

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    The breast cancer is one of the biggest public health problems in the world, being the main female type of cancer that affects the population. The Jagged-1 protein plays an important role in the biology and development of cancer, influencing angiogenesis, growth of neoplastic cells, tumor stem cells, epithelial mesenchymal transition, metastatic processes and resistance to therapies in various types of cancer. In this project, our aim was to select an aptamer for JAG1 ligand using an aptamer library, that could be used as a radiopharmaceutical for PET / SPECT / CT diagnosis of tumors that express JAG1.  Our work showed that MDA-MB-231-JAG1 cells overexpress more mRNA and JAG1 protein than control cells (MDA-MB-231-Control). We also selected aptamers with high affinity for MDA-MB-231-JAG1 cells that could be a useful tool for the development of new radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and treatment of tumors that overexpress JAG1.  

    Inspædia user experience design (UXD)

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    The Inspædia moto is to inspire a collaborative intelligence network on innovation and design processes. This paper is focused on Inspædia user centered design features. We will describe how users can access the web platform, add, explore, relate, and share the Inspædia contents. It will be a unique, memorable and inspiring collaborative knowledge experience that will facilitate several creative activities. Inspædia is the natural consequence and development of the prototype resulting from the research in Design PhD thesis entitled “Innovation, design et cetera”. Therefore, the new platform is being developed under the post-doctoral Design in FA/UL – Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (Portugal); Science Without Borders Program with a Special Visiting Researcher fellowship from CAPES (Brazil) at the PGDesign UFRGS – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; CITAD – Research Centre for Territory, Architecture and Design of Lusíada Universities (Portugal); FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal). The aim of this paper is to disclose the new research developments and the results from the systematization of experience and user's interaction on the Inspædia platform. We want to share and discuss the interim results achieved so far with the participants of the 6th AHFE through a visual based presentation of the Inspædia. We will choose the best outputs to be included in the next phases of the Inspædia research project.CITAD – Centro de Investigação em Território, Arquitectura e Design, Universidades Lusíada, Lisbon, Portugal; CAPES, Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras, Brazil; PGDesign UFRGS – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; CIAUD – Centro de Investigação em Arquitectura, Urbanismo e Design, Faculdade de Arquitetura,Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. This research is financed by CAPES (Fellowship by CAPES/Brazil Ref. A025_2013) This research is also financed by National Funds by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, in the scope of the project UID/AUR/04026/2013

    Reproduction of two loricariid species in a confined river and implications for environmental impacts of dams

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    Fish reproduction in floodplain rivers is often linked to flow regime and with the inundation of floodplain habitats. However, in confined rivers, where floodplains are absent, the relation between reproduction and flow can in comparison be expected to be distinct. In this study, we describe the reproductive life-history of Hemiancistrus fuliginosus and Hypostomus isbrueckeri in a confined river and discuss its differences relative to floodplain loricariids and also the implications for effects of dam construction and flow regulation. We found the reproductive peak of both species occurred during lowering waters, just after maximum river flow, in contrast to floodplain species that tend to spawn during rising waters. The studied species presented attributes of equilibrium life-history strategy, which are related to predictable river flow variation. Because both species spawned during low river flow, which is historically predictable in summer, we suggest that their reproduction may be severely disrupted, depending on how flow regime is affected by dam operation. These results have implications for assessing and mitigating the impacts of river damming on fish populations in confined rivers, and we point to ecologically driven flow management and conservation of free-flowing rivers as mitigation and conservation alternatives.A reprodução de peixes em rios com planície de inundação está associada ao regime de vazão e sua interação com os hábitats laterais. Entretanto, em rios confinados, sem planícies de inundação, pode-se esperar que a relação entre reprodução e vazão seja comparativamente distinta. Neste estudo, descrevemos as características reprodutivas da história de vida de Hemiancistrus fuliginosus e Hypostomus isbrueckeri em um rio confinado, discutimos as diferenças em relação à reprodução de loricarídeos em planícies de inundação e também as implicações para o efeito de barragens e manejo da vazão de rios. O pico reprodutivo de ambas as espécies ocorreu durante o período de baixa vazão, logo após o período de máxima vazão, contrastando com o padrão observado na reprodução de espécies em planícies de inundação, que ocorre principalmente no período de incremento de vazão. As duas espécies apresentaram história de vida com estratégia de equilíbrio. Pelo fato de ambas espécies desovarem durante a baixa vazão do rio, cuja ocorrência no verão é historicamente previsível, sugerimos que seus padrões de desova podem ser severamente alterados, dependendo de como o regime de vazão for afetado pela operação da barragem. Esses resultados têm implicações para avaliação e manejo de impactos ambientais de barragens em rios confinados, sendo que o manejo ecológico de vazão e a conservação de rios livres de barragens como alternativas de mitigação e conservação, respectivamente

    Distribuição geográfica do PIB 'per capita'

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    O artigo apresenta uma aplicação do índice T-Theil para analisar a distribuição territorial do PIB per capita no Brasil, no período 1999/2008. A decomposição do índice permite mensurar a desigualdade espacial em níveis municipal, estadual e regional. Dos resultados subnacionais obtidos, destacam-se a melhora da distribuição estadual no centro-oeste e o aumento da concentração municipal no sudeste. No país, a desconcentração entre regiões e entre estados foi superior ao aumento da concentração entre municípios, estabelecendo um padrão de crescimento territorialmente desconcentrador, ao contrário do observado na China