34 research outputs found

    Potentially Phytotoxic of Chemical Compounds Present in Essential Oil for Invasive Plants Control: A Mini-Review

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    The control of invasive plants is still carried out with the use of synthetic chemical agents that may present high toxicity and, consequently, be harmful to humans and animals. In Brazil, especially in the Amazon, small producers use this kind of technique in a rustic way, with brushcutters or fire. In this sense, the search for natural agents with bioherbicide potential becomes necessary. Examples of these agents are the essential oils that over the years have been shown to be a viable alternative to weed control. Thus, this review aims to show the potentially phytotoxic activity of allelochemicals present in essential oils of different aromatic plants

    Influence of grilling pretreatment and optimization of sous vide processing parameters on the physicochemical and microbiological quality of pirarucu fillet

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    The demand for high-quality food products has promoted the study of techniques for its processing and conservation. The present research aimed to evaluate the influence of grilling pretreatment on the physical characteristics of pirarucu fillets and the heat transfer process by a computational modelling, and to optimize the sous vide process parameters. Before and after the sous vide process, the samples were analysed for microbiological, chemical and physical characteristics. There was no significant difference between the total experimental time of grilling and that obtained by computational modelling. Immersion in brine for 300s in combination with grilling at 200/120s was selected because of its water-holding capacity (%) 79.40±0.31, texture (N) 1.91±0.40 and value of L* 74.44±0.38 in the fillets. Cooking at 60 for 568.8s were the best sous vide parameters obtained, with highest water-holding capacity (%) 93.60, texture (N) 6.24, E* 7.43, and with microbiological loads below 6 log CFU/g and 7 log MPN/g in the final product. Useful information obtained from this study highlighted the brine and grill pretreatment in combination with sous vide proved it is a potential solution for developing pirarucu products even at an industrial scale.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/ or publication of this article: The work behind this paper was funded by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior – CAPES, Brazil. Enrique Pino-Herna´ndez thanks to the Organization of American States (OAS – United States) and the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) under the scope of Partnerships Program for Education and Training (PAEC) to Latin America and the Caribbean, by the scholarship received for studying a Master program in the Federal University of Para´ (call Brazil, OASGCUB 2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Açaí (Euterpe oleracea) and Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba) as Functional Food

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    This chapter reviews two oleaginous fruits that are widely consumed by people in the Amazon region: Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba) and Açaí (Euterpe oleracea). Besides their food and the folk medicinal uses, studies suggest that substances present in both berries have antioxidative effects, antimicrobial, and therapeutic properties such as hypocholesterolemic and neuroprotection effects. These therapeutic effects are related to phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, and fatty acids, which can prevent serious problems such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, and depression. The use of supercritical fluid technology is described as a technique to obtain the best extracts of bacaba and açaí, as well as their valuable constituents. Indubitably, this technology is a great tool for human health and all with the advantage of presenting nontoxic solvents such as carbon dioxide or water. Açaí and bacaba fruits represent not only food but also a source of compounds that can work in both prevention and treatment of diseases

    Carbon Dioxide Use in High-Pressure Extraction Processes

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    This chapter describes the use of carbon dioxide at high pressures as an alternative for the extraction of bioactive compounds in a more sustainable way, addressing some of its physicochemical properties, such as pressure, temperature, density, solvation, selectivity, and its interaction with the solute when modified by other solvents such as ethanol and water. This extraction process is considered chemically “green,” when compared to conventional extraction processes using toxic organic solvents

    Volatile Compounds, Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of <em>Apis mellifera</em> Bee Propolis

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    Propolis is a wax-like resin collected by bees from tree shoots and/or other botanical sources that is used as glue to seal cracks or open spaces in the hive. Its color varies from green to brown and reddish, depending on its botanical origin. Among the substances that can be found in propolis, low molecular weight compounds, such as monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are the most common. Several biological activities are attributed to these classes of substances, such as antifungal, antibacterial, and others. The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition of volatile compounds present in propolis samples and to analyze their correlation with biological activities

    Commercial and Therapeutic Potential of Plant-Based Fatty Acids

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    This chapter reviews plant-based fatty acids as well as their methods of production, applications in the industry, and benefits in treatments of cardiovascular and cerebral diseases, besides being a source of food. The fatty acids obtained from vegetable matrices have been acting as alternatives to the use of lipids of animal origin, due to their limitation in relation to the increase in demand. Thus, plants have been investigated in order to act as sources of fatty acids and assist in the supply of such demands. Vegetable oils represent not only an economical alternative but also a beneficial source of human health

    Invasive Species in the Amazon

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    One of the main reasons for environmental disturbances such as declination in pasture productivity and biodiversity losses is the high infestation of herbaceous weeds, generally referred to as “Juquira” in the Amazon region. If they are not adequately controlled, such infestation might lead to degradation of pasture, resulting in complete loss of productivity and subsequent abandonment of the area. In this sense, this chapter aims to describe the main invasive species present in the Amazon region, as well as to characterize both the old and innovative techniques of use in agriculture, in large and small scale, for the control of agricultural pests

    Mortalidade infantil e acesso geográfico ao parto nos municípios brasileiros

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar o acesso geográfico ao parto hospitalar nos municípios brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas informações de óbitos e nascimentos quanto à sua adequação para o cálculo do coeficiente de mortalidade infantil no período de 2005 a 2007 para os 5.564 municípios brasileiros. O acesso geográfico foi expresso por indicadores de deslocamento, oferta e acesso aos serviços de saúde. A associação entre o acesso geográfico ao parto e o coeficiente de mortalidade infantil em municípios com adequação de suas informações vitais foi avaliada por meio de regressão múltipla. RESULTADOS: Dentre os municípios analisados, 56% apresentaram adequação das informações vitais, correspondendo a 72% da população brasileira. O deslocamento geográfico ao parto mostrou-se inversamente associado ao porte populacional, à renda per capita, e à mortalidade infantil, mesmo controlado por fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos. CONCLUSÕES: Embora tenham sido desenvolvidas estratégias importantes para a melhoria da qualidade do atendimento às gestantes no Brasil, as ações para garantir o acesso igualitário à assistência ao parto ainda são insuficientes. O maior deslocamento intermunicipal para o parto se mostrou como um fator de risco para a mortalidade infantil, aliado à desigualdade de oferta de serviços qualificados e à falta de integração com a atenção básica de saúde

    A importância da equidade no pré-natal em uma estratégia saúde da família (ESF) / The importance of prenatal equity in a family health strategy (ESF)

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    Objtivo. Relatar experiência durante a prática de enfermagem na assistência ao pré-natal e sua relação com a equidade no atendimento, vivenciada por discentes do 6º semestre de enfermagem da Universidade da Amazônia. Métodos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, do tipo relato de experiência, realizado a partir da vivência de acadêmicos de enfermagem. Resultados. Durante as consultas de enfermagem realizadas com gestantes, identificou-se a importância de o enfermeiro realizar uma boa classificação, afim de reconhecer qual grávida deveria ser atendida de forma mais prioritária. Nessa circunstância, percebia-se princípios do SUS como a equidade, quando as gestantes eram classificadas segundo o risco de sua gravidez e assim a assistência tornava-se diferenciada ao existir uma gestante de alto risco. Conclusão. O trabalho da enfermagem prestado às gestantes é de suma importância para que a mesma possa ser assistida da melhor forma possível, além disso, ao se realizar uma boa consulta de enfermagem, proporciona-se uma assistência humanizada e equânime

    Population Prevalence of Trachoma in Nine Rural Non-Indigenous Evaluation Units of Brazil.

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    Purpose: To assess the contemporary prevalence of trachoma in Brazil's non-indigenous population, surveys of those thought to be at greatest risk of disease were conducted.Methods: Rural census tracts of non-indigenous population from nine mesoregions were selected to compose the survey evaluation units (EUs) by considering previously endemic municipalities at greatest risk of trachoma. In each of the nine EUs, we conducted a population-based prevalence survey. Every resident of selected households aged ≥1 year was examined for trachomatous inflammation - follicular (TF) and trachomatous trichiasis (TT). Additionally, data were collected on household-level access to water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH) and education.Results: A total of 27,962 individuals were examined across nine EUs. The age-adjusted TF prevalence in 1-9-year-olds was 99% of surveyed children.Conclusions: The prevalence of TF was well below the target for elimination as a public health problem in all EUs. Because EUs surveyed were selected to represent the highest-risk non-indigenous areas of the country, TF prevalence is unlikely to be ≥5% in non-indigenous populations elsewhere. In one EU, the prevalence of TT was above the target threshold for elimination. Further investigation and possibly improvement in TT surgical provision are required in that EU