633 research outputs found

    O impacto da carga de incêndio específica no desempenho de linhas de transmissão de energia

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    Transmission line outages caused by fires are frequent and affect the electric power supply to the population. Studying the factors that may aid in the understanding of this problem is fundamental to improve performance and guide future projects involving this type of installation. This study analyzed the forest inventories of vegetation adjacent to three Brazilian transmission line trunks and calculated their specific fire loads. The results were compared with the performance of these installations and revealed a high correlation (R2=0.9877) between the fire load and the number of transmission line outages, demonstrating the influence of vegetation on the operation of these installations.Os desligamentos de linhas de transmissão provocados por queimadas são frequentes e afetam o fornecimento de energia elétrica à população. O estudo de fatores que ajudem a compreender esse problema é fundamental para melhorar o desempenho e orientar futuros projetos desse tipo de instalação. O presente trabalho analisou os inventários florestais da vegetação adjacente a três troncos de linhas de transmissão brasileiros e calculou suas cargas de incêndio específicas. Os resultados foram comparados com o desempenho dessas instalações e demonstraram uma elevada correlação (R2=0,9877) entre a carga de incêndio e o número de desligamentos das linhas de transmissão analisadas, evidenciando a influência da vegetação na operação dessas instalações

    Use of biogenic sulfide for the synthesis of CuS nanocrystals and nanocomposites

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    During the metabolism of organic matter (CH2O), sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) use sulfate as the terminal electron acceptor, resulting in the production of H2S. This biologically generated sulfide, in the presence of metal ions, can be used for metal precipitation (Bhagat et al., 2004). The use of SRB in bioremediation processes, namely, in the reduction of highcontent sulfate and metal effluents, is well documented (Costa and Duarte, 2005; Garcia et al., 2001). Nevertheless, the process generates an excess of sulfide and the elimination of the sulfide in excess and disposal of the metal sulfides produced are also problems that need to be carefully addressed. Copper monosulfide (CuS) has gained considerable attention in material science due to its excellent potential in catalysis (Mallick et al., 2007), optical functionality (Liz-Marzan, 2006) and electronic functionalities (Kamat, 2002)

    An integrated approach to assess the sublethal effects of colloidal gold nanorods in tadpoles of Xenopus laevis

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    Gold nanorods (AuNR) have been explored for many applications, including innovative nanomedicines, which also might contribute to its increase in the environment, namely due to inadequate disposable of wastes into aquatic environments. Early-life stages of amphibians are usually aquatic and sensitive to chemical contamination. Accordingly, this study aimed to determine the sublethal effects of CTAB functionalized AuNR on Xenopus laevis tadpoles. As such, tadpoles were exposed to serial concentrations of AuNR for 72 h. A reduction in the rate of feeding (EC50 = 4 μg.L-1), snout to vent growth (EC50 = 5 μg.L-1) and weight gain (EC50 = 6 μg.L-1), was observed for AuNR-exposed tadpoles. Also, tadpoles actively avoided concentrations ≥ 4 μg.L-1 of AuNR, after 12 h of exposure. At the biochemical level, AuNR caused impairments in antioxidant and nervous system related enzymes. Exposure to CTAB alone caused a high mortality. Results indicated that CTAB functionalized AuNR may induce several sublethal effects that may compromise the organism's fitness. Avoidance behavior (which corresponds to the disappearance of organisms, thus, similar to their death), observed at concentrations matching those inducing sublethal effects, suggest that it should be considered in the risk assessment for amphibians.publishe

    Floral Resource Partitioning between Centris (Heterocentris) analis (Fabricius, 1804) and Centris (Heterocentris) terminata Smith, 1874 (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Centridini), in an Urban Fragment of the Atlantic Forest

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    The knowledge on plant species used for the collection of floral resources is crucial to understanding interactions between plants and bees. The aim of the present study was to identify floral resources used by Centris analis and Centris terminata to provision brood cells and determine the niche breadth and overlap of these two species in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. This study was conducted at the Universidade Federal da Bahia and Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas, both of which are located in urban areas of the city of Salvador in the state of Bahia. Twelve and eight pollen types were identified in C. analis and C. terminata nests, respectively. The most frequent pollen types were from species of Malpighiaceae and Fabaceae. A larger trophic niche breadth was found in the Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas for C. analis and in the Universidade Federal da Bahia for C. terminata. Pianka’s index demonstrated trophic niche overlap between C. analis and C. terminata, which was greater in the Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas. This study is the first to provide data on plants used as food sources by species of the genus Centris in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest situated within urban areas. 

    Processo de produção de asparaginase pela bactéria Zymomonas mobilis e uso do caldo fermentativo e/ou da enzima purificada no tratamento de doenças

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    DepositadaA presente invenção refere-se ao processo de obtenção da enzima L-asparaginase II pela bactéria Zymomonas mobilis. O processo de produção consiste no crescimento da bactéria em um meio fermentativo, com diferentes fontes de carbono e de nitrogênio. Utilizando-se o substrato L-asparagina como fonte de nitrogênio, observa-se a produção enzima asparaginase a partir da formação do aspartato e da liberação de amônia. Experimentos realizados em meio sintético sem asparagina e em meio contendo apenas glicose extrato de levedura também resultaram na formação da enzima, mostrando que a mesma é constitutiva e que pode ser produzida em diferentes meios e condições de fermentação. Além disso, devido aos efeitos colaterais relacionados às asparaginases comerciais, a formação de asparaginase a partir da bactéria Zymomonas mobilis, mesmo com uma produtividade menor, tem a vantagem de que o caldo fermentativo deste microrganismo já é utilizado no tratamento de doenças

    Intenção de uso dos serviços de autoatendimento em telefonia celular

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    The aim of this study is to propose a model to evaluate consumers’ intention of adopting a new type customer service technology, self-service customer services (SSCS), analyzing the effects that consumers’ cognitive and affective perceptions about technology along with their communication with peers in social media have on their intention to adopt services of this nature. An online questionnaire was made available over the Internet to a base of 830,000 customers of a large mobile telecom carrier, with 5,262 valid questionnaires being obtained in response. Through structural equation modeling, the assumptions of the model were tested and the results show evidence of the influence of cognitive, emotional and social aspects on the consumer intention to adopt self-service customer service technologies.O objetivo deste estudo é propor um modelo para avaliação da intenção de adoção de uma nova tecnologia de atendimento ao consumidor, o SAC3C (Serviços Automáticos de Autoatendimento), analisando os efeitos que as percepções cognitivas e afetivas do consumidor sobre tecnologia juntamente com sua comunicação com pares em mídias sociais possuem sobre sua intenção de adotar serviços desta natureza. Um questionário online foi disponibilizado pela internet para uma base de 830.000 clientes de uma grande operadora de telefonia móvel, com 5.262 questionários válidos sendo obtidos como resposta. Por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais, as hipóteses do modelo foram testadas e os resultados apontam para a evidência da influência de aspectos cognitivos, afetivos e sociais sobre a intenção de um consumidor em adotar tecnologias de autoatendimento

    What happens to intolerant, relapsed or refractory chronic myeloid leukemia patients without access to clinical trials?

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    Objective: To assess clinical outcomes of intolerant, relapsed or refractory patients who could not be treated with new tyrosine kinase inhibitors or experimental therapies. Methods: A retrospective cohort of 90 chronic myeloid leukemia patients in all phases of the disease treated with imatinib mesylate as their first TKI therapy, and with dasatinib or nilotinib as the next line of therapy. We evaluated clinical outcomes of these patients, with special focus on the group that needed more than two therapy lines. Results: Thirty-nine percent of patients were refractory or intolerant to imatinib. An 8-year overall survival rate of the patients who went through three or more lines of treatment was significantly lower, compared to those who were able to maintain imatinib as their first-line therapy (83% and 22%, respectively p < 0.01). Decreased overall survival was associated with advanced-phase disease (p < 0.01), failure to achieve major molecular response in first-line treatment (p < 0.01) and interruption of first-line treatment due to any reason (p = 0.023). Failure in achieving complete cytogenetic response and major molecular response and treatment interruption were associated with the progression to the third-line treatment. Conclusion: The critical outcome observed in relapsed, intolerant or refractory chronic phase CML patients reflects the unmet need for this group of patients without an alternative therapy, such as new drugs or experimental therapies in clinical trials. Broader access to newer treatment possibilities is a crucial asset to improve survival among CML patients, especially those refractory or intolerant to first-line therapies

    O estágio supervisionado em Química: possibilidades de vivência e responsabilidade com o exercício da docência

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    As escolas estaduais de Goiás contemplam em sua estrutura organizacional para o Ensino Médio a oferta de disciplinas optativas. A partir de tal possibilidade, estagiários do curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFG, em conjunto com a professora regente da escola e os professores formadores do curso de licenciatura, propuseram uma disciplina optativa de Ciência Experimental. No decorrer da disciplina foram analisados aspectos relacionados à formação inicial vinculadas ao estágio utilizando a pesquisa participante como metodologia de investigação. Foram aplicados questionários aos estagiários buscando compreender como essa proposta de desenvolvimento do estágio contribuiu para a construção dos saberes docentes visando a formação autônoma para o exercício da docência. Na análise emergiram duas categorias: vivência com o exercício da docência e responsabilidade docente. Na primeira categoria identificamos uma maior vivência do estagiário na escola, contato com as dificuldades da docência e a importância do conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo. Na segunda categoria observamos o fato dos estagiários experimentarem a tomada de consciência e o juízo de valor que permeia o senso de responsabilidade profissional. Assim, foi possível entender o estágio como espaço de reflexão e construção dos saberes docentes a partir do desenvolvimento de uma disciplina optativa      

    Color behavior of Pau-marfim (Balfourodendron riedelianum) wood laminates treated with finishing products

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    Este trabalho testou produtos no combate ao envelhecimento da madeira. Através de uma câmara de envelhecimento e aparelho de espectrocolorimetria, caracterizou-se a influência de produtos químicos de acabamentos aplicados à madeira durante processo artificial de fotodegradação. Acompanhou-se o envelhecimento do Pau-marfim (Balfourodendron riedelianum) por 8.807 medições colorimétricas, após receber ciclos de radiação ultravioleta durante períodos: 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 180, 250, 310, 410 e 500 horas. O sistema CIE La*b* de 1976 mostrou as modificações das cores. O uso da seladora provocou uma maior variação dos parâmetros colorimétricos da madeira quando comparado aos demais tratamentos.This study tested products to combat aging of wood. Through an aging chamber and a spectrocolorimetry device, the influence of chemical finishing products applied to wood were characterized during artificial photodegradation process. The aging of Balfourodendron riedelianum was monitored through 8.807 colorimetry measurements, with the samples undergoing cycles of ultraviolet radiation for periods of: 20, 40, 60, 80, 120, 180, 250, 310, 410 and 500 hours. The data was loaded to Excel and processed. The CIE La*b* system of 1976 showed the color changes. The use of a sealant caused a greater variation in the wood's colorimetric parameters when compared to other treatment methods

    Gravitational waves: search results, data analysis and parameter estimation

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    The Amaldi 10 Parallel Session C2 on gravitational wave (GW) search results, data analysis and parameter estimation included three lively sessions of lectures by 13 presenters, and 34 posters. The talks and posters covered a huge range of material, including results and analysis techniques for ground-based GW detectors, targeting anticipated signals from different astrophysical sources: compact binary inspiral, merger and ringdown; GW bursts from intermediate mass binary black hole mergers, cosmic string cusps, core-collapse supernovae, and other unmodeled sources; continuous waves from spinning neutron stars; and a stochastic GW background. There was considerable emphasis on Bayesian techniques for estimating the parameters of coalescing compact binary systems from the gravitational waveforms extracted from the data from the advanced detector network. This included methods to distinguish deviations of the signals from what is expected in the context of General Relativity