13 research outputs found

    Planification côtière en Afrique de l’Ouest. Retour d’expérience SIG en Guinée-Bissau

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    Cet article relate le contexte de la mise en œuvre d’un SIG à vocation de planification côtière en Guinée-Bissau dans le contexte de création d’une réserve de biosphère. Il fait le bilan des productions et des acquis de 10 ans de collaboration entre des organismes de recherche et de gestion territoriale du nord et du sud. Une expérience qui fait école au sein des pays côtiers d’Afrique de l’Ouest.This article reports the context of the implementation of a GIS which is intended for coastal planning in Guinea Bissau in the context of the creation of a biosphere reserve. It takes stock of the productions and the assets of 10 years of collaboration between research and territorial management organisations of the north and south. This experiment has become a model in the coastal countries of West Africa

    Avian haemosporidians in the cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) from central-western and southern Africa: high diversity and prevalence

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    We described the geographic distribution of 82 haemosporidian lineages (Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, and Leucocytozoon) in the cattle egret sampled in five countries in central-western and southern Africa. Seventy-three lineages have not previously been reported. We determined the prevalence of three haemosporidians in the samples. We investigated the influence of the internal environment of the host and environmental variables on the Plasmodium diversity and whether environmental variables may explain spatial variations in the prevalence of Plasmodium. We screened DNA from 509 blood samples from nestlings in 15 African colonies for infection by sequencing the cytochrome b gene of parasites. The molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed using Bayesian methods and including sequences from the MalAvi and GeneBank databases. We found 62 new Plasmodium lineages in a clade with MYCAME02, which is a lineage described in waterbirds and recently identified in birds of prey as Plasmodium paranucleophilum. Two Haemoproteus lineages identified in cattle egret formed a distinct group with Haemoproteus catharti and MYCAMH1 (Haemoproteus spp.). Seven Leucocytozoon lineages found in the cattle egret clustered with Leucocytozoon californicus. We found different Plasmodium diversities among the colonies sampled, demonstrating that the internal environment of the host is not the primary determinant of diversity. A linear mixed-effects multivariate model showed that precipitation was positively associated with Plasmodium diversity when controlling for the effects of temperature, colony composition (mixed and non-mixed species) and country. Moreover, a generalized mixed model showed that temperature was positively associated with the prevalence of Plasmodium when controlling for precipitation, elevation and country. We conclude that the cattle egret is a good model for future haemosporidian studies, as we found a significant number of new lineages in this host, which occupies regions with different climate characteristics where environmental variables exert an influence on the diversity and prevalence of Plasmodium

    Les contraintes économiques de la gouvernance : la dérégulation et l’extraversion des économies locales

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    Depuis plus de vingt ans, le contexte des économies des aires marines et côtières protégées d’Afrique de l’Ouest est celui d’une dérégulation qui a profondément modifié les systèmes d’exploitation et de valorisation des ressources naturelles ainsi que le volume et la structure des échanges. Ce processus a eu une implication directe sur les économies de ces espaces protégés. À l’échelle de la région, le cadre privilégié de cette dérégulation a été les plans d’ajustement structurels justifiés p..

    Les contraintes démographiques de la gouvernance : la densification du peuplement et l’intensification de la mobilité

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    À l’image des zones rurales ouest-africaines, les aires marines et côtières protégées connaissent une densification de leur peuplement dans un contexte démographique caractérisé par des taux d’accroissement de la population parmi les plus élevés au monde. Ces taux signifient un doublement de la population tous les vingt cinq ans et sont la marque d’une transition démographique en milieu rural dont le calendrier est incertain. Une autre caractéristique du contexte démographique général est un ..

    La gouvernance des aires marines protégées : leçons ouest-africaines

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    International audienceOn looking at the stakes involved in the marine protected areas (MPA), such as they are expressed on the international scene which places governance at the center of the debate, the gaps revealed by a bibliographic review justifies a research effort on an analysis framework of the governance for MPAS. The establishment of this framework is supported on one hand by the conceptual achievements of risk governance, and on the other by the application of these conceptual achievements to environmental governance, and endly by the declension of this governance in terms of political economy and political science. The West African MPAs have appeared to be a privileged application of this analysis framework, in reference to a certain exemplarité. The analysis of their modes of governance has revealed contradictions which refer to the environment of public policy. The analysis of this has highlighted the disproportionate role of international pressure groups, the too sectoral and technical aspect of the fisheries management measures, the incompletion of decentralization, and the fragmentation of the State and civil society. Faced with these deadlocks, the reinforcement of the connection between the levels of power and decision is essential, as well as the re-qualifying of the role of the State as mediator and arbitrator. The lessons learned from the analysis of the governance of the West African marine protected areas enable the proposition of some directives for the modes of governance, including the better targeting of objectives, the legal organization of the rights of access and the delegation of power, the specific financing of governance measures, and the precise cost and profit assessment.Au regard des enjeux des aires marines protégées (AMP) tels qu'exprimés dans les arènes internationales qui placent la gouvernance au centre des débats, les lacunes révélées par la littérature justifiaient un effort de recherche sur un cadre d'analyse adapté aux AMP. La construction de ce cadre s'est appuyée d'une part sur les acquis conceptuels de la gouvernance des activités à risque, d'autre part sur l'application de ces acquis à la gouvernance environnementale, enfin sur la déclinaison de cette gouvernance en terme d'économie politique et de science politique. Les AMP ouest-africaines sont apparues comme un champ d'application privilégié de ce cadre d'analyse en référence à une certaine exemplarité. L'analyse de leur mode de gouvernance a révélé des contradictions qui renvoient à l'environnement des politiques publiques dont l'analyse a mis en lumière les impasses : le rôle démesuré des groupes de pression internationaux, l'aspect trop sectoriel et technique des mesures d'aménagement des pêches, l'inachèvement de la décentralisation, la fragmentation de l'État et de la société civile. Face à ces impasses s'impose la nécessaire articulation des échelles de pouvoir et de décision ainsi que la requalification du rôle de l'État comme médiateur et arbitre. Les leçons de l'analyse de la gouvernance des aires marines protégées ouest-africaines permettent de proposer quelques directives pour des modes de gouvernance : un meilleur ciblage des objectifs, une organisation juridique des droits d'accès et des délégations de pouvoirs, un financement spécifique des mesures de gouvernance, une évaluation précise des coûts et des bénéfices Mots clefs : gouvernance, aires marines protégées, société civile, État, institutions, politique publique, décentralisation, science politique, économie politique, sociologie politique, Afrique de l'Ouest

    La gouvernance des aires marines protégées : leçons ouest-africaines

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    On looking at the stakes involved in the marine protected areas (MPA), such as they are expressed on the international scene which places governance at the center of the debate, the gaps revealed by a bibliographic review justifies a research effort on an analysis framework of the governance for MPAS.   The establishment of this framework is supported on one hand by the conceptual achievements of risk governance, and on the other by the application of these conceptual achievements to environmental governance, and endly by the declension of this governance in terms of political economy and political science.   The West African MPAs have appeared to be a privileged application of this analysis framework, in reference to a certain exemplarité. The analysis of their modes of governance has revealed contradictions which refer to the environment of public policy. The analysis of this has highlighted the disproportionate role of international pressure groups, the too sectoral and technical aspect of the fisheries management measures, the incompletion of decentralization, and the fragmentation of the State and civil society. Faced with these deadlocks, the reinforcement of the connection between the  levels of power and decision is essential, as well as the re-qualifying of the role of the State as mediator and arbitrator.  The lessons learned from the analysis of the governance of the West African marine protected areas enable the proposition of some directives for the modes of governance, including the better targeting of objectives, the legal organization of the rights of access and the delegation of power, the specific financing of governance measures, and the precise cost and profit assessment

    Contraintes d'utilisation des technologies de l'information géographique pour la gestion intégrée des zones côtières en Afrique

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    Cette contribution décrit trois SIG mis en œuvre sur la zone côtière africaine à partir d'objectifs de GIZC : observatoires des changements (Mauritanie), des risques côtiers (Côte d'Ivoire) et planification côtière (Guinée-Bissau). Les principales étapes de leur constitution et les résultats auxquels ils ont conduit sont présentés. Si leurs perspectives d'utilisation sont incontestables notamment pour le suivi, l'analyse et la modélisation des changements et des risques côtiers, il apparaît néanmoins que le succès à long terme de leur implantation est conditionné par divers facteurs institutionnels et humains.Three GIS applications for african coastal environmental are presented: an observatory of coastal environmental changes in Mauritania, coastal risk assessments in Ivory Coast and a synthetic approach to the Bijagos Archipelago Biosphere Reserve in Guinea Bissau. The main steps and the results illustrate the different stages of GIS implementation (inventory, analysis and management applications). GIS capabilities for monitoring, environmental changes analysis and modelling are highlighted and discussed. But despite these obvious capabilities, it is clear that the GIS long term success will also depend on organizational and human issues

    Contraintes d'utilisation des Technologies de l'Information GĂ©ographique pour la GIZC en Afrique

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    www.vertigo.uqam.caInternational audienceThree GIS applications for african coastal environmental are presented: an observatory of coastal environmental changes in Mauritania, costal risk assessments in Ivory Coast and a synthetic approach to the Bijagos Archipelago Biosphere Reserve in Guinea Bissau. The main steps and the results illustrate the different stages of GIS implementation (inventory, analysis and management applications). GIS capabilities for monitoring, environmental changes analysis and modelling are highlighted and discussed. But despite these obvious capabilities, it is clear that the GIS long term success will also depend on organizational and human issues.Cette contribution décrit trois SIG mis en œuvre sur la zone côtière africaine à partir d'objectifs de GIZC : observatoires des changements (Mauritanie), des risques côtiers (Côte d'Ivoire) et planification côtière (Guinée-Bissau). Les principales étapes de leur constitution et les résultats auxquels ils ont conduit sont présentés. Si leurs perspectives d'utilisation sont incontestables notamment pour le suivi, l'analyse et la modélisation des changements et des risques côtiers, il apparaît néanmoins que le succès à long terme de leur implantation est conditionné par divers facteurs institutionnels et humains

    Contraintes d'utilisation des technologies de l'information géographique pour la gestion intégrée des zones côtières en Afrique

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    Three GIS applications for african coastal environmental are presented: an observatory of coastal environmental changes in Mauritania, coastal risk assessments in Ivory Coast and a synthetic approach to the Bijagos Archipelago Biosphere Reserve in Guinea Bissau. The main steps and the results illustrate the different stages of GIS implementation (inventory, analysis and management applications). GIS capabilities for monitoring, environmental changes analysis and modelling are highlighted and discussed. But despite these obvious capabilities, it is clear that the GIS long term success will also depend on organizational and human issues

    Geographic Information System for Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Developing countries: cases studies in Mauritania, CĂ´te d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau and Morocco.

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    372Despite leadership of developed country in GIS field and ICZM field, ICZM and GIS together have been compared to a puzzle. This involves questioning on capacity to put together such ICZM and GIS in developing country. We focus on four of such developing countries to highlight difficulties to understand and to manage costal area with the use og GIS. Sustainable management of coastal areas is critical to the long-term health, safety and welfare of many african comunities of these (and other) countries. Despite their importance, coastal zones are being modified or reclaimed, often driven by economic and financial motives. Coastal management offers the opportunity to illustrate the use of GIS and related spatial information technologies not only on coastal issues but in the broader arena of land use planning. The aim of this contribution is to review, synthesize and analyse experiences on coastal management along coasts of Mauritania, CĂ´te d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau and Morocco. This allows us to rank these countries from country with a huge lack of geographical information to country with a lead in GIS technology coupled with a good approach of ICZM. The place of developed countries in this rank is also taken into account