70 research outputs found

    Instantaneous Shape Sampling - a model for the γ\gamma-absorption cross section of transitional nuclei

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    The influence of the quadrupole shape fluctuations on the dipole vibrations in transitional nuclei is investigated in the framework of the Instantaneous Shape Sampling Model, which combines the Interacting Boson Model for the slow collective quadrupole motion with the Random Phase Approximation for the rapid dipole vibrations. Coupling to the complex background configurations is taken into account by folding the results with a Lorentzian with an energy dependent width. The low-energy energy portion of the γ\gamma- absorption cross section, which is important for photo-nuclear processes, is studied for the isotopic series of Kr, Xe, Ba, and Sm. The experimental cross sections are well reproduced. The low-energy cross section is determined by the Landau fragmentation of the dipole strength and its redistribution caused by the shape fluctuations. Collisional damping only wipes out fluctuations of the absorption cross section, generating the smooth energy dependence observed in experiment. In the case of semi-magic nuclei, shallow pygmy resonances are found in agreement with experiment

    Monodromy--like Relations for Finite Loop Amplitudes

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    We investigate the existence of relations for finite one-loop amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory. Using a diagrammatic formalism and a remarkable connection between tree and loop level, we deduce sequences of amplitude relations for any number of external legs.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, v2 typos corrected, reference adde

    On BCFW shifts of integrands and integrals

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    In this article a first step is made towards the extension of Britto-Cachazo-Feng-Witten (BCFW) tree level on-shell recursion relations to integrands and integrals of scattering amplitudes to arbitrary loop order. Surprisingly, it is shown that the large BCFW shift limit of the integrands has the same structure as the corresponding tree level amplitude in any minimally coupled Yang-Mills theory in four or more dimensions. This implies that these integrands can be reconstructed from a subset of their `single cuts'. The main tool is powercounting Feynman graphs in a special lightcone gauge choice employed earlier at tree level by Arkani-Hamed and Kaplan. The relation between shifts of integrands and shifts of its integrals is investigated explicitly at one loop. Two particular sources of discrepancy between the integral and integrand are identified related to UV and IR divergences. This is cross-checked with known results for helicity equal amplitudes at one loop. The nature of the on-shell residue at each of the single-cut singularities of the integrand is commented upon. Several natural conjectures and opportunities for further research present themselves.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figures, v2: minor improvement in exposition, typos fixed, bibliography update

    Scattering AMplitudes from Unitarity-based Reduction Algorithm at the Integrand-level

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    SAMURAI is a tool for the automated numerical evaluation of one-loop corrections to any scattering amplitudes within the dimensional-regularization scheme. It is based on the decomposition of the integrand according to the OPP-approach, extended to accommodate an implementation of the generalized d-dimensional unitarity-cuts technique, and uses a polynomial interpolation exploiting the Discrete Fourier Transform. SAMURAI can process integrands written either as numerator of Feynman diagrams or as product of tree-level amplitudes. We discuss some applications, among which the 6- and 8-photon scattering in QED, and the 6-quark scattering in QCD. SAMURAI has been implemented as a Fortran90 library, publicly available, and it could be a useful module for the systematic evaluation of the virtual corrections oriented towards automating next-to-leading order calculations relevant for the LHC phenomenology.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    Epistemic and Ontic Quantum Realities

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    Quantum theory has provoked intense discussions about its interpretation since its pioneer days. One of the few scientists who have been continuously engaged in this development from both physical and philosophical perspectives is Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker. The questions he posed were and are inspiring for many, including the authors of this contribution. Weizsaecker developed Bohr's view of quantum theory as a theory of knowledge. We show that such an epistemic perspective can be consistently complemented by Einstein's ontically oriented position

    Rational Terms in Theories with Matter

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    We study rational remainders associated with gluon amplitudes in gauge theories coupled to matter in arbitrary representations. We find that these terms depend on only a small number of invariants of the matter-representation called indices. In particular, rational remainders can depend on the second and fourth order indices only. Using this, we find an infinite class of non-supersymmetric theories in which rational remainders vanish for gluon amplitudes. This class includes all the "next-to-simplest" quantum field theories of arXiv:0910.0930. This provides new examples of amplitudes in which rational remainders vanish even though naive power counting would suggest their presence.Comment: 10+4 pages. (v2) typos corrected, references adde

    On the Integrand-Reduction Method for Two-Loop Scattering Amplitudes

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    We propose a first implementation of the integrand-reduction method for two-loop scattering amplitudes. We show that the residues of the amplitudes on multi-particle cuts are polynomials in the irreducible scalar products involving the loop momenta, and that the reduction of the amplitudes in terms of master integrals can be realized through polynomial fitting of the integrand, without any apriori knowledge of the integral basis. We discuss how the polynomial shapes of the residues determine the basis of master integrals appearing in the final result. We present a four-dimensional constructive algorithm that we apply to planar and non-planar contributions to the 4- and 5-point MHV amplitudes in N=4 SYM. The technique hereby discussed extends the well-established analogous method holding for one-loop amplitudes, and can be considered a preliminary study towards the systematic reduction at the integrand-level of two-loop amplitudes in any gauge theory, suitable for their automated semianalytic evaluation.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Random-phase approximation and its applications in computational chemistry and materials science

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    The random-phase approximation (RPA) as an approach for computing the electronic correlation energy is reviewed. After a brief account of its basic concept and historical development, the paper is devoted to the theoretical formulations of RPA, and its applications to realistic systems. With several illustrating applications, we discuss the implications of RPA for computational chemistry and materials science. The computational cost of RPA is also addressed which is critical for its widespread use in future applications. In addition, current correction schemes going beyond RPA and directions of further development will be discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, published online in J. Mater. Sci. (2012

    Acetylation Regulates WRN Catalytic Activities and Affects Base Excision DNA Repair

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    Background: The Werner protein (WRN), defective in the premature aging disorder Werner syndrome, participates in a number of DNA metabolic processes, and we have been interested in the possible regulation of its function in DNA repair by post-translational modifications. Acetylation mediated by histone acetyltransferases is of key interest because of its potential importance in aging, DNA repair and transcription. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we have investigated the p300 acetylation mediated changes on the function of WRN in base excision DNA repair (BER). We show that acetylation of WRN increases in cells treated with methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), suggesting that acetylation of WRN may play a role in response to DNA damage. This hypothesis is consistent with our findings that acetylation of WRN stimulates its catalytic activities in vitro and in vivo, and that acetylated WRN enhances pol b-mediated strand displacement DNA synthesis more than unacetylated WRN. Furthermore, we show that cellular exposure to the histone deacetylase inhibitor sodium butyrate stimulates long patch BER in wild type cells but not in WRN depleted cells, suggesting that acetylated WRN participates significantly in this process. Conclusion/Significance: Collectively, these results provide the first evidence for a specific role of p300 mediated WRN acetylation in regulating its function during BER