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    PPST program is a program designed by the provincial government of East Java which is under the auspices of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD). The PPST program aims to develop and preserve traditional arts, especially in the East Java region. The PPST program is developed for several schools in East Java. One of the schools that uses the program is SDN Purwantoro 2 Malang City. The existence of the PPST program is also inseparable from the management system used by the school to run the program. The purpose of the research is to find out the management of the PPST program at SDN Purwantoro 2 Malang City and the constraints that arise in the management of the PPST program. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The research activities were carried out from May to July 2023, with the location at SDN Purwantoro 2 Malang City. Data collection using interviews with informants. In addition to interviews, the data collection process was also carried out by observation and documentation. The data collection activities are based on observation instruments, interview grids, and documentation instruments. The data obtained is reprocessed with data analysis techniques, in the form of data reduction, data interpretation, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and verifying data. The data that has been analyzed will be tested for its validity using source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results of the study are that the PPST program at SDN Purwantoro 2 Malang City uses a line management system, in the line management system there are 4 aspects, namely planning, organizing, mobilizing, and supervising. In the planning aspect, the PPST management system uses 3 types of planning, namely long-term, medium-term, and short-term planning that are used to arrange activities and agendas in the PPST program. The PPST program management at SDN Purwantoro 2 Malang City has an organizational structure consisting of the person in charge, the supervising teacher, the treasurer, the coach, and the members as stated in the organizing aspect. The mobilization aspect includes the process of creation and the process during the PPST activities. Meanwhile, in the supervisory aspect, there is a feedback evaluation system and a follow-up evaluation. During the study, there were constraints in the form of a lack of budget funds for the creation activities and a lack of coordination for regular and special training schedules. The results of the study are expected to be used as a reference source in other research materials related to the PPST program management syste


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    Every mother certainly hopes to have a healthy and normal child both physically and psychologically. However, not all children can grow normally like other children, for example, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Mothers who have ASD children certainly have different ways of parenting and caring for children because special treatment is needed. This can certainly be a concern for mothers and lead to stress. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social support on resilience, the effect of emotional intelligence on resilience, and the effect of social support and emotional intelligence on resilience simultaneously in mothers who care for ASD children. This study used a quantitative approach and the number of subjects was 106 people. The instruments used were the Multidimesional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Wong Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS), and Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC 25). The data analysis process uses multiple linear regression tests. The results showed 1) There is no significant influence between social support on resilience (β = -0.056, p > 0.01), 2) There is a significant influence between emotional intelligence on resilience (β = 0.911, p < 0.01), 3) There is a simultaneous influence between social support and emotional intelligence on the resilience of mothers with ASD children (F = 172.779, p < 0,01, R2 = 77%

    Energy levels and radiative rates for transitions in Ti VI

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    We report on calculations of energy levels, radiative rates, oscillator strengths, and line strengths for transitions among the lowest 253 levels of the (1s2^22s2^22p6^6) 3s2^23p5^5, 3s3p6^6, 3s2^23p4^43d, 3s3p5^53d, 3s2^23p33d2^33d^2, 3s2^23p4^44s, 3s2^23p4^44p and 3s2^23p4^44d configurations of Ti VI. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package ({\sc grasp}) and flexible atomic code ({\sc fac}) are adopted for the calculations. Radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths are reported for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the 253 levels, although calculations have been performed for a much larger number of levels. Comparisons are made with existing available results and the accuracy of the data is assessed. Additionally, lifetimes for all 253 levels are listed, although comparisons with other theoretical results are limited to only 88 levels. Our energy levels are estimated to be accurate to better than 1% (within 0.03 Ryd), whereas results for other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%. A reassessment of the energy level data on the NIST website for Ti VI is suggested.Comment: 12p Text and 9 Tables will appear in Physica Scripta 88 (2013) xxxxx

    Heroin addiction: the past and future

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    Substance misuse, in particular heroin addiction contributes to health and social problems. Although effective medical treatment was available, earlier efforts confined the treatment of heroin addicts to in-house rehabilitation which required them to be estranged from the community and their families for 2 years. The in-house rehabilitative programme, implemented for at least three decades has produced low abstinence rates. On the other hand, being ‘away’ meant that many heroin addicts faced employment problems and family relationship difficulties upon completing the in-house rehabilitation. However, recently, the concerted efforts by various government and non-government organisations, and the acknowledgement that heroin addiction is a medical illness has resulted in a revamp to approaching treatment of heroin addiction. At present, methadone substitution programmes have been offered as part of treatment programme for heroin addicts in Malaysia. This new programme has been shown to be effective in treating heroin addiction and would need support and cooperation from all groups involved

    A hybrid 3-D reconstruction/registration algorithm for correction of head motion in emission tomography

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    Even with head restraint, small head movements can occur during data acquisition in emission tomography that are sufficiently large to result in detectable artifacts in the final reconstruction. Direct measurement of motion can be cumbersome and difficult to implement, whereas previous attempts to use the measured projection data for correction have been limited to simple translation orthogonal to the projection. A fully three-dimensional (3-D) algorithm is proposed that estimates the patient orientation based on the projection of motion-corrupted data, with incorporation of motion information within subsequent ordered-subset expectation-maximization subiterations. Preliminary studies have been performed using a digital version of the Hoffman brain phantom. Movement was simulated by constructing a mixed set of projections in discrete positions of the phantom. The algorithm determined the phantom orientation that best matched each constructed projection with its corresponding measured projection. In the case of a simulated single movement in 24 of 64 projections, all misaligned projections were correctly identified. Incorporating data at the determined object orientation resulted in a reduction of mean square difference (MSD) between motion-corrected and motion-free reconstructions, compared to the MSD between uncorrected and motion-free reconstructions, by a factor of 1.9

    Team-teaching on a Large Multidisciplinary Engineering Mathematics Class: The Lessons We Have Learnt so far

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    This paper presents an analysis of team-teaching on a large class first year engineering mathematics module. The teaching team is drawn from several engineering disciplines, and includes both academic staff and postgraduate teaching assistants. An interdisciplinary team was selected because the module designers wished to equip students with insights on the application of mathematics in the various engineering disciplines. Despite the prevalence of large class teamteaching in engineering and other disciplines, the literature on large class teaching in engineering is limited. A key objective of the paper is to make an attempt at addressing this perceived gap by presenting the lessons learnt on large class team-teaching on this first year introductory course on engineering mathematics. Findings from this study indicate that large class team-teaching presents significant management and communication challenges. However, these challenges can be mitigated by timely planning, effective communication and team coordination

    Integrating MATLAB Into First Year Engineering Mathematics: A Project Management Approach to Implementing Curriculum Change

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    A review and reflection on the curriculum change project carried out at UCL in the academic year 2014- 15 to introduce Matlab teaching in the first year engineering mathematics is carried out. The project was guided by findings from the literature on computer algebra systems, and conducted using classical project management techniques. A key finding from this project is that the project success was entirely dependent on evidence-based guidance from the literature and on systematic adoption of proper project management techniques