52 research outputs found

    The New Paradigm On The Islamization Of Science: Islam As Knowledge And Belief

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    The research based on fact about more than ten years experience theexisting of Islamic Psychology Department at State Institute of Islamic StudiesImam Bonjol Padang. During the implementation of the integration on Islamand science (Psychology), The research used quantitative method as aperspective. Then I explored the problems on the capture of academic profileinstitution. The populations on the research were a lecturer who was teaching inthe Islamic Psychology Dept. and students (about 35 people/ lecturer and 145pupils). The sample was about 32 lecturers and 107 students. The measurementof size of respondents based on Slovin formula: N/1+N.e2. The data collectedby psychological scale, observation and documentation. The regression has beenused to analyze dat

    SWOT Analysis On Wider Mandate Of Institution : Islamic Psychology Department To Faculty Of Psychology

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    This study aims to examine the feasibility of changing the status of the Islamic Psychology Study Program to the Faculty of Psychology using a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threath) analysis. This study uses a SWOT analysis approach by calculating the weights, ratings and scores of the respondents' assessment questionnaire results, the SWOT analysis is strengthened by the findings of correlation analysis. The research based on quantitative research, with 367 pepole as population. But only 166 people as sampel of the research. The data collected with psychological scale, observation and interview. Based on the results of the study, Islamic Psychology Study Program is considered feasible to switch status to Faculty of Psychology because Islamic Psychology Study Program is in a position. quadrant two, which means that the Islamic Psychology Study Program is in excellent condition, but it is possible to face several external factors that have the potential to be a threat to the Islamic Psychology Study Program. The strategy that can be applied by the Islamic Psychology Study Program in order to remain in a prime condition is to apply a diversification strategy. The Islamic Psychology Study Program must be able to utilize its strengths to overcome threats


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    This research is based on the fact that there are religious leaders and some people who oppose the idea of Islam Nusantara. When the religious figure represented a formal legal institution (MUI), it had a significant influence on the views of the people of Padang. Therefore, the polemic of Islam Nusantara gives its own style about the existence of Islam Nusantara in the land of Minang. Further research objectives: (1) Describe the prejudices of community leaders about Islam Nusantara. (2) Describe the picture of people's prejudices about Islam Nusantara. (3) Connecting the prejudices of religious leaders and the community and its relation to the social conflict of the people of Padang City. The study uses qualitative approaches and quantitative mixing methods (mixed method). The population in this study were 32 religious leaders and 168 community members. Data collection techniques using; observation, interview and psychological scale. The sampling technique is random sampling technique. Data analysis techniques using Pearson correlation (Pearson correlation). The results of this study found that generally the negative prejudices of religious leaders about Islam Nusantara were high. While social conflict in the midst of society is classified as low. Whereas the correlation aspect shows that there is no relationship between community’s prejudices about Islam Nusantara and social conflict in the midst of society.Penelitian ini berdasarkan fakta bahwa ada tokoh agama dan sebagaian masyarakat yang menentang pemikiran tentang Islam Nusantara. Ketika tokoh agama tadi mewakili lembaga legal formal (MUI) maka, ianya memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pandangan masyarakat kota Padang. Oleh karenanya polemik Islam Nusantara memberikan corak tersendiri tentang keberadaan Islam Nusantara di Ranah Minang. Lebih jauh tujuan penelitian : (1) Menggambarkan Prasangka tokoh masyarakat tentang Islam Nusantara. (2) Menggambarkan gambaran Prasangka masyarakat tentang Islam Nusantara. (3) Menghubungkan antara prasangka tokoh agama dan masyarakat serta kaitannya dengan konfik sosial masyarakat kota Padang. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif mixing methods (metode campuran). Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 32 orang tokoh agama dan 168 orang anggta masyarakat. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan; observasi, wawancara dan skala psikologi. Teknik penarikan sampel dengan acak sederhana atau simple random sampling. Teknik analisa data dengan menggunakan korelasi pearson (pearson correlation). Hasil penelitian ini mendapati umumnya Prasangka negatif tokoh agama tentang Islam Nusantara tergolong tinggi. Sedangkan konflik sosial ditengah-tengah masyarakat tergolong rendah. Sedangkan pada aspek korelasi diperoleh hasil bahwa, tidak ada kaitan antara prasangka masyarakat tentang Islam Nusantara tidak berkorelasi dengan konflik sosial ditengah-tengah masyarakat


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    The research based on fact about more than ten years experience the existing of Islamic Psychology Department at State Institute of Islamic Studies Imam Bonjol Padang. During the implementation of the integration on Islam and science (Psychology), The research used quantitative method as a perspective. Then I explored the problems on the capture of academic profile institution. The populations on the research were a lecturer who was teaching in the Islamic Psychology Dept. and students (about 35 people/ lecturer and 145 pupils). The sample was about 32 lecturers and 107 students. The measurement of size of respondents based on Slovin formula: N/1+N.e2. The data collected by psychological scale, observation and documentation. The regression has been used to analyze data

    Pengembangan Komik Fisika Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Fisika Di Kelas VIII MTSN 1 Lubuk Basung

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    This study aims to produce comic as a medium learning in MTsN 1 Lubuk Basung valid and practical. The research is research and development (R&D). The development of done with reference to a model with 4-D definition, stage, design, develop, dissemination, this research is restricted to development on the stage. The analysis of data obtained the value of the validation comic media 84,36 very valid criteria, the value practical comic media by teachers 93,03 very practical criteria, the value practical comic media by students 82,07 very practical criteria

    The Paradox of Islam and Culture (Tradition and Belief abot Gender Perspective in West Sumatra)

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    AbstrakArtikel ditulis berdasarkan teori bermain peran dalam pendekatan psikologi, yang akan membahas peran laki-laki dalam komunitas Minangkabau. Laki-laki memiliki peran yang banyak dalam masyarakat Minangkabau, seperti sebagai kemenakan, paman, dan pemimpin masyarakat. Sehingga, secara teoritis laki-laki memiliki kekuatan yang banyak. Mereka memiliki tanggung jawab untuk melindungi harta keluarga. Tetapi, sayangnya, posisi mereka ada di bawah kendali perempuan. Semua jenis keputusan harus dikonfirmasikan dengan perempuan (sehingga ada istilah Bunda Kandung). Ini artinya kita harus memikirkan kembali tentang perspektif gender dalam komunitas Minangkabau, karena perempuan mendominasi kekuasaan.---AbstractThis article based on role play (in psychological approach) which male have in Minangkabau community. The male has many role in the Minangkabau society, like; (a) as a nephew, (b) as a uncle, (c) as a community leader. So, theoriticaly male have a lot of power. They had responsible to protect their fanily wealth as one example. But, unfortunoutly, their possition in “underarm of women”. All kinds of dicission should be get confirm from the women (“so-called”: Bundo Kandung). It means that we should re-thinking about gender perspective in Minangkabau community, because female dominate the power


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    The problem of this Classroom Action Research is how Cooperative Learning Model Jigsaw should be implemented in the learning of Chemistry at Grade X, Scince 3 of Senior High School 1 Padang.  This study was done through the following stages such as Planning, Action, Observation, and Evaluation or Reflection.  The results show among other that some important aspects were improved.  The average score of each cycles show improvement in students’ mastery and total average of the three actions become 98 percent.  It can be concluded that Cooperative Learning through Jigsaw technique improved students’ achievement of the subject being investigated


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    The scientific facts claimed in the Qur'an are found in different discorces, including in the terms of creation, astronomy, human reproduction, oceanology, embroyology, zoology, and water cycle. This article explored the miracle of al-Qur’an on scientific knowledge, especially natural science. Applying the approach of descriptive analysis, this study was able to demonstrate the empirical facts about the miracle of al-Qur’an that have been discovered the scientific truth in science. This article also showed the limitations of human intellect to understand all the realities existing in this world, as well as advocated human beings on the importance of returning dialoging al-Qur'an and intellect in exploring science.***Fakta-fakta ilmiah yang diklaim dalam al-Qur'an ada di berbagai wacana, ter­masuk dalam hal ini penciptaan, astronomi, reproduksi manusia, oseanologi, embroyologi, zoologi, dan siklus air. Artikel ini ingin mengeksplorasi tentang keajaiban al-Qur'an dalam pengetahuan ilmiah, terutama dalam ilmu alam. Dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif, penelitian ini mampu menunjukkan fakta empiris keajaiban al-Qur'an telah ditemukan kebenaran ilmiah dalam ilmu. Artikel ini juga menunjukkan keterbatasan kecerdasan manusia untuk me­mahami semua realitas yang ada di dunia ini. Serta mengajak kembali kepada manusia pentingnya untuk kembali mendialogkan antara al-Qur'an dan ke­cerdas­an dalam mengeksplorasi ilmu pengetahuan

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Trait Treatment Interaction (TTI) Menggunakan Multimedia Swishmax 4.0

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    his research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of students, namely the same treatment given by educators to students in the classroom, whereas each individual has different characteristics or different abilities. Educators should adjust the learning model that is appropriate to the ability of each student, because students are smart, medium, and low. Besides that other causes include conventional learning,  educators only provide formulas without using interactive, interesting, fun and not boring media for learning, then giving training to students. This study aims to find out that the learning outcomes of science students by applying the Trait Treatment Interaction (TTI) learning model is better than conventional learning in class VIII MTsN Durian Tarung padang. This type of research is Quasy Experiment with Randomized Control Group Only Design design. The sample was selected using Cluster Random Sampling technique and obtained class VIII5 as an experimental class and class VIII6 as a control class. Analysis of test data using t-test statistical techniques with a significant level, obtained t count> t table thitung. So, it can be concluded that the application of Multimedia Swishmax 4.0-assisted TTI model provides better science learning outcomes than conventional learning in the eighth grade MTsN Durian Tarung Padang
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