48 research outputs found

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Think Pair Share untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    This study aims to improve the science learning outcomes of class IX students in through application of the Think Pair Share (TPS) cooperative learning model. This type of research is a type of Classroom Action Research (PTK) which is carried out in 2 cycles. Where each cycle consists of 3 meetings. The research was conducted in September - October 2022 with the research subjects being class IX students of SMP N 2 Jetis Ponorogo. Data collection techniques used in this study are test. The test are essay test with a total of 10 items. The data obtained was then analyzed descriptively to see an increase in student learning outcomes. Based on the analysis, it is known that student learning outcomes have increased. This is evidenced by an increase in the class average score which was initially only 60.2 in the initial conditions to 86.3 at the end of cycle 2. Based on these data it can be concluded that the science learning outcomes of class IX students of SMP N 2 Jetis Ponorogo can be improved through the application of the Think Pair Share cooperative learning model


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    Science education should be able to help students acquire scientific thinking skills. However, the reality in the field shows that the average value of students' scientific thinking is only 65.35%, which is classified as moderate. to overcome this problem, the implementation of the English Style Debate Learning model based on logical reasoning was introduced to students. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the implementation of this model on students at SMPN 1 Sambit, Ponorogo. the research method used is quantitative with experimental type. The research design used was quasi-experimental design. the sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. The one-tailed t-test results showed that students' scientific thinking skills when using the logical inference-based English Style Debate Learning model were superior to their skills when using the Generative Learning model. Overall, students who were treated with the logical inference-based English-style debate learning model obtained an average score of 86.1. The results of this study are expected to be able to elaborate scientific thinking problems and become a reference for the application of innovative and fun learning models

    Evaluasi Program Praktek Kerja Lapangan Dengan Model Countenance Stake di SMKN 1 Suruh

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    The development of solving skills that are trained comprehensively from an early age in the learning process is expected to be able to produce competency standards required in national education. A number of studies on the impact of developing problem solving skills show that students are able to be successful in learning inside and outside the classroom. The implementation of street vendors at SMKN 1 Suruh in 2022 which was evaluated using the Countenance Stake model showed results in the very good category with an achievement score of 88.71%. The three components that are the focus of research are in the very good category, but have not yet reached a maximum score of 100% so that they require follow-up in efforts to improve the quality of the street vendors' implementation process as well as following up on the results obtained after participating in street vendors and continuing the implementation of knowledge and skills post street vendors in accordance with the substance of the material received

    Analysis of Model fit and Item Parameter of Mathematics National Examination Using Item Response Theory

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    This study aims to determine the compatibility of the item response theory models in Mathematics National Exam and to find out the estimated parameters of the items. Qualitative analysis was carried out on the responses of 3223 students in Yogyakarta. The analysis was carried out using statistical and graph methods. Based on the results of the model suitability analysis, it was found that the model suitable for the Mathematics National Examination was a three-parameter logistic model (3 PL). The difficulty in the range of -0.887 to 1.013, discrimination between 0.78 - 3.551 and pseudo guessing between 0.181 to 0.5. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecocokan model teori respon butir serta mengetahui estimasi parameter butirnya. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3297 respon jawaban siswa di provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Analisis kecocokan model teori respon butir dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode statistik dan metode grafik karakteristik butir. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, didapatkan hasil bahwa model yang cocok digunakan pada soal paket 1 Ujian Nasional Matematika SMP/MTs tahun ajaran 2014/2015 adalah model tiga parameter logisti. Parameter tingkat kesulitan soal berada pada rentang -0.938 sampai 0.689, daya beda antara 0.850 – 3.763 dan tebakan semu diantara 0.122 – 0.


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    As a solution to motivating students to learn and communicate with English is by providing attractive teaching media and effective learning methods. One of the interesting teaching media is the use of film media. In the film, an interesting story is presented in the form of illustrated animation and is equipped with an audio voice so that it can engage students to be interested in learning English. In addition, effective learning methods can also help students understand the information being taught. One of the learning methods that can be applied to motivate students to communicate in English is by using dubbing and subtitling methods. Dubbing is a method of imitating the voice of an actor who plays a role in a film. This can make students interested in communicating in English because they are playing a film dialogue scene played by the actor in the film. Meanwhile, subtitling is a method of transcribing film dialogue that is usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. In other words, teaching media and learning methods are two important things that cannot be separated and support each other as a means for students to understand the information provided. Effective and efficient media and methods can help students engage in learning English and at the same time be motivated to communicate in Englis


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    Perkembangan dunia pariwisata saat ini sangat pesat,tidak terkecuali periwisata yang ada di pulau Lombok, banyak destinasi wisata yang ditawarkan di pulau yang berjuluk seribu masjid ini, khususnya yang ada di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Majunya perkembangan pariwisata di kawasan Lombok Tengah tidak diimbangi dengan SDM yang mumpuni terutama dalam penguasaan bahasa asing atau bahasa Inggris, hal ini menjadi salah satu kendala untuk meningkatkan kualtas pelayanan kepada para wisatawan asing. Kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik terutama menggunakan bahasa Inggris merupakan keniscayaan yang hasrus dimiliki oleh setiap orang yang akan berkecimpung di dunia pariwisata terutama yang berkecimpung di perhotelan. Untuk itu dengan dilaksanakannya pengabdian dapat meninggkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dan pelayanan yang diberikan kepada wisatawan baik mancan Negara maupun domestic. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu dengan metode short course dimana peserta pelatihan ini di simulasikan untuk menerima tamu yang datang dari mancan Negara, sehingga dari awal pelatihan ini para peserta pelatihan ini dibiasakan untuk berhadapan dengan tamu. Hasil dari pelatihan ini, para peserta sudah mampu berkomunikasi secara verbal dengan ckup baik, dimana para peserta sudah tidak merasa grogi lagi ketika berkominikais dengan tamu mancan Negara. Pengalaman belajar (learning experience) telah didapat oleh peserta walaupun masih belum seluruhnya dapat dipraktikkan dengan intensif. Tentunya, pengalaman belajar ini akan menjadi salah satu modal bagi mereka untuk ikut bersaing di dunia kerja yang secara global menuntut kecakapan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa asing


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    The aim of the research was to analyze the courage and modesty as the attributes of moral value in The Old Man And The Sea. This research was descriptive qualitative research. The data were words, phrases, sentences or fragments from the first until the last chapters. The result of this research were: (1)Santiago’s being determined, being hard-working and perseverance, and optimistic of what he did (2)The attribute of being modest or modesty was displayed in various characteristics of Santiago. Some characteristics of Santiago were being unselfish, care, respect, loving, feeling lonely, sympathetic, and even feeling of regretful after killing a fish. The attribute of being modest was displayed by showing that the old man behaves as if he were the father of the young boy Manolin. In terms of being religious, the old man displayed the characteristic of being grateful to God when he realized that God had made the fish not as intelligent as human. This, in the old man’s view, made it possible that human could kill the fish. In such a feeling, he also imagined if only the fish were as intelligent as human. This novel revealed the Courage and Modesty in details


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    This research aimed at analyzing and describing the use of multilingual code mixing as one of communication tool specially conducted in Karang Buyuk, Ampenan. Multilingual Code Mixing used by the people in Karang Buyuk, Ampenan in daily conversation and communication among sasak community and other community, people in Karang Buyuk, Ampenan want to show their solidarity and their prestige in society. The method which was applied in this research was a descriptive qualitative approach) in this case the writer use ethnograpy method. The data being analyzed are descriptive data in form of written words and sentences. The writer used some observation and also interview to collect data and he record the data. Based on the recording, he makes the transcrip and analysis the data. He seperated the data based on some criteria such as education level, age, gender, occupation, topic, and situation. This criteria used by the writer to analysis the data resources, and answer the research question. Based on the data results of the analysis, some of the important research finding are stated as follows; Firts people in Karang Buyuk, Ampenan are varied on some aspects, such as education level, age, occupation, situation and any other aspect that influence the language. Second, the poeple use code mixing among the sasak people is to show their prestige in the society, and they are proud in using code mixing, and if they make the conversation with different ethnic group the people in Karang Buyuk want to show their solidarity and to avoid the interethnic conflict among the societ


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    Analyzing the errors is one of the appropriate ways to use to show the true proficiency level of the target language that students learn at a particular time. By conducting analysis on grammatical errors, the teacher can conclude the most frequent of errors which are often made by students then, teachers can arrange the more effective and interesting strategies in teaching grammatical rules. This research was aimed to elaborate on kinds of students errors and possible causes of in writing a descriptive text. The instruments used for this research are writing tasks and questioner. This research was a descriptive qualitative method because the data of this research is in the form of sentences and paragraphs. The data gotten were then analyzed by using surface taxonomy strategy. The result of this research, It was found four types of errors in the students writing. Those are omission error, addition error, misformation error, and misordering error. Omission and misformation error is the most frequent of errors found in the text. Whereas, the sources of error found in this research are interlingual transfer, intralingual transfer, the context of learning and communication strategies. Based on the analysis researcher found that interlingual and context learning is the dominant cause of the error. The researcher can deliver suggestion especially to the teacher, they should give the clear explanation about the different rules both Indonesian and English, the teacher should emphasize the concepts of the verb tenses because the most frequent of errors relate to use subject-verb agreement


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    Desa wisata menjadi salah satu sumber pendapatan bagi masyarakat, fenomena desa wisata merupakan bentuk inovasi, kreatifitas dan kemandirian suatu masyarakat sehingga menjadikan desa tersebut dikenal masyarakat luas. Salah satu desa wisata yang ada di NTB terletak di kabupaten Lombok Tengah kecamatan Pringgarata adalah desa Bilebante, desa ini memiliki beberapa spot wisata antala lain : 1. Camping Ground, Camping Ground dengan luas sekitar satu hektar ini teletak di pinggir  kali Babak di tengah-tengah perkebunan milik masyarakat. 2. Bersepeda, kegiatan bersepeda ini sangat menarik dan digemari para tamu dan wisatawan. Untuk kegiatan ini para tamu sudah disediakan sepeda dan juga pemandu yang akan menemani mereka bersepeda mengelilingi track yang sudah disediakan melewati pemukiman penduduk, areal persawahan, dan juga perkebunan milik masyarakat. 3. Pasar Pancingan, Pasar Pancingan menjadi ikon dari desa Wisata Hijau Bilebante. Pasar ini diadakan setiap hari minggu dibuka mulai jam 08.00 sampai jam 14.00. Para pengunjung pasar pancingan ini tidak hanya datang dari warga masyarakat Bilebante dan sekitarnya tetapi juga dari berbagai wilayah di Lombok, baik Lombok Barat, Timur, dan juga kota Mataram. Bahkan sering terlihat pengunjung dari wisatawan mancanegara yang ikut berbaur bersama pengunjung, hal tersebut menjadikan pengelola harus lebih meningkatkan kemampuan komunikatif mereka terutama kemampuan berbahasa inggris, ini menjadi salah satu alasan pelatihan bahasa inggris komunkatif bagi pengelola desa wisata jari solah desa bilebante dilaksanakan. Dengan harapan semakin banyak wisatawan khususnya dari mancanegara yang datang berkunjung ke desa waisata Jari Solah desa Bilebante in