17 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT This interest of using a technology service feature is based on the characteristics of the facilities provided by the technology itself. Perceived usefulness and ease of use can affect interest in using technology service. The Technology Acceptane Model (TAM) is used to measure the usefulness and ease to use of individuals beliefs about the use of a new technology. This study aims to analyze the effect of benefits, convenience, and risk on the interest in using epayment for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Sragen. This research used a quatitative method and the data used are primary data with Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Sragen as a population. The sample of this research was the 100 respondents Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Sragen who haved used payment tools using e-payment. The sampling technique used in this reseacrh was nonprobability sampling and data collection is done by using a questionnare method distributed to respondents by online and offline and processed using SPSS Statistic 22. This study used multiple linear regression analysis with the result of all positive variables. The result of this study indicate that (1) Benefits have a positive and significant effect on interest in using e-payment for MSME. (2) Convenience have a positive and significant effect on interest in using e-payment for MSME.(3) Risk have a positive and significant effect on interest in using epayment for MSME. Keywords: Benefits, Convenience, Risk, Interest in using e-paymen


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    The effectiveness of the BPUM program can seen from the inputs, processes, and outputs of MSMEs. Whether the BPUM program can also have impact on the productivity of MSMEs. This research is a type of descriptive research will describe symptoms, events or facts accurately and systematically related to the nature of the population. The approach used is qualitative. Qualitative research is conducted through natural observation, namely seeing, observing, and analyzing a problem, then examined in depth without statistical testing. The results of the study stated that BPUM had a positive impact on the productivity of MSMEs after the Covid-19 pandemic. Many business actors can rebuild businesses that are almost bankrupt, and can used as additional capital for business development. However, BPUM is not yet considered 100% effective because of weak supervision so that there are still misdirected funds. The BPUM program when viewed from inputs, processes, and outputs in several MSMEs in the Pekalongan Prefecture has a level of effectiveness with a percentage of fifty-fifty. The distribution of BPUM funds has a positive impact on the productivity level of MSMEs. BPUM funds are used as additional business capital, so that businesses can be developed and maintained by their respective owners

    Kontaminasi Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) Dan Kadmium (Cd) Pada Sedimen Estuari Baturusa, Kota Pangkalpinang

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    The Baturusa River watershed has mining, fishing, industrial, and ship berthing activities. Activities carried out either directly or indirectly in the river can trigger the potential for pollution. Heavy metals are hazardous pollutants which, if present in large quantities, affect various aspects of the waters, both biologically and ecologically. The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of heavy metals Pb and Cd as well as the level of metal contamination of Pb and Cd (CF/ contamination factor, I-Geo/ Geoaccumulation Index) EF/ Enrichment factor) in the sediments of the Baturusa River Estuary, Pangkalpinang City. Heavy metals were analyzed by the AAS method. The concentration of Pb and Cd in the Baturusa River Estuary sediment has not exceeded the limit range based on the quality standards specified in the ISQG and PEL CCME 2002. The value of the heavy metal contamination factor (CF) of Pb found in the Baturusa Estuary sediment ranged from 0.00029–0.00042 ( CFDaerah aliran Sungai Baturusa terdapat kegiatan pertambangan, perikanan, industri, dan tempat berlabuh kapal. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan baik itu langsung maupun tidak langsung di aliran sungai mampu memicu potensi terjadinya pencemaran. Logam berat merupakan bahan pencemar berbahaya yang jika terdapat dalam jumlah besar karena mempengaruhi berbagai aspek dalam perairan, baik secara biologis maupun ekologi. Penelitian memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi logam berat Pb dan Cd serta tingkat kontaminasi logam Pb dan Cd (CF/ faktor kontaminasi, I-Geo/ Indeks Geoakumulasi) EF/ Faktor Pengayaan) pada sedimen Estuari Sungai Baturusa, Kota Pangkalpinang. Logam berat dianalisis dengan metode SSA. Konsentrasi logam Pb dan Cd pada sedimen Estuari Sungai Baturusa belum melampaui rentang batas berdasarkan baku mutu yang ditentukan dalam ISQG dan PEL CCME 2002. Nilai faktor kontaminasi (CF) logam berat Pb yang ditemukan pada sedimen Estuari Baturusa berkisar 0,00029–0,00042 (C

    Struktur Komunitas Makrozoobentos Pada Sedimen Permukaan Pantai Sampur, Kabupaten Bangka Tengah

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    Pantai Sampur merupakan salah satu pantai di Kabupaten Bangka Tengah dengan terdapat aktivitas penambangan timah dan kawasan perikanan tangkap. Makrozoobentos adalah organisme dasar yang berukuran relatif besar yaitu lebih dari 1 mm. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas makrozoobentos (indeks keanekaragaman, keseragaman, dan dominansi) pada sedimen permukaan Pantai Sampur, Kabupaten Bangka Tengah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2021 di Pantai Sampur, dengan Metode purposive sampling sebanyak 5 stasiun (3 kali pengulangan). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan ekman grab. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada sedimen permukaan Pantai Sampur terdapat 163 individu dari 12 spesies dari kelas Bivalvia dan Gastropoda yang tersebar pada 5 stasiun pengamatan. Kepadatan jenis makrozoobentos berkisar 375 - 1525 individu/m2 dan komposisi jenis berkisar 2 – 88%. Pada lokasi Penelitian terdapat nilai Indeks keanekaragaman (H) berkisar 0,503 – 1,382, indeks keseragaman (E) berkisar 0,312 – 0,713, dan indeks dominasi berkisar 0,355 – 0,788. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tingkat keanekaragaman makrozoobentos pada sedimen permukaan Pantai Sampur rendah hingga sedang, tingkat keseragaman rendah hingga tinggi, dan tidak ada jenis yang mendominansi.Sampur Beach is one of the beaches in Central Bangka Regency with a tin mining area and capture fisheries. Macrozoobenthos is a relatively large basic object, which is more than 1 mm. This study aims to determine the structure of the macrozoobenthos community (indices of diversity, uniformity, and dominance) on the surface sediments of Sampur Beach, Central Bangka Regency. This research was conducted in February 2021 at Sampur Beach, using a purposive sampling method of 5 stations (3 times in a row). Sampling was carried out using an Ekman grab. The results showed that on the surface sediments of Sampur Beach there were 163 individuals of 12 species from the class Bivalvia and Gastropods spread over 5 observations. The density of macrozoobenthos ranged from 375 - 1525 individuals/m2 and the species composition ranged from 2 - 88%. At the study site, the diversity index (H) values ranged from 0.503 to 1.382, the uniformity index (E) ranged from 0.312 to 0.713, and the dominance index ranged from 0.355 to 0.788. This study shows that the level of macrozoobenthos diversity in the surface sediments of Sampur Beach is low to moderate, the level of uniformity is low to high, and there is no dominant species


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    a. Pengaturan perjanjian penanggungan yang melibatkan debitor dan penanggung utang debitor hingga saat ini masih tunduk pada pasal-pasal pada Burgerlijk Wethoek bab ketujuh belas. b. Perjanjian penanggungan utang yang melibatkan debitor dan penanggung utang memunculkan beberapa akibat hukum terhadap proses kepailitan, yaitu: 1) Pemeriksaan pennohonan pailit dapat dilanjutkan apabila penanggung hanya menanggung satu utang debitor terhadap kreditor atau penanggung menanggung beberapa utang debitor terhadap kreditor tetapi masih menyisakan dua atau lebih utang terhadap kreditor

    Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat terhadap Dugong (Dugong dugon) sebagai Hewan Dilindungi melalui Pemantauan Dugong dan Habitatnya

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    Seagrass is the only one flower-plant that can live under seawater, and most of its habitat is in shallow waters. One of the roles of seagrass is as a habitat for dugong marine mammals (Dugong dugon). Pengudang Village is one of the Bintan Island areas and suspected of being the dugong habitat. This is known from the widespread phenomenon of dugong stranding. There are still dugong fighting activities carried out by several Bintan people and marine tribal communities that indicate these animals’ existence. Community service activities were carried out to avoid dugong hunting. These activities were conducted in four stages. These services were expected to increase community awareness and habituation that shape coastal communities' character in protecting the seagrass ecosystem as the habitat for dugongs. Based on the results of community service, it shows that the community has recognized dugong as an animal protected, and the increasing of the knowledge level and awareness of children about dugong. Lamun merupakan satu-satunya tumbuhan berbunga yang mampu hidup terendam di bawah air laut. Lamun hidup pada habitat perairan dangkal. Salah satu peran lamun adalah sebagai habitat mamalia laut yaitu dugong (Dugong dugon). Desa Pengudang merupakan wilayah Pulau Bintan merupakan salah satu daerah yang diduga menjadi habitat bagi dugong, hal ini diketahui dari seringnya terjadi fenomena dugong terdampar selain itu masih adanya aktivitas perburuan dugong yang dilakukan oleh beberapa masyarakat Bintan dan orang suku laut. Untuk menghindari terjadinya perburuan maka dilakukanlah kegiatan pengabdian ini. Dalam kegiatan ini dilakukan ke dalam empat tahapan. Melalui pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dan habituasi yang menciptakan karakter masyarakat pesisir peduli terhadap ekosistem lamun yang merupakan habitat dugong. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan terhadap masyarakat pesisir Desa Pengudang, menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat telah mengetahui bahwa dugong merupakan hewan yang dilindungi, dan tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran anak-anak juga meningkat

    Integrated Room Monitoring and Air Conditioning Efficiency Optimization Using ESP-12E Based Sensors and PID Control Automation: A Comprehensive Approach

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    This study addresses the critical need for efficient room monitoring and air conditioning systems, particularly in educational settings like the STMIK STIKOM Indonesia campus. The paper introduces a novel approach that combines ESP-12E based sensors with Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control automation to optimize air conditioning efficiency. Utilizing an ESP-12E microcontroller, the study designed and implemented a room monitoring tool equipped with DHT22 and BH1750 sensors for accurate measurement of temperature, humidity, and light intensity. We also explores the integration of a PID control system into an existing air conditioning (AC) unit. The PID controller was fine-tuned to maintain a stable indoor temperature of 25oCelsius, even when subjected to external heat loads, such as ten LED lamps. The effectiveness of this system was quantified through real-time monitoring of temperature, humidity, and energy consumption, both pre- and post-implementation. Results indicated a rapid and stable response from the PID controller, achieving an amplitude of 1 within 0.08 seconds, thereby confirming its successful tuning and adaptability. We found that this study has broader implications for enhancing energy efficiency and creating conducive learning environments. However, it is worth noting that the research was conducted under specific conditions, and further studies could explore its applicability in different settings

    Tumor necrosis factor-α-activated mesenchymal stem cells accelerate wound healing through vascular endothelial growth factor regulation in rats

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    Background Wounds are areas of physical or thermal damage of the epithelial layer of skin or mucosa. The wound healing process consists of hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) play a role in wound healing by suppressing potent pro-inflammatory molecules, such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), leading to macrophage polarization from the pro-inflammatory type to the pro-regeneration type characterized by increasing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production. MSCs are able to increase VEGF level in-vivo correlated with collagen synthesis. The objective of this study was to assess the role of TNF-α-activated MSCs on VEGF in rat wounds. Methods An experimental animal study with post-test only control group design was performed involving 24 Wistar rats. The rats were randomized into four groups  consisting of one control (K) and three treatment groups (P) (activated MSCs at doses of 3x105, 6x105, and 12x105 cells, respectively). The measurement of VEGF levels was done using ELISA assay while the collagen analysis was performed by light microscopy. One way ANOVA and Post Hoc LSD were used to analyze the data. Results The results showed a significant increase in VEGF levels (p <0.05) on day 3 and then a significant decrease on day 5 along with a significant increase in the amount of collagen on day 7 (p<0.05). Conclusion This study demonstrated that TNF-α-activated MSCs were able to regulate VEGF levels and collagen synthesis in wound healing in rats. The molecular mechanism by which TNF-α-activated MSCs stimulate cutaneous wound healing should be clarified further


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    The estuary of the Kurau Watershed (DAS) has domestic activities. The problem that commonly occurs in river mouths is the emergence of sediment, which causes disruption of water flow upstream and can cause flooding. Kurau waters have considerable water resources, but it is also decreasing year on year. This study aimed to determine the sedimentation rate, TSS, and the type of sediment texture in Kurau waters, Central Bangka. Sedimentation rate data was obtained using a sediment trap. Analysis of TSS (Total Suspended Solid) and sediment texture using gravimetric and pipette methods. The sedimentation rate in Kurau waters is not high based on weight, namely 0.03-0.14 mg/cm²/day, and volume with a value range of 0.13-0.58 cm/day. The concentration of TSS on the surface of Kurau waters based on PP no. 22/2021 has not passed the seawater quality standard with a TSS concentration of 0.03-0.04 mg/L. Kurau waters have various types of sediment texture, namely sand with a percentage ranging from 6.54-78.33%, dust with a percentage of 14.72-45.74%, and clay with a percentage of 6.94-47.72%. The sedimentary textures in Kurau waters are dusty clay, loamy sand, and loamy clay

    PENGARUH TERPAAN IKLAN DI ACCOUNT YOUTUBE TERHADAP BRAND AWARENESS (Studi Eksplanatif Iklan Produk Eiger di Account Youtube versi “Do You Really Enjoy Your Life?” pada Mahasiswa Pencinta Alam di Sekber PPA DIY)

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    Terpaan iklan dalam penelitian ini yaitu iklan produk Eiger yang ada di Account youtube. Hal ini dikarenakan dengan adanya tayangan iklan produkproduk di Account youtube telah menimbulkan awareness pada masyarakat. Account youtube sudah banyak diketahui oleh orang banyak sebagai satu-satunya media populer yang merupakan kumpulan-kumpulan gambar-gambar video. Keberadaan account youtube Eiger yang memuat tentang produk sekaligus iklan dari produk produk Eiger sendiri telah berimplikasi pada produk-produk Eiger sudah berada dalam benak/pikiran konsumen, konsumen sudah mampu mengingat produk-produk Eiger menggunakan alat bantu ataupun tanpa menggunakan alat bantu iklan (produk Eiger di media televisi), logo, slogan. Keutamaan merek produk-produk Eiger telah muncul di benak/pikiran konsumen. Hal ini dapat diamati atau telah terbukti dari banyaknya konsumen yang menggunakan produk Eiger terutama pada kelompok pencinta alam. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah : untuk mengetahui ”Pengaruh Terpaan Iklan di Account youtube terhadap Brand Awareness (Studi Eksplanatif Iklan Produk Eiger di account youtube pada Mahasiswa Pencinta Alam di Sekber PPA DIY)”. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksplanatif. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam (Mapala) di Sekretariat Bersama (SekBer) PPA DIY yang pernah menyaksikan iklan Produk Eiger di account youtube yang berjumlah 75 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling. Alat analisis menggunakan Pearson Correlation dan Analisis Regresi Linier Sederhana. Hasil analisis Regresi Linier menunjukkan bahwa variabel terpaan iklan Produk Eiger mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap brand awareness konsumen produk Eiger dengan nilai probabilitas t-hitung 0,000 < Level of Significant = 0,05. Hal ini dapat diartikan, jika terpaan iklan Produk Eiger meningkat, maka brand awareness konsumen produk Eiger akan mengalami peningkatan. Hasil dari regresi diperoleh R2 sebesar 0,362, artinya variabel dependen Y dalam model yaitu brand awareness konsumen produk Eiger dijelaskan oleh variabel terpaan iklan Produk Eiger sebesar 36,2%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 63,8% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain di luar model, misalnya kepuasan pelanggan, keandalan produk, daya tarik, dll. Diketahui bahwa kebanyakan responden 69,33% sering diterpa iklan Produk Eiger. Diketahui bahwa kebanyakan responden 49,3% brand awarenessnya tinggi terhadap produk Eiger