244 research outputs found

    A tale of lovers : Chopin\u27s Nocturne Op. 27, No. 2 as a contribution to the violist\u27s repertory

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    The purpose of this project is to present a violist with complete transcription and performer’s guide of Fryderyk Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 27, No. 2 originally written for solo piano in 1835. Chopin wrote predominately for the piano, and the nocturnes are some of his most sublime works that have a personal quality that likely reflect a diary of his personal feelings. At the beginning of this document a brief overview of the composer’s lifetime and analysis of the events that took place around the time of composition are provided. Later on, the characteristic genre features, the formal structure, the influences of French song, Italian opera, John Field’s nocturnes, and the plausible meaning behind the work are described and discussed. The following chapters deal with the process of transcription, performance issues, hints on how to solve them, as well as the aspects of contribution to the dearth of Romantic viola repertory

    Psychological Safety at Amazon: A CCO Approach

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    Very Light Aircraft: Revitalization through Certification

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    As the future of the general aviation industry seems to be improving, a cultural paradigm shift may be imminent with the implementation of an advanced, revolutionary transportation system within the United States. By observing the support of government and industry for this idea, near and long term effects must be addressed if this change is going to occur. The high certification costs associated with general aviation aircraft must be reduced without compromising safety if a new transportation system is to be developed in the future. With the advent of new, streamlined rules recently issued for the certification of small aircraft, it seems as though new opportunities are now available to the general aviation industry. Not only will immediate benefits be realized with increased sales of certified small aircraft, but there would now be a way of introducing the advanced concepts of future aircraft at varying degrees of technology and cost as options to the customer

    Incorporating biplane wing theory into a large, subsonic, all-cargo transport

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    If the air-cargo market increases at the pace predicted, a new conceptual aircraft will be demanded to meet the needs of the air-cargo industry. Furthermore, it has been found that not only should this aircraft be optimized to carry the intermodal containers used by the current shipping industry, but it should also be be able to operate at existing airports. The best solution to these problems is a configuration incorporating a bi-wing planform, which has resulted in significant improvements over the monoplane in lift/drag, weight reduction, and span reduction. The future of the air-cargo market, biplane theory, wind tunnel tests, and a comparison of the aerodynamic characteristics of the biplane and monoplane are discussed. The factors pertaining to a biplane cargo transport are then examined, resulting in biplane geometric parameters

    Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Characterization of Copper Naphthenate

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    Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) spectrophotometry and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were used to characterize copper naphthenate (Cu-N) complex in treating solution and in Cu-N treated wood. At wavelength 680 ± 2 nm, the absorption was proportional to the amount of Cu-N present in solution. FTIR was used to confirm the presence of the carboxylate group in the Cu-N complex and the carboxylic acid in the non-complexed naphthenic acid (NA). Toluene was used to extract Cu-N from treated wood for UV-vis quantitative analysis. This method can be applicable to the determination of Cu-N in solution and in treated wood with detection limits ranging from 4 to 80 ppm

    Tools for Dataset Lifecycle Management

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    With a growing demand for transparency and openness around scientific research and an emphasis on the sharing of scientific workflows and datasets, there is a similarly increasing number in the variety of client and web-based tools required to manage each stage in the lifecycle of individual datasets. Datasets are produced from a variety of instruments and computations; are analyzed and manipulated; are stored and referenced within the context of a research project; and, ideally, are archived, stored, and shared with the rest of the world. Each of these efforts, however, requires a number of user actions involving a growing number of systems and interfaces. In an effort to preserve the flexibility and autonomy of the researchers, but also to minimize the logistical effort involved, we present in this paper a partial solution approach to this problem through the integration of workflow execution, project collaboration, project-based dataset management and versioning, and long-term archiving and dissemination. This example demonstrates the orchestration of a number of existing Microsoft Research projects; however, the interaction between each uses existing web interoperability protocols and can easily support the replacement of individual architectural components with related services

    Tools for Dataset Lifecycle Management

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    With a growing demand for transparency and openness around scientific research and an emphasis on the sharing of scientific workflows and datasets, there is a similarly increasing number in the variety of client and web-based tools required to manage each stage in the lifecycle of individual datasets. Datasets are produced from a variety of instruments and computations; are analyzed and manipulated; are stored and referenced within the context of a research project; and, ideally, are archived, stored, and shared with the rest of the world. Each of these efforts, however, requires a number of user actions involving a growing number of systems and interfaces. In an effort to preserve the flexibility and autonomy of the researchers, but also to minimize the logistical effort involved, we present in this paper a partial solution approach to this problem through the integration of workflow execution, project collaboration, project-based dataset management and versioning, and long-term archiving and dissemination. This example demonstrates the orchestration of a number of existing Microsoft Research projects; however, the interaction between each uses existing web interoperability protocols and can easily support the replacement of individual architectural components with related services

    Diagnostics and treatment of small intestine tumors in our own experience

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    Introduction. Small intestine cancers are a difficult oncological problem. Lack of specific symptoms and difficulties with accessing the location even for advanced diagnostic techniques delay the diagnosis and implementation of appropriate treatment. Aim. Analysis of incidence, clinical symptoms, diagnostic methods and results of treatment of small intestine tumors in the material of the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Institute — Oncology Center (MSCI) in Warsaw. Material and method. A retrospective analysis of 54 patients undergoing surgery for small intestine tumor in the years 2006–2015. The evaluated group consisted of 26 (48%) males, 28 (52%) females, median age was 63.5 ± 13.5 years (23–86). Results. In the study group 18 (33%) cases of sarcomas were found, including 16 (30%) cases of GIST. The remaining cases were diagnosed as: adenocarcinoma — 13 patients (24%), neuroendocrine tumor (NET) — 8 (15%), malignant melanoma — 6 (11%), lymphoma — 3 (6%) and benign tumors — 6 (11%). Symptoms included gastrointestinal bleeding (55.5%), abdominal pain (48%), weight loss (31.5%), nausea (30%), vomiting (24%), flatulence (24%), inte­stinal passage disturbances (15%). In 70% of patients anemia was diagnosed, which in 33% required an average of 4.5 packed red blood cells (PRBC) units (range 1–100) to be transfused before treatment. The test that led to diagnosis was in 26 (48%) cases computed tomography, in 8 (15%) cases capsule endoscopy and in 5 (9%) cases double-balloon enteroscopy. Partial resection of the small intestine with regional lymph nodes was performed in 38 patients (70%), local excision in 5 (9%) patients and anastomosis gastric pass in 4 (7%) patients. So far, 17 (31%) deaths have been reported in this group of patients. 5-year survival was 93.8% for sarcomas, 53.9% for SIC, 66.7% for GEP-NET. Conclusions. Partial resection of the small intestine remains the basic method of radical surgical treatment. Both diagnostics and treatment should be carried out in reference centers

    Precooling im Rudersport und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Wettkampfleistung

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    Der Fakt, dass hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit und eine hohe Umgebungstemperatur die physische und psychische Leistungsfähigkeit beeinflussen, ist generell anerkannt. Dies trifft vor allem auf Sportarten zu, die dem Langzeitausdauerbereich angehören, wo hohe Temperaturen eine deutliche Beeinträchtigung hervorrufen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Wirkung von Kälteapplikation mittels einer Kühlweste auf die Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit bzw. die Wettkampfleistung im Rudern empirisch zu untersuchen. Die dahinter stehenden wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen sind folgende: Kommt es durch das 30 Minuten dauernde Applizieren von Kälte mittels Kühlweste vor einem Stufentest am Ruderergometer zu einer Verbesserung der Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit? Kommt es durch die 30 Minuten dauernde Applikation von Kälte mittels Kühlweste während des Aufwärmprozesses zu einer Verbesserung der Wettkampfleistung im 2000m All-Out-Test am Ruderergometer? Die Testverfahren, die in dieser Arbeit zur Anwendung kamen, beinhalteten das Tragen einer Kühlweste während des standardisierten und 30 Minuten dauernden Aufwärmens zum 2000m All-Out-Test oder einer 30-minütigen Kälteapplikation (Precooling), ohne Aufwärmphase, vor Beginn des Stufentests. Nach den jeweiligen Tests wurde den Athleten ein 15 Minuten langes, standardisiertes Ausrudern (Cooldown) verordnet. Um die Wirkung der Methode zu verifizieren, wurden verschiedene physiologische Parameter erfasst und einer statistischen Auswertung unterzogen. Es wurde mittels statistischer Auswertung der Untersuchungsergebnisse festgestellt, dass durch das Precooling teilweise signifikante Unterschiede bezüglich des Temperaturanstieges während des Stufentests zu verzeichnen waren. Die Entwicklung der Laktatkonzentration im Blut wies teilweise signifikante Unterschiede zugunsten des Stufentest mit Precooling auf. In Hinblick auf das Verhalten der Herzfrequenz wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Stufentest festgestellt. Die 2000m Endzeiten wiesen im Mittel signifikante Unterschiede zugunsten des Wettkampftest mit Precooling auf. Weitere signifikante Unterschiede wurden beim Laktatkonzentrationsabbau während der Nachbelastung im Rahmen des 2000m All-Out- Test festgestellt. Abschließend ist festzuhalten, dass die Ausdauerleistung im Stufentest mit Precooling signifikant höher ausfiel, als beim Stufentest ohne Kälteapplikation. Es ist zu hinterfragen, warum es zu einer eventuellen Leistungssteigerung aufgrund des Precooling kommt. Dies kann Folge der Vasokonstriktion der Haut sein oder auch die psychologische Komponente, die im Sport immer eine Rolle spielt. Ferner wird auch angenommen, dass durch verschiedene Arten von Kälteapplikationen nicht das Halten einer gegebenen Geschwindigkeit oder Intensität begünstigt, sondern dass sich die Mobilisation der Reserven, die ein Athlet am Ende einer intensiven Belastung aktivieren kann oder muss, verzögert. Es wird nach Auswerten der Ergebnisse die Meinung vertreten, dass Precooling sehr wohl Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit haben kann. Vor allem die signifikante Verbesserung der Wettkampfzeit unter standardisierten Bedingungen lässt auf ein hohe Relevanz für die Arbeit im Hochleistungssport schließen.The fact that high humidity and a high surrounding temperature affects physical and psychological abilities is generally accepted (Maughan et al., 2007; Wendt et al., 2007). This is particularly true of endurance sports, where high temperatures constitute a clear impairment. (Quod et al., 2006). The goal of this thesis is empirically to investigate how applying cold with a cooling vest affects stamina in general and the ability to compete in rowing in particular. The scientific questions behind the study are the following: Does the thirty-minute application of cold using the cooling vest before a level test on the rowing machine lead to an improvement in stamina? Does the thirty-minute application of cold using the cooling vest during the warm-up process lead to an improvement in competitive abilities in the 2000m All-Out-Test on the rowing machine? The testing methods used for this thesis consist of wearing a cooling vest during the standardized, thirty-minute warm-up period for the 2000m All-Out-Test or a thirty-minute cold application (pre-cooling) without a warm-up phase before the level test. After the respective tests, the athletes were compelled to take a mandatory, standard fifteen-minute cool-down. In order to verify the effects of these methods, various physiological parameters were set and subjected to statistical analysis. Through the statistical analysis of the results of the investigation it was determined that due to the pre-cooling, significant differences regarding an increase in temperature during the level test were sometimes observed. The development of the concentration of lactate in the blood sometimes showed significant differences favoring a level test with pre-cooling. With respect to the relationship with heart frequency, no significant differences were established. The end times for the 2000m on average demonstrated significant differences favoring competitions with pre-cooling. Within the context of the 2000m All-Out-Test, additional, significant differences were demonstrated in the decomposition of the concentration of lactate during the cool-down. In conclusion, stamina in the level test with pre-cooling was significantly higher than level tests without cold application. The reasons why pre-cooling could possibly lead to an increase in stamina must be examined. It may be due to the vasoconstriction of the skin or also to the psycological components that always play a roll in sports. Furthermore, it is also assumed that the various methods of cold application do not make it easier to maintain a specific speed, rather they delay the mobilization of the reserves that an athlete can or must activate at the end of an intense strain. An analysis of the results produces the opinion that pre-cooling can definitely have an influence on stamina. In particular, the significant improvement in competition times under standard conditions suggests a higher relevance of the thesis in top-level sport