48 research outputs found

    Constraining the timing of brittle deformation and sedimentation in southern Finland : Implications for Neoproterozoic evolution of the eastern Fennoscandian shield

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    Sheared sedimentary clay was found in a faulted fracture in crystalline bedrock in a tunnelling site at 60 m depth in southern Finland. Brittle faults are numerous in the Fennoscandian Palaeoproterozoic bedrock, but only some of them have relative age constraints, while absolute ages are nearly lacking. Sedimentary rocks altogether are uncommon in Finland and only sparsely dated by micropaleontological studies. This study reports K-Ar data of fresh, non-weathered authigenic illite and constrains a time framework for the local faulting and sedimentation. The Neoproterozoic Tonian to Cryogenian ages derived from the grains in diminishing grain-size order are c. 967, 947, 809 and 697 Ma. Results indicate that the formation of the extension fracture is related to the collapse of Sveconorwegian orogeny c. 1000 Ma; clay and mature quartz sand were deposited in this extension fracture in shallow water in an intracratonic basin followed by early diagenetic processes and neocrystallization of illite around 967-947 Ma. The Neoproterozoic 1000-700 Ma sedimentation documented in this study is rare in the Fennoscandian shield as a whole. Neocrystallization of authigenic illite in the finest 0.4 and <0.1 pm fractions c. 809-697 Ma ago is interpreted as resulting from reactivation in the fault due to the continental break-up on the western side of the craton as documented by arenite crosscutting relationships. The younger ages may also be attributed to a Caledonian thermal overprint ca. 410 Ma ago that would influence the 967 Ma age if sufficient thermal energy had been present.Peer reviewe

    Precambrian fault reactivation revealed by structural and K-Ar geochronological data from the spent nuclear fuel repository in Olkiluoto, southwestern Finland

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    Integrated structural/geochmnological studies help unraveling complex brittle deformation histories. We have analysed the structural geological database of brittle faults from the ONKALO (TM) underground facility for spent nuclear fuel in Olkiluoto in southwestern Finland. Based on the structural geological data from eleven representative fault zones, we classify the Olkiluoto brittle structural features into four fault systems, referred to as Fault system I to IV. The classification is based on their structural properties and tectonic history, crosscutting relationships, fault rock mineralogical characterization and 3D modelling. Some constraints on the timing of faulting are provided by K-Ar dates on synkinematic illite from fault gouge samples. Our results show that the bedrock in southwestern Finland experienced numerous brittle deformation phases between ca. 1.75 and 0.9 Ga. N-S strike-slip faults (Fault systems I and II) formed at mid-crustal levels ca. 1.79-1.75 Ga ago in response to NW-SE/NNW-SSE compression soon after the Svecofennian omgeny. Later E-W striking oblique dextral/normal faults (Fault system III) are tentatively associated with the Gothian omgeny 1.6 Ga ago. These three fault systems were reactivated during NE-SW compression ca. 1.3-1.2 Ga ago, coeval with intrusion of a regional swarm of olivine diabase sills. E-W compression at the onset of the Sveconorwegian omgeny ca. 1.1-1.0 Ga ago resulted in the formation of SE dipping low-angle thrust faults (Fault system IV) and the selective reactivation of fault system II and III. Overall E-W extension during the collapse of the Sveconorwegian orogen ca. 0.97-0.87 Ga ago caused the localised reactivation of fault systems III and IV. Our research approach, which is integral to the siting process of repositories for spent nuclear fuel, demonstrates that the basement in southwestern Finland experienced repeated reactivation since the Mesoproterozoic, suggesting that future deformation localization is likely to be also accommodated by reactivation of existing brittle structures rather than formation of new faults

    Clay mineral dating of displacement on the Sronlairig Fault: implications for Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution in northern Scotland

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    Temporary excavations during the construction of the Glendoe Hydro Scheme above Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland exposed a clay-rich fault gouge in Dalradian Supergroup psammite. The gouge coincides with the mapped trace of the subvertical Sronlairig Fault, a feature related in part to the Great Glen and Ericht–Laidon faults, which had been interpreted to result from brittle deformation during the Caledonian orogeny (c. 420–390 Ma). Exposure of this mica-rich gouge represented an exceptional opportunity to constrain the timing of the gouge-producing movement on the Sronlairig Fault using isotopic analysis to date the growth of authigenic (essentially synkinematic) clay mineralization. A series of fine-size separates was isolated prior to K–Ar analysis. Novel, capillary-encapsulated X-ray diffraction analysis was employed to ensure nearly perfect, random orientation and to facilitate the identification and quantification of mica polytypes. Coarser size fractions are composed of greater proportions of the 2M1 illite polytype. Finer size fractions show increasing proportions of the 1M illite polytype, with no evidence of 2M1 illite in the finest fractions. A series of Illite Age Analysis plots produced excellent R2 values with calculated mean ages of 296 ± 7 Ma (Late Carboniferous–Early Permian) for the oldest (2M1) illite and 145 ± 7 Ma (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) for the youngest (1M) illite. The Late Carboniferous–Early Permian (Faulting event 1) age may represent resetting of earlier-formed micas or authigenesis during dextral displacement of the Great Glen Fault Zone (GGFZ). Contemporaneous WNW(NW)–ESE(SE) extension was important for basin development and hydrocarbon migration in the Pentland Firth and Moray Firth regions. The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Faulting event 2) age corresponds with Moray Firth Basin development and indicates that the GGFZ and related structures may have acted to partition the active extension in the Moray Firth region from relative inactivity in the Pentland Firth area at this time. These new age dates demonstrate the long-lived geological activity on the GGFZ, particularly so in post-Caledonian times where other isotopic evidence for younger tectonic overprints is lacking

    Influence of deformation and fluids on Ar retention in white mica: Dating the Dover Fault, Newfoundland Appalachians

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    White mica 40Ar/39Ar analyses may provide useful constraints on the timing of tectonic processes, but complex geological and thermal histories can perturb Ar systematics in a variety of ways. Ductile shear zones represent excellent case studies for exploring the link(s) between dynamic re-/neo-crystallization of white mica and coeval enhanced fluid flow, and their effect on 40Ar/39Ar dates. White mica 40Ar/39Ar dates were collected from compositionally similar granites that record different episodes of deformation with proximity to the Dover Fault, a terrane-bounding strike-slip shear zone in the Appalachian orogen, Newfoundland, Canada. 40Ar/39Ar data were collected in situ by laser ablation and by step heating single crystals. Results were compared to each other and against complementary U-Pb zircon and monazite, and K-Ar fault gouge analysis. Although step-heat 40Ar/39Ar is a widely applied method in orogenic settings, this dataset shows that relatively flat step-heat 40Ar/39Ar spectra are in contradiction with wide spreads in in-situ 40Ar/39Ar dates from the same samples, and that plateau dates in some cases yielded mixed dates of equivocal geological significance. This result indicates that the step-wise release of Ar from white mica likely homogenizes and obscures spatially-controlled Ar isotope reservoirs in white mica from sheared rocks. In contrast, in situ laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar analysis preserves the spatial resolution of 40Ar reservoirs that have been variably reset by deformation and fluid interaction. This study therefore suggests that laser ablation is the best method for dating the timing of deformation recorded by white mica. Final interpretation of results should be guided by microstructural analysis, estimation of deformation temperature, chemical characterization of white mica, and complementary chronometers. Overall the dataset shows that granitic protoliths were emplaced between 430-422 Ma (U-Pb zircon). High strain deformation along the Wing Pond Shear Zone occurred between ca. 422-405 Ma (U-Pb monazite and 40Ar/39Ar). Subsequent patchy Ar loss in white mica occurred locally during low T shear (40Ar/39Ar). K-Ar dating of authigenic illite in fault gouge from the broadly co-linear brittle Hermitage Bay Fault indicates that slip along the terrane boundary persisted until at least the Mississippian

    Isotopic and geochemical constraints to mass transfers induced by fluid-migrations : from sample to basin scale

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    Clauer Norbert, Liewig Nicole, Zwingmann Horst. Isotopic and geochemical constraints to mass transfers induced by fluid-migrations : from sample to basin scale. In: Transferts dans les systèmes sédimentaires : de l'échelle du pore à celle du bassin. Réunion spécialisée SGF-TRABAS/CNRS, Paris 27-28 septembre 1999. Résumés. Strasbourg : Institut de Géologie – Université Louis-Pasteur, 1999. p. 51. (Sciences Géologiques. Mémoire, 99

    Time-constrained illitization in gas-bearing Rotliegende (Permian) sandstones from northern Germany by illite potassium-argon dating

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    International audiencePermian Rotliegende sandstone cores were collected from an area of about 14,800 km2 (!5710 mi2) mostly to the eastsoutheast of the city of Bremen in northern Germany, at depths between 4596 and 5330 m (15,079-17,487 ft). The separated size fractions (<0.2, 0.2-1.0, and 1.0-2.0 mm) consist of illite (90-100%)with small to minute amounts of chlorite and detectable quartz and feldspars in the coarser fractions. Scanning electron microscopic and transmission electron microscopic observations showed two types of illite morphologies: flakes coating detrital framework minerals and laths and fibers invading the pore space. The data points of most size fractions fit two isochrons, with slopes providing ages of 191 ± 8 and 178 ± 1 Ma, with initial 40Ar/36Ar ratios reasonably close to the atmospheric value. Microthermometric fluid-inclusion determinations in quartz and calcite characterize two types of percolating fluids: a highly saline (19% NaCl equivalent) fluid at variable temperatures depending on the reservoirs (185 to 150°C) and a slightly saline one (2.6% NaCl equivalent) again at varied temperatures (170 to 145°C), also depending on the locations. These temperatures are higher than paleotemperatures calculated on the basis of a present-day burial gradient of 30.5°C/km, therefore favoring hydrothermal illitization, with the oldest illite crystallizing at a generally higher temperature than that of the younger illite

    K-Ar illite age constraints on the Proterozoic formation and reactivation history of a brittle fault in Fennoscandia

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    K-Ar ages of authigenic illite from two drill-core gouge samples of a fault in the Palaeoproterozoic basement of Finland record two distinct faulting events. The older sample yields apparent ages from 1240 ± 26 to 1006 ± 21 Ma for four grain size fractions between 6 and <0.1 μm. The second sample is structurally younger and yields statistically distinct ages ranging from 978 ± 20 to 886 ± 18 Ma. We interpret the ages of the <0.1 m fractions, which are the youngest, as representing the actual time of faulting. XRD analysis and age modelling exclude significant age contamination of the finest dated fractions with inherited host rock components. These results provide therefore an example of meaningful isotopic dating of illite-type clay material formed during Precambrian faulting, demonstrate and constrain fault reactivation and give evidence for brittle Sveconorwegian Mesoproterozoic shortening and Neoproterozoic extension in Fennoscandia. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd