30 research outputs found

    Growth, body composition, and endocrine-metabolic profiles of individuals with Kleefstra syndrome provide directions for clinical management and translational studies

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    Mendelian neurodevelopmental disorders caused by variants in genes encoding chromatin modification can be categorized as Mendelian disorders of the epigenetic machinery (MDEMs). These disorders have significant overlap in molecular pathways and phenotypes including intellectual disability, short stature, and obesity. Among the MDEMs is Kleefstra syndrome (KLFS), which is caused by haploinsufficiency of EHMT1. Preclinical studies have identified metabolic dysregulation and obesity in KLFS models, but proper clinical translation lacks. In this study, we aim to delineate growth, body composition, and endocrine-metabolic characteristics in a total of 62 individuals with KLFS. Our results revealed a high prevalence of childhood-onset overweight/obesity (60%; 28/47) with disproportionately high body fat percentage, which aligns perfectly with previous preclinical studies. Short stature was common (33%), likely due to advanced skeletal maturation. Endocrine-metabolic investigations showed thyroid dysregulation (22%; 9/41), elevated triglycerides, and decreased blood ammonia levels. Moreover, hand radiographs identified decreased bone mineralization (57%; 8/14) and negative ulnar variance (71%; 10/14). Our findings indicate a high (cardio)metabolic risk in KLFS. Therefore, we recommend monitoring of weight and endocrine-metabolic profile. Supporting a healthy lifestyle and screening of bone mineralization is advised. Our comprehensive results support translational research and contribute to a better understanding of MDEM-associated phenotypes

    Do Surgical Interventions Influence Psychosexual and Cosmetic Outcomes in Women with Disorders of Sex Development?

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    Clinical practice developed to promote psychosexual well-being in DSD is under scrutiny. Although techniques for genital surgery have much improved lately, long-term studies on psychosexual functioning and cosmetic outcome on which to base treatment and counseling are scarce. We studied 91 women with a DSD. Feminizing surgery was performed in 64% of the women; in 60% of them, resurgery in puberty was needed after a single-stage procedure. Both patients and gynecologists were satisfied with the cosmetic appearance of the genitalia. However, forty percent of these females experienced sexuality-related distress and 66% was at risk for developing a sexual dysfunction, whether they had surgery or not. Recognizing the difficulty of accurate assessment, our data indicate that feminizing surgery does not seem to improve nor hamper psychosexual outcome, especially in patients with severe virilization

    Virilization Due to Androgen Hypersecretion in a Patient with Ovarian Leydig Cell Tumor: Diagnostic and Psychosocial Implications

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    Virilisasi akibat kelebihan hormon androgen yang terjadi pada wanita akan menimbulkan tanda-tanda seperti pembesaran klitoris, perubahan suara, tumbuhnya rambut di wajah dan tubuh yang menjadi ciri khas laki-laki. Virilisasi yang disebabkan oleh tumor ovarium tidak lebih dari 0,5% dari seluruh penyebab. Kami melaporkan kasus virilisasi akibat tumor sel Leydig pada ovarium kiri wanita usia 36 tahun. Kesalahan interpretasi, informasi medis yang saling bertentangan dan saran dari dokter sebelumnya membuat kebingungan dari pasien tersebut. Kami melakukan evaluasi diagnostik yang meliputi gambaran klinik, hormon, pencitraan, pemeriksaan patologi, molekuler serta pemeriksaan psikologi. Pemeriksaan hormon menunjukkan kadar testosteron yang sangat tinggi. Adanya tumor pada ovarium terdeteksi dari pemeriksaan laparoskopi. Biopsi pada ovarium kiri dilakukan oleh karena pasien menolak dilakukan pengangkatan ovarium. Hasil pemeriksaan patologi menunjukkan tumor sel Leydig tanpa adanya tanda keganasan. Pengelolaan menjadi kurang optimal karena faktor sosial budaya yang menghambat walaupun telah dilakukan konseling secara mendalam. Tumor sel Leydig pada ovarium dicurigai apabila terjadi virilisasi pada wanita usia reproduktif disertai peningkatan hormon androgen, massa ovarium pada pemeriksaan pencitraan dan dibuktikan dengan hasil biopsi. Hal ini penting sebelum memberikan saran maupun pengobatan kepada pasien. Kata kunci: diagnostik work up, virilisasi, sel tumor Leydig. ABSTRACT Virilization due to hyperandrogenism in women causes male signs and symptoms such as swelling of the clitoris, deepening of the voice, facial hair and increase in body hair. Virilization is caused by less than 0.5% of all ovarian tumors. Here we report a case of virilizing Leydig cell tumor of the left ovary in a 36 year old woman. Misinterpretation of symptoms, conflicting medical information and advice from previous doctors had confused the patient. We performed a diagnostic evaluation including clinical, hormonal parameters, imaging, anatomical pathology examinations, and psychological assessment. Blood analysis showed a high testosterone level. The presence of an ovarian tumor was confirmed by laparoscopy. Since the patient refused ovariectomy, a biopsy of the left ovary was performed. Pathology showed a Leydig cell tumor without histological signs of malignancy. In spite of extensive explanation and psychological counseling, cultural barriers prevented appropriate treatment. An ovarian Leydig cell tumor should always be considered for a woman in the reproductive age with symptoms of virilization. The diagnosis is suspected on the basis of an ovarian mass on examination and further investigation and should be proven by biopsy. Key words: diagnostic work up, virilization, Leydig cell tumor

    Application of the New Classification on Patients with a Disorder of Sex Development in Indonesia

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    Disorder of sex development (DSD) patients in Indonesia most often do not receive a proper diagnostic evaluation and treatment. This study intended to categorize 88 Indonesian patients in accordance with the new consensus DSD algorithm. Diagnostic evaluation including clinical, hormonal, genetic, imaging, surgical, and histological parameters was performed. Fifty-three patients were raised as males, and 34 as females. Of 22 patients with 46, XX DSD, 15 had congenital adrenal hyperplasia, while in one patient, an ovarian Leydig cell tumor was found. In all 58 46, XY DSD patients, 29 were suspected of a disorder of androgen action (12 with an androgen receptor mutation), and in 9, gonadal dysgenesis was found and, in 20, severe hypospadias e.c.i. Implementation of the current consensus statement in a resource-poor environment is very difficult. The aim of the diagnostic workup in developing countries should be to end up with an evidence-based diagnosis. This is essential to improve treatment and thereby to improve the patients' quality of life

    Androgen Receptor Function Links Human Sexual Dimorphism to DNA Methylation

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    Sex differences are well known to be determinants of development, health and disease. Epigenetic mechanisms are also known to differ between men and women through X-inactivation in females. We hypothesized that epigenetic sex differences may also result from sex hormone functions, in particular from long-lasting androgen programming. We aimed at investigating whether inactivation of the androgen receptor, the key regulator of normal male sex development, is associated with differences of the patterns of DNA methylation marks in genital tissues. To this end, we performed large scale array-based analysis of gene methylation profiles on genomic DNA from labioscrotal skin fibroblasts of 8 males and 26 individuals with androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) due to inactivating androgen receptor gene mutations. By this approach we identified differential methylation of 167 CpG loci representing 162 unique human genes. These were significantly enriched for androgen target genes and low CpG content promoter genes. Additional 75 genes showed a significant increase of heterogeneity of methylation in AIS compared to a high homogeneity in normal male controls. Our data show that normal and aber

    Long-term outcomes in males with disorders of sex development

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    Purpose: Indications that the prenatal action of testosterone in the brain is an important determinant of gender development and improved reconstructive techniques have caused a shift in male gender assignments in patients with 46XY disorders of sex development. We report long-term outcome data on psychosexual development and sexual function of these individuals in a cross-sectional study. Materials and Methods: Physical status of 14 men with a mean age of 25 years with disorders of sex development was assessed by structured interview and physical examination. Psychosexual outcome was evaluated by questionnaires and compared to a control group of 46 healthy, age matched men. Results: A total of 13 men underwent 1 to 6 (mean 2) genital surgeries. Mean age at first surgery was 2.7 years. Mean penile length was 6.6 cm. All men reported erections and were able to experience orgasms. Ejaculatory dysfunction was reported by 7 men. Mean penile length was 7.9 cm in patients who were able to achieve penetrative intercourse and 4.9 cm in those who were not. Meatus was glanular in 5 patients, coronal in 7 and at the distal shaft in 1. Compared to controls, men with disorders of sex development were less satisfied with the appearance of the penis and scrotum but not with total body image. These patients reported decreased sexual desire and activities. Conclusions: Outcome in this group of men with disorders of sex development was poor regarding penile length, ejaculation, satisfaction with external genitalia and frequency of sexual activity. Other aspects, such as overall body image and psychosexual functioning, showed no difference from controls