149 research outputs found

    Owners' perceptions do not match actual ground-dwelling invertebrate diversity in their gardens

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    Urban gardens are important for human well-being, biodiversity and other ecosystem functions. Biodiversity-promoting initiatives would benefit from their owners being aware of the state of biodiversity in their gardens. We examined whether garden owners' perceptions match actual biodiversity in their gardens and whether perceptions are influenced by the owners' ecological knowledge. We used a structured interview to assess the motivations and biodiversity knowledge of owners of 33 domestic gardens in the city of Basel (Switzerland) and related them to a survey of native plants and several groups of ground-dwelling invertebrates in their gardens. Owners showed different priorities, with promotion of habitat for biodiversity, receiving, on average, higher scores than cultivation, recreation and garden designing. Owners prioritizing biodiversity promotion had gardens with high habitat richness. The garden owners' perceptions of both native plant and overall invertebrate diversity were not correlated with actual diversity data for native plants and ground-dwelling invertebrates. The perceptions of the abundance of invertebrate groups by garden owners with good biodiversity knowledge were not more accurate than those from owners with less knowledge. Despite their willingness, many owners do not know all the opportunities to promote biodiversity. Initiatives to further biodiversity-friendly gardening should thus transfer knowledge

    Ein neues EEM-zeitliches Umweltarchiv am Spiezberg (Schweizer Alpen) im Kontext der mittel- und spätpleistozänen Landschaftsentwicklung

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    Karten- und Profilkonstruktionen in der Region Thunersee (Berner Oberland, Schweiz) haben in vergangenen Untersuchungen zu Spekulationen über unterschiedliche, mehrphasige eiszeitliche Erosionsvorgänge und Sedimentakkumulationen geführt. Wissenschaftshistorisch nachweisbar sind bereits im 19. Jahrhundert Erklärungsmodelle mit mehreren quartären Eiszeiten. Bereits zu Beginn des barocken 18. Jahrhunderts besuchte und beschrieb Johann Jakob Scheuchzer die «sintflutlich» überschotterten Schieferkohlen entlang des damaligen Kanderlaufes und den im Bau befindlichen Kanderdurchstich durch die Strättligmoräne. Bei diesen Schieferkohlen handelt es sich um organische Sedimente aus Seen, Teichen und Mooren, die im Verlauf des 20. Jahrhunderts quartären Interglazialen und/oder Interstadialen zugeordnet wurden. Am Spiezberg über dem linken Thunerseeufer wurde 2005 zur geotechnischen Baugrunderkundung eine Sondierbohrung abgeteuft. Unerwartet erschloss diese 7 m mächtige intramoräne Stillwassersedimente (laminierte Silte und Tone mit eingelagerter Gyttja und fossilen Holzresten), welche sich ausgezeichnet für stratigraphische Studien eigneten. Die vorliegenden Analysen (Sedimentologie, Palynologie, 14C-Datierung, Paläogeographie) führen zu folgenden Erkenntnissen: Bei den See- oder Teichsedimenten handelt es sich um warmzeitliche Ablagerungen, die wir als Arbeitshypothese vorerst dem Eem-Interglazial zugeordnet haben. Die Stillwasserablagerungen sind in kaltzeitliche Flussschotter und Moränen eingebettet. Paläogeographische Korrelationen mit bereits bekannten mittel- bis spätpleistozänen glazigenen Sedimenten aus der Region Thunersee – Aaretal erlauben eine räumliche Rekonstruktion einerseits der Eem-Gewässer und andererseits der nachfolgenden Frühwürm Vorstossschotter.Map and profile constructions in the region Lake Thun (Bernese Oberland, Switzerland) lead to speculations of different glacial erosions (extensive gravel during glacial advance, dynamic erosion during ablation) in early studies. Historically explanatory models operating with several ice ages are proven back to the 19th century. At the beginning of the baroque 18th century, Johann Jakob Scheuchzer mislead himself to «diluvial» speculations based on his precise observations about «schist coals» covered by gravel layers studied during the construction work for the Kander river deviation. This «shist coals» consist of organic sediments from lakes and mires and were attributed to Quaternary interglacials or interstadials during the 20th century. In 2005, at Spiezberg, above the left shoreline of Lake Thun, an exploration drilling was conducted for an excavation pit. As a result, 7 m thick intermoraine still water sediments (laminated silt and clay with gyttja and fossil wood residues) were unexpectedly found. This sediment profile has been ideally suited for stratigraphical studies. The presented analyses (sedimentology, palynology, radiocarbon dating, paleogeography) lead to the following results: The lake or pond sediments, respectively, are interglacial deposits, which, geo- and biostratigraphically, we assign to the Eemian interglacial. These still water deposits are intercalated between coarse river deposits and glacial till. Paleogeographical correlations with pre-identified sediments from the middle to upper Pleistocene of the region Lake Thun – Aare Valley allow a spatial reconstruction of the Eemian-water bodies and the following early Würm glacial advance gravels

    Der nacheiszeitliche Bergsturz im Kandertal (Schweiz): Alter und Auswirkungen auf die damalige Umwelt

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    Zusammenfassung.: Beim Bau des neuen AlpTransit Lötschberg Basistunnels wurden unter murgangartig verschwemmten Ablagerungen der alten Bergsturzmasse des Kandertals Stillwasserablagerungen mit zahlreichen organischen Resten und Torflagen gefunden. Die 14C-datierten Resultate der Pollen, Makrorest-, Holz- und Holzkohleanalysen ermöglichten eine Rekonstruktion der lokalen bis regionalen Umweltgeschichte. Ein Gewässer, vermutlich ein kleiner See, begann beim Tellenfeld in Frutigen um 8800 kal. Jahre v. Chr. zu verlanden. In der näheren Umgebung wuchs von 8800 v. Chr. bis 8000 v. Chr. ein Föhrenwald (Pinus silvestris), der reichlich mit Hasel (Corylus avellana) und anderen wärmeliebenden Gehölzen (Ulmen, Linden, Eichen; Ulmus, Tilia, Quercus) und Birken (Betula) durchsetzt war. Diese für die Nordalpen sehr frühe Bedeutung der Hasel ist durch 14C-datierte Corylus-Nussfragmente (9310±50 14C BP, 8722-8337 v. Chr.) belegt. Nach 8500 v. Chr. drängte die Hasel die Waldföhre allmählich zurück. Auf Grund der paläoökologischen Resultate muss angenommen werden, dass die Wälder um 7600 v. Chr. durch ein katastrophales Ereignis stark gestört wurden. Als Reaktion darauf kam es zu einer starken Zunahme der Waldbrände und es breiteten sich zuerst Farne und Gräser sowie wenig später Waldföhren aus. Das Gewässer wurde um 7100 v. Chr. durch verschwemmtes Bergsturzmaterial zerstört. Der geomorphologische Befund deutet darauf hin, dass diese Ereignisse in engem Zusammenhang mit dem Hauptbergsturz im Kandertal stehen, der aussergewöhnliche Ausmasse hatte (ca. 800 Millionen m3). Die Zerstörung der lokalen ökosysteme als Folge des Bergsturzes um 7600-7100 v. Chr. fiel in ein frühes holozänes Wärme- und Sonneneinstrahlungsmaximum, in dem es, wie vorgängige Untersuchungen in den Alpen und in anderen Gebirgen belegen, zu überdurchschnittlich vielen Hanginstabilitäten ka

    Functional diversity and habitat preferences of native grassland plants and ground-dwelling invertebrates in private gardens along an urbanization gradient

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    Urbanization is occurring around the globe, changing environmental conditions and influencing biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Urban domestic gardens represent a small-grained mosaic of diverse habitats for numerous species. The challenging conditions in urban gardens support species possessing certain traits, and exclude other species. Functional diversity is therefore often altered in urban gardens. By using a multi-taxa approach focused on native grassland plants and ground-dwelling invertebrates with overall low mobility (snails, slugs, spiders, millipedes, woodlice, ants, rove beetles), we examined the effects of urbanization (distance to city center, percentage of sealed area) and garden characteristics on functional dispersion, functional evenness, habitat preferences and body size. We conducted a field survey in 35 domestic gardens along a rural-urban gradient in Basel, Switzerland. The various groups showed different responses to urbanization. Functional dispersion of native grassland plants decreased with increasing distance to the city center, while functional dispersion of ants decreased with increasing percentage of sealed area. Functional evenness of ants increased with increasing distance to the city center and that of rove beetles decreased with increasing percentage of sealed area. Contrary to our expectation, in rove beetles, the proportion of generalists decreased with increasing percentage of sealed area in the surroundings, and the proportion of species preferring dry conditions increased with increasing distance to the city center. Body size of species increased with distance to city center for slugs, spiders, millipedes, ants, and rove beetles. Local garden characteristics had few effects on functional diversity and habitat preferences of the groups examined. Our study supports the importance of using multi-taxa approaches when examining effects of environmental change on biodiversity. Considering only a single group may result in misleading findings for overall biodiversity. The ground-dwelling invertebrates investigated may be affected in different ways from the more often-studied flying pollinators or birds

    Most published meta-regression analyses based on aggregate data suffer from methodological pitfalls: a meta-epidemiological study.

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    BACKGROUND Due to clinical and methodological diversity, clinical studies included in meta-analyses often differ in ways that lead to differences in treatment effects across studies. Meta-regression analysis is generally recommended to explore associations between study-level characteristics and treatment effect, however, three key pitfalls of meta-regression may lead to invalid conclusions. Our aims were to determine the frequency of these three pitfalls of meta-regression analyses, examine characteristics associated with the occurrence of these pitfalls, and explore changes between 2002 and 2012. METHODS A meta-epidemiological study of studies including aggregate data meta-regression analysis in the years 2002 and 2012. We assessed the prevalence of meta-regression analyses with at least 1 of 3 pitfalls: ecological fallacy, overfitting, and inappropriate methods to regress treatment effects against the risk of the analysed outcome. We used logistic regression to investigate study characteristics associated with pitfalls and examined differences between 2002 and 2012. RESULTS Our search yielded 580 studies with meta-analyses, of which 81 included meta-regression analyses with aggregated data. 57 meta-regression analyses were found to contain at least one pitfall (70%): 53 were susceptible to ecological fallacy (65%), 14 had a risk of overfitting (17%), and 5 inappropriately regressed treatment effects against the risk of the analysed outcome (6%). We found no difference in the prevalence of meta-regression analyses with methodological pitfalls between 2002 and 2012, nor any study-level characteristic that was clearly associated with the occurrence of any of the pitfalls. CONCLUSION The majority of meta-regression analyses based on aggregate data contain methodological pitfalls that may result in misleading findings

    N-methyl pyrrolidone as a potent bone morphogenetic protein enhancer for bone tissue regeneration

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    In medicine N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) has a long track record as constituent in FDA approved medical devices and thus can be considered as safe and biological inactive small chemical. In the present study we report on the newly discovered pharmaceutical properties of NMP as it enhances bone regeneration in a rabbit calvarial defect model in vivo. At the cellular level, the pharmaceutical effect of NMP was confirmed, in particular, in combination with BMP-2, as NMP increased early and late markers for maturation of preosteoblasts and human bone marrow derived stem cells in vitro. When we used the multipotent cell line C2C12 lacking autologous BMP expression, NMP alone had no effect on alkaline phosphatase activity, a marker for osteogenic transdifferentiation. Nevertheless, in combination with low BMP-2-doses alkaline phosphatase activity was increased more than 8 fold. Thus, the pharmaceutical NMP mode of action is that of an enhancer of BMP activity. The dependency of the effects of NMP on BMP was confirmed in preosteoblasts as noggin, an extracellular BMP-inhibitor, suppressed NMP-induced increase in early markers for osteoblast maturation in vitro. At the molecular level, NMP was shown to have no effect on the binding of BMP-2 to the ectodomain of the high affinity BMP receptor IA. However, NMP further increased the phosphorylation of p38 and Smad1,5,8 induced by BMP-2. Thus, the small chemical NMP enhances BMP activity by increasing the kinase activity of the BMP receptor complex for Smad1,5,8 and p38 and could be employed as a potent drug for bone tissue regeneration and engineering

    Use of Genetic Stock Identification Data for Comparison of the Ocean Spatial Distribution, Size at Age, and Fishery Exposure of an Untagged Stock and Its Indicator: California Coastal versus Klamath River Chinook Salmon

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    Managing weak stocks in mixed-stock fisheries often relies on proxies derived from data-rich indicator stocks. For example, full cohort reconstruction of tagged Klamath River fall run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) of northern California, USA, enables the use of detailed models to inform management. Information gained from this stock is also used in the management of the untagged, threatened California Coastal Chinook (CCC) salmon stock, by capping Klamath harvest rates. To evaluate use of this proxy, we used genetic stock identification (GSI) data to compare the two stocks\u27 size-at-age and ocean distribution, two key factors influencing fishery exposure. We developed methods to account for both sampling and genetic assignment uncertainty in catch estimates. We found that, in 2010, the stocks were similar in size-at-age early in the year (age-3 and age-4), but CCC fish were larger later in the year. The stocks appeared similarly distributed early in the year (2010), but more concentrated near their respective source rivers later in the year (2010 and 2011). If these results are representative, relative fishery impacts on the two stocks might scale similarly early in the year but management changes later in the year might have differing impacts on the two stocks

    No need for secondary Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia prophylaxis in adult people living with HIV from Europe on ART with suppressed viraemia and a CD4 cell count greater than 100 cells/µL

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    Introduction: Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic in resource-rich countries, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PjP) is one of the most frequent opportunistic AIDS-defining infections. The Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE) has shown that primary Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia (PjP) prophylaxis can be safely withdrawn in patients with CD4 counts of 100 to 200 cells/µL if plasma HIV-RNA is suppressed on combination antiretroviral therapy. Whether this holds true for secondary prophylaxis is not known, and this has proved difficult to determine due to the much lower population at risk. Methods: We estimated the incidence of secondary PjP by including patient data collected from 1998 to 2015 from the COHERE cohort collaboration according to time-updated CD4 counts, HIV-RNA and use of PjP prophylaxis in persons >16 years of age. We fitted a Poisson generalized additive model in which the smoothed effect of CD4 was modelled by a restricted cubic spline, and HIV-RNA was stratified as low (10,000copies/mL). Results: There were 373 recurrences of PjP during 74,295 person-years (py) in 10,476 patients. The PjP incidence in the different plasma HIV-RNA strata differed significantly and was lowest in the low stratum. For patients off prophylaxis with CD4 counts between 100 and 200 cells/µL and HIV-RNA below 400 copies/mL, the incidence of recurrent PjP was 3.9 (95% CI: 2.0 to 5.8) per 1000 py, not significantly different from patients on prophylaxis in the same stratum (1.9, 95% CI: 0.1 to 3.7). Conclusions: HIV viraemia importantly affects the risk of recurrent PjP. In virologically suppressed patients on ART with CD4 counts of 100 to 200/µL, the incidence of PjP off prophylaxis is below 10/1000 py. Secondary PjP prophylaxis may be safely withheld in such patients. While European guidelines recommend discontinuing secondary PjP prophylaxis only if CD4 counts rise above 200 cells/mL, the latest US Guidelines consider secondary prophylaxis discontinuation even in patients with a CD4 count above 100 cells/µL and suppressed viral load. Our results strengthen and support this US recommendation. Keywords: opportunistic infections; Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia; prophylaxi
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