1,874 research outputs found

    Parallel computations

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    An HI survey of the Centaurus and Sculptor Groups - Constraints on the space density of low mass galaxies

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    We present results of two 21-cm HI surveys performed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array in the nearby Centaurus A and Sculptor galaxy groups. These surveys are sensitive to compact HI clouds and galaxies with HI masses as low as 3E+06 Msun, and are therefore among the most sensitive extragalactic HI surveys to date. The surveys consist of sparsely spaced pointings that sample approximately 2% of the groups' area on the sky. We detected previously known group members, but we found no new HI clouds or galaxies down to the sensitivity limit of the surveys. If the HI mass function had a faint end slope of alpha = 1.5 below M_{HI} = 10^{7.5} Msun in these groups, we would have expected ~3 new objects. Cold dark matter theories of galaxy formation predict the existence of a large number low mass DM sub-halos that might appear as tiny satellites in galaxy groups. Our results support and extend similar conclusions derived from previous HI surveys that a HI rich population of these satellites does not exist.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    A taxonomy of sublinear multiple keyword pattern matching algorithms

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    AbstractThis article presents a taxonomy of sublinear keyword pattern matching algorithms related to the Boyer-Moore algorithm [3] and the Commentz-Walter algorithm [5, 6]. The taxonomy includes, amongst others, the multiple keyword generalization of the single keyword Boyer-Moore algorithm and an algorithm by Fan and Su [9, 10]. The corresponding precomputation algorithms are presented as well. The taxonomy is based on the idea of ordering algorithms according to their essential problem and algorithm details, and deriving all algorithms from a common starting point by successively adding these details in a correctness preserving way. This way of presentation not only provides a complete correctness argument of each algorithm, but also makes very clear what algorithms have in common (the details of their nearest common ancestor) and where they differ (the details added after their nearest common ancestor). Introduction of the notion of safe shift distances proves to be essential in the derivation and classification of the algorithms. Moreover, the article provides a common derivation for and a uniform presentation of the precomputation algorithms, not yet found in the literature

    A taxonomy of keyword pattern matching algorithms

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    The curious case of J113924.74+164144.0: a possible new group of galaxies at z = 0.0693

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    J113924.74+164144.0 is an interesting galaxy at z = 0.0693, i.e. D_L ~ 305 Mpc, with tidal-tail-like extended optical features on both sides. There are two neighbouring galaxies, a spiral galaxy J113922.85+164136.3 which has a strikingly similar 'tidal' morphology, and a faint galaxy J113923.58+164129.9. We report HI 21 cm observations of this field to search for signatures of possible interaction. Narrow HI emission is detected from J113924.74+164144.0, but J113922.85+164136.3 shows no detectable emission. The total HI mass detected in J113924.74+164144.0 is 7.7 x 10^9 M_solar. The HI emission from the galaxy is found to be extended and significantly offset from the optical position of the galaxy. We interpret this as signature of possible interaction with the neighbouring spiral galaxy. There is also a possible detection of HI emission from another nearby galaxy J113952.31+164531.8 at z = 0.0680 at a projected distance of 600 kpc, and with a total HI mass of 5.3 x 10^9 M_solar, suggesting that all these galaxies form a loose group at z ~ 0.069.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. The definitive version will be available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com

    The link between Somalian Plate rotation and the East African Rift System: an analogue modelling study

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    The East African Rift System (EARS) represents a major tectonic feature that splits the African continent between the Nubian Plate situated to the west and the Somalian Plate to the east. The EARS comprises various rift segments and microplates and represents a key location for studying rift evolution. Researchers have proposed various scenarios for the evolution of the EARS, but the impact of continent-scale rotational rifting, linked to the rotation of the Somalian Plate, has received only limited attention. In this study we apply analogue models to explore the dynamic evolution of the EARS within its broader rotational-rifting framework. Our models show that rotational rifting leads to the lateral propagation of deformation towards the rotation axis, which reflects the general southward propagation of the EARS. However, we must distinguish between the propagation of distributed deformation, which can move very rapidly, and localized deformation, which can significantly lag behind the former. The various structural-weakness arrangements in our models (simulating the pre-existing lithospheric heterogeneities that localize rifting along the EARS) lead to a variety of structures. Laterally overlapping weaknesses are required for localizing parallel rift basins to create rift pass structures, leading to the rotation and segregation of microplates such as the Victoria Plate in the EARS, as well as to the simultaneous north- and southward propagation of the adjacent Western Rift. Additional model observations concern the development of early pairs of rift-bounding faults flanking the rift basins, followed by the localization of deformation along the axes of the most developed rift basins. Furthermore, the orientation of rift segments with respect to the regional (rotational) plate divergence affects deformation along these segments: oblique rift segments are less wide due to a strike-slip deformation component. Overall, our model results generally fit the large-scale present-day features of the EARS, with implications for general rift development and for the segregation and rotation of the Victoria Plate.</p

    Exploring the causes of adverse events in hospitals and potential prevention strategies

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    Objectives To examine the causes of adverse events (AEs) and potential prevention strategies to minimise the occurrence of AEs in hospitalised patients. Methods For the 744 AEs identified in the patient record review study in 21 Dutch hospitals, trained reviewers were asked to select all causal factors that contributed to the AE. The results were analysed together with data on preventability and consequences of AEs. In addition, the reviewers selected one or more prevention strategies for each preventable AE. The recommended prevention strategies were analysed together with four general causal categories: technical, human, organisational and patient-related factors. Results Human causes were predominantly involved in the causation of AEs (in 61% of the AEs), 61% of those being preventable and 13% leading to permanent disability. In 39% of the AEs, patient-related factors were involved, in 14% organisational factors and in 4% technical factors. Organisational causes contributed relatively often to preventable AEs (93%) and AEs resulting in permanent disability (20%). Recommended strategies to prevent AEs were quality assurance/peer review, evaluation of safety behaviour, training and procedures. For the AEs with human and patient-related causes, reviewers predominantly recommended quality assurance/peer review. AEs caused by organisational factors were considered preventable by improving procedures. Discussion Healthcare interventions directed at human causes are recommended because these play a large role in AE causation. In addition, it seems worthwhile to direct interventions on organisational causes because the AEs they cause are nearly always believed to be preventable. Organisational factors are thus relatively easy to tackle. Future research designs should allow researchers to interview healthcare providers that were involved in the event, as an additional source of information on contributing factors.

    The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: VIII. HI Source Catalog of the Anti-Virgo Region at dec = +25 deg

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    We present a fourth catalog of HI sources from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) Survey. We report 541 detections over 136 deg2, within the region of the sky having 22h < R.A. < 03h and 24 deg < Dec. < 26 deg . This complements a previous catalog in the region 26 deg < Dec. < 28 deg (Saintonge et al. 2008). We present here the detections falling into three classes: (a) extragalactic sources with S/N > 6.5, where the reliability of the catalog is better than 95%; (b) extragalactic sources 5.0 < S/N < 6.5 and a previously measured optical redshift that corroborates our detection; or (c) High Velocity Clouds (HVCs), or subcomponents of such clouds, in the periphery of the Milky Way. Of the 541 objects presented here, 90 are associated with High Velocity Clouds, while the remaining 451 are identified as extragalactic objects. Optical counterparts have been matched with all but one of the extragalactic objects.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie