40 research outputs found

    Coping Strategies for Youth Suffering from Online Interpersonal Rejection

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    The Internet and social media have rapidly changed our lives, and are profoundly affecting the social lives of adolescents, expanding and enriching their communication options. At the same time, they often operate as a platform that amplifies the real-world phenomenon of interpersonal rejection – a harsh and excruciating experience. In this study, we will examine, youth\u27s coping methods with online social rejection from a psycho-social perspective. To achieve this objective, a data-based heuristic model was developed, based on in-depth interviews with 19 adolescents from Israel who experienced online rejection. The findings show several coping strategies ranging from adaptive to maladaptive online and offline used interchangeably

    Microstructural Evolution of Cr-Rich ODS Steels as a Function of Heat Treatment at 475°C

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    In the current research, the effect of heat treatment on the morphology of the dispersoids and their phase composition were investigated in three Cr-rich ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels: PM2000, MA956, and ODM751. The steels were aged at 475°C for times ranging from 100 to 1,000 h. The microstructure was characterized using transmission electron microscopy. Study of the as-recrystallized samples revealed nano-scale Y–Al–O complex-oxide particles dispersed in the ferritic matrix. These dispersoids, which differ in size (10–160 nm) and geometry (polygonal and spherical), were identified as Y4Al2O9, YAlO3, and Y3Al5O12. After heat treatment, a significant change in the morphology, size, and distribution of the dispersoids was observed. Changes in the phase composition of the oxide dispersoids were also observed: YAlO3 (with perovskite structure) was identified as the most dominant phase, indicating that it is probably the most stable phase in the Cr-rich ferritic ODS steels.JRC.F.4-Nuclear Reactor Integrity Assessment and Knowledge Managemen

    One-Loop Corrections to Two-Quark Three-Gluon Amplitudes

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    We present the one-loop QCD amplitudes for two external massless quarks and three external gluons (qˉqggg\bar{q}qggg). This completes the set of one-loop amplitudes needed for the next-to-leading-order corrections to three-jet production at hadron colliders. We also discuss how to use group theory and supersymmetry to minimize the amount of calculation required for the more general case of one-loop two-quark nn-gluon amplitudes. We use collinear limits to provide a stringent check on the amplitudes.Comment: plain Tex, 46 pages with 13 figures in a uuencoded file, corrected case j=1 of eq. (IV.7), and signs in eq. (4.9

    Two-Loop g -> gg Splitting Amplitudes in QCD

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    Splitting amplitudes are universal functions governing the collinear behavior of scattering amplitudes for massless particles. We compute the two-loop g -> gg splitting amplitudes in QCD, N=1, and N=4 super-Yang-Mills theories, which describe the limits of two-loop n-point amplitudes where two gluon momenta become parallel. They also represent an ingredient in a direct x-space computation of DGLAP evolution kernels at next-to-next-to-leading order. To obtain the splitting amplitudes, we use the unitarity sewing method. In contrast to the usual light-cone gauge treatment, our calculation does not rely on the principal-value or Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescriptions, even though the loop integrals contain some of the denominators typically encountered in light-cone gauge. We reduce the integrals to a set of 13 master integrals using integration-by-parts and Lorentz invariance identities. The master integrals are computed with the aid of differential equations in the splitting momentum fraction z. The epsilon-poles of the splitting amplitudes are consistent with a formula due to Catani for the infrared singularities of two-loop scattering amplitudes. This consistency essentially provides an inductive proof of Catani's formula, as well as an ansatz for previously-unknown 1/epsilon pole terms having non-trivial color structure. Finite terms in the splitting amplitudes determine the collinear behavior of finite remainders in this formula.Comment: 100 pages, 33 figures. Added remarks about leading-transcendentality argument of hep-th/0404092, and additional explanation of cut-reconstruction uniquenes

    One-Loop n-Point Gauge Theory Amplitudes, Unitarity and Collinear Limits

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    We present a technique which utilizes unitarity and collinear limits to construct ansatze for one-loop amplitudes in gauge theory. As an example, we obtain the one-loop contribution to amplitudes for nn gluon scattering in N=4N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with the helicity configuration of the Parke-Taylor tree amplitudes. We prove that our N=4N=4 ansatz is correct using general properties of the relevant one-loop nn-point integrals. We also give the ``splitting amplitudes'' which govern the collinear behavior of one-loop helicity amplitudes in gauge theories.Comment: 52 pages (including figures), minor typographical errors corrected, SLAC-PUB-641

    One-Loop Amplitudes for e^+ e^- to Four Partons

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    We present the first explicit formulae for the complete set of one-loop helicity amplitudes necessary for computing next-to-leading order corrections for e^+ e^- annihilation into four jets, for W, Z or Drell-Yan production in association with two jets at hadron colliders, and for three-jet production in deeply inelastic scattering experiments. We include a simpler form of the previously published amplitudes for e^+ e^- to four quarks. We obtain the amplitudes using their analytic properties to constrain their form. Systematically eliminating spurious poles from the amplitudes leads to relatively compact results.Comment: Tex, 82 pages, Maple and Mathematica files containing the amplitudes are available from the author

    Listeria monocytogenes Infection in Israel and Review of Cases Worldwide

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    Listeria monocytogenes, an uncommon foodborne pathogen, is increasingly recognized as a cause of life-threatening disease. A marked increase in reported cases of listeriosis during 1998 motivated a retrospective nationwide survey of the infection in Israel. From 1995 to 1999, 161 cases were identified; 70 (43%) were perinatal infections, with a fetal mortality rate of 45%. Most (74%) of the 91 nonperinatal infections involved immunocompromised patients with malignancies, chronic liver disease, chronic renal failure, or diabetes mellitus. The common clinical syndromes in these patients were primary bacteremia (47%) and meningitis (28%). The crude case-fatality rate in this group was 38%, with a higher death rate in immunocompromised patients