79 research outputs found

    Female soccer in the Beijing olympic games

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    NesteAs relações de gênero hierarquizam homens e mulheres em diversas áreas, sendo uma delas o futebol. Este trabalho analisou as reportagens do caderno Pequim 2008 do jornal Folha de São Paulo para identificar o espaço destinado para as reportagens do futebol feminino e masculino, e avaliar qualitativamente o que é informado aos seus leitores. O resultado mostra que a porcentagem de palavras destinada as mulheres foi maior do que em outras pesquisas e a área das fotos foi similar entre os sexos, mas isso só ocorreu devido a influência do evento. As notícias permitiram uma análise da mulher no futebol: as entidades perpetuam a diferença hierárquica entre os sexos ao não dar suporte a elas; o levantamento de questões ligadas a estética aponta porque essas atletas não são erotizadas pela mídia como em outras modalidades; pelo futebol ser visto como espaço masculino a mídia exigiu melhores resultados dos homens.Gender relations put men and women in different areas of the hierarchy, for instance in the case of soccer. This work analyzed the news articles from the Beijing 2008 section of the Newspaper Folha de São Paulo to identify the space attributed to news articles about female and male soccer, and to qualitatively evaluate what is said to its readers. The result shows that the percentage of words addressing women was higher compared to other surveys and the area for pictures was similar for both genders, however this only happened on account of the influence of the event. The news allowed for an analysis of women in soccer: the entities that perpetuate the hierarchical difference between the genders when they don't support them; the raising of issues regarding aesthetics which explains why these athletes are not erotized by the media as is the case in other modalities; as soccer is considered to be a male area the media demanded better results from the men

    Allergenic Lipid Transfer Proteins from Plant-Derived Foods Do Not Immunologically and Clinically Behave Homogeneously: The Kiwifruit LTP as a Model

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    BACKGROUND: Food allergy is increasingly common worldwide. Tools for allergy diagnosis measuring IgE improved much since allergenic molecules and microarrays started to be used. IgE response toward allergens belonging to the same group of molecules has not been comprehensively explored using such approach yet. OBJECTIVE: Using the model of lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) from plants as allergens, including two new structures, we sought to define how heterogeneous is the behavior of homologous proteins. METHODS: Two new allergenic LTPs, Act d 10 and Act c 10, have been identified in green (Actinidia deliciosa) and gold (Actinidia chinensis) kiwifruit (KF), respectively, using clinically characterized allergic patients, and their biochemical features comparatively evaluated by means of amino acid sequence alignments. Along with other five LTPs from peach, mulberry, hazelnut, peanut, mugwort, KF LTPs, preliminary tested positive for IgE, have been immobilized on a microarray, used for IgE testing 1,003 allergic subjects. Comparative analysis has been carried out. RESULTS: Alignment of Act d 10 primary structure with the other allergenic LTPs shows amino acid identities to be in a narrow range between 40 and 55%, with a number of substitutions making the sequences quite different from each other. Although peach LTP dominates the IgE immune response in terms of prevalence, epitope recognition driven by sequence heterogeneity has been recorded to be distributed in a wide range of behaviors. KF LTPs IgE positive results were obtained in a patient subset IgE positive for the peach LTP. Anyhow, the negative results on homologous molecules allowed us to reintroduce KF in patients' diet. CONCLUSION: The biochemical nature of allergenic molecule belonging to a group of homologous ones should not be taken as proof of immunological recognition as well. The availability of panels of homologous molecules to be tested using microarrays is valuable to address the therapeutic intervention

    Building Corporate Brand : Aufbau einer Unternehmensmarke im Nonprofit-Sektor am Beispiel des Landestierschutzvereins Kärnten

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    Alexander ZussiKlagenfurt, Alpen-Adria-Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 2010KB2010 07(VLID)241116

    The effect of brand names on sensory evaluation of durum pasta with Slovenian consumers

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    Za konkurenčnost podjetja na trgu je potrebno stalno spremljanje trendov v prehrani ter želje in potrebe potrošnikov. Vedenje potrošnikov in nakupna izbira predstavljata kompleksen splet vpliva kulturnih, socialnih, osebnostnih in psiholoških dejavnikov. Senzorične lastnosti izdelka so temelj potrošnikove ponovne izbire določenega izdelka in lojalnosti pri nakupu, vendar imajo velik vpliv tudi ekstrinzični dejavniki, od katerih je nepomembnejša blagovna znamka. V nalogi smo preučevali vpliv blagovne znamke testenin pri slovenskih potrošnikih. Ocenjevanje je bilo sestavljeno iz pričakovane kakovosti, slepega in informiranega senzoričnega ocenjevanja, vključen je bil tudi anketni vprašalnik o potrošnih in nakupovalnih navadah, ter sociodemografskih podatkih. S pomočjo statističnih analiz smo prišli do sklepov, da vpliv blagovne znamke na senzorično oceno testenin pri slovenskih potrošnikih obstaja pri petih od šestih vzorcev. Pri štirih od petih vzorcev je opaziti negativen vpliv, en vzorec pa kaže pozitiven vpliv ob poznavanju blagovne znamke. Preučevali smo tudi vpliv sociodemografskih podatkov na pogostost uporabe, pri katerih nismo našli statistično značilnih povezav, razen pri številu članov gospodinjstva. Anketiranci menijo, da so razlike v kakovosti med različnimi proizvajalci testenin večje, kot razlike med proizvajalčevo in trgovsko blagovno znamko, kar nakazuje na veliko zaupanje v trgovske blagovne znamke pri slovenskih potrošnikih.There is a great importance of following trends in food nutrition and listening to the wishes and needs of consumers. Consumer behaviour and purchase choice is a complex mix of cultural, social, personal and psychological factors. Sensory characteristics of a product are fundamental reasons for the choice and loyalty of product purchase, but there is also a great influence of extrinsic characteristics, of which the most important is a brand name. In this thesis, we studied the effect of brand names of pasta within Slovenian consumers. Evaluation consisted of expectation, blind and informed sensory evaluation and questionnaire about consuming and shopping habits and sociodemographic data. With statistical analysis, we concluded that there was a significant effect of brand name on the sensory score in five out of six samples. In four out of five samples, there was significant negative effect on knowing the brand name. Only one out of five samples showed positive effect of knowing the brand name. The effect of sociodemographic data on frequency of use of pasta was also studied. There was no significant difference between groups. Significance was shown only within number of family members. The consumers also think that there are bigger quality differences between different pasta manufacturers and smaller quality differences between the store brand and manufacturer brand. This shows the greater confidence in store brands within Slovenian consumer