173 research outputs found

    Multiple steady states on an adsorbent surface

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    The occurrence of multiple steady states in a system formed by monomers adsorbed on a lattice, with attractive interaction between nearest adatoms, is demonstrated. This fact causes hysteresis in the adsorption-desorption or desorption-readsorption processes. On the other hand, the coordination number of the adsorbent lattice and the corresponding degree of nonlinearity of the rate equation do not essentially influence the results obtained

    Kinetics of desorption from a heterogeneous surface

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    Mathematical equations governing kinetics of desorption from heterogeneous surfaces are derived from a master equation with the assumption that only nearest-neighbor adatoms interact. A number of cases are analyzed: random, periodical, and patchwise distributions of sites characterized by different activation energies. In general, the kinetic equations obtained must be solved numerically. We have performed numerical calculations for several specific cases and analyzed the influence exerted by heterogeneity and lateral interaction between adatoms on the desorption rate ds-dT. The results obtained make it clear that, due to lateral interaction, the desorption curves are very sensitive to the way in which heterogeneities are distributed on the surface (periodically, patches with different sizes, etc.)

    Mechanism of surface dehydration of anatase (TiO2)

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    A comparative study of the dehydration of the (001) and (111) surfaces of TiO2 (anatase) has been made starting from a master equation and introducing suitable transition probabilities. From the experimental data considered, relative to sample Degussa P25 of Munuera and co-workers, it is concluded that the (111) face is the most likely to be exposed. The detailed mechanism of dehydration is analyzed and an estimate of the values of activation energies and frequency factors is presented. This analysis makes it clear that the surface migration of protons plays an important role during the dehydration process. Also the influence on the degree of surface hydration, the dehydration rate, and the numbers of certain ionic groups on the surface exerted by the temperature rate in a linear heating program and by initial surface coverage are discussed

    Characterization of motivation and type of physical-sport practice in adults through COMPASS profiles

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    Physical Activity and Sport Practice (PASP) have grown in popularity in last years given its positive effects at physiological, social, cognitive and emotional level. Several researches have studied the main motivations involved in PASP using the Self-Determination Theory, highlighting the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic reasons. This descriptive and cross sectional study aims to establish the main motivations involved in physical activity and to identify its association with the sport profiles proposed by COMPASS project (2000). The research was conducted with a sample of 1002 adults (a 53% is female and a 47% is male) from Sevilla ( = 45.35 years old; SD = 17.96), using the C-PAFYD questionnaire with a reliability of α = .84. The results show that profile 1 (competitive and intensive) comprises intrinsic and extrinsic motivations such as hedonism, desire of competition and to achieve a sport career, while profile 2 is oriented towards least self-determined motivations as health improving. In addition, these participants do physical activity alone or with co-workers. The profiles 3 and 4 (regular and non-organized physical activity) are related to motivations of social and ludic type. In fact, this sport practice is mainly done with friends and peers in public places. Finally, profiles 5 and 6, which are associated with an irregular and occasional PASP, manifested extrinsic motivations such as disease preventio

    Marco conceptual y propuesta metodológica para el desarrollo de observatorios de sustentabilidad rural : ejemplo de caso el observatorio Jacobacci

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    El problema de la sustentabilidad rural, debido a su complejidad, y los diferentes valores y subjetividades que involucra, requiere de nuevos abordajes. Los Observatorios de Sustentabilidad Rural son concebidos como dispositivos para observar, obtener y procesar información de un territorio con posibles síndromes de sustentabilidad, cuya finalidad es ayudar a generar las acciones de respuesta a estos síndromes, a través de espacios participativos. Se presentan aportes para discutir el marco conceptual y la aproximación metodológica para el desarrollo de estos Observatorios. Por último se muestran adelantos generados en relación al desarrollo de uno de estos Observatorios en la región de Ingeniero Jacobacci (Provincia de Río Negro).Fil: Bran, Donaldo.Fil: Alderete Salas, Susana.Fil: Calcaterra, Carlos.Fil: Zurita, Juan José.Fil: Murillo, Natalia.Fil: Gaitán, Juan.Fil: Maceira, Néstor.Fil: Velasco, Virginia

    Modelo para desarrollo de sitios web de bibliotecas en la UNAM. El caso de la biblioteca Juan Comas del Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

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    As a result of an analysis made by the DGB-UNAM in 2012, it was found that most libraries comprising the Information System of this university (SIBIUNAM) did not have a website, or in your case, did not cover the minimum criteria of content, services and technical quality in its website. To resolve this problem, the DGB-UNAM developed a proposal based on the implementation of an Open Source software that incorporates a model of contents and tools according to the characteristics of the libraries of SIBIUNAM, whose implementation allows to develop a website in a simple way that includes resources and information useful for the community of users of each library. Therefore, this paper presents general aspects of the model for the development of websites, and the results of its implementation in the library Juan Comas of the Institute of Anthropological Research at the UNAM

    Modelo para desarrollo de sitios web de bibliotecas en la UNAM. El caso de la biblioteca Juan Comas del Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

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    As a result of an analysis made by the DGB-UNAM in 2012, it was found that most libraries comprising the Information System of this university (SIBIUNAM) did not have a website, or in your case, did not cover the minimum criteria of content, services and technical quality in its website. To resolve this problem, the DGB-UNAM developed a proposal based on the implementation of an Open Source software that incorporates a model of contents and tools according to the characteristics of the libraries of SIBIUNAM, whose implementation allows to develop a website in a simple way that includes resources and information useful for the community of users of each library. Therefore, this paper presents general aspects of the model for the development of websites, and the results of its implementation in the library Juan Comas of the Institute of Anthropological Research at the UNAM

    Dental Treatment in Patients With Cerebrl Palsy. Cases Reports

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    La parálisis cerebral infantil es un trastorno neuromotor permanente, no curable, no progresivo, afecta la deambulación y postura de la persona, compromete la audición, el lenguaje y exhibe discapacidad intelectual. Un equipo multidisciplinario debe enfrentar esta situación para mejorar el estilo de vida del individuo. El Odontopediatra guiará a familiares y cuidadores en la alimentación e higiene bucal del paciente; debido a que no puede realizar sus actividades por sí solo. En edad adulta seguirá bajo control bucal periódico con el odontólogo general. Así evitaremos tratamientos agresivos y complicados que requieren de sedación o anestesia general en quirófano, que conllevan gastos elevados para la familia. El objetivo es aplicar los procedimientos preventivos y curativos odontológicos, con ayuda del manejo conductual, en períodos cortos de trabajo seguidos de períodos de descanso largos reduciendo así el temor y la ansiedad del paciente evitando de tal manera tratamientos con anestesia general y en quirófano. El profesional con destreza y rapidez logrará su objetivo en un ambiente confortable y tranquilo. Se presentan 3 casos de personas con parálisis cerebral por asfixia durante el parto con más del 90% de discapacidad psicomotriz que requieren de profilaxis, eliminación de cálculo, operatoria dental y extracciones.Cerebral palsy is a permanent, non curable, non progressive neuromotor disorder that affects an individual’s mobility and posture, compromisos hearing and speech, and results in intelectual disability. A multidisciplinary team must address this condition to improve the individual’s quality of life. The pediatric dentist will guide family members and caregivers in the patient’s oral higiene and feeding because the patient cannot perform these activities independently. In adulthood, the patient will continue to receive regular dental check-ups with a general dentist, avoiding aggresive and complicated treatments that require sedation or general anesthesia in an operating room, wich can be costly for the family. The goa lis to apply preventive and restorative dental procedures with the help of behavioral management in short work periods followed by long rest periods, reducing the patient’s fear and anxiety and thereby avoiding treatments involving general anesthesia and the operation room. The skilled and efficient profesional will achieve their goal in a comfortable and calm environment. Three cases of individuals with cerebral palsy due to birth asphyxia, with over 90% psychomotor disability, are presented, requiring prophylaxis, calculus removal, restorative procedures and extractions

    A New HPLC-MS Method for Measuring Maslinic Acid and Oleanolic Acid in HT29 and HepG2 Human Cancer Cells

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    Maslinic acid (MA) and oleanolic acid (OA), the main triterpenic acids present in olive, have important properties for health and disease prevention. MA selectively inhibits cell proliferation of the HT29 human colon-cancer cell line by inducing selective apoptosis. For measuring the MA and OA concentration inside the cell and in the culture medium, a new HPLC-MS procedure has been developed. With this method, a determination of the amount of MA and OA incorporated into HT29 and HepG2 human cancer-cell lines incubated with different concentrations of MA corresponding to 50% growth inhibitory concentration (IC50), IC50/2, IC50/4, and IC50/8 has been made. The results demonstrate that this method is appropriate for determining the MA and OA concentration in different types of cultured cells and reveals the specific dynamics of entry of MA into HT29 and HepG2 cells.This work was supported by research grant BIO-157 and BIO-341 of the Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Junta de Andalucía, Spain

    Patient With Prader-Willi Syndrome and Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. Case Report

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    El síndrome de Prader Willi es una enfermedad genética, multi sistémica, compleja con discapacidad intelectual que altera la cotidianidad de la persona, quien requiere de mucho cuidado y acompañamiento personal. Se suma la presencia del síndrome de Bardet Biedl el cual contribuye con la gravedad de las manifestaciones clínicas. Centrándonos en el aspecto odontológico, el objetivo es describir las posibles manifestaciones orales presentes en estos síndromes, ya que no hay mucha información bucal para que el odontólogo pueda confrontar y aportar en el mejoramiento de la salud de la persona afectada. Para este fin, se realiza el examen intra y extra oral, se toman fotografías de los signos característicos de estos síndromes, se cuenta con la radiografía panorámica y semanalmente acude a consulta para realizarle profilaxis con curetas y enjuagatorios con clorhexidina para evitar formación de caries y que el periodonto permanezca sano. Debido a que sus piezas dentales no tienen un soporte óseo y periodontal adecuado, se está evitando la pérdida de piezas dentales con los controles y profilaxis semanales. De tal manera que mantenga su salud bucal el mayor tiempo posible, debido a que si pierde piezas dentales será muy complicado el rehabilitarla con cualquier tipo de prótesis.Prader-Willy síndrome is a genetic, multisystemic, complex disease with intelectual disability that disrupts the daily life of the affected individual, requiring significant personal care and support. The presence of Bardet-Biedl síndrome adds to the severity of clinical manifestations. Focusing on the dental aspect, the objective is to describe posible oral manifestations in these síndrome, as there is limited oral information available for dentists to address and contribute to the improvement of the affected person’s health. To achieve this, intra and extraoral examinations are conducted, photographs of characteristic signs of these síndrome are taken, panoramic X-rays are obtained, and the patient attends regular appointments for prophylaxis with scalers and rinses with chlorhexidine to prevent cavity formation and maintain healthly periodontal tissues. Due to the inadequate bone and periodontal support for their teeth, tooth loss is being avoided through weekly checks-ups and prophylaxus, aiming to maintain oral health for as long as posible, as dental rehabilitation with prosthetics would be challenging if teeth are lost