15 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Levinas’ Conception of Responsibility to Ethical Encounter Counselor-Counselee

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    In fact, humans have always been closely related to others. This relationship can be meant to encounter ethical counselor-counselee which is based on an attitude of responsibility. The concept of Levinas’s responsibility can be laid at the foundation for the ethical relationship of counselor-counselee to contribute and strengthen the concept of responsibility in the literature of guidance and counseling, as well as in counseling practices. Based on the literature review and critical analysis, we found the following results: 1) The helping profession is to be interpreted in the framework of thinking responsibility, and the responsibility of counselor-counselee should be able to be realized in concrete actions and patterned being-for so that it becomes I-for-You (asymmetrical), should not be reversed into a being-with so that it becomes You-to-I (reciprocity/mutuality); 2) Responsibility in the context of multicultural counseling is seen in phenomenological by pointing at reality in awareness counselor (intentionality); 3) Empathy as a major component of the counselor in the basic attitude of its existence takes responsibility for substitution (one-in-the-place-of-another). The responsibility of substitution is the unique and the total responsibility of the counselor-counselee; and 4) Reconciliation as the main goal of responsibility

    Pedagogi Shalom: Analisis Kristis Terhadap Pedagogi Kritis Henry A. Giroux dan Relevansinya Bagi Pendidikan Kristen di Indonesia

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    This paper is a critical analysis towardcritical pedagogy in education using the concept of the pedagogy of shalom. Critical analysis is undertakennot to imply that critical pedagogy as formulated by Giroux is a wrong conceptbut this paper aims to recover the fragility and refining that has not been perfect through the values of the divine pedagogy of shalom. Critical pedagogy and shalom pedagogy struggle to question and challenge the mindset and lifestyle underlying the pedagogy of neoliberal that emphasisses market fundamentalism and ultimately create oppression, social injustice and revokedemocracy. Based on this orientation, pedagogy of shalomis introduced to reinforce the foundations and basic theories of critical pedagogy so it doesnnot merely align to activism, withoutreconciliation and to avoid arrogant of social movements and the criticism to power but without theestablishmentof love. The main objective is to achieve social and political changes to thebetter so that public can live injust, free, prosperous and equitablesociety.This article further seeks possibility to apply the concept of the pedagogy of shalom in the context of Christian education in Indonesi


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    The aim of this research is to investigate the difference in the level of satisfaction of the counselee (victims) of cyber-bullying after receiving counseling services through face-to-face and cyber-counseling approaches. The research method uses Quasi-Experimental Non-equivalent Control Group Pretest/Posttest Design. Quantitative data obtained using Client Satisfaction Instrument (CSI) and the Revised Cyber-bullying Inventory (RCBI). Data is then analyzed using an independent t-test to see the difference in the satisfaction level of the counselee (victims) of cyber-bullying. Respondents research totaling 64 people involved and conducted in two study groups, the control group using face-to-face counseling (n=32) and group experiments using cyber-counseling (n=32). The results of the study have found that counseling services have been given to the counselee (victims) of cyber-bullying with the cyber-counseling approach shows higher satisfaction compared to a face-to-face approach.  Article visualizations

    Pola Asuh Autoritatif dan Jenis Kelamin sebagai Prediktor Big Five Personality Factors: Implikasinya Bagi Pelayanan Bimbingan dan Konseling

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    Abstract: The study aimed to determine the authoritative parenting; gender; gender and the influence of authoritative parenting significantly toward big five personality. This quantitative research with descriptive analysis techniques of Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) test involved 62 students of eleventh grade of Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Kupang as a respondent. Data collection technique used the scale instrument of Parental Authority Questionnaire and the International Personality Item Pool. The results showed that: (1) there was no significant influence of parental authority on the subjects’s big five personality, except extraversion; (2) there was no significant effect of gender on subjects’s big five personality; and (3) there was no significant effect of gender interaction and authoritative parenting on subject’s the big five personality.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gaya pola asuh autoritatif; jenis kelamin; dan interaksi jenis kelamin serta pengaruh gaya pola asuh ototitatif secara signifikan terhadap big five personality. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif uji MANCOVA ini melibatkan 62 siswa kelas XI Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Negeri 2 Kupang sebagai responden. Data dikumpulkan dengan instrumen skala Parental Authority Questionnaire dan International Personality Item Pool. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) tidak ada pengaruh signifikan pola asuh autoritatif orangtua terhadap big five personality subjek, kecuali extraversion; (2) tidak ada pengaruh signifikan jenis kelamin terhadap big five personality subjek; dan (3) tidak ada pengaruh signifikan interaksi jenis kelamin dan pola asuh autoritatif terhadap big five personality subjek.DOI: https://doi.org/10.17977/um001v3i42018p18


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    This study was aimed to analyze the text of Luke 10:25-37 using the methods of diacognitive analysis, thus discovering the principles of Jesus’ multicultural pedagogy that can be used as a tool to solve multicultural issues and complement Sundermeier's intercultural hermeneutics so as not to look brittle in its application. The result of the analysis of the Parable of the Good Samaritan suggests that there are five principles in Jesus’ multicultural pedagogy and at once as a contribution to Sundermeier' intercultural hermeneutic, namely: (1). Multicultural issues can only be resolved through the creation of dialogue by the teacher; (2) The teacher's position is decisive in solving multicultural problems; (3) The teacher must know the actual cognition object; (4) The teacher must have multicultural competence; and (5) the primary goal of multicultural pedagogy is reconciliation. Among these five principles, the third principle has the most essential role in its application because it emphasizes compassion. The presence of compassion in teacher' self will make the teacher has a strong desire to help others without considering the differences of ethnicity and religiosity, eliminating assumptions, paying attention to the welfare of others without being selfish, having feel-in and respect, willing to sacrifice both psychic and material to manifest life together (convivencia).

    Efikasi Akademik dan Prokrastinasi Akademik Sebagai Prediktor Prestasi Akademik

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between significance or know the academic efficacy and procrastination academic with achievement students academic of project study guidance and counseling, Teaching and Education Faculty University PGRI East Nusa Tenggara. The number of samples used in the study as much as 92 students drawn from population 1180 includes force 2009 as much as much as 102 students 2010 force 205 students, 2011 as much as 368 students, and force as many as 505 2012 student. The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique. Tool collecting data using a detailed questionnaire with Likert scale, which consists of a detailed questionnaire for academic procrastination and academic efficacy. While the achievement of student learning is measured based on the CPI. The analysis used in this study is the technique of correlation of Product Moment with the help of SPSS Version 18.0. The first hypothesis test results showed that the relationship between academic procrastination and academic achievement, known (r) correlation coefficient between academic procrastination and academic achievement of 0.015 with p 0.890 > 0.05 negative correlation, direction and with the guidelines of the wear level of significance of 5%, obtained p 0.890 > 0.0.5 then correlation between academic procrastination and academic achievement is declared not significant. The second hypothesis test results showed a relationship between academic efficacy with academic achievement, known coefficient of correlation (r) between academic efficacy and academic achievement -0.004 0.970 > with p 0.05, direction correlation negative and wear guidelines significance level 5%, obtained p 0.970 > 0.05 then correlation between academic efficacy with academic achievement is expressed is not significant. While the third hypothesis test results showed the absence of significant correlation between academic procrastination and academic efficacy simultaneously toward academic achievement with the retrieved R square (coefficient of determination) of 0000, and the coefficient correlation of 0.015 with 0.990 > p 0.05. Further, it is known from the Fcount of 0.010 of Ftable of 3.10, so that H0 is accepted and Ha was rejected


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    In the pedagogy of Pancasila-based State, the Church recognizes the existence and function of State as the instrument of God to prevent/punish evil and strive for justice of all people. Church and state relationships inherently contain potential conflicts. This is because both the Church and State have a thorough claim on human life, in the sense that all the facets of human life have a spiritual and political dimension. The tension of the relationship between Church and State should not be extinguished by subordinating one to the other, both in the form of „Church-State‟ and „State-Church‟. Therefore, in addition to rejecting totalitarianism and authoritarianism, Church and State must also reject theocracy, ecclesiocracy and a secular State. Responsibilities of the State‟s responsibility to the Church are mutual responsibilities and reciprocal cooperation and compatible with the pedagogy of Pancasila-based State in Indonesia, while the responsibility of the Church to the State is not mutual responsibilities and reciprocal cooperation, but asymmetric (being-for not being-with)

    Zummy Anselmus Dami's Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity

    Prognostinis mokinių akademinio lūkesčio ir mokymosi atidėliojimo ryšys: mišrių metodų tyrimas

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate the correlation of academic hope with academic procrastination; to determine the differences in the academic procrastination of both men and women; to understand why students conduct academic procrastination; and to know the academic hope of students. The study uses a mixed-method research design. The results showed that academic hope has a positive and significant correlation with academic procrastination; there is no significant difference between male and female students in any scale of academic hope and academic procrastination; the reason students conduct procrastination is “I generally delay before starting on work I have to do”; and the academic hope students are unique because it relates to God and parents.Straipsnyje analizuojami šie klausimai: 1) ar yra koks nors ryšys tarp akademinio lūkesčio ir mokymosi atidėliojimo; 2) ar skiriasi skirtingų lyčių mokinių, t. y. vaikinų ir merginų, mokymosi atidėliojimas; 3) kokios yra mokymosi atidėliojimo priežastys; 4) koks mokinių akademinis lūkestis ateityje. Norint atsakyti į šiuos tyrimo klausimus, buvo atlikta analizė remiantis mišrių metodų tyrimu, kuriame kiekybinis metodas integruotas kartu su kokybiniu metodu, o išvados daromos remiantis abiem tyrimais. Tyrime dalyvavo 253 antrosios krikščioniškosios privačios Kupango vidurinės mokyklos (SMA Kristen 2 Kupang) mokiniai, iš jų atsitiktinę atrankos imtį sudarė 115 mokinių. Atlikus analizę nustatyta, kad: 1) egzistuoja teigiamas ir statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys tarp akademinio lūkesčio ir mokymosi atidėliojimo, taip pat tarp jo komponentų, išskyrus delsimą; 2) nėra statistiškai reikšmingo skirtumo tarp skirtingų lyčių, t. y. vaikinų ir merginų, kiekvienoje akademinio lūkesčio ir mokymosi atidėliojimo skalėje; 3) pagrindinė priežastis, kodėl mokiniai atidėlioja mokymąsi, tiek vaikinų, tiek merginų yra tokia: „Aš dažniausiai delsiu prieš pradėdamas(-ama) darbą, kurį turiu padaryti.“ (vaikinų mokymosi atidėliojimo pateisinimai yra šie: „dariau daug kitų dalykų, tad nebuvo pakankamai laiko mokytis“; „pamiršau pasiruošti“; „turėjau abejonių savo sugebėjimais“; merginų mokymosi atidėliojimo pateisinimai yra šie: „abejojau savo sugebėjimais“; „tema pasirodė nuobodi“; „aš nuolat sakau: ‘aš tai padarysiu rytoj’“). Apibendrinus tyrimo rezultatus galima teigti, kad pagrindinės priežastys, lemiančios mokymosi atidėliojimą, yra šios: kontrolės įgūdžių stoka, darbinė įtampa ir aktyvus delsimas; 4) akademinis mokinių lūkestis pasižymi unikalumu, nes jis nėra tiesiogiai susijęs su jais pačiais, bet turi sąsajų su Dievu ir tėvais

    Spiritual well-being as variable intervening mindfulness dan life satisfaction

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    This research aimed to know mindfulness significantly influenced spiritual well-being, to know the spiritual well-being significantly influenced life satisfaction, to know mindfulness significantly influenced life satisfaction, and to know the Spiritual well being mediated the influence of mindfulness toward life satisfaction. The subject in the research included 152 students of STAKN Kupang with 49 male students (32%) and 103 female students (68%), and were taken from four semesters with 50 first semesters student (33%), 34 third semester students (22%), 38 fifth semester students (25%), and 30 seventh semester students (20%). A quantitative research method was used with techniques such as regression analysis, path analysis, Sobel test and bootstrapping. The findings show that: (1) mindfulness significantly influenced the spiritual well-being; (2) spiritual well-being significantly influenced life satisfaction; (3) mindfulness did not influence life satisfaction; and (4) spiritual well-being mediated the influence of mindfulness toward life satisfaction