356 research outputs found

    Facilitative Mediator Responds, A

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    I appreciate the thoughtfulness and conclusions of Professor Jeffrey Stempel in his article. His title, The Inevitability of the Eclectic, seems completely right to me. Most mediators I know who have had training in mediation are more eclectic than squarely in one camp or another. They use techniques that are geared both to their own personalities and to the needs of the case. This, indeed, is a level of sophistication that is a heartening indication of the maturity of the field of mediation. However, there are many points in Stempel\u27s argument that I disagree with, including some of his most basic premises

    State Support of Higher Education: The Roller Coaster Plunges Downward Yet Again

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    After just a few years of solid growth in state support, public higher education faced grim times in many states in late 2008. The culprit, as usual, was an economic downturn. A burst housing market bubble, long supported by historically low interest rates and too easy credit, precipitated this downward spiral. The ground trembled under the nation’s financial system when the bubble burst; banks, in turn, severely reduced access to credit by businesses, current and would be homeowners, and even students. The U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve System responded with drastic, unprecedented actions—including slashed interest rates and bank recapitalization via $250 billion in equity purchases—to prevent a financial collapse. The crisis continued through late 2008, as banks remained reluctant to lend. But policymakers continued to lubricate the lending system that fuels economic activity. By then, the economy had (unofficially) entered a recession—one likely to be severe. The credit crunch immediately affected colleges and students who would suffer more from the deepening recession

    Protecting Biological Diversity: A Major Challenge for Minnesota Forestry in the 1990s

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    One of the most significant challenges to Minnesota forestry in the 1990s will be responding to growing public concern about relationships between forestry in Minnesota and global and national environmental issues (e.g., protecting biological diversity, tropical deforestation). Influential citizens and public interest groups are asking penetrating questions about the effects of forest management and timber harvesting on biological diversity, and about parallels between tropical deforestation and timber harvesting in Minnesota. This article examines some of the relationships between Minnesota forestry and biological diversity. It also describes what is being done, and what needs to be done, to protect biological diversity. To set the stage for these discussions, the article begins with a brief summary of what biological diversity is and why it is important, along with an overview of Minnesota\u27s changing forests and major forest uses

    Observations regarding Language Use in the Basque Country: Two Decades Measuring Spoken Use in the Street

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    En opinió dels sociolingüistes, dels planificadors lingüístics i dels defensors de les llengües petites, és important mesurar la vitalitat de les llengües minoritzades. Fins ara, la majoria de les dades quantitatives per a mesurar la presència de les llengües en la societat s'han basat només en la capacitat i l'ús lingüístic expressat pels mateixos parlants. En aquest article descriurem una metodologia desenvolupada al País Basc diferent de recollida de dades, anomenada Hizkuntzen Ahozko Kale Erabileraren Neurketa ('Mesurament de l'ús oral de les llengües al carrer'; d'ara endavant, Mesurament al Carrer). Diem que és diferent perquè mesura quantitativament l'ús lingüístic observat, i no pas l'ús expressat pels mateixos parlants.El Mesurament al Carrer es va engegar per primera vegada a la dècada dels 80. Des de llavors, s'ha fet sis vegades en el conjunt del País Basc. A més, s'han dut a terme recollides de dades basades en aquesta metodologia en àmbits limitats, sobretot en el món del treball (tant a l'administració com a empreses) i en centres escolars. Podem dir, per tant, que té una trajectòria llarga i contrastada.Aquesta metodologia de recerca té caràcter general, i per tant pot ser reutilitzada també en altres comunitats lingüístiques. In the opinion of sociolinguists, language planners and advocates for small languages, it is important to measure the vitality of minority languages.  Until now, most of the quantitative data for measuring the presence of languages in society have been based only on language capacity and use as expressed by the speakers themselves. In this article, we shall describe a different methodology for data collection, developed in the Basque Country, called Hizkuntzen Ahozko Kale Erabileraren Neurketa (Measurement of the Spoken Use of Languages in the Street).  We say this methodology is different because it quantitatively measures observed language use, not the use as expressed by the speakers themselves. Street measurement was first implemented in the ´80s.  Since then, six measurement campaigns have been conducted throughout the Basque Country.  In addition, data based on this methodology have been collected in limited environments, principally in the labor sector (both in government institutions and in companies) and in schools.  We can therefore attest to the methodology´s proven track record. This research methodology is of a general nature and consequently can be applied in other language comunities.En opinión de los sociolingüistas, de los planificadores lingüísticos y de los defensores de las lenguas pequeñas, es importante medir la vitalidad de las lenguas minorizadas. Hasta ahora, la mayoría de los datos cuantitativos para medir la presencia de las lenguas en la sociedad se han basado sólo en la capacidad y el uso lingüístico expresado por los mismos hablantes. En este artículo describiremos una metodología diferente desarrollada en el País Vasco de recogida de datos, llamada Hizkuntzen Ahozko Kale Erabileraren Neurketa ('Medición del uso oral de las lenguas en la calle'; de ahora adelante, Medición en la Calle). Decimos que es diferente porque mide cuantitativamente el uso lingüístico observado, y no el uso expresado por los mismos hablantes.La Medición en la Calle se puso en marcha por primera vez en la década de los 80. Desde entonces, se ha hecho seis veces en el conjunto del País Vasco. Además, se han llevado a cabo recogidas de datos basadas en esta metodología en ámbitos limitados, sobre todo en el mundo del trabajo (tanto en la administración como en empresas) y en centros escolares. Podemos decir, por lo tanto, que tiene una trayectoria larga y contrastada.Esta metodología de investigación tiene carácter general y, por lo tanto, puede ser reutilizada también en otras comunidades lingüísticas

    Statistical Modelling for Recurrent Events in Sports Injury Research with Applications to Football Injury Data

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    Sports injuries stand as undesirable side effects of athletic participation, carrying serious consequences for athletes' health, their professional careers, and overall team performance. With the growing availability of data, there has been an increasing reliance on statistical models to monitor athletes' health and mitigate the risks of injuries. In this dissertation, we present advanced statistical modelling approaches and software tools for sports injury data. Our focus is on the time-varying and recurrent nature of injury occurrences, and we pursue three primary objectives: (a) identifying biomechanical risk factors using variable selection methods and shared frailty Cox models, (b) developing a flexible recurrent time-to-event approach to model the effects of training load on subsequent injuries, and (c) creating dedicated statistical tools through the statistical open-source software \textbf{R}. These objectives are driven by interdisciplinary research, conducted in close collaboration with the Medical Services of Athletic Club, and are motivated by real-world applications. Specifically, the work is based on three distinct data sets: functional screening tests data, external training load data, and web-scraped football injury data. The statistical advancements developed contribute to ongoing efforts in sports injury prevention, providing insights, methodologies, and accessible software implementations for sports medicine practitioners

    New Sciarid flies (Diptera, Sciaridae) from the Monegros region (Zaragoza, Spain)

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    Complicaciones de la piel en el paciente mayor inmovilizado

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    Introducción: las úlceras por presión (UPP) constituyen un problema importante de salud de los mayores inmovilizados, estas complicaciones conllevan un aumento del gasto sanitario, una disminución de la calidad de vida y un aumento de la morbimortalidad de éstos. El objetivo principal de este estudio es conocer las complicaciones más frecuentes en la piel de los pacientes encamados y/o inmovilizados e identificar los cuidados preventivos que proporcionan las/os enfermeras/os. Material y Métodos: la búsqueda bibliográfica se realiza en: Scielo, Dialnet y Cuiden entre enero y agosto del 2014, de los artículos publicados entre 2010 – 2014 sobre aspectos relacionados con el cuidado de la piel de los pacientes mayores inmovilizados y que hagan referencia a personas mayores de 65 años. Resultados: las UPP son las complicaciones más frecuentes en la piel de los pacientes inmovilizados; las escalas de valoración constituyen una herramienta fundamental que facilita la identificación de los pacientes en riesgo de desarrollarlas, destacan en los estudios analizados el uso de la escala Norton y Braden. También hacen referencia a la importancia de las medidas de prevención como: el manejo de presiones, los cambios posturales, la alimentación y el empleo de ácidos grasos hiperoxigenados. Conclusiones: la piel es un órgano muy sensible a la inmovilización, que precisa de unos cuidados específicos desde el equipo de enfermería para detectar y prevenir las complicaciones como las úlceras por presión. La valoración es la etapa más destacada del proceso enfermero, para identificar las medidas de prevención que se precisen, según las necesidades de cada individuo mayor.Grado en Enfermerí

    Líquenes epífitos de zonas áridas: el sabinar de la Retuerta de Pina (Los monegros, España)

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    Se señalan un total de 66 táxones, entre liquenes y hongos liquenicolas, que colonizan las comunidades arbustivas y arbóreas del sabinar de la Retuerta de Pina, enclavada en Los Monegros (Zaragoza), una de las zonas más áridas de Europa. Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae, Trichothecium roseum y Thelenella justil son nuevas citas peninsulares. Otros táxones están en estudio, dados sus rasgos diferenciales con especies conocidas. Son los siguientes: Agonimia cf. octospora, Bacidia hegetschweileri, Caloplaca cf. viperiae., Rinodina cf. physciospora y Sclerophora sp

    Public Management for the New Millennium: Developing Relevant and Integrated Professional Curricula

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    The world in which public managers function is rapidly changing and vastly different from that contemplated by the early intellectual stalwarts of public administration. Public agencies are expected to collaborate with each other, with nonprofit organizations and with citizen groups and to use modern technology strategically to manage and deliver services. They are under powerful pressures to use resources efficiently as markets and quasi-markets influenced by global forces play a much greater role in structuring service delivery. Within this context public agencies must manage human resources accordingly, yet also humanely and legally
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