29 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSI: Perkembangan teknologi Internet dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah membawa perubahan besar bagi distribusi media digital. Media digital yang berupa teks, citra, audio dan video dapat dengan mudah didistribusikan melalui internet. Kemudahan distribusi media digital melalui internet disisi lain dapat menimbulkan permasalahan ketika media tersebut terlindungi hak cipta (copyright). Digital Watermarking menawarkan solusi lain yang lebih tepat untuk permasalahan diatas, teknik watermarking melindungi media digital dengan data tertentu yang tertanam secara permanen di dalam media yang bersangkutan, akan tetapi proses penyisipan ini terkadang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan user, dimana proses penyisipan terkadang tidak menjamin keamanan dari citra yang ingin dilindungi. Dalam tugas akhir, digunakan sebuah metode Adaptive watermarking, yaitu metode yang dapat melakukan penyisipan watermark pada region yang paling penting dari sebuah citra dengan memanfaatkan transformasi DCT . Selain itu penggunaan shynthetic image yaitu image hasil scrambling dari important region dapat mengurangi kerusakan dari citra carrier yang disisipi watermark. Setelah melakukan pengujian dan pengukuran secara obyektif dan subyektif maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa metode Invisible Adaptive Watermarking menunjukan kinerja yang baik dalam teknik Non Blind Image Watermarking, karena citra watermarking memiliki PSNR rata-rata lebih besar dari 50 dB. Watermark ekstraksi memiliki tingkat sensitivitas yang cukup baik terhadap hilangnya informasi pada citra watermarking akibat terkena attack. Selain itu, watermark juga memiliki ketahanan yang cukup baik terhadap Gaussian noise, kompresi JPEG, rescaling, dan rotasi sehingga bisa digunakan untuk fungsi copyright.Kata Kunci : watermarking, Adaptive, DCT, shynthetic image, Attack, PSNRABSTRACT: The development of Internet technology in recent years, has brought major changes to the distribution of digital media. Digital media in the form of text, images, audio and video can be easily distributed via the Internet. Ease of digital media distribution via the internet on the other hand can cause problems when the media is copyright protected (copyright). Digital watermarking offers a more appropriate solution to this problem, watermarking techniques protect digital media with the specific data that is permanently embedded in the relevant media, but the insertion process sometimes not accordance with the wishes of users, where the insertion process sometimes does not guarantee the security of the image you want protected. In this thesis, we used an Adaptive watermarking method, a method that can perform the insertion of a watermark on the most important regions of an image by using DCT transformation. In addition, the use of the shynthetic image that is image produced from scrambling Important region can reduce damage carrier image where inserted watermark. After using objective and subjective measurement, finally concluded that Invisible Adaptive Watermarking method have shown good performance in blind image watermarking technique. This conclusion is based on fact that watermarked image had mean of PSNR more than 50 dB. Watermark extraction has good enough sensitivity level to information loose at watermarked image by attack. Besides, watermark also has good enough in robustness to Gaussian noise, JPEG compression, rescaling, and rotation. So it can be use for authentication. Keyword: watermarking, Adaptive, DCT, shynthetic image, Attack, PSN

    Gill Structure of Rasbora Argyrotaenia From the Siak River, Tualang Village

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    Siak River is the most polluted river in Riau, however, many types of fish, including Rasbora argyrotaenia living in that river. As the water is polluted, the health of the fish in general, including its gill structure might be harmed. A study aims to understand the histological structure of the gill of fish from the Siak River has been conducted in February 2015. Abnormality in the gill was noted and the abnormality level was identified using a Histopathological Alteration Index (HAI). Results shown that the types of abnormality present were hyperplasia, hypertrophy, atrophy, epithelium rupture and congestion. The HAI level (13 - 14) indicate that the gill of the R. argyrotaenia from the Siak River was slight damage. This abnormality might be cured if the water quality in the Siak River is good

    Optimal SSSC-based power damping inter-area oscillations using firefly and harmony search algorithms

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    The static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) can add a series reactance to the transmission line, and when it is fed using auxiliary signals, it can participate in damping inter-area oscillations by changing the series reactance. In this paper, the effect of the SSSC on small-signal stability is investigated. The design of a controller for damping oscillations is designed and discussed. Moreover, using the firefly and the harmony search algorithms, the optimal parameters controlling SSSC are addressed. The effectiveness of these two algorithms and the rate of SSSC participation in damping inter-area oscillation are also discussed. MATLAB software was used to analyse the models and to perform simulations in the time domain. The simulation results on the sample system, in two areas, indicated the optimal accuracy and precision of the proposed controller

    Power transmission lines electromagnetic pollution with consideration of soil resistivity

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    The alternating current (AC) total interference of power lines may pose a threat to personnel and equipment in its vicinity. The main objective of this work is to determine the electromagnetic distribution and induced voltages on human body, equipment, and houses due to the AC total interference for different soil resistivities. The electromagnetic field and induced voltages may cause health problems to the human body and put it at risk. Two main approaches were used to compute the electromagnetic and induced voltages, namely the field approach, which is based on electromagnetic field distribution, and the circuit approach, which uses the circuit grounding analysis to compute the conductive interference and then uses the circuit based models to compute the inductive interference. Human body, steel houses and 10-km-long transmission line were modelled. The soil resistivity was varied, and the induced voltages obtained from both approaches were compared. Soil resistivity and soil structure are important parameters that affect the AC interference level. The results show that the touch voltage increases when the distance between electromagnetic source and human body increases. For high soil resistivity, the danger of the touch voltage becomes more prominent compared to that for low soil resistivity. Power system voltage level and soil resistivity are two key factors influencing the induced voltage level

    Administrasi Wakaf di Lombok Timur (Analisis Potensi Sumber Daya Pengembagan Ekonomi Umat)

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    The general purpose of this research is to find out how waqf administration and its problems, to know the potential of economic development resources of the people in waqf administration in East Lombok Regency. The type of research in this research is field research using a qualitative approach. The process of collecting data in this study, researchers used the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study conclude that waqf administration in East Lombok is still relatively low because the number of waqf administration is still lacking, Nazhir as the manager does not have sufficient competence and knowledge, and the institutions authorized to waqf administration are still lacking in socializing The problems with waqf in East Lombok are: many people and religious leaders do not understand waqf regulations because they tend to view waqf as a charity, limited budget, and human resources so that the socialization carried out by the government is not evenly distributed to all nazhir, the small certification budget owned by the KUA and Ministry of Religion, so that part of the budget handed over to wakif or nazhir. The potential for the economic development of the people in the waqf administration in East Lombok shows large enough potential for utilization, seen from the total area of ​​waqf land, where the five waqfs observed, only the musholla in Masbagik District has limited waqf area. However, Nazhir as the waqf manager has not shown creativity or innovation to expand the utilization of this potential. However, Nazhir as the waqf manager has not shown creativity or innovation to expand the utilization of this potential

    Measurement of vertical electric fields from lightning flashes using parallel plate antenna

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    Lightning is the transfer of significant charge between two charged object, it can occur between cloud to cloud, cloud to air and cloud to ground. Lightning strikes can kill people, knock out radio communication, electrical power devices, and destroy houses, trees as well as animals. The lightning strike hazards may be properly managed by using a lightning detector system. The detection concepts can be based on Electromagnetic Field or Electric field. In this paper, the characteristics of the flat plate antenna in measuring the electric field has been reviewed and analysed. The experiment using parallel plate antenna has been setup to detect the E field during the thunderstorm days. The E- field data has been collected and used for data manipulation or others application

    Simulation Study of Coaxial Treatment Chambers for PEF Pasteurization: A Critical Review

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    A pulsed electric field (PEF) produces pasteurized liquid foods with fresh and nutritional properties. The treatment chamber is a crucial part of the PEF processing system where a high voltage is applied, producing an electric field to treat the liquid foods. The proper construction of the treatment chamber regulates the distribution of the electrical field inside the treatment zone. Mixing of liquid inside the treatment zone is an effective tool to overcome this heterogeneous effect. The coaxial treatment chamber offers a heterogeneous electric field and temperature distribution inside the treatment zone. A helical insulator inside the coaxial treatment chamber provides a mixing effect. In this research, a numerical simulation was done to measure the electric field in different geometries of treatment chambers at different flow rates. The simulation aimed to optimize the new coaxial treatment chamber design. The modelling findings showed homogeneous electrical field strength in the helical treatment chamber. This study provides new insights for industrial-scale setup using multiple helical chambers in a continuous flow PEF treatment

    Effects of return stroke parameters and soil water content on EMF characteristics

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    Electromagnetic pulses produced by lightning return strokes travel long distances both aboveground and underground. This study investigated the effects of return stroke parameters on electromagnetic propagation over lossy ground. The lightning return stroke channel was modeled using the Modified Transmission Line with Exponential Decay (MTLE) model. Electromagnetics was modeled using a frequency domain solver in the form of finite element analysis via COMSOL software. The studied stroke current parameters were peak, rise time, and decay time. In addition, the effects of soil water content was studied. Aboveground and underground electric and magnetic fields followed and were directly affected by the lightning current waveshape. The underground fields were affected by soil water content. In contrast, the aboveground fields are not affected by water content except for the radial electric field

    A multi-objective artificial electric field optimization algorithm for allocation of wind turbines in distribution systems

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    This paper presents wind turbine allocation in distribution systems to reduce active power loss and voltage deviations using a multi-objective Artificial Electric Field Algorithm (MOAEFA). The proposed method is a mathematical algorithm which is suitably capable to find optimal solutions based on the Pareto solution set using a fuzzy decision-making method. The proposed problem is implemented on 10, 33 and 69 bus IEEE radial distribution networks. The installation location, size and power factors of wind turbines are determined optimally using the MOAEFA method. Single and multi-objective allocation problem of wind turbines is implemented using AEFA, GWO, PSO and MOAEFA, MOGWO, MOPSO methods. The obtained the results of AEFA method achieves less power loss and voltage deviations compared to the conventional GWO and PSO methods. Moreover, the results of multi-objective fuzzy allocation show that there is a compromise between single-objective results and MOAEFA method provides better performance given the loss power and voltage deviation reduction in distribution networks. Furthermore, MOAEFA method has found a better voltage profile in the allocation of wind turbines in the distribution network compared to the other methods. The performance comparison between MOAEFA method and the previous methods given in the literature verifies the superiority of the MOAEFA method