48 research outputs found


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    This article explores several characteristics, such as price and taste, to influence the behavior of coffee drinkers in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. Using standard multiple regression analysis, it turns out that coffee taste affects coffee drinkers' behavior. On the other hand, the price of coffee drinks does not affect the behavior of coffee drinkers. This study shows that the taste of coffee is more important for coffee customers to decide to drink coffee. Further research is suggested by increasing the number of samples and expanding the study area. An in-depth discussion is highly recommended for debate and practical and theoretical consequences for further study

    The Altruistic Connection: Unraveling How Altruism Drives Eco-Friendly Consumer Behavior in Green Marketing (Literature Review)

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    Purpose: This article explores research on eco-conscious marketing (2010-2022) via sources like Scopus, ScienceDirect, Emerald, and Taylor & Francis. Altruism, acting selflessly for others, significantly impacts eco-friendly choices.   Theoretical framework:  This research examines altruism's role in eco-friendly marketing through behavioral theories. Limited analysis of psychological links and cultural norms exists. Further investigation is needed for sustainable consumer behavior and ethical exchange.   Methodology: In the effort to comprehend the complex connection between altruism and green marketing, a strong methodology has arisen through the combination of qualitative research techniques and a comprehensive examination of existing literature. This description presents the methodological process utilized to examine the impact of altruism on research related to green marketing from 2010 to 2022. This exploration involves the gathering of data, its analysis, and the development of meaningful insights, all drawn from reliable sources such as Scopus, Emerald, ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis, and Google Scholar.   Findings: In the context of green marketing, altruism is pivotal for comprehending and shaping consumer behavior. Beyond economic factors, it embraces emotions, ethics, and communal welfare. Altruism-driven strategies hold promise for positive change, brand loyalty, and sustainability. Research spanning 2010-2020 uncovers gaps in understanding altruism's mechanisms, contexts, sustainability, trade-offs, extensions, and interactions, necessitating their exploration for effective green marketing and a sustainable world.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The research identifies gaps in comprehending altruism's psychological aspects, context influences, and sustainability. This enhances strategies for sustainable consumer behavior. Additionally, leveraging altruism supports green marketing's effectiveness, bridges the "value-action gap," and fosters brand loyalty, thereby harnessing its potential for positive change, a greener future, and enhanced brand allegiance.   Originality: Employing qualitative research methods and extensive literature review, this study explores the link between altruism and green marketing from 2010 to 2022. The synthesis of findings reveals altruism's role in shaping consumer behavior, with implications for marketing strategies, bridging value-action gap, and fostering brand loyalty. Research gaps underscore the need for investigating psychological mechanisms, contextual influences, and sustainability

    Environmental Management Supervision Integration Policy on Coal Mining Based on Integrated Principles

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    Applied Research Featured Higher Education (PTUPT) under Ristekdikti BRIN’s grant for 2019/2020 is research to find a form of environmental management supervision policy towards coal mining that regulates the form of coordination between stakeholders, authority and supervisory objects, as well as a commitment of active role between government, business, and community in the supervision of environmental management. The results of the study are a recommendation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Legislature to make a PERDA initiative related to environmental management which is expected to be the right step to maintain a sustainable environment. The method of approach in this study is socio juridical, with qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The results showed that both in terms of regulation and implementation, coordination of supervision implementation has not been regulated and implemented optimally, so it has not supported the realization of integrated environmental management supervision based on the principle of integrated. Based on this, it is necessary to establish an environmental management legal system in the form of local regulations whose content material contains an integrated surveillance system with a shared commitment between stakeholders. Keywords: policy; supervision; coal mining; integrated; Coordination DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/103-05 Publication date: November 30th 202


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    This study aims to determine the effect of macroeconomic factors, corporate fundamentals and systemic risk on the return of Islamic stocks listed on the Indonesian stock exchanges incorporated in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) stocks during the period 2013 to 2016, the sampling of data using purposive sampling method, there are 11 syariah-compliant companies which for four years or eight consecutive times entered into JII index during the observation period between 2013 and 2016 sampled, while the variables studied consist of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), inflation, DER (Debt to Equity Ratio), ROA (Return On Assets), BETA (systemic risk) and stock return. The test method using multiple regression analysis with SPSS test, the result of statistical test with F test (F-test) got the result that all independent variables (GDP, inflation, DER, ROA, BETA) simultaneously have significant effect to stock return with significance level 0,002 , the result of statistical test with t test (t-test) there are two variables that is inflation with significance level 0,017 and DER with significance level 0,030 have significant effect to return of syariah stock, while other variable that is GDP, ROA and BETA have no significant effect to stock return sharia. Keywords: Sharia stock, GDP, Inflation, Corporate fundamentals, systemic risk, Stock retur


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    Abstrak: Pengolahan limbah organik masih menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi di lingkungan padat penduduk. Salah satunya yaitu limbah bonggol jagung. Limbah tersebut dihasilkan dari salah satu UMKM yang memproduksi jagung pipil di daerah Karang Rejo, Kota Balikpapan. Limbah bonggol jagung yang dihasilkan, hanya dibuang begitu saja tanpa adanya pengolahan lanjutan. Oleh karena itu, pengabdian masyarakat kali ini dilakukan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada masyarakat untuk mengolah limbah organik tersebut menjadi produk yang lebih bermanfaat serta dalam jangka panjang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar lokasi kegiatan. Terdapat dua (2) mitra yang bergabung dalam satu rangkaian kegiatan. Mitra yang pertama yaitu RT.082 kelurahan Karang Rejo dan mitra yang kedua adalah UMKM Nona Mayo sebagai penyedia limbah bonggol jagung. Pelatihan yang diberikan adalah pemanfaatan limbah bonggol jagung menjadi media tanam untuk menumbuhkan jamur janggel. Metode yang digunakan dimulai dari survey lokasi kemudian persiapan program berupa studi literatur, sosialisasi program, pelatihan berupa praktik langsung bersama warga, monitoring hasil dan ditutup dengan pengisian kuesioner oleh warga yang terlibat selama proses kegiatan. Dari hasil kuesioner, 54% dari warga setuju bahwa proses pembuatan media tanam jamur janggel dengan memanfaatlan limbah bonggol jagung sangat sederhana sehingga mudah diterapkan serta menggunakan bahan-bahan yang mudah didapatkan di pasaran.Abstract: Treatment of organic waste is still the common issue that often occur in densely populated environments. One of them is corncob waste. The waste is generated from one of the small industries that produces shelled corn in Karang Rejo area, Balikpapan City. The corncob waste produced was just thrown away without any further processing. Therefore, our activity is carried out to provide training for the community to process the organic waste into more useful products and in the long term it is expected to be able to improve the economy of the community around the location of the activity. There are two (2) partners who join in a of activities. The first partner is RT.082 Karang Rejo and the second partner is UMKM Nona Mayo as a provider of corncob waste. The training provided is the utilization of corncob waste into planting media to grow Janggel mushrooms. The method used starts from a location survey, then program preparation in the form of literature studies, program socialization, training in the form of direct practice with residents, monitoring the results and closing with filling out questionnaires by residents involved during the activity process. From the results of the questionnaire, 54% of the residents agreed that the process of making planting media for Janggel mushrooms by utilizing corncob waste is very simple so that it is easy to apply and uses materials that are easily available on the market

    Sinyal Kinerja Profitabiltas, Solvabilitas dan Rasio Pasar yang Mempengaruhi Harga Saham Syariah di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja profitabilitas, solvabilitas, dan rasio pasar terhadap harga saham syariah di bursa efek Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) selama periode tahun 2013 – 2016. Pengambilan  sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling dan didapat 15 perusahaan bersaham syariah yang selama periode pengamatan atau selama empat tahun berturut-turut masuk ke dalam indeks JII. Metode pengujian menggunakan analisis regresi berganda dengan alat uji SPSS dengan variabel yang diteliti adalah ROA, NPM, DAR, EPS, PER,  dan harga saham syariah. Hasil uji statistik dengan uji F (F-test) didapatkan hasil bahwa semua variabel independen ROA, NPM, DAR, EPS, PER secara simultan atau bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham syariah dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,00. Kemudian hasil uji statistik dengan uji t (t-test) bahwa secara parsial variabel ROA, DAR, EPS, PER berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap harga saham syariah dan variabel NPM berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap harga saham syariah, selanjutnya nilai Adj. R square didapat hasil 0,896 yang berarti pengaruh variabel ROA, EPS, NPM, DAR, PER terhadap Harga Saham Syariah cukup tinggi sebesar 90% dan sisanya 10% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini

    Achieving green trust inlow price productthrough perceived

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    Some study   had done research about the role of green perceived value, risk and trust but unfortunately mostly the previous done on   green electric product also known as premium price product and not many done in low price product.  This research was undertaken to examining the role of green perceived value, risk to improving green trust on low price product such as FastMoving Consumer Goods (FMCG).  The researchwas a survey research using an onlinequestionnaires as an instrument. Population and sample used in this research were the community of   South Kalimantan - Indonesia as many as 300   respondents.The analysis technique are contructs validity-reliability test; the suitability of the models based on the goodness of fit index,pathways analysis, and the Influence test using Structural Equation Model.  This research has found thatThe effective contribution of perceived value on community trust (21.4%) is higher than the contribution of perceived risk (13.4%). From pathway analysis, our result areneither the perceived value nor perceived risk have indirecteffect on community trust, andbased on the effect test, we found perceived value have a  significant effect but the perceived risk have no significant effect on community trust toward   green low price product such as FMCG

    Reaksi Signal Faktor Makroekonomi, Fundamental, dan Resiko Sistemis (Beta Saham) Terhadap Return Saham Syariah yang Terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of macroeconomic factors, corporate fundamentals and systemic risk on the return of Sharia shares in Indonesia stock exchanges incorporated in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) shares during the period of 2013-2016. By using purposive sampling method, obtained 11 sharia-compliant company which for four years or eight times in a row enter into index JII. The variables studied consist of GDP, Inflation, DER, ROA, Beta (systemic risk) and stock return. Hypotheses test method was using multiple regression analysis by SPSS, the result of statistical test F test (F-test) indicate the result that all independent variables (GDP, inflation, DER, ROA, BETA) simultaneously have significant effect to stock return by the significance level of 0,002 , the result of statistical test with  t-test indicate that there are two variables that is inflation with significance level 0,017 and DER with significance level 0,030 have significant effect to return of syariah stock, while other variable that is GDP, ROA and BETA have no significant effect to stock return sharia. Keywords: Sharia stock, GDP, Inflation, Corporate fundamentals, systemic risk, Stock return

    The Nexus Of Social, Environmental, Law and Governance Dimensions To Economic Development For Indonesian’s SDGs Achievement

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    This study aims to identify the nexus between social, environmental, legal and governance dimensions to economic development in order to achieving SDGS in Indonesia.   The research method uses quantitative methods with primary data in the form of data on the achievement of SDGS indicators obtained from The Indonesia National Planning Agency and Central Bureau of Statistics from 2015 to 2022. Data analysis techniques using SEM-PLS with bootstrapping with confidence interval 5%. The results of this study found that social, environmental, legal and governance development has a positive influence on economic development in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.  All the results of the t-test exceeds 1.96, and the P Values, which denote the level of significance required, are below 0.05, and  R Square Adjusted has value of 0.888 (88.8%), which suggests that its capability to clarify the correlation between social, environmental, law, and governance with the economic development variable is robust, with an 88.8% level of accuracy. The implication of this research that economic growth has brought about many benefits for Indonesia, it also proved had significant impacts on various aspects of society, including the environment, social structures, law, and governance.  It is critical that policymakers and stakeholders work together to address these challenges and ensure that development is sustainable and equitable for all Indonesians. &nbsp

    Enhancingsustainable entrepreneurship behavior in indonesian smes: external drivers role

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    Many researchers agree about the important role of external drivers to sustainable entrepreneurship behavior and this paper has provided a deeper insight into the role of external drivers toward sustainable entrepreneurship behavior. This study's aim was to find out the role of external drivers such as government policy, economic incentives, customers, community surrounding, product and service offered, competitors, and also evaluate the contributions of each external driver toward sustainable entrepreneurship behavior. This research was conducted in South Kalimantan Indonesia sing sample as many as 242 SMEs. These sample were taken by purposive sampling technique using online questionnaire as an instrument. The data analysis technique is done by the Structural Equation Model to obtain a model that can be used to explain the role of external drivers toward sustainable entrepreneurship SME's behavior. The results of this study indicate that External drivers such as government policy, economic incentives, customers, community surrounding, product and services offered and competitors have a significant impact on SMEs entrepreneurship behavior. The findings of this research also provide insights for the contributions of customers and community surrounding as the dominant external driver than others to forming sustainable entrepreneurship behavior