396 research outputs found


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    Muamalah is the one part of Islamic law that regulates several things that are directly related to the way of life between humans in everyday life. Cooperation and mutual assistance between humans, one of which is now entering the community is the practice of leasing gold. The lease agreement is a contract for taking the benefits of an object, so terms of the use of the object of the lease must be concisely to both parties, this study aims to find out how the gold lease agreement in Bireun, and how the Islamic perspective on the practice of leasing gold. The research he field research, which is a study that aims to obtain data or information on the original situation in the field. Primary data was obtained through interview method. The data analysis method in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The approach that the author takes in this article is to use the empirical normative method. The analys described is based on the implementation of gold leases at Kota Juang Bireun Regency, based on the high level of injustice and harm to one party, especially to the tenant. concludes that the author from Islamic law says it is not permissible in accordance with syara provisions where the implementation does not meet the terms and conditions of the lease

    Simulasi Murottal di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Ulum Putra

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    Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat pada skema PPM ini diharapkan dapat memberikan hasil yang terbaik untuk masyarakat sasaran yang dikenai program. Permasalahannya adalah santri sama sekali belum tahu apa itu metode murottal karena selama ini hanya menggunakan metode Yanbu’a. Solusi yang diberikan adalah simulasi Murottal kepada para santri. Hasil penilaian para santri membaca murottal  menunjukkan bahwa 90% peserta pelatihan memiliki keterampilan yang baik ketika membaca dan menerapkan nada-nada murottal dalam membaca al-qu`r’an. Sebanyak 10% peserta pelatihan dalam kategori dengan keterampilan yang cukup baik dikarenakan tingkat menhafal nada-nada sangat sulit

    Pola Jaringan Komunikasi Kelompok dalam Menumbuhkan Solidaritas Aksi Unjuk Rasa Mahasiswa di Kota Makassar

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    The demonstration is a form of movements performed by students of university group to deliver all the demands and aspirations for a change. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of communication networks and how patterns of communication network used in grow up demonstration solidarity students of university in Makassar. This research is conducted at three universities in Makassar; there were Makassar State University (UNM), Alauddin-Makassar State Islamic University (UIN Makassar) and Muhammadiyah Makassar University (Unismuh Makassar). This type of research is the Field Research; this research used quantitative and qualitative research methods. The Research design used in this research was the design of a simple regression linear and quantitative approach is conducted by interviewing agency chairman and general coordinator of the action or the field to know the type of pattern used in communication networks grow up demonstration solidarity students of university in Makassar. This research finds that the influence of communication networks in demonstration solidarity students of university, with the amount of influence r = 0.432 or 43.2% (moderate correlation), the remaining 56.8% of solidarity students of university influenced by other variables not examined as a variable influence (predictors). In the studied group of student organizations, there are two types of patterns of communication network used in the student solidarity chain network model (Chain) and free network model (All-channel)

    FPGA Realizations of Walsh Transforms for Different Transform and Word lengths into Xilinx and Altera Chips

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    This paper presents FPGA realizations of Walsh transforms. The realizations are targetted for the system of arbitrary waveform generation, addition/ subtraction, multiplication, and processing of several signals based on Walsh transforms which is defined in term products of Rademacher functions. Input signals are passing through the system in serial, the output either signals or coefficients are also passing out in serial. To minimize the area utilization when the systems are realized in FPGA chips, the word lengths of every processing step have been designed carefully. Based on this, FPGA realizations of those various applications into Xilinx and Altera chips have been done. In Xilinx realizations, Xilinx ISE was used to display the results and to extract some critical parameters such as speed and static power. Meanwhile, the realizations into Altera chips have been conducted using Quartus. Comparisons of speed and power among Xilinx and Altera chip realizations are presented here even though this is not an apple to apple comparison. Finally, it can be concluded that Walsh transforms can be realized not only for the applications that have been done here, but it is potential can be used for other applications

    Identifikasi Kawasan Penangkapan Induk Udang Windu (Penaeus Monodon) pada Perairan Pesisir Kabupaten Aceh Jaya

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menetapkan kawasan penangkapan induk udang windu (Penaeus monodon) dan kondisi lingkungan perairannya ditinjau dari aspek fisika kimia perairan pada kawasan perairan kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan survey dan teknologi system informasi geografis. Kawasan penangkapan induk udang di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya pada umumnya terdapat pada titik ordinat: (1) H 950 34\u27 bujur timur dan 040 38\u27 lintang utara, (2) H 950 33\u27 bujur timur dan 040 39\u27 lintang utara, (3) H 950 34\u27 bujur timur dan 040 40\u27 lintang utara, (4) H 950 34\u27 bujur timur dan 040 33\u27 lintang utara. Parameter fisika kimia perairan yang diukur pada kawasan penangkapan induk udang menunjukkan kondisi yang sangat sesuai bagi sistem kehidupan udang.The aims of this study was to establish the broodstock catchment areas of tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) and the condition of the waters which was surrounding their habitat in terms of environmental aspects of physical chemical water parameter in the coastal waters of Aceh Jaya region. This study used survey approach and geographic information system technology as methodelogy. The catching areas of broodstock in Aceh Jaya region commonly found on the ordinate point: (1) H 950 34\u27 east longitude and 040 38\u27 north, (2) H 950 33\u27 east and 040 39\u27 north, (3) H 950 34\u27 east and 040 40\u27 north, (4) H 950 34\u27 east and 040 33\u27 north. Physical and chemical parameters of water measured at catchment areas showed that the water parameters in the prawn habitat were very suitable for supporting of tiger prawn living

    Pemberian Jenis Pakan yang Berbeda terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Ikan Kakap Putih (Lates Calcalifer, Bloch)

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan padatanggal 1 Juni – 1 Juli 2014 di Tambak Daerah Cot Kafiraton Kecamatan Seunuddon, Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode ekperimental dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) Non Faktorial dengan lima perlakukan dan tiga kali ulangan yaitu perlakuan A: pemberian pakan jenis udang dogol perlakuan B: pemberian pakan jenis benih ikan nila; perlakuan C: pemberian pakan jenis keong mas ; perlakuan D: pemberian pakan pellet komersial. Parameter uji dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan, kecepatan konsumsi pakan dan kualitas air. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif serta diuji dengan beda nyata terkecil (BNT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan alami yang berbeda memberi pengaruh yang sangat berbeda nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan konsumsi pakan pada ikan kakap putih dimana Fhitung >Ftable yaitu pada perlakuan A. Akan tetapi tidak memberi pengaruh yang sangat berbeda nyata terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan kakap putih. Nilai kualitas air selama penelitian yaitu baik dimana berada pada kisaran yang layak untuk kehidupan ikan kakap putih dengan pH 7,9-8,5, suhu berkisar 25-290C dan salinitas 23-26 ppt.The research was conducted on June 1 to July 1 2014 in Pond at Cot Kafiraton Seunuddon district, North Aceh. The experiment treatments was used on this study using a completely randomized design (CRD) non factorial with five treatments and three replicated which were A: feed types of dogol shrimp, B: feed type of tilapia seed, treatment C: feed type of snails, treatment D: feed type commercial pellets. Parameters of this study was the survival rate, growth, feed consumption rate and water quality. Data were analyzed descriptively and tested by the least significant difference (LSD). The results was showed that different types of feed had very effect significantly different on the growth and feed intake of sea bass (Fcal>Ftab). However, different fedd types did not give significantly different influence on the survival rate of sea bass. Water quality parameters were in suitable condition for sea bass habitats. The value of pH was 7,9-8,5, temperature 25-29 0C and salinity 23-26 ppt

    The Effect of Energy Consumption, Energy Resources, Economic Growth, and Road Infrastructure on Co2 Emissions in Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of energy resources, energy consumption, and road infrastructure on economic growth and their effect on CO2 emissions in Indonesia. This study uses time series data in Indonesia for the period 2000 to 2019 and the analytical model used is the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. The results found in this study are variables that have a significant effect on economic growth in the short term are road infrastructure in the same period, in the previous period, as well as in the previous 2 periods and resources. Meanwhile, the ones that have a significant effect in the long term are road infrastructure and energy resources. Variables that have a significant effect on CO2 emissions in the short term are road infrastructure, energy consumption in the previous period, economic growth in the previous period, energy consumption and energy resources. While the variables that influence in the long term are economic growth and energy resources


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    Multikulturalisme dianggap sebagai model gagasan yang diharapkan untuk meredam ketegangan dimasyarakat pluralisme di daerah, meskipun ide ini sejak pasca reformasi mengalami ketegangan pasung surut dalam hal menerima dan mengakui keberagaman sosial. Kajian empiris ini mendiskusikan formulasi kebijakan pada masyarakat heterogen yang ingin mendapatkan konseptualisasi yang hakiki terhadap keharmonisan sosial dalam fondasi  kedaerahan ,agama dan kebudayaan yang berbeda. Hasil studi memperlihatkan bahwa faktor penyebab pendekatan multikulturalisme merupakan elemen penting dalam membangun sebuah pemerintahan yang bergerak menuju konsolidasi demokrasi yang pada akhirnya menciptakan kesadaran yang mampu memanejemen konflik masyarakat. Situasi ini secara langsung mempengaruhi terhadap menurunnya eskalasi konflik etnis yang setiap saat muncul dan dipicu oleh persoalan SARA. Pemerintahan lokal yang memiliki kebijakan besar berupa agenda political will dalam mengkonsolidasikan demokrasi melalui upaya membangun multikulturalisme dan bukan sebaliknya yakni membangkitkan ego sektoral melalui ego etnisitas. Untuk itu kajian ini menyarankan perlu adanya peran pemerintah termasuk di tingkat lokal membangun keharmonisan di tengah kebhinekaan untuk mencegah konflik horizontal dalam bentuk yang laten maupun termanifest.  

    FPGA Hardware Realization: Addition of Two Digital Signals Based on Walsh Transforms

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    This paper presents hardware realization of addition of two digital signals based on Walsh transforms and inverse Walsh transforms targeted to the Xilinx FPGA Spartan 3 board. The realization utilizes Walsh Transform to convert the input data to frequency domain and the inverse Walsh transform to reconvert the data from frequency domain. The designed system is capable of performing addition, subtraction, multiplication and Arbitrary Waveform Generation (AWG). However, in the present work, the hardware realization of addition only has been demonstrated. The Clock frequency for realization into the board is supplied by an external function generator. Output results are captured using a logic analyzer. Input data to the board (system) is passed manually through the available slide switches on-board
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