25 research outputs found

    SayCanPay: Heuristic Planning with Large Language Models using Learnable Domain Knowledge

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive planning abilities due to their vast "world knowledge". Yet, obtaining plans that are both feasible (grounded in affordances) and cost-effective (in plan length), remains a challenge, despite recent progress. This contrasts with heuristic planning methods that employ domain knowledge (formalized in action models such as PDDL) and heuristic search to generate feasible, optimal plans. Inspired by this, we propose to combine the power of LLMs and heuristic planning by leveraging the world knowledge of LLMs and the principles of heuristic search. Our approach, SayCanPay, employs LLMs to generate actions (Say) guided by learnable domain knowledge, that evaluates actions' feasibility (Can) and long-term reward/payoff (Pay), and heuristic search to select the best sequence of actions. Our contributions are (1) a novel framing of the LLM planning problem in the context of heuristic planning, (2) integrating grounding and cost-effective elements into the generated plans, and (3) using heuristic search over actions. Our extensive evaluations show that our model surpasses other LLM planning approaches

    Top-Down Knowledge Compilation for Counting Modulo Theories

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    Propositional model counting (#SAT) can be solved efficiently when the input formula is in deterministic decomposable negation normal form (d-DNNF). Translating an arbitrary formula into a representation that allows inference tasks, such as counting, to be performed efficiently, is called knowledge compilation. Top-down knowledge compilation is a state-of-the-art technique for solving #SAT problems that leverages the traces of exhaustive DPLL search to obtain d-DNNF representations. While knowledge compilation is well studied for propositional approaches, knowledge compilation for the (quantifier free) counting modulo theory setting (#SMT) has been studied to a much lesser degree. In this paper, we discuss compilation strategies for #SMT. We specifically advocate for a top-down compiler based on the traces of exhaustive DPLL(T) search.Comment: 9 pages; submitted to Workshop on Counting and Sampling 2023 at SAT202

    Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming in Discrete-Continuous Domains

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    Neural-symbolic AI (NeSy) allows neural networks to exploit symbolic background knowledge in the form of logic. It has been shown to aid learning in the limited data regime and to facilitate inference on out-of-distribution data. Probabilistic NeSy focuses on integrating neural networks with both logic and probability theory, which additionally allows learning under uncertainty. A major limitation of current probabilistic NeSy systems, such as DeepProbLog, is their restriction to finite probability distributions, i.e., discrete random variables. In contrast, deep probabilistic programming (DPP) excels in modelling and optimising continuous probability distributions. Hence, we introduce DeepSeaProbLog, a neural probabilistic logic programming language that incorporates DPP techniques into NeSy. Doing so results in the support of inference and learning of both discrete and continuous probability distributions under logical constraints. Our main contributions are 1) the semantics of DeepSeaProbLog and its corresponding inference algorithm, 2) a proven asymptotically unbiased learning algorithm, and 3) a series of experiments that illustrate the versatility of our approach.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Differentiation and Weighted Model Integration

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    status: publishe