102 research outputs found

    The inter-related roles of the regional and local government in developing local partnerships in Italy

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    Building partnerships is becoming an important issue at the local level of government in many countries. Different experiences can be traced throughout Europe, as well as in other OECD countries. This is because partnerships, especially when the size of the single local government is small, can help to manage services in a more efficient and effective way.Nevertheless, building a relation is difficult, nor is it always successful, as many scholars emphasise. For a number of reasons, higher levels of government may then play a significant role in supporting partnerships between different stakeholders.Given the shortage of empirical studies on this subject, this chapter combines conceptual and empirical analysis, and is based upon:- the direct observation of a number of partnerships in Italy, with particular reference to those Regions in which the birth and the development of partnerships has been positively influenced by the regional level of government;- surveys of other partnerships which have been formalised in Italy;- literature review and analysis of official documents.The issues analysed most carefully in the chapter are the critical aspects of partnership building, and the role played by higher levels of government in activating or facilitating partnerships. It is in fact clear that higher levels of government may gain considerable benefit from the development of partnerships at the local level.Finally, the chapter deals with comparative aspects, and investigates the existence of common patterns and trends in the different regional experiences examined

    Revoca prefettizia della patente ex art. 120 codice della strada : una “sanzione” ragionevole?

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    La Corte di cassazione ritorna sull'art. 416-ter c.p. : una nuova effettività per il reato di ''scambio elettorale politico mafioso''?

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    Con la sentenza in commento, la Corte di Cassazione affronta i punti pi\uf9 controversi del novellato reato di "scambio elettorale politico mafioso", proponendo una nuova ricostruzione ermeneutica che, entro i limiti scolpiti dal principio di legalit\ue0, garantisce alla norma una maggiore effettivit\ue0. In particolare,\ua0con riferimento all'oggetto della promessa, i giudici di legittimit\ue0 hanno stabilito che, per la prova del patto, non \ue8 necessaria l'esplicita pattuizione del metodo mafioso, ben potendo questo rimanere sullo sfondo dell'accordo. Inoltre, per quanto attiene al dolo del promissario, la Cassazione ha affermato che, quando l'interlocutore \ue8 una cosca mafiosa, la parte dell'accordo relativa alle modalit\ue0 di procacciamento dei voti deve ritenersi presunta; quando, invece, la promessa proviene da altri soggetti, la prova del dolo diviene pi\uf9 rigorosa, chiedendosi in questo caso\ua0una chiara dimostrazione della consapevolezza del metodo mafioso

    First spaceborne observation of sea surface height using GPS-reflectometry

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    An analysis of spaceborne Global Positioning System reflectometry (GPS-R) data from the TechDemoSat-1 (TDS-1) satellite is carried out to image the ocean sea surface height (SSH). An SSH estimation algorithm is applied to GPS-R delay waveforms over two regions in the South Atlantic and the North Pacific. Estimates made from TDS-1 overpasses during a 6 month period are aggregated to produce SSH maps of the two regions. The maps generally agree with the global DTU10 mean sea surface height. The GPS-R instrument is designed to make bistatic measurements of radar cross section for ocean wind observations, and its altimetric performance is not optimized. The differences observed between measured and DTU10 SSH can be attributed to limitations with the GPS-R instrument and the lack of precision orbit determination by the TDS-1 platform. These results represent the first observations of SSH by a spaceborne GPS-R instrument

    Clara Caselli, “Sistema del valore e Sussidiarietà aziendale tra profit e nonprofit”, 2012

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    Partendo da un contributo di Clara Caselli del 2012, avente a tema la sussidiarietà aziendale, e le implicazioni di questa per tutte le aziende, gli autori presentano il profilo scientifico della collega genovese recentemente scomparsa, la sua personalità, il suo ruolo come imprenditrice social

    Il Tribunale di Milano individua una nuova figura di "colletto bianco pericoloso": il falso professionista (nella specie, un falso avvocato) : Un ulteriore passo delle misure di prevenzione nel contrasto alla criminalità da profitto

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    Con il decreto in commento, il Tribunale di Milano ha disposto l'applicazione della misura di prevenzione personale della sorveglianza speciale di pubblica sicurezza, nonch\ue9 la confisca di numerosi beni, nei confronti di un soggetto che esercitava abusivamente la professione di avvocato e che, nell'arco temporale di oltre dieci anni, aveva realizzato diversi reati economico-fiscali e contro la Pubblica Amministrazione. Si tratta di una pronuncia di grande interesse, perch\ue9 emblematica della progressiva trasformazione del sistema prevenzionistico da strumento di controllo sociale a mezzo di aggressione dei profitti illecitamente accumulati. In questo senso, i "nuovi" destinatari delle misure di prevenzione sembrano ormai essere - accanto alla criminalit\ue0 mafiosa - proprio i "colletti bianchi"

    The GNSS-R Eddy Experiment II: L-band and Optical Speculometry for Directional Sea-Roughness Retrieval from Low Altitude Aircraft

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    We report on the retrieval of directional sea-roughness (the full directional mean square slope, including MSS, direction and isotropy) through inversion of Global Navigation Satellite System Reflections (GNSS-R) and SOlar REflectance Speculometry (SORES)data collected during an experimental flight at 1000 m. The emphasis is on the utilization of the entire Delay-Doppler Map (for GNSS-R) or Tilt Azimuth Map (for SORES) in order to infer these directional parameters. Obtained estimations are analyzed and compared to Jason-1 measurements and the ECMWF numerical weather model.Comment: Proceedings from the 2003 Workshop on Oceanography with GNSS Reflections, Barcelona, Spain, 200

    BENE-BUS BENchmarking of E-BUSiness solutions for Western and Eastern European SMEs

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    While the European Union is launching its main challenge through the next enlargement the co-operation between the EU member states and the Associated countries is becoming more and more critical. A closer collaboration is thus expected at economic and political level in terms of knowledge transfer, adoption of models of sustainable growth, increasing o f competitiveness and development of novel opportunities for the players. Under this framework e-commerce solutions can support the strategy towards the change but their adoption, mainly by the SMEs, should be well established and as a result of an informed decision. The BENEBUS project is in line with this approach being mainly focused to provide the Eastern and Western European SMEs with innovative assessment models and benchmarking tools aimed at improving their way to approach e-business implementation.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk