164 research outputs found

    Basic axiological principles of modern automobile advertisement: the choice of men and women

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    The article deals with the description of basic values chosen by men and women when they buy a new car. The article presents the results of a sociological experiment which was conducted with the aim of finding out the correlation of axiological principles of modern automobile advertisement and preferencial values of men and women when they buy a new car.В статье представлены основные ценности, которые мужчины и женщины предъявляют при выборе автомобиля. Описаны результаты социологического эксперимента, основная цель которого выявить соотношение аксиологических основ современной автомобильной рекламы и ценностных предпочтений мужчин и женщин при покупке личного автомобиля

    Creating carbon nanotubes microenvironment in surfactant water solutions

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    © 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. The infrared absorption spectra of aqueous dispersions of carbon nanotubes in the presence of surfactants and alkali metal salts in the frequency range from 1000 cm-1 to 3000 cm-1 have been studied. The possibility of controlling the characteristics of local environment of carbon nanotubes by varying external electrolyte and modulation the surfactant micelle structure has been shown

    The characteristics of the implementation of the thematic directions of "physical culture and health" in kindergarten

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    Представлен опыт формирования двигательных действий в условиях детского сада. Показаны особенности двигательного режима детей дошкольного возрастаExperience of motor action in a kindergarten. Showing features of the system of pre-school childre

    Страницы жизни кафедры всеобщей истории: как все начиналось

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    Страницы жизни кафедры всеобщей истории: под руководством А.А. Искендерова (1972-1997)

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    Страницы жизни кафедры всеобщей истории: под руководством А.А. Маслова (1997-2008)

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    Lease or easement for a forest plot for linear objects: An economic aspect

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    In this article, we will consider the interesting, in our opinion, presented data of practitioners and scientists in terms of the study of more cost-effective disposal of forest plots provided for linear objects on the lands of the forest fund of Russia. In our opinion, today it is quite relevant to resolve issues around the payment for the use of forest plots for linear objects for our country: granting the right to lease or establish an easement for the considered plots, as well as conducting forecast financial calculations of these options for the provision of land for 2020. In this article, we only showed forward-looking calculations on the example of the Ural Federal District, which has almost 10% of the country's forest land (almost 60% of the district's area), for conclusions about the damage to the budget due to lost revenue due to the choice of the form of granting forest plots, a more complete study of the economic mechanism of land management of the country is necessary, such a task the authors have not yet set themselves. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021

    Influence of carbon nanotubes on surfactants supramolecular structures

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    The surfactant-base membrane mimetic supramolecular structures and their reaction on the presence of carbon nanotubes were studied. On an example of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) it was shown that CTAB molecules can form structures which in texture, shape and sizes imitate the morphology of biological membranes, - the sheets with a typical size of several tens of micrometers. It has been established that the presence of carbon nanotubes leads both to the change in the characteristic size of the sheets in the direction of their increase, and the appearance of new structural state - the sheets which form the «flower structures» (nanoflowers). This means that the presence of the carbon nanoparticles may change the geometry of the membrane structure, thereby altering membrane properties and thus causing disturbances in the activity of biological organisms

    English Nouns’ Valency in Terms of Phraseology

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    This article deals with the analysis of the noun used in the English phraseology as it has the highest phraseological activity. The subject of special attention is a study of phraseological units with a phytonym component. The group of phraseological units with a phytonym component is the most frequently used one. Some phytonyms demonstrate unusual cultural connotations typical to this languag

    Correction of the toxic effect of cyclophosphamide on hemopoiesis in animals with lewis lung carcinoma using low-molecular-weight sodium alginate

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    The influence of low-molecular-weight sodium alginate, which is administered as an isolated agent and in combination with cyclophosphamide, on the parameters of peripheral blood and bone marrow was studied in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma. It was shown that administration of sodium alginate with a molecular weight of 1–10 and 20–30 kDa to tumor-bearing animals prevents bone marrow failure by activating the process of regeneration of granulocytic hemopoietic stem cells that are damaged by a single injection or repetitive injections of a cytostatic agent, due to stimulation of the clonal activity of granulocytopoiesis precursors. As a result, this treatment prevents the progression of leukopenia