488 research outputs found

    Perceptions and satisfaction with dental healthcare: a case study

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    This paper presents the main results of a survey carried out by a  network of dental surgeries, with the aim of investigating patients' feelings about dental cures and their overall satisfaction with the supplied service. Information was collected by means of a questionnaire filled in by a sample of 885 patients. The most remarkable outcomes are relative to patient segmentation and patient satisfaction

    Prognostic Value of PTEN, MTOR, PI3K, IGF-1R, EGFR, PD-L1 and PD-L2 in breast cancer

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    Orientador: Luis Otavio Zanatta SarianTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Introdução: A via de sinalização intracelular PTEN, mTOR, PI3K, IGF-1R e EGFR exerce papel prognóstico importante no câncer de mama. Embora muitos estudos tenham analisado a correlação entre as alterações gênicas de PTEN, mTOR, PI3K, IGF-1R e EGFR e o mau prognóstico em câncer de mama, há uma lacuna na literatura com relação ao valor prognóstico dessas proteínas na adjuvância do câncer de mama. Apesar de existirem fatores prognósticos e preditivos conhecidos, como os receptores hormonais e o HER-2, no campo imunológico, o câncer de mama é um dos tumores menos imunogênicos. As proteínas PD-L1 e PD-L2 fazem parte de uma importante resposta imune antitumoral. Em câncer de mama, o valor prognóstico de PD-L1 e PD-L2 ainda não está definido. Objetivos: Investigar a expressão das proteínas PTEN, mTOR, PI3K, IGF-1R e EGFR e das proteínas PD-L1 e PD-L2, e a correlação com as características clínicas e patológicas do câncer de mama, sobrevida livre de doença e sobrevida global. Métodos: Foi realizada uma coorte que avaliou 192 casos de câncer de mama, estadios I, II e III, tratadas entre 1994 e 2014 no Hospital da Mulher (CAISM) da UNICAMP. Os dados clínicos e de sobrevida foram retirados de prontuários. Blocos de parafina foram utilizados para construção do microarranjo de tecidos (TMA). No TMA foi utilizada a técnica de imunohistoquímica (IHQ) para estudo da expressão dessas proteínas. A terapia adjuvante foi administrada de acordo com o protocolo de tratamento institucional. Resultados: A expressão de PTEN foi encontrada em 40.6% (77/190); mTOR em 47.4% (90/190); PI3K em 29.8% (57/191); IGF-1R em 35.8% (68/190) e EGFR em 25.7% (49/191). Nas células do câncer de mama, a expressão de PTEN ocorreu no citoplasma e na região nuclear; a expressão de mTOR foi constatada de modo intenso na região nuclear e também no citoplasma. A expressão de PI3K foi mais intensa na membrana celular e menos intensa no citoplasma. A expressão de IGF-1R foi detectada na membrana celular das células tumorais. A expressão de todas essas proteínas foi significativamente associada à presença de linfonodos positivos. A idade mais jovem ao diagnóstico foi associada à expressão de PTEN e PI3K. A presença de tumores maiores foi associada à expressão de PTEN. Os receptores de progesterona negativos foram associados à expressão de PI3K. Receptores de estrógeno negativos e recorrência à distância foram ambos associados à expressão de EGFR. As expressões de PTEN, PI3K e EGFR foram fortemente associadas a características clínicas e patológicas de pior prognóstico. A expressão de PI3K foi significativamente associada à pior sobrevida livre de progressão (p=0.04) e pior sobrevida global (p=0.04). A expressão de EGFR foi também significativamente associada à pior sobrevida livre de progressão (p=0.03) e pior sobrevida global (p=0.04). A expressão de PTEN não foi associada à sobrevida. A expressão de PD-L1 foi identificada em 56.7% (107/189) e a de PD-L2 em 50.8% (97/192). Enquanto a expressão de PD-L1 foi detectada na membrana celular e no citoplasma das células do câncer de mama, a expressão de PD-L2 ocorreu no citoplasma e na região nuclear. Idade mais jovem ao diagnóstico, linfonodos positivos, receptor de estrógeno negativo e recorrência à distância foram associados tanto à expressão de PD-L1 quanto à de PD-L2. A presença de tumores maiores e de alto grau histológico foi associada à expressão de PD-L1. A expressão de PD-L1 foi significativamente associada à melhor sobrevida global (p=0.04). Conclusão: A expressão de PTEN, PI3K e EGFR pode representar um tipo de câncer de mama mais agressivo. A expressão de PI3K e EGFR pode ser considerada um marcador de mau prognóstico em câncer de mama. A expressão de PD-L1, apesar de ser associada a características clínicas e patológicas de pior evolução, pode ser considerada um marcador de bom prognóstico em câncer de mamaAbstract: Introduction: The PTEN, mTOR, PI3K, IGF-1R and EGFR signaling pathway plays an important role in prognosis of breast cancer. Although many studies have analyzed the correlation between PTEN, mTOR, PI3K, IGF-1R, and EGFR genes alterations with poor prognosis in breast cancer, there is still a gap in the literature concerning the prognostic value of these proteins in the adjuvant setting. Despite there were some well-known predictive and prognostic factors, such as hormone receptors and HER-2, in the immune field, breast cancer is one of the less immunogenic tumors. PD-L1 and PD-L2 constitute an important antitumor immune response. In breast cancer, the prognostic value of PD-L1 and PD-L2 is still to be defined. Objectives: This study investigates PTEN, mTOR, PI3K, IGF-1R and EGFR proteins expression and PD-L1 and PD-L2 proteins expression, and their correlation with clinicopathological features, disease-free survival and overall survival. Methods: In order to assess these proteins expression, we conducted an immunohistochemistry study using a tissue microarray encompassing 192 breast cancer cases, stage I, II and III, treated between 1994 and 2014 at the Women¿s Hospital (CAISM) from UNICAMP. All clinical and outcome data were retrieved from medical charts. Adjuvant therapy was administered according to the institution¿s treatment protocol. Results: PTEN expression was found in 40.6% (77/190); mTOR expression in 47.4% (90/190); PI3K expression in 29.8% (57/191); IGF-1R expression in 35.8% (68/190); and EGFR expression in 25.7% (49/191). In breast cancer cells PTEN expression showed cytoplasmic and nuclear immunoreactivity, and mTOR expression revealed strong nuclear and cytoplasmic staining. Tumors harboring PI3K expression presented strong immunoreactivity at cell membrane and weak cytoplasmic staining. IGF-1R expression was detected in breast cancer cell membrane. All proteins expression was significantly associated with lymph node positivity. Younger age at diagnosis was related to PTEN and PI3K expression. The presence of larger tumors was associated with PTEN expression. Negative progesterone receptor was correlated to PI3K expression. Estrogen receptor negativity and recurrence at distant sites were associated with EGFR expression. The expression of PTEN, PI3K, and EGFR were strongly associated with clinical and pathological features of poor prognosis. In our cohort, PI3K expression was associated with significantly worse disease-free survival (p=0.04) and overall survival (p=0.04), and EGFR expression was also significantly associated with worse disease-free survival (p=0.03) and overall survival (p=0.04). PD-L1 expression was present in 56.7% (107/189), and PD-L2 expression was identified in 50.8% (97/192). In breast cancer cells PD-L1 expression revealed strong immunoreactivity at cell membrane and cytoplasmic staining, and PD-L2 expression showed cytoplasmic and nuclear immunoreactivity. Younger age at diagnosis, lymph node positivity, estrogen negative receptor, and recurrence at distant sites were all associated with both PD-L1 and PD-L2 expression. The presence of larger tumors and higher histological grade were both associated with PD-L1 expression. PD-L1 expression was significantly associated with better overall survival (p=0.04) in breast cancer patients. Conclusion: The expression of PTEN, PI3K, and EGFR can represent a more aggressive type of breast cancer. PI3K and EGFR expressions emerge as poor prognostic markers in breast cancer. Despite its association with poor clinical and pathological features, PD-L1 expression seems to be a good prognostic marker in breast cancerDoutoradoOncologia Ginecológica e MamáriaDoutor em Ciências da SaúdeFAPES

    One Step at a Time: Duquesne University\u27s Ninth Greenhouse Gas Inventory

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    The ninth greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory was conducted for fiscal year 2021 (FY21), which began on July 1, 2020 and ended on June 30, 2021. Assembled by graduate assistants Gabriella Zuccolotto and Brianna Marks at the Center for Environmental Research and Education (CERE), these findings were compared with those derived from the previous inventories to assess trends in Duquesne University’s GHG emissions. Furthermore, this inventory discusses options for reducing Duquesne’s carbon footprint in future years. Duquesne University’s total GHG emissions were 41,562.40 MT eCO2 for FY21. After calculating the full-time student equivalent and the full-time faculty/staff equivalents, SIMAP was able to generate the emissions per weighted campus user (WCU). This resulted in a carbon footprint of 5.07 MT eCO2 per WCU in FY21. The largest contributor to Duquesne’s GHG emissions was on-campus stationary combustion, which includes the natural gas cogeneration plant and auxiliary boilers. During FY21, the cogeneration plant accounted for 63.65% of Duquesne University’s emissions. The second-largest contributor of GHG emissions during FY21 was student and employee commuting, which accounted for 19.72% of emissions, while purchased electricity (electricity not generated at the co-gen facility) accounted for 14.60% of emissions. However, emissions from purchased electricity do not count towards the reported total emissions, as they are offset entirely with renewable energy credits (RECs). Other emission sources, such as directly financed athletics and business travel, the university fleet, fertilizer, solid waste, wastewater and paper purchasing, contributed to total emissions, however these sources were comparatively insignificant. Although Duquesne University began completing GHG inventories in 2006, assessing long-term trends in this data is difficult, as all fiscal years prior to 2018 utilized a different reporting methodology. However, the adoption of SIMAP as Duquesne’s primary emissions calculation tool and implementation of a detailed protocol for data collection has allowed for standardization of GHG emission calculations. Therefore, this report, as well as future reports, will focus on changes in emissions from FY18 to present. This inventory found that, compared to FY20, FY21 GHG emissions increased by 3.93%. FY20 experienced a 16.55% decrease in total emissions when compared to FY19, coinciding with students leaving campus and cancellation of all university travel in March 2020 in compliance with lockdown measures. As students gradually returned to campus through FY21, campus activity increased but was not yet operating at full capacity. The unique nature of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted total reported emissions during FY20 and FY21, making it difficult to distinguish between GHG emissions variations from campus activity and emissions improvements purposefully made by the university. Despite these limitations to reporting, total emissions still appear to be decreasing when comparing pre-lockdown and post-lockdown emission values, with a 18.48% reduction observed between FY18 and FY21. There are several measures Duquesne must take to ensure that future reductions continue to decrease. These steps could include (1) increasing the purchasing and use of renewable energy, (2) improving the energy and water efficiencies of campus facilities, (3) providing alternative transportation options for commuters and/or incentivizing them to utilize sustainable transportation, and (4) increasing composting or considering additional sinks/offsets that will help neutralize Scope 1 and Scope 3 GHG emissions

    "P" come Piacere

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    Applicazione dei modelli CUB all'Analisi Sensoriale sul caff

    Role revolution: towards a new meaning of positions in basketball

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    Most team sports are characterized by positions to which the players in a team are assigned. The goal of this classification is to attribute specific responsibilities during a game. Moreover, the same classification drives the buying and selling of players according to team managers and coaches strategies. The existing positions - often defined a long time ago - tend to reflect traditional points of view about the game and sometimes they are no longer well-suited to the new concepts arisen with the evolution of the way of playing.   This paper focuses on basketball and aims at describing new roles of players during the game, by means of the analysis of players' performance statistics with data mining and machine learning tools. In detail, self-organizing maps and fuzzy clustering procedures are adopted in tandem to define groups of players with similar way of playing. The results show that, when considering the modern basketball players' statistics, classical positions are not able to fully represent their way of playing, and a new set of 5 roles emerges as a meaningful classification of players' characteristics

    Réseaux de soins : une théorie en attente de pratique ? : principaux obstacles et facteurs de réussite dans la mise en place d'une nouvelle forme organisationnelle pour les interventions de prothèse totale ou partielles de hanche

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    La mise en place du parcours clinique pour les interventions de la prothèse totale ou partielle de la hanche (préalable à la mise en place d'un réseau de soins dans notre étude) présuppose la réalisation des objectifs suivants: - décloisonner le système de santé (en commençant avec les deux acteurs concernés) ; - mettre le patient au coeur du système ; - améliorer l'efficience du système ; - maîtriser les coûts, tout en garantissant une qualité des prestations offertes ; - instaurer une nouvelle coopération et coordination entre fournisseurs de soins, ainsi qu' - accroître les compétences et valoriser les professionnels. C'est un projet de qualité des soins. L'itinéraire est multidisciplinaire et destiné à un groupe bien précis de patients, il repose sur une planification systématique et se traduit par un programme de soins spécifiques. La réalisation de tout ou partie de ces objectifs nous permettra de confirmer ou rejeter l'hypothèse selon laquelle les réseaux de soins sont une possible réponse à la crise actuelle du système de santé. Ces affirmations sont-elles toutes nécessaires à la création d'un réseau de soins ? Sont-elles exclusives ou cumulatives ? Y-a-t-il un lien entre la réflexion théorique et les expériences vécues sur le terrain ? Ainsi, nous nous efforcerons de démont[r]er ou de rejeter ces hypothèses au fur et à mesure que nous avancerons avec notre travail de création et développement d'un réseau de soins intégrés. Ce mémoire sera aussi l'occasion de vérifier l'adéquation des théories développées depuis quelques années concernant la mise en place d'une nouvelle forme organisationnelle comme étant une des possibles réponses aux défaillances du système de santé. [Auteur, p. 13]]]> Managed Care Programs ; Community Networks ; Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip fre https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_8C62FB939935.P001/REF.pdf http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_8C62FB9399355 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/urn/urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_8C62FB9399355 info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Copying allowed only for non-profit organizations https://serval.unil.ch/disclaimer application/pdf oai:serval.unil.ch:BIB_8C6301F806C7 2022-05-07T01:22:27Z <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"> https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_8C6301F806C7 Access to information on home- and community-based services and functional status. info:doi:10.1007/s00038-017-0990-5 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/doi/10.1007/s00038-017-0990-5 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/pmid/28620770 Cattagni Kleiner, A. Santos-Eggimann, B. Fustinoni, S. Seematter-Bagnoud, L. info:eu-repo/semantics/article article 2018-03 International journal of public health, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 273-282 info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/eissn/1661-8564 urn:issn:1661-8556 <![CDATA[To examine differences in access to home- and community-based service (HCBS) information among older adults of different functional status. Cross-sectional survey of 5435 out of 11,000 randomly selected Swiss older community dwellers from the state of Vaud. Analyses stratified by functional status examined characteristics associated with limited access to HCBS information, based on self-reported knowledge on where to find information on 13 HCBS. Proportionally, more individuals did not know where to look for information in the functionally vulnerable group than in the robust and dependent ones for virtually each service. Among robust individuals, males and persons with low financial status had increased odds of limited access. Low financial status was also negatively associated with access to information among vulnerable people. Belonging to the youngest group increased the odds of limited access for dependent individuals. Efforts should be made to improve elders' access to HCBS information by developing specific strategies relevant to each functional status group. Further studies on access to HCBS information should be conducted using complex conceptual frameworks as it has been done for HCBS use

    Identificação de constituintes químicos de Baccharis organensis baker e avaliação das atividades biológicas dos extratos e frações das partes aéreas de Baccharis aracatubaensis Malag. e Baccharis organensis baker (Asteraceae)

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    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Francinete Ramos CamposTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 27/04/2017Inclui referênciasResumo: Baccharis L. (Asteraceae) contém aproximadamente 400 espécies, sendo que 178 estão catalogadas no Brasil, principalmente nas regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste. Esse gênero tem sido descrito na literatura por apresentar várias propriedades biológicas, tais como atividade antioxidante, anti-inflamatória, citotóxica, leishmanicida, tripanocida, anti-hipertensiva, hipoglicemiante, diurética, digestiva e antimicrobiana. Tendo em vista o potencial terapêutico do gênero, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar os constituintes químicos e avaliar as atividades antioxidante e antimicrobiana de B. aracatubaensis Malag. e B. organensis Baker. Os indivíduos masculinos e femininos, de ambas as espécies, foram coletados no município de Piraquara-PR, durante o período de floração. A partir do material botânico coletado foram separadas as inflorescências de B. aracatubaensis e B. organensis para extração do óleo essencial. Este foi obtido através de hidrodestilação em aparelho de Clevenger modificado e os constituintes químicos foram identificados por CG-EM. Foi possível identificar um total de 25 compostos para B. aracatubaensis e 32 para B. organensis. Os componentes majoritários (masc./fem.) de B. aracatubaensis foram ?-muuroleno (21,4/23,9%), biciclogermacreno (21,4/21,7%), ?-cariofileno (10,9/12,7%), ?-cadineno (6,6/8,2%) e limoneno (5,5% apenas para o indivíduo masculino). Já em B. organensis foram identificados como majoritários (masc./fem.), viridiflorol (23,0/11,9%), biciclogermacreno (15,2/15,1%), ?-muuroleno (6,8/10,4%), epiglobulol (7,4/6,4%). Os compostos ?-cadinol e curcufenol (7,5% e 5,9%, respectivamente) foram majoritários somente para os indivíduos masculinos de B. organensis. Os extratos brutos foram obtidos a partir da extração hidroalcoólica das folhas de B. aracatubaensis e B. organensis, sendo indivíduos masculinos (Ba-M e Bo-M) e femininos (Ba-F e Bo-F), respectivamente. A análise de espectros de RMN de 1H dos extratos masculinos e femininos, de ambas as espécies, apresentaram perfil químico muito semelhante. Assim os extratos Ba-F e Bo-F foram fracionados por procedimentos cromatográficos e as frações de Bo-F analisadas por técnicas de RMN de 1H e espectrometria de massas, resultando na identificação de 19 substâncias: 3-(3,4,5-trimetoxifenil)-prop-2-en-1-al, ácido trans-ferúlico, 1-etoxietil-3,5-dimetoxi-4-hidroxifenol, siringaldeído, cafeato de etila, cirsimaritina, hispidulina, apigenina, ácido trans-isoferúlico, ferulato de etila, ácido siríngico, ácido cafeico, álcool siríngico, 8-metoxi apigenina, cafeato de 4'-O-?-D-glucopiranosil-3',5'-dimetoxibenzila, kaempferol, ácido 3,5-dicafeoilquínico, escopoletina e ácido tricafeoilquínico. Também foram realizadas avaliação in vitro das atividades antioxidante (DPPH e ORACFL) e antimicrobiana (técnica de microdiluição) dos óleos essenciais, extratos e frações de ambas as espécies. Todas as amostras apresentaram atividade antioxidante promissora. No ensaio antimicrobiano os extratos e frações apresentaram atividade que variou de moderada a fraca, entretanto, os óleos essenciais não apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana frente aos micro-organismos testados. Palavras-chave: Baccharis, atividade biológica, RMN, CG-EM, espectrometria de massas.Abstract: Baccharis L. (Asteraceae) contains approximately 400 species, of that 178 are cataloged in Brazil, mainly in the Sul, Sudeste, and Centro-Oeste regions. This genus has been described in the literature due the several biological properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, leishmanicidal, trypanocidal, antihypertensive, hypoglycemic, diuretic, digestive, and antimicrobial. Considering the therapeutic potential of the genus, the present work had as objectives to characterize the chemical constituents and to evaluate the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the B. aracatubaensis Malag. and B. organensis Baker. The male and female individuals of both species were collected in the municipality of Piraquara-PR, during the flowering period. The inflorescences of B. aracatubaensis and B. organensis were extracted to obtain the essential oils. The was obtained by hydrodistillation in a modified Clevenger apparatus and the chemical constituents were identified by GC-MS. It was possible to identify a total of 25 compounds for B. aracatubaensis and 32 for B. organensis. The major components (male / female) of B. aracatubaensis were ?-muurolene (21.4 / 23.9%), bicyclogermacrene (21.4 / 21.7%), ?-caryophyllene (10.9 / 12), ?-cadinene (6.6 / 8.2%) and limonene (5.5% for male subjects only). In the B. organensis, the majorities (male / female), viridiflorol (23.0 / 11.9%), bicyclogermacrene (15.2 / 15.1%), ?-muurolene (6,8 / 10.4%), epiglobulol (7.4 / 6.4%). The compounds ?-cadinol and curcufenol (7.5% and 5.9%, respectively) were predominant only for male individuals of B. organensis. The crude extracts were obtained from the hydroalcoholic extraction of the leaves of B. aracatubaensis and B. organensis, being male (Ba-M and Bo-M) and female (Ba-F and Bo-F) respectively.The analysis of 1H NMR spectra of male and female extracts of both species presented a very similar chemical profile. Thus, the Ba-F and Bo-F extracts were fractionated by chromatographic procedures and the Bo-F fractions analyzed by 1H NMR and mass spectrometry techniques, resulting in the identification of 19 substances: 3-(3, 4, 5-trimethoxyphenyl)propenal acetate, trans-ferulic acid, 1-ethoxyethyl-3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenol, syringaldehyde, ethyl caffeate, cirsimaritine, apigenin, trans-isoferulic acid, ethyl ferulate, syringic acid, caffeic acid, siringeal alcohol, 4'- glucopyranosyl-3 ', 5'-dimethoxybenzyl caffeate, kaempferol, 3,5-dicaffeoyl quinic acid, scopoletin and trycaffeoyl quinic acid. Were also evaluated the antioxidant (DPPH and ORACFL) and antimicrobial (microdilution technique) in vitro activities of essential oils, extracts and fractions of both species. All the samples presented promising antioxidant activity. In the antimicrobial assay the extracts and fractions presented activity that varied from moderate to weak, however, the essential oils did not present antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganisms. Keywords: Baccharis, biologic activity, NMR, GC-MS, mass spectrometry

    Drug conjugation to hyaluronan widens therapeutic indications for ovarian cancer

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    Management of ovarian cancer still requires improvements in therapeutic options. A drug delivery strategy was tested that allows specific targeting of tumor cells in combination with a controlled release of a cytotoxic molecule. To this aim, the efficacy of a loco-regional intraperitoneal treatment with a bioconjugate (ONCOFID-S) derived by chemical linking of SN-38, the active metabolite of irinotecan (CPT-11), to hyaluronan was assessed in a mouse model of ovarian carcinomatosis. In vitro, the bioconjugate selectively interacted with ovarian cancer cells through the CD44 receptor, disclosed a dose-dependent tumor growth inhibition efficacy comparable to that of free SN-38 drug, and inhibited Topoisomerase I function leading to apoptosis by a mechanism involving caspase-3 and -7 activation and PARP cleavage. In vivo, the intraperitoneal administration of ONCOFID-S in tumor-bearing mice did not induce inflammation, and evidenced an improved therapeutic efficacy compared with CPT-11. In conclusion, SN-38 conjugation to hyaluronan significantly improved the profile of in vivo tolerability and widened the field of application of irinotecan. Therefore, this approach can be envisaged as a promising therapeutic strategy for loco-regional treatment of ovarian cancer


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    Land subsidence is a threat to coastal cities around the world. In the lower Limpopo River Basin, the presence of compaction-prone alluvial sediments, groundwater use, and reports of saltwater intrusion suggest that subsidence could be occurring. Using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) from Sentinel-1, combined with in-situ sea level and river height measurements, this study aims to determine if land subsidence could contribute to increased saltwater intrusion. InSAR results indicate that subsidence in the lower Limpopo River valley has occurred at an average rate of -2.98 cm/yr based on data from the dry seasons (May to October) of 2017-2021. River height is decreasing at a rate of -1.93 cm/yr and sea level is rising at 0.114 cm/yr. Given the detected rate of land subsidence, this presents a novel risk for relative sea level rise and likely contributes to the increased salinization of the lower Limpopo River