30 research outputs found

    Screening Approaches for Targeting Ribonucleoprotein Complexes: A New Dimension for Drug Discovery.

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are pleiotropic factors that control the processing and functional compartmentalization of transcripts by binding primarily to mRNA untranslated regions (UTRs). The competitive and/or cooperative interplay between RBPs and an array of coding and noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) determines the posttranscriptional control of gene expression, influencing protein production. Recently, a variety of well-recognized and noncanonical RBP domains have been revealed by modern system-wide analyses, underlying an evolving classification of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and their importance in governing physiological RNA metabolism. The possibility of targeting selected RNA-protein interactions with small molecules is now expanding the concept of protein "druggability," with new implications for medicinal chemistry and for a deeper characterization of the mechanism of action of bioactive compounds. Here, taking SF3B1, HuR, LIN28, and Musashi proteins as paradigmatic case studies, we review the strategies applied for targeting RBPs, with emphasis on the technological advancements to study protein-RNA interactions and on the requirements of appropriate validation strategies to parallel high-throughput screening (HTS) efforts

    The GSK3\u3b2 inhibitor BIS I reverts YAP-dependent EMT signature in PDAC cell lines by decreasing SMADs expression level

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    The Yes-associated protein, YAP, is a transcriptional co-activator, mediating the Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition program in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). With the aim to identify compounds that can specifically modulate YAP functionality in PDAC cell lines, we performed a small scale, drug-based screening experiment using YAP cell localization as the read-out. We identified erlotinib as an inducer of YAP cytoplasmic localization, an inhibitor of the TEA luciferase reporter system and the expression of the bona fide YAP target gene, Connective Tissue Growth Factor CTGF. On the other hand, BIS I, an inhibitor of PKC\u3b4 and GSK3\u3b2, caused YAP accumulation into the nucleus. Activation of \u3b2-catenin reporter and interfering experiments show that inhibition of the PKC\u3b4/GSK3\u3b2 pathway triggers YAP nuclear accumulation inducing YAP/TEAD transcriptional response. Inhibition of GSK3\u3b2 by BIS I reduced the expression levels of SMADs protein and reduced YAP contribution to EMT. Notably, BIS I reduced proliferation, migration and clonogenicity of PDAC cells in vitro, phenocopying YAP genetic down-regulation. As shown by chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments and YAP over-expressing rescue experiments, BIS I reverted YAP-dependent EMT program by modulating the expression of the YAP target genes E-cadherin, vimentin, CTGF and of the newly identified target, CD133. In conclusion, we identified two different molecules, erlotinib and BIS I, modulating YAP functionality although via different mechanisms of action, with the second one specifically inhibiting the YAP-dependent EMT program in PDAC cell lines

    Cancer cell metabolic plasticity allows resistance to NAMPT inhibition but invariably induces dependence on LDHA

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    Background: Inhibitors of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), the rate-limiting enzyme in NAD+ biosynthesis from nicotinamide, exhibit anticancer effects in preclinical models. However, continuous exposure to NAMPT inhibitors, such as FK866, can induce acquired resistance. Methods: We developed FK866-resistant CCRF-CEM (T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia) and MDA MB231 (breast cancer) models, and by exploiting an integrated approach based on genetic, biochemical, and genome wide analyses, we annotated the drug resistance mechanisms. Results: Acquired resistance to FK866 was independent of NAMPT mutations but rather was based on a shift towards a glycolytic metabolism and on lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) activity. In addition, resistant CCRF-CEM cells, which exhibit high quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase (QPRT) activity, also exploited amino acid catabolism as an alternative source for NAD+ production, becoming addicted to tryptophan and glutamine and sensitive to treatment with the amino acid transport inhibitor JPH203 and with L-asparaginase, which affects glutamine exploitation. Vice versa, in line with their low QPRT expression, FK866-resistant MDA MB231 did not rely on amino acids for their resistance phenotype. Conclusions: Our study identifies novel mechanisms of resistance to NAMPT inhibition, which may be useful to design more rational strategies for targeting cancer metabolism

    Exploration of ligand binding modes towards the identification of compounds targeting HuR : a combined STD-NMR and Molecular Modelling approach

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    Post-transcriptional processes have been recognised as pivotal in the control of gene expression, and impairments in RNA processing are reported in several pathologies (i.e., cancer and neurodegeneration). Focusing on RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), the involvement of Embryonic Lethal Abnormal Vision (ELAV) or Hu proteins and their complexes with target mRNAs in the aetiology of various dysfunctions, has suggested the great potential of compounds able to interfere with the complex stability as an innovative pharmacological strategy for the treatment of numerous diseases. Here, we present a rational follow-up investigation of the interaction between ELAV isoform HuR and structurally-related compounds (i.e., favonoids and coumarins), naturally decorated with diferent functional groups, by means of STD-NMR and Molecular Modelling. Our results represent the foundation for the development of potent and selective ligands able to interfere with ELAV–RNA complexes

    Limonium duriusculum (de Girard) Kuntze Exhibits Anti-inflammatory Effect Via NF-κB Pathway Modulation

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    HIGHLIGHTS L. duriusculum n-BuOH extract reduces inflammatory responses both in vitro and in vivo. L. duriusculum n-BuOH extract inhibits NF-κB-dependent transcriptional responses. L. duriusculum n-BuOH extract decreases the expression of TNF-α and IL-6 genes

    Regulation of HuR structure and function by dihydrotanshinone-I

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    The Human antigen R protein (HuR) is an RNA-binding protein that recognizes U/AU-rich elements in diverse RNAs through two RNA-recognition motifs, RRM1 and RRM2, and post-transcriptionally regulates the fate of target RNAs. The natural product dihydrotanshinone-I (DHTS) prevents the association of HuR and target RNAs in vitro and in cultured cells by interfering with the binding of HuR to RNA. Here, we report the structural determinants of the interaction between DHTS and HuR and the impact of DHTS on HuR binding to target mRNAs transcriptome-wide. NMR titration and Molecular Dynamics simulation identified the residues within RRM1 and RRM2 responsible for the interaction between DHTS and HuR. RNA Electromobility Shifts and Alpha Screen Assays showed that DHTS interacts with HuR through the same binding regions as target RNAs, stabilizing HuR in a locked conformation that hampers RNA binding competitively. HuR ribonucleoprotein immunoprecipitation followed by microarray (RIP-chip) analysis showed that DHTS treatment of HeLa cells paradoxically enriched HuR binding to mRNAs with longer 3'UTR and with higher density of U/AU-rich elements, suggesting that DHTS inhibits the association of HuR to weaker target mRNAs. In vivo, DHTS potently inhibited xenograft tumor growth in a HuR-dependent model without systemic toxicity

    Role of Ox-PAPCs in the Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Runx2 and PPARγ2 Expression in MSCs-Like of Osteoporotic Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can differentiate into osteoblasts and adipocytes and conditions causing bone loss may induce a switch from the osteoblast to adipocyte lineage. In addition, the expression of Runx2 and the PPARγ2 transcription factor genes is essential for cellular commitment to an osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation, respectively. Modified lipoproteins derived from the oxidation of arachidonate-containing phospholipids (ox-PAPCs: POVPC, PGPC and PEIPC) are considered important factors in atherogenesis. METHODOLOGY: We investigated the effect of ox-PAPCs on osteogenesis and adipogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). In particular, we analyzed the transcription factor Runx2 and the PPARγ2 gene expression during osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation in absence and in presence of ox-PAPCs. We also analyzed gene expression level in a panel of osteoblastic and adipogenic differentiation markers. In addition, as circulating blood cells can be used as a "sentinel" that responds to changes in the macro- or micro-environment, we analyzed the Runx2 and the PPARγ2 gene expression in MSCs-like and ox-PAPC levels in serum of osteoporotic patients (OPs). Finally, we examined the effects of sera obtained from OPs in hMSCs comparing the results with age-matched normal donors (NDs). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Quantitative RT-PCR demonstrated that ox-PAPCs enhanced PPARγ2 and adipogenic gene expression and reduced Runx2 and osteoblast differentiation marker gene expression in differentiating hMSCs. In OPs, ox-PAPC levels and PPARγ2 expression were higher than in NDs, whereas Runx2 was lower than in ND circulant MSCs-like. CONCLUSIONS: Ox-PAPCs affect the osteogenic differentiation by promoting adipogenic differentiation and this effect may appear involved in bone loss in OPs

    Molecular Effects of the Nampt Inhibitor FK866 on Leukemia Cells

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    Aberrant activation of metabolic pathways has emerged as an hallmark of proliferating cancer cells and pharmaceutical approaches targeting cell metabolism hold great potential for cancer treatment. A critical factor in cellular metabolism is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and cancer cells highly rely on it to face increased metabolic demands and proliferation rates. Intracellular NAD+ is a key metabolite involved in several cellular processes, acting either as a coenzyme in redox reactions or as a substrate for NAD+-degrading enzymes such as poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs), CD38, and sirtuins, regulating processes that undergo fundamental changes during malignant transformation. Although NAD+ can be generated de novo from tryptophan precursor, the major route of biosynthesis is through a nicotinamidesalvage process. Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) is the rate-limiting enzyme in NAD+ biosynthesis from nicotinamide in mammalian cells. A number of cancers present an increased expression of NAMPT, and high NAMPT levels have been shown to be essential to support cancer cell growth, survival and EMT transition and to correlate with adverse prognosis. NAMPT is therefore a key factor regulating tumor cell metabolism and is thus considered a promising anti-cancer target. FK866 is a specific NAMPT inhibitor that lowers NAD+ concentration in cancer cells, reducing the activity of NAD+-dependent enzymes, impacting on ATP production and promoting cell death. NAMPT inhibition was proven to be highly effective in both lymphoid and myeloid-derived hematological malignancies in preclinical studies without affecting healthy cells, such as hematopoietic stem cells. FK866 has completed a phase I trial in oncology with advanced solid tumors. Thrombocytopenia was the dose-limiting toxicity, suggesting that this drug is a good candidate for clinical applications. We investigated the mechanism of action of FK866 in T-ALL derived cell lines as well as in primary leukemia cells. FK866-induced metabolic stress and NAMPT ablation elicited a strong arrest of protein synthesis as early cell response. FK866 induced activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which subsequently drove the inhibition of the mTOR/4EBP1 signaling cascade and of the major initiation factor EIF2A, impairing protein synthesis. Furthermore, FK866-induced stress reduced the levels of the anti-apoptotic protein MCL1 and impacted on the endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis. In addition, we established and characterized an FK866-resistant model derived from the T-ALL cell line Jurkat. Target-specific acquired resistance has been described after several therapies and can be modeled in vitro by growing cells in presence of increasing concentrations of drug. In our resistant cells, FK866 treatment only partially impacted on NAD+ content, whereas ATP levels were recovered and protein translation resumed. Notably, during in vitro acquisition of drug resistance, mutations in the NAMPT gene have not occurred. In the last years, many NAMPT inhibitors have been synthesized and characterized. The obtained results provide new insight into the role of the NAMPT-mediated NAD+ salvage pathway in cancer cell metabolism and the molecular mechanisms of FK866, which will be useful to formulate specific and effective combinatorial drug therapies

    Runx-2 gene expression is associated with age-related changes of bone mineral density in the healthy young-adult population

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    Bone mineral density (BMD) and peak bone mass (PBM) are important determinants of skeletal resistance. The development of bone densitometry improved the possibility of studying BMD and the influence of genetic and environmental factors on bone. Heredity factors are important for BMD, and Runx-2 is accepted as a regulator of osteoblasts and bone formation. The aim of our study was to evaluate the behavior of Runx-2 during skeletal maturity in the healthy young-adult population. We analyzed spine and hip BMD in 153 volunteers, 98 women and 55 men, using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. In a subgroup of these volunteers, a sample of peripheral blood was taken to perform gene expression analysis of Runx-2 both in peripheral mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs; 28 subjects) and in peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs; 140 subjects). In our work BMD was comparable in both genders after puberty, then became higher in men than women during the third and fourth decades. PBM was achieved in the third decade in women and in the fourth in men. More interestingly, Runx-2 gene expression highly correlated with BMD in both genders. MSCs and PBMCs showed the same gene expression profile of Runx-2. In conclusion, PBM is reached earlier in females, BMD becomes higher in males later in life, and BMD and PBM are strictly associated with Runx-2. In addition, PBMC should be considered an important source for gene expression analysis in bone diseases