1,092 research outputs found

    Exploring out of distribution: Deep neural networks and the human brain

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    Deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance across a wide range of tasks. Convolutional neural networks, with their ability to learn complex spatial features, have surpassed human-level accuracy on many image classification problems. However, these architectures are still often unable to make accurate predictions when the test data distribution differs from that of the training data. In contrast, humans naturally excel at such out-of-distribution generalizations. Novel solutions have been developed to improve a deep neural net\u27s ability to handle out-of-distribution data. The advent of methods such as Push-Pull and AugMix have improved model robustness and generalization. We are interested in assessing whether or not such models achieve the most human-like generalization across a wide variety of image classification tasks. We identify AugMix as the most human-like deep neural network under our set of benchmarks. Identifying such models sheds light on human cognition and the analogy between neural nets and the human brain. We also show that, contrary to our intuition, transfer learning worsens the performance of Push-Pull

    Adimen gaitasun handiko ikasleen emozioak eta gaitasun soziala

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    [EUS] Adimen gaitasun handiko haurrak identifikatzea eta hauen ezaugarri eta beharretara egokitutako hezkuntza pertsonalizatua ematea ezinbestekoa da. Hala, badaude hezkuntza arloan aplika daitezkeen zenbait metodo, hala ere, gehienak alderdi akademikoari erantzuna ematera bideratuta daude. Alabaina, sarritan, arrazoi ezberdinengatik, ikasle hauek beharrizan emozionalak erakusten dituzte eta oso gutxitan erreparatzen diogu alderdi horri. Horregatik, lan honen helburua, adimen gaitasun handiko ikasleen alderdi emozionala nola garatu daitekeen erakustea da, horretarako, kasu erreal batean oinarrituta, proposamen didaktiko bat planteatzen delarik.[ES] Es imprescindible identificar a los niños y niñas que presentan altas capacidades intelectuales y darles una respuesta educativa personalizada acorde con sus características y necesidades. Así, existen diversos métodos que se pueden aplicar en el ámbito educativo, sin embargo, la mayoría están dirigidos a dar respuesta a la parte académica. No obstante, a menudo, por diversas razones, estos alumnos y alumnas presentan necesidades emocionales y pocas veces tenemos en cuenta esta parte. Por ello, la finalidad de este trabajo es enseñar cómo se puede desarrollar el componente emocional del alumnado con altas capacidades, basándose en un caso real, y planteando para ello una propuesta didáctica.[EN] It is essential to identify children who have high intellectual capacities and give them a personalized educational response according to their characteristics and needs. Thus, there are several methods that can be applied in the educational field, even so, most of them are aimed at responding to the academic part. However, often, due to different reasons, these students present emotional needs and we rarely consider this part. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to show how to develop the emotional component of the students with high skills, based on a real case, and creating a didactic proposal

    Anatomía política de los sentimientos

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    En El corazón de la nación. Ensayos sobre política y sentimentalismo, Lauren Berlant da cuenta del poderoso vínculo entre la elaboración de los mundos políticos y las emociones, y lo hace al desatar el hiato de sentimentalismo despojándolo de su condición de acto individual para reubicarlo en modos de articulación interseccional en la construcción del sentir nacional. De tal forma, las emociones pasan a ser epicentros del análisis político-cultural de las sociedades contemporáneas. La lectura en clave emocional de la esfera pública de Berlant recorre diferentes tópicos: desde el trabajo infantil hasta productos de la industria cultural, y en todos ellos las formas en las que en las emociones se articulan la ciudadanía, la nación, circunscribiendo el potencial radical del mal-sentir. Por ello, Berlant nos habla de los modos de ecualización del dolor bajo la forma estandarizada de la ciudadanía simétrica lesionada y de la política pública que repone la experiencia mancillada. Esto es: da cuenta de la inteligibilidad del dolor subalterno como política de identidad al convertir la experiencia específica de dolor en un trauma como categorial universal para su registro jurídico y la consecuente acción política de reparación. Y es aquí donde radica el potencial teórico de su análisis.Fil: Zubia, Gonzalo Federico. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Everyday negotiations : Agency and structure in the everyday-life of women seeking asylum in Norway

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    Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D), Centre of Mission and Global Studies, VID Specialized University, 2021Seeking asylum is commonly defined by long and undetermined waits and significant uncertainty, which several applicants perceive as disempowering. A growing body of research highlights that applicants encounter their agency significantly limited, which leads to developing dependency on the state, this may often lead to passivity as a result. In public debate and the media, and occasionally in academic literature as well, people seeking asylum and refuge tend to be portrayed as victims of their circumstances. This portrayal has turned into a stereotype of refugees and asylum seekers as almost powerless, without any agency. With the desire to reveal a more nuanced picture of the asylum-seeking process and the refugee experience, this thesis delves into the multiple ways in which women who have sought asylum in Norway negotiate the extensive structural limitations they come across in the process, and how they find avenues to enact their agency. The thesis pays particular attention to everyday, mundane practices, aspirations for the future, and the role of religious beliefs and practices in the women’s early stages of arrival to Norway. The thesis draws on two phases of fieldwork where I conducted individual qualitative interviews complemented with several hours of informal conversations and observations with women seeking asylum in Norway. The thesis is primarily a contribution to the research on agency and structure in contexts with significant limitations, such as refugee and asylum contexts. I argue that, in such contexts, agency is visible in small, everyday negotiations in relation to everyday practices, including everyday forms of religion and everyday identity struggles. Each article in this thesis illustrates a different way in which the women negotiate the structures and find ways to enact their everyday agency in various spheres of their life. In this way, the thesis highlights the importance of paying attention to everyday mundane practices, especially in situations of significant structural limitations. An emphasis is placed on the pertinence of examining the religious sphere of people’s lives, as it may not only contribute to their resilience but also to their agency in more general terms- given its central role in self-identification practices and dealing with stigmatized identities. Aside from making it possible to notice the interplay between agency and structure, it also provides understanding as to how the various contexts in which people find themselves, influence their aspirations, and how these aspirations are pursued. Finally, this thesis shows that asserting aspirations, particularly, albeit not exclusively, in asylum and refugee contexts, may be seen as a practice of self-identification used to deal with stigmatized identities.Å søke asyl innebærer ofte en lang og ubestemt ventetid og betydelig usikkerhet, noe som flere søkere oppfatter som umyndiggjørende. Et voksende forskningsfelt fremhever at asylsøkere ofte finner sin handlekraft begrenset, noe som gjør at de utvikler et avhengighetsforhold til staten, som videre fører til passivitet. I den offentlige debatten og i media, og noen ganger også i den akademiske litteraturen, blir personer som søker asyl ofte fremstilt som ofre for deres omstendigheter. Slike skildringer/narrativer har skapt en stereotype rundt asylsøkere og flyktninger som nærmest maktesløse og uten handlekraft. Med et ønske om å bidra til et mer nyansert bilde av asylprosessen og opplevelsen av å være flyktning, setter denne avhandlingen fokus på hvordan kvinner som har søkt asyl i Norge forhandler på ulike måter de omfattende strukturelle begrensningene de møter i denne prosessen. Avhandlingen legger særlig vekt på hverdagsliv, hverdagslige praksiser, ambisjoner for fremtiden og rollen religiøs tro og praksis spiller i en tidlig fase av kvinnenes liv i Norge. Jeg har gjennomført individuelle kvalitative intervjuer med kvinner som søker asyl i Norge i to ulike faser. Oppgaven bygger på disse intervjuene i tillegg til flere timer med uformelle samtaler og observasjoner. Oppgaven er først og fremst et bidrag til forskning om forholdet mellom aktør og struktur i en kontekst som innebærer betydelige begrensninger, som for eksempel flyktning- og asylkonteksten. Jeg argumenterer for at handlekraft i slike sammenhenger er synlig i små, hverdagslige forhandlinger innenfor ulike hverdagspraksiser, inkludert hverdagslige former for religion og hverdagslige identitetskamper. Hver artikkel i denne oppgaven illustrerer ulike måter kvinnene forhandler med strukturelle rammer på og, slik, finner måter de kan utføre sin daglige handlekraft på, relatert til ulike livsområder. På denne måten fremhever avhandlingen viktigheten av å ta hensyn til hverdagslige praksiser, spesielt i situasjoner med betydelige strukturelle begrensninger. Det legges vekt på betydningen av å undersøke den religiøse sfæren i folks liv, da denne ikke bare kan bidra til å gjøre dem motstandsdyktige, men også til handlekraft generelt - gitt den sentrale rollen den spiller i selvidentifiseringspraksis og håndtering av stigmatiserte identiteter. Avhandlingen gir også en forståelse av hvordan de ulike kontekstene mennesker befinner seg i, påvirker deres aspirasjoner og hvordan disse aspirasjonene blir fulgt opp. Avslutningsvis viser denne avhandlingen at å uttrykke aspirasjoner, spesielt i en asyl- og fluktkontekst, men også generelt, kan sees på som en praksis for selvidentifisering som brukes til å håndtere stigmatiserte identiteter.submittedVersio

    Mikel M. Karreraren «Ondazilegi izeneko lursailak» liburuaren aipamena

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    La presente publicación es una obra de investigación sobre la tradición jurídica arraigada en Guipúzcoa. Su autor pretende exponer con palabras y conceptos actuales el significado de los terrenos ondazilegi. Esta institución peculiar del agro guipuzcoano se encuentra presente en el articulado del Derecho Civil Foral de Guipúzcoa, concretada a través de la Ley 3/1999, de 16 de noviembre, de modificación de la Ley del Derecho Civil del País Vasco, en lo relativo al Fuero Civil de Guipúzcoa. Este estudio, además de responder a interrogantes históricos y afinar herramientas imprescindibles para el profesional, realiza sugerencias a tener en cuenta sobre la viabilidad o función económica y social de la institución.Argitalpen hau Gipuzkoan sustraitutako tradizio juridikoari buruzko ikerketa lana da. Autoreak ondazilegi lursailen esanahia egungo hitz eta kontzeptuekin argitzeko eta azaltzeko asmoa du. Gipuzkoako landa esparruko erakunde berezi hau Gipuzkoako Foru Zuzenbide Zibila artikulatzeko garaian agertzen da, Lege 3/1999, azaroaren 16koan, Euskal Herriko Zuzenbide Zibilari buruzko Legearen barruan Gipuzkoako Foru Zibilari dagokiona aldatu zenean. Halaber, azpimarratzekoa da lan honetan irakurleak ez dituela ondazilegien jatorriari buruzko azalpenak bakarrik aurkituko, erakunde honen bideragarritasun edo funtzio ekonomiko eta sozialari buruzko iradokizun baliotsuak ere topatuko baititu.Cette publication est un travail de recherche sur la tradition juridique établie en Guipúzcoa. Son auteur prétend exposer avec des paroles et des concepts actuels la signification des terrains ondazilegi. Cette institution particulière de la terre cultivée de Guipúzcoa se trouve dans le texte du Droit Civil Foral de Guipúzcoa, concrétisée à travers la Loi 3/1999, du 16 novembre, en modification de la Loi de Droit Civil du Pays Basque, concernant le Fuero Civil de Guipúzcoa. Cette étude, en plus de répondre à des interrogations historiques et d'affiner les outils indispensables au professionnel, réalise des suggestions que l'on doit prendre en considération sur la viabilité ou la fonction économique et sociale de l'institution.The present publication is a work of research on this legal tradition rooted in Guipúzcoa. Its author intends to explain with current concepts the meaning of the ondazilegi lands. This peculiar institution in the Gipuzkoan countryside is now articulated in Gipuzkoan Statutory Civil Law, namely in Law 3/1999, approved on 16th November 1999, on the modification of the Law on Civil Legislation of the Basque Country, in the part that refers to Gipuzkoan Civil Jurisdiction. This study, in addition to dealing with historical matters and to perfecting certain indispensable tools for lawyers, makes suggestions on how to take into account the viability or economic and social function of this institution

    Parkinson gaixotasunaren eragina gaixoen bizi kalitatean: berrikusketa bibliografikoa

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    Marko teorikoa eta justifikazioa: Parkinson gaixotasuna sistema nerbiosoan eragiten duen gaixotasun neurodegeneratibo kronikoa bat da, garuneko sustantzia beltzean eragiten duena. Substantzia beltzean dauden neuronak kaltetzen dira eta dopamina neurotrasmisoreen gutxipena gertatzen da, ondorioz garunak gorputzeko mugimenduen kontrola galtzen du sintoma motoreen eta sintoma ez motoreen agerpena emanez. Sintoma horiek sufrimendua, ezgaitasuna eta dependentzia sorrarazten die gaixoei beraien eguneroko bizimoduan, osasunarekin lotutako bizi kalitatea murriztuz. Hori dela eta, oso garrantzitsua da erizainek gai honen inguruko jakintza sakona edukitzea ondoren gaixoei beharrezkoak diren zainketa eraginkorrak eskaini ahal izateko eta beraien bizi kalitatea ahalik eta hobeagoa izateko Helburu orokorra: Parkinson gaixotasunean ematen diren sintomak osasunarekin lotutako gaixoen bizi kalitatean nola eragiten duten identifikatzea. Metodologia: 2007.urtetik gaur egun arte argitaratutako ingelesezko eta gaztelerazko lanak aztertu dira. Artikuluk eskuratzeko CUIDEN, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycoINFO eta Science Direct datu baseak erabili dira. Bestalde, esku-bilaketa burutu da honako aldizkari zientifikoetan; Enfermeria Clínica, Journal of the Neurological Science, International Journal of Nursing Studies, eta Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. Horrez gain, Praktika klinikoaren Gidak eta aukeratutako artikuluen bibliografiak aztertu dira. Emaitzak eta eztabaida: Parkinson gaixotasunean ematen diren ohiko sintomak tresna desberdinen bitartez identifikatu dira, hala nola, MMSE, BDI, FSS, SCOPA-AUT, ASBPD , NMSS eta UPDRS eskalen bitartez. Era berean, sintoma horien eragina bizi kalitatean nolakoa den neurtu egin da PDQ-39, PDQ-8 eta SF-36 eskalen eta galdetegien bidez. Eragin handiena daukaten sintoma ez motoreak eta motoreak mina, gernu asaldurak, asaldura kognitiboak, depresioa, zurruntasuna, gorputz adarrak mugitzeko zailtasuna, gorputzeko jarrera ezegonkorra, bradezinesia eta martxaren alterazioak izanik. Ondorioak: Bai sintoma motoreek bai ez-motoreak eragin negatiboa eta kaltegarria daukate osasunarekin lotutako gaixoen bizi kalitatean baina bietatik, sintoma ez motoreak dira gehien eragiten dutenak. Bestalde, gaixotasuna aurrera joan ahala, sintoma gehiago azaleratzen dira gaixoen bizi kalitatea okertuz, gainera bi sintoma motoreek elkarren artean erlazio esanguratsua daukate. Beharrezkoa da talde multidisziplinarraren balorazio jarraitua egitea eta baita erizainen esku hartze jarraitu eta eraginkorra ematea ere. Hala eta guztiz ere, gaur egun Euskal Herrian ikerketa gutxi egin dira gai honen inguruan, eskala eta galdetegi ezberdinak egoteak zailtasunak dakartza emaitzak konparatzerako orduan

    Compass, continuity and change. Everyday religion among women living in asylum centers in Norway

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.When seeking asylum in Norway, asylum seekers are usually placed in asylum centers, where their everyday life is filled with uncertainty and few meaningful activities. Despite the importance of religion for many residents, little attention is paid both by authorities as well as by scholars to the role of religious beliefs and practices in their everyday life within this context. This article is based on ethnographic research with women living in asylum centers over the course of one year. Through the lens of ‘everyday lived religion’, it explores the role and significance of their religious beliefs and practices in their everyday life in the center, as well as the changes that they experience to these. It argues that religion acts as a compass and provides a sense of continuity in the everyday life in the asylum center. The women also experience certain changes to their religious beliefs and practices due to being in a new socio-cultural environment.publishedVersio

    Operating Point Optimization of a Hydrogen Fueled Hybrid Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Steam Turbine (SOFC-ST) Plant

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    This paper presents a hydrogen powered hybrid solid oxide fuel cell-steam turbine (SOFC-ST) system and studies its optimal operating conditions. This type of installation can be very appropriate to complement the intermittent generation of renewable energies, such as wind generation. A dynamic model of an alternative hybrid SOFC-ST configuration that is especially suited to work with hydrogen is developed. The proposed system recuperates the waste heat of the high temperature fuel cell, to feed a bottoming cycle (BC) based on a steam turbine (ST). In order to optimize the behavior and performance of the system, a two-level control structure is proposed. Two controllers have been implemented for the stack temperature and fuel utilization factor. An upper supervisor generates optimal set-points in order to reach a maximal hydrogen efficiency. The simulation results obtained show that the proposed system allows one to reach high efficiencies at rated power levels.This work has been carried out in the Intelligent Systems and Energy research group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and has been supported by the UFI11/28 research grant of the UPV/EHU and by the IT677-13 research grant of the Basque Government (Spain) and by DPI2012-37363-CO2-01 research grant of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Os retornados with Antunes: Luanda, Angola and Lisbon

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    António Lobo Antunes explores a forced encounter of a Portuguese diaspora with Africa for some settlers. He examines the nature of the bi-directional diaspora for “os retornados”, who, having returned to Portugal after independence of the colonies, found they were invisible in the eyes of Portugal, as portrayed in ‘O esplendor de Portugal’ and in ‘A história do hidroavião’. Luanda, Angola and Lisbon are depicted as spaces where each individual represents the reverse of the Portuguese colonial past. Antunes turns to historical facts as a source for a critical fiction. The prominence given to the experience of Africa and Portugal makes these books a valuable sociological document, illustrating that there was not much room left for any of these voices, neither in Angola, nor in Lisbon. Portuguese Language remains as their only space, which allows António Lobo Antunes the claim of a cultural dimension of these “retornados”