162 research outputs found
Konflik Agraria Di Indonesia
This article describe agrarian conflict in Indonesia. Until this moment many agrarian conflict are happen in Papua, Java, Kalimantan and Sumatera. This conflict consist many interests and there isn\u27t equity policy to society are following this conflict. The implication the agrarian conflict become latent conflict. It usually make huge damage in society and nation
Peranan Modal Sosial Bagi Petani Miskin untuk Mempertahankan Kelangsungan Hidup Rumah Tangga di Pedesaan Ngawi (Studi Kasus di Desa Randusongo Kecamatan Gerih Kabupaten Ngawi Provinsi Jawa Timur)
This study was a descriptive qualitative research aiming to describe the role of Social Capital for the poor farmer to sustain their household life. The subject of research consisted of poor farmers having a less-than-0.13 ha land conducted in RT 4 RW 6 Bulu II Hamlet, Randusongo Village, Gerih Subdistrict, Ngawi Regency, East Java Province.This study was conducted using in-depth interview, observation, and library study techniques. Meanwhile, the sampling technique used was maximum variation sampling taken seven informants as the sample, consisting of four informants: poor old, very poor old, poor young, and very poor young farmers, as the case informant, while the key informant of research consisted of: elders of Randusongo Village, Carik/Secretary of Randusongo Village, and Head of Bulu II Hamlet. Key informant was also used as the instrument of validating the field data from the informant.The case informants were selected based on the criterion specified by Statistical Central Agency (BPS), that was, those belonging to poor family, while key informants were the village elders considered as knowledgeable and understanding about the daily condition of poor farmers because they domiciled in the same hamlet, and the village apparatus considered as knowing the poor farmers\u27 condition because they often gave them service regarding Bantuan Langsung Tunai ((BLT= Cash Direct Grant) now called Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat (BLSM = Temporary Public Grant), Raskin (rice for poor people) and other services.The result showed that bonding social capital played an important role for the poor farmers in sustaining their household life. It could be seen from those helping their poor close relatives in meeting their daily life needs. Bridging social capital is the strongest out of the three social capitals existing because many poor farmer household could survive because of their close neighbor\u27s help. Linking social capital did not play a role at al because such organization as PKK (Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga = Family Welfare Education) or organization at either RT or RW level in Randusongo village did not work thereby could not contribute to reinforcing social capital within the society
Habitus Pengembangan Desa Wisata Kuwu: Studi Kasus Desa Wisata Kuwu Kecamatan Kradenan Kabupaten Grobogan
This research aimed to find out the tourism potency, practice (habitusand domain capital), supporting and inhibiting dimensions, strategy, and theeffect of Kuwu Tourism Village Development in Kradenan Subdistrict ofGrobogan Regency of Central Java using Pierce F Bourdieu's Practical Theory and Robert K. Merton's Structural Functionalism Theory. This study was a qualitative research using case study strategy. The data source ofresearch included informant, archive and document. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Technique of collecting data used in thisresearch was in-depth interview and observation. The result of research show that many tourism potentials had not been explored yet in Kuwu Village,either social or cultural. Habitus and economic capital, social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic capital of Kuwu villagers could be utilized inKuwu tourism village domain to develop Kuwu tourism village. But in fact, the habitus and capital the Kuwu villagers had, had not been utilized anddeveloped optimally. The supporting dimensions in Kuwu tourism villagedevelopment included the presence of Bledug Kuwu natural phenomenon,social cultural potency, and accessible road. Meanwhile, the inhibitingdimension derived from government, community, physical condition andexternal parties (investor and Non Governmental Organization). The tourismdevelopment strategy was taken by regency government and villagegovernment, in which the development still focused on Bledug Kuwu tourismobject. The effect of Kuwu Tourism Village viewed from social economicaspect occurred only in some people obtaining additional income from theirparticipation in becoming food sellers, parking personnel and etc in BledugKuwu. The social cultural effect was the preserved Javanese traditional artwith the organization of art performance in Bledug Kuwu Tourism object. Theenvironmental effect could be seen only in the Kuwu (Krajan) Hamlet people who had disposed the rubbish in the permanent rubbish place
Peranan Modal Sosial Bagi Petani Miskin untuk Mempertahankan Kelangsungan Hidup Rumah Tangga di Pedesaan Ngawi (Studi Kasus di Desa Randusongo Kecamatan Gerih Kabupaten Ngawi Provinsi Jawa Timur)
This study was a descriptive qualitative research aiming to describe the role of Social Capital for the poor farmer to sustain their household life. The subject of research consisted of poor farmers having a less-than-0.13 ha land conducted in RT 4 RW 6 Bulu II Hamlet, Randusongo Village, Gerih Subdistrict, Ngawi Regency, East Java Province.This study was conducted using in-depth interview, observation, and library study techniques. Meanwhile, the sampling technique used was maximum variation sampling taken seven informants as the sample, consisting of four informants: poor old, very poor old, poor young, and very poor young farmers, as the case informant, while the key informant of research consisted of: elders of Randusongo Village, Carik/Secretary of Randusongo Village, and Head of Bulu II Hamlet. Key informant was also used as the instrument of validating the field data from the informant.The case informants were selected based on the criterion specified by Statistical Central Agency (BPS), that was, those belonging to poor family, while key informants were the village elders considered as knowledgeable and understanding about the daily condition of poor farmers because they domiciled in the same hamlet, and the village apparatus considered as knowing the poor farmers' condition because they often gave them service regarding Bantuan Langsung Tunai ((BLT= Cash Direct Grant) now called Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat (BLSM = Temporary Public Grant), Raskin (rice for poor people) and other services.The result showed that bonding social capital played an important role for the poor farmers in sustaining their household life. It could be seen from those helping their poor close relatives in meeting their daily life needs. Bridging social capital is the strongest out of the three social capitals existing because many poor farmer household could survive because of their close neighbor's help. Linking social capital did not play a role at al because such organization as PKK (Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga = Family Welfare Education) or organization at either RT or RW level in Randusongo village did not work thereby could not contribute to reinforcing social capital within the society
Kemiskinan dalam Pembangunan
Dalam pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 telah tercantum tujuanpembangunan nasional yaitu untuk mewujudkan suatu masyarakat adil danmakmur, material, dan spiritual berdasarkan Pancasila, di dalam wadahnegara kesatuan republik Indonesia yang merdeka, berdaulat, dan bersatu,dalam suasana perikehidupan bangsa yang damai, tentram, tertib, dandinamis, serta dalam lingkungan pergaulan hidup dunia yang merdeka,bersahabat, tertib, dan damai. Namun Maraknya kegiatan dan perencanaanpembangunan belum sepenuhnya mampu mensejahterakan bangsa danNegara. Pembangunan di berbagai sektor juga belum dapat menampung danmemenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Dapat kita lihat bahwa hingga kinimasalah kemiskinan belum bisa di tanggulangi dengan baik. Bahkansemakin maraknya pembangunan semakin menambah deret kemiskinan dinegeri ini. Ketidak sesuaian antara tujuan pembangunan dengan realitayang terjadi di lapangan dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah. Perencanaandan program pembanguan belum dapat menanggulangi kemiskinan diNegara Indonesia. Selain itu munculnya berbagai faktor yangmempengaruhi kegagalan penanggulangan kemiskinan. Karena itudibutuhkan strategi pembangunan yang tepat guna menanggulangikemiskinan di Negara Indonesia
Perangkap Kemiskinan pada Warga Relokasi (Studi Korelasional: Unsur-unsur Perangkap Kemiskinan pada Warga Relokasi Pucang Mojo Kedungtungkul Mojosongo Jebres Surakarta)
This study is the result of the interpretation of the theory of "Poverty Trap" Robert Chambers (1983) to the social facts paradigm (Emile Dhurkheim, 1964). The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the resident relocation poverty trap, by way of explaining whether or not the relationship between the elements of the poverty trap in this case: powerlessness, vulnerability, physical weakness, material poverty, and isolation of the Public Service, the citizens relocation Pucang Mojo, Kedungtungkul, Mojosongo, Surakarta. This study uses poverty approach both structurally and culturally. This research is survey research with an explanatory strategy. The study population was all heads of households in Housing Relocation Pucang mojo, Mojosongo, Surakarta.The number of sample was taken 50% out of total population. This study employed quantitative data with triangulation using qualitative data as the confirmer. The qualitative data used was the one derived from result of interview and observation. To examine the relationship between the elements of poverty trap, Product Moment Correlation test was used that was processed with SPSS 19.0 version IBM. The dominant result of statistic data processing in this study was then combined with qualitative data in the discussion. The result of discussion showed that: out of ten relationships between variables or elements existing, only four categorized into significant relationship, while the other six elements were proved insignificant. The four elements are shown to have a significant association among others: the poverty of material with physical weakness, material poverty with vulnerability, physical weakness with vulnerability, and isolation of the public service with the helplessness while the sixth has no correlation relationships such as: poverty with insulating material to public servants, the material poverty with powerlessness, physical weakness with insulation against public servants, physical weakness with powerlessness, isolation against public servants with vulnerability, and vulnerability to helplessness. This finding showed that not all hypotheses suggested by Robert Chambers (1983) could be proved in the context of urban poverty, particularly among the relocated people in Pucangmojo, Kedungtungkul, Mojosongo, Jebres, Surakarta
Investigation of upstream length requirements for Venturi tube installation using CFD
The installation of Venturi tubes for high accuracy flow measurement in industrial application is normally based on the available international standards and guidelines. The international standard ISO 5167-4 provides guidelines on the installation requirements for Venturi in terms of upstream straight length requirements and configurations. This guideline indicates that any installation with upstream straight length lesser than the given minimum value, will incur additional 0.5% uncertainty on the discharge coefficient of the Venturi tube. The approach indicated by the international standard is very general and conservative. In this work, the numerical simulation was used to investigate the impact on the discharge coefficient, Cd, for installation with upstream straight length lesser than the given minimum value by comparing the numerical simulation results and experimental data, for Venturi tubes ranging from 100 mm to 250 mm. It was found that the numerical simulation results were within +/- 0.5% uncertainty and this is in line with the guidelines by the international standard
Comparative study on calcium, magnesium and cobalt in diabetic and non diabetic patients (males) in Punjab, Pakistan
Minerals are very important because of their important role in the maintenance of human health. Our study was aimed at assessing and comparing the levels of Ca, Mg and Co in the blood samples of diabetic and non diabetic persons (males) of five age groups between one and 75 years. For this purpose, fasting blood samples of diabetic and non diabetic males of selected age groups were collected. The blood samples were centrifuged to get serum. The mineral elements in the serum were analyzed by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results depicted that the diabetic patients had higher mean concentration of Ca (141.47 ppm), Mg (18 ppm) and Co (0.057 ppm) while non diabetic persons had higher mean concentration of Ca (201.33 ppm), Mg (36.15 ppm) and Co (0.047 ppm). Statistical analysis was done by applying Student’s T-test. It can be concluded from the study that the diabetic patients of all five age groups are deficient of Ca, Mg, whereas the concentration of Co is higher in diabetic patients. In the further study physiological parameters along with other inorganic cofactors are being taken into consideration.Key words: Diabetes mellitus, blood serum, Ca, Mg, Co
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