250 research outputs found

    KUŠNÍROVÁ, Eva (2017): The Theatre of Particular Features. Theatre Ensemble Hviezdoslav Spišská Nová Ves.

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    KUŠNÍROVÁ, Eva (2017): The Theatre of Particular Features. Theatre Ensemble Hviezdoslav Spišská Nová Ves. Prešov: Faculty of Arts, Prešov university of Prešov in Prešov. ISBN 978-80-555-1818-3. 305 p

    Amygdala dismantled: the role of amygdala subregions in epilepsy.

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    This scientific commentary refers to: 'Amygdala subnuclear volumes in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis and in non-lesional patients' by Ballerini et al. (https://doi.org/10.1093/braincomms/fcac225)

    Realistic Smoke Animation

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    Práce provádí základní analýzu historických a současných algoritmů pro animaci kouře. Dále jsou popsány moderní přístupy k zobrazování volumetrických dat. Na základě této analýzy jsou vybrány algoritmy použité při implementaci realistické animace kouře. Tyto algoritmy jsou podrobněji popsány a jsou zdůrazněny jejich důležité vlastnosti vzhledem k zaměření práce. Dále je podrobně popsána implementace těchto algoritmů a je provedeno měření výkonnosti. V závěru je zhodnocen dosavadní vývoj práce a jsou nastíněna další možná pokračování projektu.This work makes basic analysis of historical and current algorithms for smoke animation. Modern approaches to rendering volumetric data are briefly described. We choose algorithms for implementation on basis of this analysis. These algorithms are described in detail and we make emphasis on their important properties according to dedication of this work. Detailed description of implementation follows along with performance measurement. Conclusion evaluates results of work and proposes possible extensions.

    Acquisition contrast of X-ray projection and projection-reconstruction imaging

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    Výsledkem práce je počítačový program, který nejprve simuluje projekční a projekčně-rekonstrukční zobrazení ve voxelovém prostoru, poté uživateli osvětlí pojem akviziční kontrast v obrazech projekčního a projekčně rekonstrukčního zobrazení. Práce podrobně rozebírá algoritmy pro výpočet paprskového integrálu, projekčního a projekčně-rekonstrukčního zobrazení. Též se věnuje možnostem moderní počítačové grafiky.The work resulted in computer application which simulates X-ray projection and projection-reconstruction imaging in voxel space. Application user becomes acquainted with terms of acquisition contrast of X-ray projection and projection-reconstruction imaging. The thesis takes detailed look at algorithms of computing ray integrals and X-ray projection and projection-reconstruction imaging. The potential of modern computer graphics is also discussed.

    Post-stroke Dysphagia: Prognosis and Treatment-A Systematic Review of RCT on Interventional Treatments for Dysphagia Following Subacute Stroke.

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    Purpose Post-stroke dysphagia is an underdiagnosed but relevant complication, associated with worse outcome, dependency and quality of life of stroke survivors. Detailed mechanisms of post-stroke dysphagia are not very well understood, but established therapeutic concepts are needed. Different interventional studies have been published dealing with post-stroke dysphagia. This systematic review wants to collect and give an overview over the published evidence. Methods PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, CINAHL were searched for relevant interventional studies on post-stroke dysphagia in the (sub-)acute setting (within 3 months of stroke onset). The search has been filtered for randomized trials with an inactive control and the relevant data extracted. Results After initially finding 2,863 trials, finally 41 trials have been included. Seven different therapeutic concepts have been evaluated (Acupuncture, behavioral/physical therapy, drug therapy, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, pharyngeal electrical stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation). Studies of all modalities have shown some effect on post-stroke dysphagia with several studies raising concerns about the potential bias. Conclusion The amount and quality of studies are not enough to suggest certain therapies. Some therapeutical concepts (intensive physical therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, drug therapy) seem to be good potential therapeutic options, but further research is needed

    Atelocollagen processing, gelation and characterization

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    Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá charakterizací, zpracováním a gelací rozpustného kolagenu. Literární rešerše shrnuje postavení kolagenu na trhu s transplantáty, jeho aplikace a jednotlivé typy kolagenu. Detailně jsou rozebrány jednotlivé metody charakterizace rozpustného kolagenu a způsoby jeho gelace. Experimentální část je rozdělena na dvě podkapitoly. První podkapitola experimentální části se zabývá rozpouštěním a gelací rozpustného kolagenu v natlakované CO2 atmosféře. Proti jiným podobným metodám, metoda pracuje na poměrně nízkém tlaku (do 0.9MPa) a je bezpečná z pohledu denaturace kolagenu neboť funguje za nízké teploty blízké 0°C. Tímto způsobem mohou být průhledné gely, obsahující velmi tenká vlákna kolagenu, vytvořeny mnohem rychleji než za použití konvenčních metod. Rychlost gelace a transparentnost dává konceptu potenciál v oblasti oftalmologie a měla by přinést podstatné výhody pro injektovatelné produkty, vytváření mikro kuliček a 3D tisk. Druhá část popisuje unikátní charakterizaci rozpustného kolagenu v nativním stavu pomocí metody průtokové frakcionace s víceúhlovým rozptylem světla (AF4-MALS). Získaná molekulová hmotnost (při nejvyšší detekované koncentraci) odpovídá předpovězené hmotnosti a nativní i denaturovaný kolagen lze snadno rozeznat v konformačním grafu. Tato nová metoda poskytuje konzistentní a stabilní výsledky ve srovnání s ostatními zavedenými metodami. Metoda může být použita pro optimalizaci kvality výtěžků během výroby rozpustného kolagenu, nebo pro citlivou detekci denaturace během zpracování kolagenu.Proposed thesis deals with the characterization, processing and gelling of soluble collagen. A literature review summarizes position of collagen at the transplant market, explains its application and describes different types of collagen. Various methods of characterization of soluble collagen are analysed in detail and different ways of its gelation are thoroughly discussed. The experimental part is divided into two sections. The first section of experimental part deals with the dissolution and gelation of soluble collagen in pressurized CO2 atmosphere. Compared to the other similar methods, our method operates in a relatively low pressure (up to 0.9MPa) and and low temperatures (close to 0°C) that does not denature soluble collagen (works at low temperatures). This method can be used for fast formation of transparent gels containing very thin fibers. Speed of gelation and transparency of gels give a new potential to the concept of ophthalmology and should bring significant benefits to injectable products, creating microspheres and 3D printing. The second section describes the unique characterization of soluble collagen in native state by Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation - Multi Angle Light Scattering (AF4-MALS) method. The obtained molar mass perfectly fits the expected molar mass. Native and denatured collagen can readily be identified on the conformational graph. This new method provides stable and consistent results in comparison with other established methods. AF4-MALS method can be used either to optimize yields and purification during the production of soluble collagen or for sensitive detection of collagen denaturation during processing.

    The effect of visible facial difference on personal space during encounters with the general public

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    Previous research has found that people with visible differences are granted more physical space than people without visible differences during encounters with the general public. This study aimed to examine whether given significant sociocultural changes, this remains the case in contemporary Australia. The personal space afforded to a person with a visible difference (with a temporary difference--a scar and a permanent difference--a strawberry hemangioma) or a person without a visible difference by 408 pedestrians on a busy pedestrian walkway in the central business district of Adelaide, Australia, was measured. This was a replication and extension of a study by N. Rumsey, R. Bull, and D. Gahagan (1982). Pedestrians stood no further away from the model in the visibly different conditions than in the nonvisibly different conditions. Pedestrians stood an average of 128 cm away in the control condition, 120 cm away in the scar condition, and 140 cm away in the birthmark condition. People did not stand to the nonvisibly different (left) side of the model more frequently in the visibly different conditions than in the nonvisibly different conditions. As the original research by N. Rumsey et al. is frequently cited as representing the current situation for people with visible differences, failing to replicate the result is significant. Changes may be due to either recent sociocultural changes promoting inclusion of disability or increasing social taboo against expressing overt prejudice.R. M. Roberts, A. Gierasc

    Програма заходів профілактики постлапароскопічного больового плечолопаткового синдрому

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    The study involved 186 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Women 114 (61.3 %) overnumbered men.There was used СО2 (carboxyperitoneum) to create gas environment for conducting the operation in the abdominal cavity.During preoperative and intraoperative periods the patients of the main group were used prophylactic measures program forpost laparoscopic scapulohumeral pain syndrome which included a patient’s position on the operating table at the beginningand at the end of the surgical intervention, carboxyperitoneum method, insuffl ation rate and intra-abdominal pressure. Thepatients of the control group under went standard surgical interventions without prophylactic measures program. The maingroup included 96 (51.6 %) patients, the control group included 90 (48.4 %) patients. The average operating time was (55±10)minutes. 22 (22.9 %) patients of the main group and 37 (41.1 %) patients of the control group suffered from post laparoscopicscapulohumeral pain syndrome. The level of pain by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was measured as (3.5±0.3) (p<0.05)points (on the 10-point scale) in the main group, satisfaction with treatment outcomes was (4.3±0.2) (p>0.05) points (on the5-point scale). The average bed day was (2.0±0.5) days. In the control group, the level of pain the patients assessed as (5.5±0.3)points by the VAS, satisfaction with treatment outcomes was (3.3±0.2) points (on the 5-point scale). The average patient dayin hospital was (3.0±0.5) days. The suggested program is safe, new and prospective prophylactic method for post laparoscopicscapulohumeral pain syndrome. The use of such prophylactic measures program may improve laparoscopic interventions,shorten the post-operative rehabilitation, and improve life quality.У дослідження включено 186 хворих, яким було виконано лапароскопічну холецистектомію. Серед пацієнтів перева-жали жінки – 114 (61,3 %). Як газове середовище для створення робочого простору в черевній порожнині використо-вували СО2 (карбоксиперитонеум). Хворим основної групи в до- та інтраопераційному періодах застосували програмузаходів профілактики постлапароскопічного больового плечолопаткового синдрому, що включало положення хворогона операційному столі на початку і в кінці операційного втручання, метод створення карбоксиперитонеуму, швидкістьінсуфляції та внутрішньочеревний тиск. У контрольній групі програму заходів профілактики не застосовували, операційневтручання проводили за стандартними методиками. До основної групи увійшли 96 (51,6 %) хворих, у контрольну групувключено 90 (48,4 %). Середня тривалість операції в обох групах (55±10) хв. В основній групі постлапароскопічний больовийплечолопатковий синдром виник у 22 (22,9 %) пацієнтів, у контрольній групі – у 37 (41,1 %). Рівень больових відчуттів завізуальною аналоговою шкалою (ВАШ) в основній групі склав (3,5±0,3) (p<0,05) бала (за 10-бальною шкалою), задоволеністьрезультатом лікування – (4,3±0,2) (p>0,05) бала за 5-бальною шкалою. Середній ліжко-день склав (2,0±0,5) доби. У хво-рих контрольної групи рівень больових відчуттів за ВАШ пацієнти оцінили в (5,5±0,3) бала, задоволеність результатомлікування – (3,3±0,2) бала за 5-бальною шкалою. Середній ліжко-день хворого в стаціонарі склав (3,0±0,5) доби. Запропо-нована програма є безпечним, новим та перспективним методом профілактики постлапароскопічного больового плечоло-паткового синдрому. При застосуванні даної програми заходів підвищується ефективність лапароскопічного втручання,скорочується післяопераційний та реабілітаційний період, покращується якість життя

    The hazards of lack of co-registration of ictal brain SPECT with MRI: A case report of sinusitis mimicking a brainstem seizure focus

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    BACKGROUND: Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) following injection of radiotracer during a seizure is known as ictal SPECT. Comparison of an ictal SPECT study to a baseline or interictal study can aid identification of a seizure focus. CASE PRESENTATION: A young woman with encephalitis and refractory seizures underwent brain SPECT during a period of frequent seizure-like episodes, and during a seizure-free period. A focal area of increased radiotracer uptake present only when she was experiencing frequent seizure-like episodes was originally localized to the brainstem, but with later computerized co-registration of SPECT to MRI, was found to lie outside the brain, in the region of the sphenoid sinus. CONCLUSION: Low-resolution SPECT images present difficulties in interpretation, which can be overcome through co-registration to higher-resolution structural images

    Information Technologies as the Means of Implementation of Personality Based Teaching

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    У статті з досвіду роботи гімназії №21 м. Луцька розкриті особливості впровадження інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у процес вивчення навчальних предметів з метою реалізації особистісно зорієнтованого навчання і окреслені проблеми, які виникають в педагогічній практиці вчителів при впровадженні у практичну діяльність електронних засобів навчального призначення. The main peculiarities of information technologies implementation into the process of teaching school subjects aimed at realization of personality focused approach are described in the article based on the experience of Lutsk gymnasia 21. Some problems that appear in teachers’ work in the process of application of information technology devices are also highlighted in it.Собчук Оксана Миколаївна - кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри прикладної математики та інформатики Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі УкраїнкиЛуцька гімназія №21 імені Михайла Кравчука Луцької міської ради Волинської област