472 research outputs found

    Inclusion of Gaming Disorder in ICD has more advantages than disadvantages

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    This paper is a response to a recent debate paper in which Aarseth et al. argue that the inclusion of a formal diagnosis and categories for problematic video gaming or Gaming Disorder (GD) in the World Health Organization’s 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) is premature and therefore the proposal should be removed. The present authors systematically address all the six main arguments presented by Aarseth et al. and argue that, even though some of the concerns presented in the debate paper are legitimate, the inclusion of GD in ICD-11 has more advantages than disadvantages. Furthermore, the present authors also argue that the two GD subtypes (“GD, predominantly online” and “GD, predominantly offline”) are unnecessary and rather problematic; the main category for GD would be perfectly sufficient

    Mentålhigiénés kutatås brit módra = The British system of mental health research governance

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    A szerzƑk tanulmĂĄnyukban bemutatjĂĄk a brit mentĂĄlhigiĂ©nĂ©s kutatĂĄs tĂĄmogatĂĄsi Ă©s pĂĄlyĂĄzati rendszer elmĂșlt Ă©vekben törtĂ©nt jelentƑs ĂĄtalakĂ­tĂĄsĂĄnak fƑbb eredmĂ©nyeit. Röviden bemutatjĂĄk az engedĂ©lyeztetĂ©si eljĂĄrĂĄs folyamatĂĄt, beleĂ©rtve az etikai engedĂ©lyek megszerzĂ©sĂ©nek menetĂ©t is. Rövid nemzetközi kitekintĂ©st követƑen, a szerzƑk kitĂ©rnek az Ășjonnan kialakĂ­tott rendszerrel szerzett kezdeti tapasztalatokra, a szisztĂ©ma elƑnyeire Ă©s hĂĄtrĂĄnyaira. | The authors introduce the recent changes in the British system of grant application and gaining permission for mental health research delivery. They briefly present the process of central and local NHS trust approval including ethics application. Following a brief international outlook, early experiences, advantages and disadvantages of the new British research governance framework are also summarised

    Novel Psychaoctive Sucbstances and Behavioural Addictions

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    Copyright © 2014 Giovanni Martinotti et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Date of Acceptance: 09/11/2014Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    A dopamin D4 receptor gĂ©n promoter polimorfizmusainak hatĂĄsa a gĂ©nexpressziĂłra in vitro rendszerekben, illetve ezek szerepe a drogfĂŒggƑsĂ©g kialakulĂĄsĂĄban = Effect of polymorphisms in the dopamine D4 receptor gene promoter on gene expression in vitro and their role in the development of drug addiction

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    A jelen projekt hĂĄrom rĂ©szbƑl ĂĄllt össze. Az elsƑ szakaszban folyĂł molekulĂĄris biolĂłgiai munka sorĂĄn a drogfĂŒggƑsĂ©g kialakulĂĄsĂĄban feltĂ©telezhetƑen szerepet jĂĄtszĂł dopamin D4-es receptor (DRD4) gĂ©n promoterĂ©nek polimorfizmusait vizsgĂĄltuk gĂ©nexpressziĂłs kĂ­sĂ©rletekkel. Olyan riporter gĂ©n-konstruktumokat hozunk lĂ©tre, melyek a DRD4 gĂ©n promoter szakaszĂĄnak kĂŒlönbözƑ szekvencia-vĂĄltozatait tartalmaztĂĄk, majd megmĂ©rtĂŒk ezeknek a szekvenciĂĄknak a promoter aktivitĂĄsĂĄt idegi eredetƱ Ă©s kontroll sejteken. A megszokottĂłl eltĂ©rƑ promoter aktivitĂĄssal rendelkezƑ variĂĄnsok funkcionĂĄlis jelentƑsĂ©gƱek lehetnek az opiĂĄtfĂŒggƑsĂ©g patogenezisĂ©ben. A projekt mĂĄsodik rĂ©szĂ©ben, a pszicholĂłgiai vizsgĂĄlat sorĂĄn a budapesti NyĂ­rƑ Gyula kĂłrhĂĄzban kezelt, Ă©s a metadon programban rĂ©sztvevƑ opiĂĄtfĂŒggƑk rĂ©szletes pszicholĂłgiai jellemzĂ©sĂ©re kerĂŒlt sor, kĂŒlönös tekintettel a metadonkezelĂ©sre adott terĂĄpiĂĄs vĂĄlaszukra. A harmadik, genetikai asszociĂĄciĂł-vizsgĂĄlatban a DRD4, a szerotonin transzporter (SERT), illetve nĂ©hĂĄny tovĂĄbbi, a heroinfĂŒggĂ©s kialakulĂĄsĂĄban, valamint a metadonvĂĄlszban esetleg szerepet jĂĄtszĂł gĂ©n polimorfizmusait tanulmĂĄnyoztuk. A 171 betegtƑl DNS mintĂĄt vettĂŒnk, meghatĂĄroztuk bennĂŒk a kĂŒlönbözƑ genetikai variĂĄciĂłkat, majd statisztikai asszociĂĄciĂłelemzĂ©st vĂ©geztĂŒnk a metadonvĂĄlasz, a genetikai markerek Ă©s a felvett pszicholĂłgiai mĂ©rƑszĂĄmok között. | The current project consists of three parts. In the first phase during the molecular biological work we performed gene expression analyses of the promoter polymorphisms of the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) gene, which might play a role in the development of substance dependence. We created gene constructs that included different sequence variants of the DRD4 gene promoter and measured the expressional activity of these constructs in different neural and control cell lines. The variants with an unusual promoter activity might have functional relevance in the pathogenesis of opiate dependence. During the second phase of the project we performed detailed psychological assessment of opiate dependent subjects on methadone maintenance therapy at NyĂ­rƑ Gyula Hospital in Budapest with special emphasis on their response to methadone. During the third, the genetic association part we studied polymorphisms of genes previously implicated in the development of heroin dependence or involved in methadone response, such as DRD4, the serotonin transporter (SERT), as well as some other genes. We collected DNA samples of 171 patients, determined different genetic variations and performed statistical association analyses regarding methadone response, the genetic markers and the psychological assessment data

    The science of practice

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    Beinart, H., P. Kennedy & S. Llewelyn, eds. (2009) Clinical Psychology in Practice (Oxford: BPS Blackwell) 408 pp., 24.4 cm, ISBN 978-1-4051-6767-3, €37.90

    ViselkedĂ©si fĂŒggƑsĂ©gek

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    Amikor szenvedĂ©lybetegsĂ©gekrƑl, fĂŒggƑsĂ©gekrƑl beszĂ©lĂŒnk, elsƑsorban a drogok, fƑkĂ©pp az illegĂĄlis szerek jutnak eszĂŒnkbe. Esetleg felötlik bennĂŒnk, hogy fĂŒggƑsĂ©get okozhatnak nem tiltott szerek, az alkohol, vagy a nikotin is, de mĂĄr az egyĂ©b, akĂĄr egyĂ©bkĂ©nt fĂŒggƑsĂ©gnek is nevezett viselkedĂ©sformĂĄkkal, Ă­gy a szerencsejĂĄtĂ©k- vagy az internet-fĂŒggƑsĂ©ggel Ăłvatosabbak vagyunk

    The Inventory of Personality Organization: A valid instrument to detect the severity of personality dysfunction

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    Background and aims In the eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), the severity of personality dysfunction became the central dimension of personality disorder’s (PDs) definition, besides the trait domain qualifiers. Personality functioning, also known as personality organization (PO), is becoming an increasingly important concept in administering, predicting, and measuring severity and nature of personality disturbance. Otto Kernberg and his team developed several tools to measure personality impairment. The Inventory of Personality Organization (IPO) is a self-report rating scale for the measurement of PO. Aim of this study was to identify severity groups according to the level of PO and to explore their validity. Materials and methods A clinical sample of 118 patients was recruited from a 4-weeks in-patient cognitive psychotherapy program. Beside the IPO, Structured Clinical Interview for the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (DSM-IV.) Axis I and II, Symptom Check List-90 (SCL-90), State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory and Dissociative Experience scale (DES). Two types of analyses were conducted: a person-centered (latent profile) analysis and various variable-centered tests to confirm the factor structure of IPO and calculate group differences. Results The three-factor (CFI = 0.990, TLI = 0.990, RMSEA = 0.022, SRMR = 0.089) and the five-factor (CFI = 0.995, TLI = 0.995, RMSEA = 0.014, SRMR = 0.090) models of the IPO was supported. Latent class analysis identified three subgroups of PO: “Well-integrated,” “Moderately integrated,” and “Disintegrated” classes. There were no significant differences between the three classes in the number of Axis 1 diagnoses (p = 0.354; η2 = 0.01). Group differences in the number of PDs, the number of PD symptoms as well as in the presence of borderline and depressive PD were significant (all p < 0.001; V = 0.35–0.42; η2 = 0.15–0.26). Persons with more severe PO problem level had higher rates of psychopathological symptoms, state and trait anger, and dissociative characteristics (all p < 0.001; η2 = 0.13–0.36). Conclusion The IPO can be an appropriate instrument to measure the severity of personality disorganization and to classify participants along a continuum of severity in this regard. Our results present further evidence that the severity of personality dysfunction, the central dimension of the ICD-11 and the Alternative Model for PDs is detectable with an instrument, the IPO, that was initially developed to detect the disturbances in PO.Peer Reviewe

    The diagnostic pitfalls of surveys: if you score positive on a test of addiction, you still have a good chance not to be addicted. A response to Billieux et al. 2015

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    Background and aims: Survey-based studies often fail to take into account the predictive value of a test, in other words the probability of a person having (or not having) the disease when scoring positive (or negative) on the given screening test. Methods: We re-visited the theory and basic calculations of diagnostic accuracy. Results: In generally, the lower the prevalence the worse the predictive value is. When the disorder is relatively rare, a positive test finding is typically not useful in confirming its presence given the high proportion of false positive cases. For example, using the Compulsive Buying Scale (Faber & O'Guinn, 1992) three in four people classified as having compulsive buying disorder will in fact not have the disorder. Conclusions: Screening tests are limited to serve as an early detection “gate” and only clinical (interview-based) studies are suitable to claim that a certain behaviour is truly “pathological”
