19 research outputs found

    Creativity as a Resource of Adaptation in a Politically and Economically Unstable Environment

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    The purpose of the study was to identify the specifics of creativity in student age and the peculiarities of socio-psychological adaptation in a politically and economically unstable environment, as well as gender and micro group patterns of the relationship between creativity and adaptability. The methods such as the Guilford-Torrance method, “Desire for creativity“ Scale, Kettell test, Methods of Moreno sociometry, Leary's method, and Dembo-Rubinstein method were used to monitor the variables. The study identified that non-verbal creativity develops in individuals aged 16-17 years. The creative attitude to life develops in the ones aged 17-18. At the age of 18-19, creativity becomes the most integrated into the system of personal characteristics are motivational and personal components of creativity, which form positive connections with the fundamental adaptive personality characteristics, which indicates a greater adaptive resource of creatively oriented individuals. It was also found that boys, compared to girls, were more prone to leadership, more persistent, assertive (E), more emotionally stable (C), calm (O), and also more independent (Q2). Girls were more likely to feel guilty, anxious (O), more sociable, open (A), sensitive, and vulnerable (I). The study found that students with a high level of development of divergent thinking and its components (cognitive factors of creativity) carry out interpersonal communication (as a component of adaptation) most flexibly and effectively making students less prone to depersonalisation and reducing the risk of emotional exhaustion and maladaptation

    Post-mortem interval estimation by changes in the optical density of the cerebrospinal fluid with the time after death increasing

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    The ability to accurately determine when death has occurred allows more accurate and with high quality provide the investigation of crimes, so the definition of a postmortem interval (PMI) covers both medical and legal aspects

    Design of InP membrane SOA with butt-joint active passive interface

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    A butt-joint SOA design for InP on Si membrane (IMOS) platform is proposed. The new design features the butt-joint interface between the SOA and passive nanophotonic waveguide, which makes the interface a factor of 2 to 6 shorter than in the current twin-guide SOAs, with possibility to reduce it further to factor of 5-10. This makes the new SOA a promising candidate for high-speed directly modulated lasers (DML) applications, where extremely short SOAs (40-100 μm long) and short distances between reflectors are usually required

    Distribution of species of Fusarium and Alternaria genera on cereals in Ukraine

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    In recent years phytosanitary situation in agrophytocenooses has worsened, and damage caused by diseases increased. In the conditions of field experiments in the vegetative seasons of 2015–2018 the dissemination of Fusarium and Alternaria spp., and composition of Fusarium species in Ukraine were studied. The selection of plant samples was carried out twice – at the beginning of vegetation and before entering into wintering. In autumn the samples of winter wheat with the symptoms of root rot from more than 150 fields from different oblasts of Ukraine were selected. Later these samples were analyzed using PCR method in real time to determine the species composition of Fusarium genus. In the analysis of grain material from different regions of Ukraine we determined high level of Fusarium infection. Fusariosis of grain were observed in several areas in more than 50% of samples from all regions of county. In all oblasts of Ukraine, the high level of Alternarìa infection were identified also. It is found out that the main sources of the root rot are F. tricinctum, F. graminearum, F. poae and F. avenaceum. The role of F. avenaceum, as the pathogen of root rot was at the level of F. graminearum and F. sporotrichioides in most regions of Ukraine. The studies reveiled that the dominant species in the grain material were F. tricinctum and F. graminearum, presence of which exceeded 20–25%. Quite often F. poae and F. sporotrichioides was observed, presence of which in grain equaled 15–20%. In the Central, Eastern and Southern regions, the dominant species was F. avenaceum with a level of identification 15–23%. F. culmorum, F. langsethiae were within 5–7%. The species composition of fusariosis in the grain and the species composition of pathogens that cause fusariosis root rot in general are similar. Fusariosis becomes one of the most common and harmful diseases of grain crops, and cause no less harm than smut diseases. The fact that their danger continues to grow is explained by adverse weather conditions (alternation of wet and arid periods) and reduction of general level of cultivation: distribution of corn fields, decrease of expenses on tillage, and low-quality pesticides, often generics. It should be noted that the best precursors for cereal crops, for example, soy bean, is also vulnerable to fusariosis. Therefore, performing protective measures at preparing of grain for sowing and in the period of vegetation of the crop will contribute to total reduction of the levels of infection of agrophytocenoses with Fusarium species and potential damage to the cultivated plants. The study revealed that species of fungi belonging to the Alternaria and Fusarium genera infect wheat grain in the yields of each year. The results of data analysis of the genera showed antagonistic interaction between them. Perhaps, particularly at such negative interaction in the vegetative season of 2018, during, practically continuous warm rains in the "grain belt" of Ukraine during the generative period of development of wheat, the grain was infected with Alternaria spp. at moderate presence of Fusarium species. These patterns in the interaction of Alternaria and Fusarium spp. are expedient to be taken into account during development of systems of control of fusariosis using fungicides. Absence of contamination of grains with mycotoxins of Fusarium species does not reduce the levels of danger for crops posed by probable increase in the levels of presence of Alternaria mycotoxins – alternariol, alternariol monomethyl ether, tenuazonic acid, etc. Certainly, the results of the vegetation season of 2018 year and the large-scale alternariosis infication require clarifications to the current normative documentation. The conducted researches are important for improvement of protection systems for crops in intensive technologies of cultivation

    навчальний посібник

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    Адміністративне право України. Загальна частина у схемах : навч. посіб. / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ ; за заг. ред. В. В. Сокуренка. – Харків : ХНУВС, 2019. – 236 с. – ISBN 978-966-610-138-2.У навчальному посібнику у вигляді структурно-логічних схем розкрито зміст норм загальної частини адміністративного права України: сутність публічного адміністрування, його принципи; предмет, метод, принципи і систему адміністративного права; систему суб’єктів адміністративного права; публічну службу та iнше. Для студентів, аспірантів, викладачів закладів різного рівня акредитації, наукових і практичних працівників та всіх, хто цікавиться питаннями адміністративного права.The textbook in the form of structural and logical schemes discloses the content of the norms of the general part of administrative law of Ukraine: the essence of public administration, its principles, subject, method, principles and system of administrative law; system of subjects of administrative law; public service and so on. For students, graduate students, teachers of institutions of different levels of accreditation, scientists and practitioners and anyone interested in administrative law.В учебном пособии в виде структурно-логических схем раскрыто содержание норм общей части административного права Украины: сущность публичного администрирования, его принципы, предмет, метод, принципы и систему административного права; систему субъектов административного права; публичную службу и прочее. Для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей учреждений разного уровня аккредитации, научных и практических работников и всех, кто интересуется вопросами административного права


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    On the basis of the analysis of the provisions of the governing documents on the concept, content, principles of logistical support for the activities of military formation, the need to develop methodological recommendations aimed at obtaining the expected result of the functioning of the logistics system for the minimum cost of resources, that is, solving the problem of determining the rational cost of resources for the implementation of logistics.The initial conditions, the content and mathematical model of the problem of determining the rational expenditure of resources are formulated, and the algorithm of its solution is developed based on the use of the step-by-step method.Indicators are proposed to evaluate the outcome of logistical support by applying an expert-analytical approach, which includes the justification of the scoring scale of the results of individual actions within the types of security and the criteria that they must meet, as well as the procedure for summarizing them to obtain an overall score of each type of security and logistics in general.The order of formation of dependence between the points of the rating scale and the necessary expenses for their maintenance is considered. For this purpose, on the basis of the formed evaluation criteria for each score by means of meaningful analysis, the list of necessary actions and, accordingly, the necessary resources for their fulfillment in cost dimension is determined.The procedure for determining the rational costs of logistical support is developed by using the step-by-step method, according to which within the limits of certain restrictions on the required results of logistical support and allocated resources, the maximum value of the logistical result is formulated sequentially by the next value in cost dimension (next step) overall, and the appropriate resource costs.Formed a graph of the relationship between the magnitudes of the results of logistics and costs, analyzes the possibility of its use.Сформульовано вихідні умови, змістовна та математична моделі задачі визначення раціональних витрат ресурсів на здійснення логістичного забезпечення військового формування. Вибрано метод і розроблено алгоритм розв’язання цієї задачі, проведено аналіз одержаних результатів

    Peculiarities of designing a wideband detector of pulse radar signals based on real-time spectrum analyzer

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    Peculiarities of practical design of a wideband detector of pulse radar signals with unknown shape based on real-time spectrum analyzer to be used in passive radars are considered. Quality figures for such detector are obtained using simulation on a PC. Validity of the obtained estimates is proven by testing performed in a prototype unit

    Diagnosing pathological conditions using laser polarimetry methods in forensic medical practice

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    The article presents the current status of questions concerning the diagnosis of pathological conditions for forensic practitioners