507 research outputs found

    L’impact de l’aménagement hydro-agricole sur la santé des populations au Burkina : le cas de Bagré

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    De nombreux travaux de recherche ont montré l'apparition ou la recrudescence de certaines maladies liées à l'eau, notamment le paludisme et les schistosomiases, à la suite de la modification du milieu par les hydro-aménagements. Une comparaison de la fréquentation de deux formations sanitaires dans la zone du barrage de Bagré, dont l'une dans les périmètres rizicoles et l'autre en dehors, a mis en évidence une opposition nette entre, d'une part, la structure du registre des maladies et, d'autre part, l'engagement des populations dans l'effort de prévention et de soin. Par ailleurs, l'évolution des cas de paludisme présentés au dispensaire appelle des études approfondies sur les causes d'une diminution du recours au soin : la diversification des itinéraires thérapeutiques, la fréquentation d'autres centres de soins, l'amélioration de l'immunité des riverains immédiats seront des hypothèses à privilégier. En attendant, il est indispensable d'intégrer les aspects sanitaires dans les aménagements hydro-agricoles.Extensive research showed the appearance or the recrudescence of certain diseases related to water, in particular malaria and schistosomiases, following the modification of the sector by hydro-installations. A comparison of patient visits of two medical formations in the zone of the dam Bagré, one in the rice perimeters and the other outside, highlighted a clear opposition between the structure of the documentation of the diseases on the one hand, and the commitment of the population in the effort of prevention and care on the other hand. In addition, the evolution of the cases of malaria presented to the community clinic demands in-depth studies on the causes of a reduction in the recourse to care: the diversification of therapeutic routes, patient visits of other care facilities, the improvement of the immunity of the immediate residents will be assumptions to be given greater importance. While waiting, it is essential to consider health issues in hydro-agricultural installations

    An analysis of the impact of the EU sugar policy reform on ACP countries: a quota market framework

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    The pressures for reform within the World Trade Organization have led to the European Union (EU) reforming its sugar policy with a price cut phased from 2006 and scheduled to end in 2009. The reform will have an impact on the sugar protocol African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries that have a preferential market access to the European Union with a protected price. This study investigates the effect of EU sugar policy reform has on these ACP sugar countries. First, it examines how the protocol countries’ sugar supply and demand determinants. While the determinants of supply in some countries performed as expected, others did not show sign of an improvement due to the sugar protocol. On the demand side we found that in some countries price does not affect the decision of the consumer. Second it explores the protocol countries transfer benefits before and after the reform. Before the reform, the countries were enjoying substantial transfer benefits. After the reform, there are some countries that will no longer be able to make profits by selling to the European Union. Finally, we develop a quota market analysis to examine negotiated transfer quota outcomes between ACP countries. We allow for the countries that can no longer make a profit to sell their quota rights to the countries that can still make a profit. We assumed equal bargaining powers and unequal bargaining powers. In the equal bargaining power case, total profit is equally divided between seller and buyer. In the unequal bargaining power case, we consider two scenarios. The first scenario where the world sugar price is not affected by EU sugar policy reform revealed that the sellers would have greater bargaining power and a larger share of the profit. The second scenario where the world sugar price is increased by thirty percent revealed that the buyer would exercise superior bargaining power relative to the seller and would have a larger share of the profit. Buyers can expand their production and sellers can use the revenues to diversify away from sugar

    Biophysical and Socioeconomic Impacts of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration in Burkina Faso

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    Human actions such as overgrazing, the development of cities at the expense of forests, high intensity and poor agricultural management, and so forth, reduce the resources available for future generations. Because Earth has limited resources, it is important to judiciously use and manage natural resources. Human actions towards nature are the focus of my research in Africa. Increased demands for grazing, agriculture, and ecosystem services led some farmers in developing countries to use unsustainable practices, which may lead to low incomes and poor food nutrition for households. Farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR) may be a solution to these issues. FMNR is a land restoration technique that consists of the protection and management of naturally regenerated trees to increase the value and quantity of woody vegetation in croplands. This increases food and wood production, farm income, and makes farmers more resilient to weather extremes. My research examines FMNR impacts in the Nord Plateau Mossi of Burkina Faso, where some farmers, men and women who till the land, work on or operate farmland, or make decisions about how a particular piece of farmland is used, were able to revegetate degraded lands. Few studies, however, show the impacts of FMNR on farmers’ lives. I wanted to know how FMNR affects soil productivity, household access to a variety of foods, and farmers’ income. To reach my objectives, I interviewed farmers in the study area to learn their motivations for choosing whether to adopt FMNR. In addition to providing motivations, the interviews provided information about how FMNR led to changes in families’ food and income. Additionally, I collected soil samples under trees and away from trees to assess their impact on soil fertility. The main findings of this research revealed that trees increased soil fertility by increasing soil carbon, organic matter, and nitrogen. Additionally, trees contribute 81 to 184 USD to household income per year. Trees also facilitates the obtaining of firewood, improves household access to a variety of foods, provides medicinal products, reduces wind speed, and keeps the soil moist. Tree leaves are used to fertilize croplands, make compost, and protect croplands from sunlight. Tree branches are used as poles for construction, wood for granaries, and fences. The findings of my research demonstrate an improvement in farmers’ lives and land which, in turn, can be used to educate other farmers to adopt FMNR to restore their degraded croplands, and thus contribute to the fight against poverty and hunger in Burkina Faso

    Analysis of the Determinants of the Technical Efficiency of Horticultural Production in the Face of the Degradation of Water Reservoirs in Urban Centers in Burkina Faso

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    Horticulture activity represents one of the most important sources of income for the populations living near the water reservoirs in the city of Ouagadougou. However, its production is threatened by the increasingly and pronounced deterioration of reservoirs. In this article, we aim to measure the technical efficiency of horticulturalists in such a context. To achieve this goal, the stochastic production frontier method was carried out on a representative sample of 128 horticultural operators. The outcomes of the research reveal that overall horticulturalists are not technically efficient. In fact, the average level of technical efficiency is 0.68. The technical inefficiency evaluated to 0.32 is mainly due to the social status of the operator, the location of the plot with respect to the flow of water, and the poor state of water and soil. Keywords: Horticulture, Coelli and Battesse model, Technical efficiency, Water reservoirs DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-12-13 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Facteurs de variation du poids vif et de l’état corporel du zébu Arabe en zone soudanienne du Tchad

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    L’objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer les effets saisonniers sur l’évolution du poids et de la note d’état corporel (NEC) des zébus arabes du Tchad. Durant les cinq saisons liées au calendrier fourrager, des mensurations et des notations d’état corporel ont été effectuées sur des bovins mâles et femelles. Les mesures barymétriques ont concerné le périmètre thoracique. La NEC a été déterminée par palpation de la région lombaire de l’animal. L’alternance saisonnière a provoqué de grandes variations de poids et de l’état corporel des animaux qui ont été notées selon le sexe et l’âge. La variabilité des performances pondérales (2,2 ± 16 kg à 64 ±24 kg) et d’état corporel des animaux, obtenue à partir des facteurs individuels (sexe ou âge) et saisonniers (disponibilité fourragère), a montré que ce sont les animaux d’âge supérieur à 6 ans qui ont perdu plus de poids en saison sèche. Les femelles de 3-6 ans (64 ± 44,8 kg) et les mâles de 2-3 ans (54 ± 43 kg) ont montré les fluctuations pondérales les plus significatives en saison des pluies. Afin de minimiser les risques et maximiser la production en élevage extensif, des améliorations dans la conduite des animaux ont été proposées.Mots clés : Variations fourragères - Poids - Etat corporel - Zébu arabe - Tcha

    La filiation à l’épreuve du handicap

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    Si de nos jours les évolutions législatives et sociétales sont en faveur des personnes en situation de handicap, dans les faits certaines representations negatives persistent. Les traumatismes en liens avec leur vie relationnelle, affective et sexuelle causés dans le passé peuvent demeurer également au point d’anéantir toute chance de réparation. Ainsi, l’expérience singulière de Leslie aujourd’hui âgée d’une trentaine d’années et de sa mère de laquelle elle a été séparée dès la naissance est un exemple parmi tant d’autres. Entre honte et culpabilité, disqualification et «meurtre symbolique», cette mère et sa fille ont subi des violences physiques, morales et psychiques du fait de cette séparation qui leur a été impose. Victimes toutes deux de discrimination au nom du handicap de la mère, elles en payent encore aujourd’hui les conséquences. Peu nombreux sont ceux qui croient aux capacités et compétences des personnes en situation de handicap, surtout mental à élever un enfant. De fait, le désir de procréation et de parentalité ne leur est pas automatiquement reconnu, même si aucun texte ne l’interdit. Il faut que soit prise en compte la parole de ces personnes et qu’elles soient associées à toutes les prises de décisions les concernant car la promotion de la personne, la rendre aussi responsable c’est socialement valorisant. Au-delà du statut de personne en situation de handicap il y a un être humain, un sujet. Mots-clés: handicap ; parentalité ; séparation ; traumatisme ; filiatio
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