4 research outputs found

    Od antropocentrizma ka ekocentrizmu u nastavi prirode i društva

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    The aim of the paper is to present the ways in which the attitudes of science, technology and society towards nature and the place of mankind in it have been reflected in the Science and Social Studies curricula from the mid-20th century up to this day. We wanted to explore the manner in which the relationship between mankind and nature (man as a master of nature or a part of it) and our role in its preservation (instrumental reasons or intrinsic value of nature) were presented in the Science and Social Studies curricula over a longer period of time. Content analysis method was implemented in our research. According to the analysis, the timeline of the Science and Social Studies curricula goes from marked anthropocentrism and anatagonism between man and nature (the 50s and 60s of the 20th century), through moderate anthropocentrism with hints of ecocentrism (from the 70s up to the end of the 20th century), to the dominant ecocentrism (in the contemporary 21st century curricula). This process was slow and often out of sync with the development of scientific thought and social circumstances caused by the global environmental crisis. On the other hand, although environmental protection has been included in the analysed curricula, the reasons for its inclusion are either vague or of instrumental nature. Environmental protection arising from intrinsic values of natural entities, and not (only) serving human interests, has not found its place in the Science and Social Studies curricula yet. The opportunities for improvement of the curricula in this context have been problematised in this paper.Antropocentrizam predstavlja shvatanje da je čovek superioran, najvažniji i najvredniji deo prirode, pa čak i njen apsolutni gospodar. Prema tom shvatanju, jedino ljudski život ima intrinzičnu vrednost, dok se biljke, životinje, mineralne sirovine smatraju sredstvima koja se mogu eksploatisati u korist čoveka. Ekocentrizam je suprotno stanovište od antropocentrizma. U središtu više nije čovek, već ekosistem, priroda, a prirodni entiteti imaju unutarnju (sebi svojstvenu) vrednost. Od šezdesetih godina 20. veka sve češće se čuju upozorenja da ljudsko društvo premašuje, kako produktivne kapacitete Zemlje, tako i njene sposobnosti da apsorbuje posledice ljudskih aktivnosti. Postalo je jasno da je antropocentrično shvatanje sa svim potonjim posledicama po životnu sredinu neodbranjivo, te da se odnos prema prirodi neizostavno mora promeniti. Razvoj nauke, tehnologije, kulture i promene u načinu života i rada ljudi utiču na stalno zastarevanje nastavnih sadržaja i nameću potrebu njihovog kontinuiranog aktuelizovanja, pa su neki od značajnih kriterijuma u njihovom izboru kriterijumi inovativnosti i savremenosti. Odgovornost i ozbiljan pristup u osavremenjivanju nastavnih programa svih predmeta na svim nivoima obrazovanja dobijaju posebnu dimenziju u kontekstu savremenih ekoloških problema, koji su nastali kao posledica antropocentričnog odnosa prema prirodi, kao i u kontekstu potrebe zaštite i unapređivanja životne sredine, čija efikasnost zavisi najpre od zaokreta od antropocentrizma ka ekocentrizmu. Ovaj zaokret predstavlja jedno od ključnih pitanja iz oblasti obrazovanja za životnu sredinu i obrazovanja za održivi razvoj, koncepata koji se s pravom tretiraju kao preduslovi za opstanak na našoj planeti. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi način na koji su se odnos nauke, tehnologije i društva prema prirodi i mesto čoveka u njoj odražavali na programe nastave prirode i društva u periodu od pedesetih godina 20. veka do danas. U analiziranim programima ispitivali smo zastupljenost: 1. odnosa čoveka prema prirodi: čovek kao deo ili gospodar prirode; 2. razloga za brigu i zaštitu prirode (intrinzični ili instrumentalni razlozi). U istraživanju je primenjena metoda analize sadržaja. Kao materijal za analizu koristili smo programe nastave prirode i društva od pedesetih godina 20. veka do danas. U periodu koji smo istraživali uočili smo spor ali dosledan i kontinuiran trend usklađivanja svih elemenata analiziranih programa sa novim naučnim saznanjima u pogledu potrebe za izmenjenim odnosom čovečanstva prema životnoj sredini. Put koji su prešli programi nastave prirode i društva tekao je od izrazitog antropocentrizma i antagonizma između čoveka i prirode, preko umerenog antropocentrizma sa primesama ekocentrizma, do dominantnog ekocentrizma. Sa druge strane, ponekad su promene dolazile i sa decenijom zakašnjenja, često su uvođene nespretno i nedovoljno sistematično, ali ih je bilo. Obrazovni sistem je veliki i spor sistem koji ne može lako da isprati promene koje se dešavaju na društvenom planu, a ovo istraživanje je to potvrdilo. Analiza programa iz pedesetih i šezdesetih godina ukazala je na ulogu nastave pri­rode i društva tog perioda u održavanju iluzije da je čovek gospodar prirode, s pravom da je neograničeno koristi. Tako je neizbežan i zaključak da je nastava prirode i društva indirektno doprinosila narušavanju zakonitosti koje vladaju u prirodi, te ugrožavanju sposobnosti životne sredine da podrži zahteve ljudskog društva. Analiza je pokazala da je programe nastave prirode i društva sedamdesetih godina obeležio veliki paradoks. Sa jedne strane, prisutno je nastojanje da se nova saznanja o životnoj sredini, ekološkim problemima, kao i potrebi pojačane brige o njoj uvrste u pro­grame (doduše, sporadično, nesistematično). Sa druge strane, u programima su paralelno nastavili da egzistiraju elementi prevaziđenih i za stanje životne sredine opasnih znanja i stavova iz prethodnog perioda. Ipak, činjenica je da su se najveće promene desili upravo u programima sedamdesetih godina, kao i da je do njih došlo u slično vreme sa promenama u društvenim okolnostima. Rezultati analize programa iz osamdesetih godina ukazali su na slabe pomake u pogledu njihovog unapređivanja sa stanovišta potrebe zaštite životne sredine. I rezultati analize programa iz devedesetih godina nisu zadovoljavajući. Polazeći od činjenice da se već od sedamdesetih godina 20. veka u naučnim i javnim krugovima govorilo o ugroženosti prirode i prirodnih resursa, očekivali smo da će programi iz devedesetih godina biti značajno više u funkciji očuvanja životne sredine. Međutim, analiza je pokazala da nastavni programi prirode i društva u ovom periodu nisu značajnije napredovali u pogledu odnosa čoveka i prirode, kao i čovekove uloge u zaštiti prirode. U programima početkom 21. veka uočavamo dosta pozitivnih promena. U njima dominira ekocentrizam, odnosno stav da je čovek deo prirode. Međutim, naša analiza programa nastave prirode i društva je potvrdila da je pitanje odnosa čoveka i prirode sa zadatkom samodefinisanja čoveka ne spram prirode, nego u prirodi, deo procesa ekološkog učenja koji još nije ni počeo. Takođe, programima su obuhvaćeni elementi zaštite prirode, ali sa razlozima koji su ili neodređeni ili su instrumentalnog karaktera. Zaštita prirode zbog intrinzične vrednosti prirodnih entiteta, a ne (isključivo) zbog čovekovih interesa, još nisu našli mesto u programima nastave prirode i društva

    Consumerism and environmental problems in teaching natural and social sciences

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    У раду се бавимо аспектима ефикасног приступа вези између потрошачког начина живота и проблема у животној средини у настави природе и друштва. Методом теоријске анализе релевантне научне и стручне литературе и документације, истражили смо специфичности везе између потрошачког начина живота и проблема у животној средини, односно, одлике потрошачког начина живота као препреке помирењу развојних циљева са ограничењима животне средине. Предмет анализе била је и функција појединца и образовања као фактора у процесу трансформације потрошачког у одрживо друштво. Анализа нам је помогла у сагледавању могућности и улоге наставе природе и друштва у подстицању ученика млађег школског узраста да буду одговорни и одрживи потрошачи. Овим проблемом бавили смо се најпре из угла важности саме теме, те обавеза њене имплементације у образовни систем на свим нивоима, која проистиче из међународних и националних докумената. Даље, проблем смо сагледали и из угла потенцијала наставе природе и друштва, који се огледа у интердисциплинарном карактеру садржаја и захтеву за научним описмењавањем ученика, а, у вези са тим, и из угла обавезе да се, приликом израде наставних планова и програма, поштују педагошки принципи савремености и научности. Коначно, водили смо рачуна о когнитивним карактеристикама ученика на узрасту од седам до једанаест година, са којима се ова настава реализује. Предмет анализе били су и програми наставе природе и друштва, у периоду од педесетих година двадесетог века до савремених...This paper deals with aspects of an effective approach to the correlation between consumerism and environmental problems in the in teaching natural and social sciences. Theoretical analysis method of the relevant scientific and professional literature and documentation was used to explore the specificities of the relationship between the consumer way of life and the environmental problems, or, in other words, the traits of the consumer way of life as obstacles to the reconciliation of the developmental goals and the limitations of the environment. The subject of the analysis was the function of an individual and education as factors in the transformation process of the consumer society into a sustainable one. The analysis helped us perceive the possibilities and the role of teaching natural and social sciences in motivating younger pupils to be responsible and sustainable consumers. We first considered this issue from the aspect of the topic importance and then from the aspect which arose from national and international documentation namely of the responsibility of its implementation in the school system on all levels. Further more, we considered the problem from the aspect of teaching natural and social sciences potential which can be seen in the interdisciplinary character of the content and in the demand for the scientific literacy of the students and from the aspect of the responsibility that during the making of the curriculum all pedagogical and scientific principles as well as contemporaneity should be respected. Finally, we took into account cognitive characteristics of the pupils aged seven to eleven with whom this teaching was realized. Teaching natural and social sciences curricula from the middle of the twentieth century up until now were also the topic of the analysis..

    The New Ecological Paradigm Scale from the Perspective of the Pre-Service Primary and Preschool Teachers’ Ecological Narratives

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    The New Ecological Paradigm scale (NEP scale) examines the environmental view of the world and the results can be used for assessing the effectiveness of environmental education and planning future educational policies. Despite its widespread use, the scale is subject to criticism. In order to check the researchers’ assumptions about the problematic nature of the statements in the scale, and encouraged by the broader context of the NEP scale application, we decided to conduct a qualitative research. The goal was to gain a better insight into the respondents‘ thoughts underlying their evaluations of the statements in the NEP scale. The sample consisted of the students of the Teacher Education Faculty, University of Belgrade. The NEP scale and the interview protocol were the instruments used in the research. The data were processed using the program for qualitative research MAXQDA 12. In the paper, we present a part of the results of a wider research. A comparative analysis of the responses in the scale and the respondents‘ narratives indicated a frequent discrepancy between these two categories of the responses in the 1st, 6th and 11th statements of the NEP scale. This called into question the possibility of using the NEP scale to determine the actual attitudes of the respondents regarding these claims. The analysis of the respondents‘ narratives identified the characteristics of the claims, which are the basis of the mentioned problems, and some of them include the absence of the environmental context, the vagueness of the parts of the specific claim, the complexity of the wording. These results suggest that, in order to gain a more objective insight into one‘s environmental worldview, it is necessary to revise the disputed claims in the scale or use it in combination with an interview

    Criteria for Determining the Alignment between the Content of TIMSS Science Items and Science and Social Studies Teaching Curriculum

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    Analysis of compatibility of tasks and syllabi of the participating countries represents one of the procedures, which provide comparison of results within the TIMSS study. Due to the fact that criteria for determination of this compatibility are not explicit, there is a question posed regarding the procedures, whether all the different countries approach this process in the same way and whether their results surely enable comparison of aspects of students between the countries and observing achievements of students in comparison to syllabi. This is why the aim of this paper is defining criteria that would enable accurate classification of TIMSS tasks from the field of natural sciences concerning the syllabi issues and those, which do not belong to syllabi. Based on the analysis of the current syllabi and educational standards of teaching natural and social sciences in the first cycle of primary education, we defined two kinds of criteria for tasks classification: incorporating the contents of the tasks into the syllabi contents and/or educational standards and compatibility of the contents of the tasks with the principle of homeland. Validity and quality of using these criteria were examined by classification of the published tasks from the TIMSS 2011 study. Compatibility between estimations of the authors of the paper and external expert concerning the sample of tasks was satisfactory. In the paper, we gave possibilities of defining general criteria that all the countries participants in the study would follow, and possibilities of the TIMSS study to be more prone to national particularities concerning the syllabi