10 research outputs found

    Alternative Pedagogical Concepts and Education Policies in Montenegro

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    Prije Prvog svjetskog rata u Crnoj Gori je bila dominantna Herbartova paradigma pedagogije. Međutim, tamošnje prosvjetne vlasti su bile u određenoj mjeri tolerantne prema nastavnicima koji se toga u praksi nisu u potpunosti pridržavali. Do njih su u to doba počeli dopirati raznovrsni novi pedagoški koncepti iz Europe i šire, što je još više dobilo na intenzitetu ulaskom Crne Gore u sustav Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Ipak, ideje reformskih pedagoških pokreta u Crnoj Gori između Dva svjetska rata nisu našle svoju primjenu, iako su stjecale sve veću afirmaciju u stručnoj javnosti. Tadašnja pedagoška znanstvena misao bila je nedovoljno razvijena, a obrazovna politika se nije razvijala samostalno i neovisno od ostatka zajedničke države, kao i kasnije u vrijeme SFR Jugoslavije i dominantne socijalističke pedagogije. Raspadom zajedničke države pojavio se brisani prostor koji je u Crnoj Gori omogućio obnavljanje i osvijestio potrebu za preispitivanje i otvorenost za dotada drugačije pedagoške koncepte, nove i stare nedovoljno istražene. Poslednjih par desetljeća postoje pokušaji provedbe određenih ideja i koncepata iz okvira reformske pedagogije, kao što su najčešće ideje Marie Montessori u predškolskim ustanovama. Praktično se najčešće reafirmacija pojedinih ideja reformske pedagogije predstavlja kao alternativa prethodnim paradigmama obrazovanja. Skoro da nema privatnih inicijativa i škola koje bi imale obilježja altenativnog pedagoškog koncepta. Ipak, kao alternativa „staroj školi“ realiziraju se brojni projekti, odnosno programi stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika i druge aktivnosti koje imaju za cilj unaprjeđivanje nastave i učenja u školama, kao što su Aktivno učenje – primjena metoda aktivne nastave/učenja, Korak po korak, Čitanje i pisanje za kritičko mišljenje, itd. Navedene aktivnosti i pojedine ideje reformske pedagogije su sve više prisutne i u službenim dokumentima strategije obrazovne politike Crne Gore. Međutim, u tim dokumentima moguće je pronaći i ne razumijevanja i problematične interpretacije, što se odražava i na programe za provedbe ideja reformske pedagogije i suvremenih alternativnih pedagoških koncepata.Before the World War I the educational system in Montenegro was officially dominated by Herbart’s paradigm of pedagogy. However, the educational authorities tolerated, to a certain extent, the practice of those teachers who did not apply it in strict terms. Namely, at that time, new and various pedagogical concepts created in Europe began to reach the Montenegrin teachers as well, which was intensified when Montenegro became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Still, the ideas of the reform pedagogical movements in Montenegro between the two world wars were not applied despite their increasing popularity in the professional circles. The pedagogical expertise of that period was not advanced enough, and the educational policies were not developed independently from the rest of the state, as subsequently when Montenegro become member of the SFR of Yugoslavia and dominant socialist pedagogy. After the dissolution of the state, a clear new space for revisions and a re-start was created, raising the consciousness about the necessity of opening towards different pedagogical concepts, new but also the old ones that had not been sufficiently explored. In the last couple of decades, there have been certain attempts to implement some of the ideas and concepts of the reform pedagogy, such as those by Maria Montessori that have been used in the preschool institutions. Reaffirmation of some ideas of reform pedagogy is often presented as an alternative to the previous educational paradigms. Private initiatives and schools oriented towards alternative pedagogical concepts hardly exist. Also, as an alternative to the “old school“, numerous new projects have been carried out, as well as programmes of the vocational training of teachers and other activities aiming at improvement of teaching and learning process, such as Active learning – applying of active teaching/learning method, Step by Step, Reading and writing for critical thinking, etc. All these activities and some of the ideas of reform pedagogy are increasingly more present in the official documents for education strategies in Montenegro. In those documents and strategies, however, there can be found miscomprehensions and problematic interpretations, which is potentialy reflected on the programs for implementation of the reform pedagogy and contemporary alternative pedagogical concepts

    Alternative Pedagogical Concepts and Education Policies in Montenegro

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    Prije Prvog svjetskog rata u Crnoj Gori je bila dominantna Herbartova paradigma pedagogije. Međutim, tamošnje prosvjetne vlasti su bile u određenoj mjeri tolerantne prema nastavnicima koji se toga u praksi nisu u potpunosti pridržavali. Do njih su u to doba počeli dopirati raznovrsni novi pedagoški koncepti iz Europe i šire, što je još više dobilo na intenzitetu ulaskom Crne Gore u sustav Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Ipak, ideje reformskih pedagoških pokreta u Crnoj Gori između Dva svjetska rata nisu našle svoju primjenu, iako su stjecale sve veću afirmaciju u stručnoj javnosti. Tadašnja pedagoška znanstvena misao bila je nedovoljno razvijena, a obrazovna politika se nije razvijala samostalno i neovisno od ostatka zajedničke države, kao i kasnije u vrijeme SFR Jugoslavije i dominantne socijalističke pedagogije. Raspadom zajedničke države pojavio se brisani prostor koji je u Crnoj Gori omogućio obnavljanje i osvijestio potrebu za preispitivanje i otvorenost za dotada drugačije pedagoške koncepte, nove i stare nedovoljno istražene. Poslednjih par desetljeća postoje pokušaji provedbe određenih ideja i koncepata iz okvira reformske pedagogije, kao što su najčešće ideje Marie Montessori u predškolskim ustanovama. Praktično se najčešće reafirmacija pojedinih ideja reformske pedagogije predstavlja kao alternativa prethodnim paradigmama obrazovanja. Skoro da nema privatnih inicijativa i škola koje bi imale obilježja altenativnog pedagoškog koncepta. Ipak, kao alternativa „staroj školi“ realiziraju se brojni projekti, odnosno programi stručnog usavršavanja nastavnika i druge aktivnosti koje imaju za cilj unaprjeđivanje nastave i učenja u školama, kao što su Aktivno učenje – primjena metoda aktivne nastave/učenja, Korak po korak, Čitanje i pisanje za kritičko mišljenje, itd. Navedene aktivnosti i pojedine ideje reformske pedagogije su sve više prisutne i u službenim dokumentima strategije obrazovne politike Crne Gore. Međutim, u tim dokumentima moguće je pronaći i ne razumijevanja i problematične interpretacije, što se odražava i na programe za provedbe ideja reformske pedagogije i suvremenih alternativnih pedagoških koncepata.Before the World War I the educational system in Montenegro was officially dominated by Herbart’s paradigm of pedagogy. However, the educational authorities tolerated, to a certain extent, the practice of those teachers who did not apply it in strict terms. Namely, at that time, new and various pedagogical concepts created in Europe began to reach the Montenegrin teachers as well, which was intensified when Montenegro became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Still, the ideas of the reform pedagogical movements in Montenegro between the two world wars were not applied despite their increasing popularity in the professional circles. The pedagogical expertise of that period was not advanced enough, and the educational policies were not developed independently from the rest of the state, as subsequently when Montenegro become member of the SFR of Yugoslavia and dominant socialist pedagogy. After the dissolution of the state, a clear new space for revisions and a re-start was created, raising the consciousness about the necessity of opening towards different pedagogical concepts, new but also the old ones that had not been sufficiently explored. In the last couple of decades, there have been certain attempts to implement some of the ideas and concepts of the reform pedagogy, such as those by Maria Montessori that have been used in the preschool institutions. Reaffirmation of some ideas of reform pedagogy is often presented as an alternative to the previous educational paradigms. Private initiatives and schools oriented towards alternative pedagogical concepts hardly exist. Also, as an alternative to the “old school“, numerous new projects have been carried out, as well as programmes of the vocational training of teachers and other activities aiming at improvement of teaching and learning process, such as Active learning – applying of active teaching/learning method, Step by Step, Reading and writing for critical thinking, etc. All these activities and some of the ideas of reform pedagogy are increasingly more present in the official documents for education strategies in Montenegro. In those documents and strategies, however, there can be found miscomprehensions and problematic interpretations, which is potentialy reflected on the programs for implementation of the reform pedagogy and contemporary alternative pedagogical concepts

    Der Einfluss von John Dewey auf die Bildungsreformen in Japan, China und der Sowjetunion

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    Ovo teorijsko istraživanje usredotočeno je na analizu važnosti pedagoške koncepcije Johna Deweyja za reforme obrazovanja u Japanu, Kini i Sovjetskom Savezu u prvoj polovici 20. stoljeća. Polazište rada jest pretpostavka da je pedagogija pragmatizma jedan od najznačajnijih smjerova u razvoju pedagogije, a njezin je utjecaj i danas prisutan. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je u navedenim državama Deweyjeva koncepcija odgoja u značajnoj mjeri proučavana, uvažavana i primjenjivana, a u određenoj mjeri i modificirana, ali je i pretrpjela brojna površna, preoštra i vulgarizirana tumačenja, interpretacije i manipulacije. Cilj je ovog rada izvršiti njihovu kritiku i provesti objektivnu analizu utjecaja Deweyjeve pedagoške teorije i prakse. Korištenjem metode teorijske analize i historijske metode u istraživanju se došlo do spoznaje da je John Dewey svojim pedagoškim idejama i aktivnostima u značajnoj mjeri utjecao na svoje suvremenike i obrazovne reforme u Japanu, Kini i Sovjetskom Savezu te da je ondje u određenoj mjeri i danas aktualno zanimanje za njegovu misao.The focus of this theoretical research is on the analysis of the importance of John Dewey\u27s pedagogical concepts for education reforms in Japan, China and the Soviet Union in the early twentieth century. The starting point of this paper is the assumption that the pedagogy of pragmatism is one of the most important directions in the development of pedagogy, and its influence is present even today. The research has shown that Dewey\u27s concept of education in these countries was thoroughly studied, highly respected and applied, but was also modified to a certain extent, and suffered a number of superficial, harsh and vulgarized interpretations and manipulations. The aim of this paper is to provide the criticism and do an objective analysis of the influence of Dewey\u27s pedagogical theory and practice. Using the method of theoretical analysis and historical method in research we have come to the conclusion that John Dewey and his educational ideas and activities significantly influenced his contemporaries and educational reforms in Japan, China and theDiese theoretische Studie konzentriert sich auf die Analyse der Bedeutung der pädagogischen Konzepte von John Dewey für die Bildungsreform in Japan, China und der Sowjetunion in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Der Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit ist die Annahme, dass eine Pädagogik des Pragmatismus eine der wichtigsten Richtungen in der Entwicklung der Pädagogik ist und ihr Einfluss noch heute vorhanden ist. Die Forschung hat gezeigt, dass in diesen Ländern das Erziehungskonzept von Dewey zu einem großen Teil studiert, respektiert und umgesetzt worden ist, und im gewissen Maße auch verändert worden ist, aber auch unter zahlreichen oberflächlichen, harten und verflachten Auslegungen, Interpretationen und Manipulationen gelitten hat. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, eine Kritik an diesen Verhältnissen auszuüben und eine objektive Analyse des Einflusses von Deweys pädagogischer Theorie und Praxis durchzuführen. Mit Hilfe der Methode zur theoretischen Analyse und der historischen Methode in der Forschung ist man zur Erkenntnis gelangt, dass John Dewey mit seinen pädagogischen Ideen und Aktivitäten zu einem großen Teil seine Zeitgenossen und die Bildungsreformen in Japan, China und der Sowjetunion beeinf

    The Bologna reform of subject teacher education in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia

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    The article provides an overview of carrying out the principles of the Bologna reform in the education of subject teachers in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Drawing upon official documents, particularly laws and by-laws, study programmes and constituent documents of individual universities, the comparative analysis of the reform processes between 2004 and 2013 is made within a relatively homogeneous area in teacher education that existed before the break-up of the former joint state. Positive effects and weak points of the reform activities are observed and detected. The analysis has shown that by implementing the Bologna process the differences in the training of subject teachers among the states and universities, and even among individual universities, increased significantly compared to the previous state of education. This is evident not only in the simultaneous implementation of different models (i.e., the duration of studies (3+2, 4+1, 5+0), but also in concurrent application of simultaneous and successive forms of acquiring teacher competences, different academic titles, and particularly in the greatest issue - different levels of education at which teachers acquire teaching competences for the same teacher profile

    The bologna reform of subject teacher education in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia

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    The article provides an overview of carrying out the principles of the Bologna reform in the education of subject teachers in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Drawing upon official documents, particularly laws and by-laws, study programmes and constituent documents of individual universities, the comparative analysis of the reform processes between 2004 and 2013 is made within a relatively homogeneous area in teacher education that existed before the break-up of the former joint state. Positive effects and weak points of the reform activities are observed and detected. The analysis has shown that by implementing the Bologna process the differences in the training of subject teachers among the states and universities, and even among individual universities, increased significantly compared to the previous state of education. This is evident not only in the simultaneous implementation of different models (i.e., the duration of studies (3+2, 4+1, 5+0), but also in concurrent application of simultaneous and successive forms of acquiring teacher competences, different academic titles, and particularly in the greatest issue different levels of education at which teachers acquire teaching competences for the same teacher profile

    Influencia de John Dewey en las reformas educativas en Turquía y en la Unión soviética

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    This theoretical analysis focuses on John Dewey’s ideas and activities regarding education reform and societal democratization in Turkey and in the Soviet Union, with particular emphasis on the period between the two World Wars. The springboard for the research was the fact that Dewey’s pragmatic conception of education represents one of the most influential tendencies in the development of pedagogy and education reforms in many countries all over Europe, and indeed the world. This research seeks to determine the essential features, forms, extents and outcomes of the influence that John Dewey’s activities and ideas have had on the educational policies and reforms in both countries. The circumstances and content of Dewey’s visits to both Turkey and the Soviet Union are analysed, alongside his reports, i.e., his own impressions of the visits he made, and his recommendations for the respective education reforms and thoughts on their application and their achievements. In addition, the wide scope and diversity of influence of Dewey’s ideas are also examined through the various translated editions of his books and articles, taking into consideration numerous studies devoted to his works. These methods of theoretical analysis and historical research led to the conclusion that John Dewey’s pedagogical ideas and activities made a significant impact among his contemporaries, and greatly influenced the education reforms in Turkey and the Soviet Union, where there is still significant interest in his concepts and the application of his ideas today. However, although Dewey’s conception of education was extensively examined, acknowledged and used in the aforementioned countries, albeit with certain modifications and developments, it ultimately became either too rigid or vulgarised through many superficial interpretations and manipulations.El foco de la presente investigación está dirigido hacia el análisis de las ideas, actividades e influencia que John Dewey tuvo tanto en las reformas educativas, como en los intentos de democratización de la sociedad turca y soviética, con un tratamiento especial al período comprendido entre las dos guerras mundiales. El fundamento inicial de este trabajo, consiste en la idea de que el concepto educativo y pragmático de John Dewey, representa uno de los movimientos más importantes en el desarrollo pedagógico y de reformas educativas en muchos países alrededor de Europa y mundo. La investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la esencia, características, formas, grado y resultados de la actividad, así como la influencia de las ideas de John Dewey en la política y la reforma educativa; para la concretización del objetivo, se partió de un análisis de circunstancias y contenido de las estancias de Dewey en los países mencionados, sus informes –es decir, sus impresiones en relación a tales visitas– y las recomendaciones de reformas educativas, así como su aplicación y alcance. En adición, se examina un volumen heterogéneo de las ideas de Dewey, a través de sus traducciones y de las múltiples ediciones de sus libros y artículos, numerosos estudios sobre ideas de Dewey, etc. Utilizando un método de análisis teórico y método histórico de investigación, concluimos que John Dewey, con sus ideas y actividades pedagógicas, influyó en gran medida en sus contemporáneos, y en las reformas educativas en Turquía y la Unión soviética; y que hoy en día existe un marcado interés en investigar sus pensamientos, su influencia y la aplicación de sus ideas en el contexto de aquel entonces. También se evidencia que el concepto educativo de Dewey en los países mencionados, fue significativamente estudiado, respetado y aplicado, y hasta un punto desarrollado y modificado, antes de sufrir numerosas manipulaciones e interpretaciones superficiales, estrictas, y vulgares


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    Filozofski i pedagoški aspekti sokratovske dijaloške metode u nastavi filozofije u srednjoj školi predstavljaju predmet ovoga rada. Posebno suproucavani: bit, predmet, pretpostavke i uvjeti za njezno pravilno i raznovrsno korištenje, prednosti, nedostatci i mogucnosti utjecaja na uspješnu realizaciju nastave, to jest viši stupanj znanja i razumijevanja sadržaja filozofije. Kreativna primjena sokratovske dijaloške metode jedna je od mogucih puteva motivacije i poticanja ucenika te svojevrsnoga uvodenja u sadržaje filozofije kroz istraživanje.This paper focuses on the philosophical and pedagogical aspects of the Socratic dialogue in teaching philosophy in secondary schools. Special attention is diverse use, advantages, disadvantages, possibilities of better teaching, i.e. reaching a higher level of knowledge and understanding of philosophy. The creative use of the Socratic dialogue method is one of the possibilities for motivating students and using research for introducing philosophical issues

    Espacio, tiempo y educación

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave en español y en inglésSe analizan las ideas, actividades e influencia que John Dewey tuvo tanto en las reformas educativas, como en los intentos de democratización de la sociedad turca y soviética, con un tratamiento especial al período comprendido entre las dos guerras mundiales. El fundamento inicial, consiste en la idea de que el concepto educativo y pragmático de John Dewey, representa uno de los movimientos más importantes en el desarrollo pedagógico y de reformas educativas en muchos países alrededor de Europa y mundo. La investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la esencia, características, formas, grado y resultados de la actividad, así como la influencia de las ideas de John Dewey en la política y la reforma educativa; para la concretización del objetivo, se partió de un análisis de circunstancias y contenido de las estancias de Dewey en los países mencionados, sus informes –es decir, sus impresiones en relación a tales visitas– y las recomendaciones de reformas educativas, así como su aplicación y alcance.ES


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    Formalno vrjednovanje rada i znanja ucenika predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih i najsloženijih zadataka u radu svakog nastavnika, a time i nastavnika filozofije. Taj se zadatak sastoji od složnosti spoznajnih, pedagoških, psiholoških, etickih, socioloških, pravnih, administrativnih i drugih gledišta i cimbenika. U nastavi filozofije njegova je kompleksnost posebno naglašena zbog specificnosti programskih sadržaja i ciljeva koji se postavljaju nastavi filozofije. Namjera je ovoga rada predstaviti i problematizirati osnovna pitanja, teškoce i oblike pracenja, provjere i ocjenjivanja rada te znanja ucenika u nastavi filozofije u srednjoj školi, a posebno da se na taj nacin doprinese metodici nastave filozofije.The formal assessment of students’ knowledge and work is one of the most important and the most complex tasks of all teachers, including teachers of philosophy. This task is comprised of complex cognitive, pedagogical, psychological, ethical, social, legal, administrative and other perspectives and factors. The complexity of this process is especially apparent in the teaching of philosophy, due to very specific subject matter and goals set before this course. The aim of this paper is to present and critically examine the main issues, difficulties and models of monitoring, assessment and evaluation of knowledge and skills in philosophy in secondary schools, thus making a contribution to the methodology of teaching philosophy

    Transnational and transcultural educational models in Eastern and Southern Europe in the XIX and XX Centuries. Foreword to thematic section of the issue

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    Scholars from Central and South-Eastern European states present a series of research projects on transnational and transcultural educational models, using various examples from their countries in the XIX and XX centuries. These articles focus on the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Greece, Italy and Spain, to demonstrate how individuals, ideas and institutions became educational models in different cultures and nations, through a process of active reception, change and hybridization