790 research outputs found

    Modification of TOPSIS method for solving of multicriteria tasks

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    This paper describes the possible modifications of one of the multi-criteria analysis methods that possess certain advantages in cases of solving the real business problems. We will discuss the TOPSIS method, whereas the modification reflects in change of the determination manner of the ideal and anti-ideal points in criteria environment, in standardization of quantification and fuzzycation of the attributes in cases of criteria expressed by linguistic variables


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    In Europe, the period from the 17th to the 19th century was marked by scientific and industrial revolution, better traffic communication, which strongly influenced development of viticulture and wine markets. New varieties are introduced into viticulture, intensive working on hybridization, more intensive cultivation methods are applied with use of horses, distance between plants are changed and more modern stock are used. After liberation from the Ottoman Empire, Serbian viticulture is developing again. With arrangement of the principality and then the Serbian Kingdom, in the overall development of Serbia under the Obrenović family, a significant contribution was made by new vine plantation. Apart from the Danube regions, the areas under vines are located around the Kopaonik mountain, which separates southern Serbia from the Novo-Pazarski sandžak and the wine-growing centers such as Negotin, Požarevac, Smederevo, Kruševac, Niš and Šumadija as a separate region (area about 98,326 ha). However, the development of viticulture in Serbia is stoped by the appearance of phylloxera. The territory of Serbia was affected by phylloxera starting in 1881, and by 1920 it had reached Metohija. In order to restore damaged vineyards, were formed vine nurseries (Smederevo 1882, Bukovo near Negotin 1886, Jagodina 1889, Aleksandrovac, 1891) where began production of rootstock and grafting of European vine varieties. Since then, for the first time, varieties such as Traminac, Chardonnay, Pinot blanc, Pinot noir, Gamay were introduced into Serbian viticulture. The beginning of the 20th century was marked by changing of royal dynasties, so after atending to Serbian throne, King Petar I Karađorđević (since 1903) form an endowment estate at Oplenac. King Petar I Karađorđević, and after them King Alexander, intensively participated in plantation of new vineyards, using planting material from nurseries from Smederevo and from France (1925). By 1935, the total area under vineyards amounted to 37.78,31 ha, of which 4/5 were under wine and 1/5 under table varieties. During the 2nd World War, Serbian vineyards was under significant damage due to the lack of conditions to bad cultivation in appropriate ways. After the 2nd World War, viticulture in Serbia had several development stages. The first stage covers the period from 1945 to 1954 and is characterized by an extensive production level. The second stage, from 1954 to 1959, is characterized by vineyard with big inter-row distance of 2–2.5 m and greater mechanization using. The third stage, from 1959 to 1970, is characterized by vineyards with inter-row distance of 2.5 to 4 m. It is the period of intensive vineyards plantating. In the 1970, 106.000 ha belonged to individual sector, and 10.500 ha to the state (goverment) sector. In the 80-is and 90-is of the last century, it is period of the viticulture stagnation with significant reduction of vineyard area. The disintegration of the SFRY, wars that followed, sanctions and international isolation of Serbia and especially NATO bombing affected complete destruction of viticulture as a minor agricultural branch at that time. It is estimated that only about 20,000 ha under vine survived and could be maintained at the beginning of the XXI century. For the last twenty years, have been made efforts to restore Serbian viticulture. With a more modern approach, it started with the selection of clones of varieties mainly for producing of high quality wines. With the formation of smaller and medium-capacity wineries (from 100,000 to 500,000 bottles per year), the situation in viticulture and wine sector has changed significantly through the increase of areas under vines and the improvement of wine quality. Today there are around 360 registered wineries in Serbia

    First finding of larvae of Chaoborus crystallinus (Diptera, Chaoboridae) in Serbia

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    Density functional theory calculation of the optical properties of graphene quantum dots

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    Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) are class of nanoparticles exhibiting unique and tunable electronic, optical, chemical and structural properties owing to their small size and quantum confinement and edge effects. GQDs most prominent characteristics are high photoluminescence, photostability, excellent photobleaching resistance, low citotoxicity, good biocompatibility, exceptional electrochemical activity and physicochemical stability, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, from biosensing and fluorescence bioimaging usage, photodynamic therapy, to optoelectronic, susteanable agricultural and environmental applications. Using density functional theory (DFT) we demonstrate that the optical properties of the GQDs can be sensitively tuned by its size, shape, edge configuration, attached chemical functionalities.Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 – December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    Measures of inconsistency and defaults

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    AbstractWe introduce a method for measuring inconsistency based on the number of formulas needed for deriving a contradiction. The relationships to previously considered methods based on probability measures are discussed. Those methods are extended to conditional probability and default reasoning

    Merenje raspodele veličina čestica metodom difrakcije laserske svetlosti

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    U ovom tekstu opisan je princip rada instrumenta za merenje raspodele veličina čestica Mastersizer 2000, Malvern Instruments Ltd., UK, koji radi na principu analize difraktovane svetlosti. Na konkretnim primerima, pokazali smo da metoda nije rutinska, da se ne svodi na unošenje uzorka u uređaj i pritiskanje dugmeta. Pokazali smo da način pripreme uzoraka za merenje i tačnost rezultata zavise od fizičkih i hemijskih karakteristika analiziranog materijala.The paper deals with the main principles of determination of particle size distribution using Mastersizer 2000, Malvern Instruments Ltd., UK. On the example of several problems we have demonstrated that the method is not a routine one and that the measurement procedure is not limited to entering a sample into the dispersion unit and pressing the button. Furthermore, we have shown that the sample preparation method and, therefore, the accuracy of results conclusively depend on physical and chemical properties of the analyzed materials

    Self-assembly of carbon based nanoparticles films by Langmuir-Blodgett method

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    Carbon nanoparticles are a class of materials with extraordinary properties. In the past three decades, four major types of carbon nanoparticles were synthesized and investigated: fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene and carbon quantum dots. One of the main properties of such materials is their hydrophobic nature. At the same time, Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) method the for deposition of thin films of hydrophobic materials provides the possibility to design thin films of different carbon-based nanoparticles with special architectures and features enabling their usage in various fields, particularly in electronics and biomedicine. In this review, the state of art of LB thin films of four types of carbon-based nanoparticles and their application in electronics and biomedicine are presented. The breakthrough in this field was finally achieved by application of carbon quantum dots soluble in solvents optimized for LB deposition

    Teorijsko ispitivanje antiradikalske aktivnosti delfinidina

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    Delphinidin, one of the natural anthocyanin pigments was theoretically (at M05-2X/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory) investigated for its ability scavange potentially highly damaging hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. Theoretical calculations point to HAT and SPLET mechanisms as operative for delphinidin in all solvents under investigations.Teoretski (na M05-2X/6-311+G(d,p) nivou teorije) je ispitivana sposobnost delfinidina, prirodnog antocijaninskog pigmenta, da reaguje sa potencijalno veoma štetnim hidroksi i superoksid anjon radikalima. Proračuni su pokazali da su HAT i SPLET mogući mehanizmi u svim rastvaračima

    Typology of the architecture of alternative communities and movements

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    У раду се истражују односи између алтернативних и утопијских идеја, литературе и заједница остварених у пракси, као и њихове архитектуре, како би се успоставиле типологије алтернативних начина живота и њихових архитектонских облика.U radu se istražuju odnosi između alternativnih i utopijskih ideja, literature i zajednica ostvarenih u praksi, kao i njihove arhitekture, kako bi se uspostavile tipologije alternativnih načina života i njihovih arhitektonskih oblika.The dissertation research and analyses the relationships between alternative and utopian ideas, literature and communities realized in practice, as well as their architecture, in order to establish typologies of alternative ways of life and their architectural forms

    Ispitivanje genotoksičnosti 8-CI-cAMP u dva in vivo testa na miševima soja BALB/c

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    The antitumor agent 8-CI-cAMP (8-chloro-cyclic adenosine monophosphate) is the most potent site-selective analogue of cAMP. It acts primarily by selective down-regulation of regulatory sub-units of cAMP-dependent protein kinases. This results in reversion of the neoplastic predominance of PK-I type over PK-II type protein kinase back to the ratio more typical to of the normal phenotype. The differential activity of 8-CI-cAMP towards protein kinase isozymes leads to inhibition of cell growth, differentiation and neoplastic reversion of a wide variety of cancer cell lines. Since 8-CI-cAMP has been investigated as a new potential anticancer drug with no previous studies of its mutagenic and clastogenic effects, we have investigated the genotoxicity of 8-CI-cAMP. Genotoxic effects were estimated by the bone marrow micronucleus assay and the occurrence of morphological chromosome lesions in adult mice (BALB/c strain). 8-CI-cAMP was administered intraperitoneally (i.p) in three doses, 10 mg/kg b.w.; 90 mg/kg b.w. and 160 mg/kg b.w., with saline solution as a negative control and cyclophosphamide, a known mutagen and clastogen as a positive control at twenty four hour intervals during a seven day period. Micronucleus test results showed a consistent dose-dependent pattern. Thus, with increase of the dose (10 mg/kg b.w., 90 mg/kg b. w. and 160 mg/kg b.w.) there was an increase in the frequency of micronuclei in polychromatic erythrocytes (4.88 ± 0.35; 8.32 ± 0.57; 11.75 ± 0.37) compared to the negative control (2.04 ±0.28). Using chromosome aberrations as an indicator of genotoxic potential, 8-CI-cAMP in all three doses (10 mg/kg b.w.; 90 mg/kg b.w. and 160 mg/kg b.w.) produced karyotype transformation of mouse bone marrow cells. 8-CI-cAMP induced structural chromosome aberrations as lesions (2.87 0.14; 4,37 0.14 i 5.25 0.35), interruptions (9±0.1; 12.37±0.26 i 13.37±0,33), ring chromosomes (3.62 0.21; 2.5±0,07 i 2.5±0.07), accentrics (10±0.49; 16.5±0.45 i 18.37±0.54) and Robertsonian translocations (7.12±0.26 ;9 0.1 i 11.24 ±0.18) as well as numerical chromosome aberrations of the aneuploidal type (36 5± 0.74; 60.25±0.24 i 85.62±0.5) and polyploidy (7±0.24; 5.5+0.27 / 5.87±0.14). These results demonstrate the genotoxic potential of the investigated substance.Antitumorski preparat 8-CI-cAMP (8-hloro-ciklični adenozin monofosfat) je najpotentniji analog AMP koji deluje primamo na modulaciju cAMP - zavisne protein kinaze dovodeći do inhibicije regulatornih subjedinica. Rezultat takvog dejstva je smanjenje dominantnog tipa PK-I protein kinaze u kanceroznim ćelijama nad drugim tipom PK-II protein kinaze, u odnosu na međusobni nivo PK-I I PK-II koji se nalaze u normalnim ćelijama. Ciklični 8-CI-AMP je analog koji ima izuzetnu anti-neoplastičnu aktivnost sa efektom restauracije, diferencijacije i reverzne transformacije kanceroznih ćelija miša i čoveka. Sa stanovišta mogućeg mutagenog i genotoksičnog efekta 8-CI-cAMP nije dovoljno istražen. Zato je i cilj ovog rada bio da se primenom citogenetičkog i mikronukleus testa, na ćelijama kostne srži miša BALB/c soja, ispita genotoksični efekat 8-CI-cAMP u tri dozna režima (10 mg/kg t.m; 90 mg/kg t.m. i 160 mg/kg t.m.). Pored eksperimentalnih grupa životinja u eksperimentu su uspostavljene i negativna kontrola koju su činile jedinke tretirane sa fiziološkim rastvorom, kao i pozitivna kontrola životinja koje su tretirane sa poznatim klastogenom i mutagenom-ciklofosfamidom u dozi od 40 mg/kg t.m. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju konzistetni dozno-zavisni obrazac primenom mikronukleus testa. Sa rastom doze (10 mg/kg t.m ; 90 mg/kg t.m. i 160 mg/kg t.m.) raste i broj mikronukleusa u polihromatofilnim eritrocitima (4,88 ±0,35; 8,32±0,57; 11,75±0,37) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (2,04±0,28). Testirane rastuće doze 8-CI-cAMP u citogenetičkom testu in vivo pokazuju sposobnost transformacije kariotipa ćelija kostne srži BALB/c miševa u vidu struktumih hromozomskih aberacija tipa lezija (2,87±0,14; 4,37±0,14; 5,25±0,35), prekida (90,1; 12,37±0,26; 13,37±0,33), ring hromozoma (3,62+0,21; 2,5±0,07; 2,5±0,07), acentrika (100,49; 16,5±0,45; 18,37±0,54) i Robersonovih translokacija (7,12±0,26; 90,1; 11,24±0,18) i numeričkih hromozomskih aberacija tipa aneuploidija (36,5±0,74; 60,25±0,24; 85,62±0,5) i poliploidija (70,24; 5,5±0,21; 5,87±0,14) što ukazuje na postojanje genotoksičnog potencijala ispitivane supstance