127 research outputs found

    Overview of Gas Sensors Focusing on Chemoresistive Ones for Cancer Detection

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    The necessity of detecting and recognizing gases is crucial in many research and application fields, boosting, in the last years, their continuously evolving technology. The basic detection principle of gas sensors relies on the conversion of gas concentration changes into a readable signal that can be analyzed to calibrate sensors to detect specific gases or mixtures. The large variety of gas sensor types is here examined in detail, along with an accurate description of their fundamental characteristics and functioning principles, classified based on their working mechanisms (electrochemical, resonant, optical, chemoresistive, capacitive, and catalytic). This review is particularly focused on chemoresistive sensors, whose electrical resistance changes because of chemical reactions between the gas and the sensor surface, and, in particular, we focus on the ones developed by us and their applications in the medical field as an example of the technological transfer of this technology to medicine. Nowadays, chemoresistive sensors are, in fact, strong candidates for the implementation of devices for the screening and monitoring of tumors (the second worldwide cause of death, with ~9 million deaths) and other pathologies, with promising future perspectives that are briefly discussed as well

    Cues to opening mechanisms from in silico electric field excitation of cx26 hemichannel and in vitro mutagenesis studies in HeLa transfectans

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    Connexin channels play numerous essential roles in virtually every organ by mediating solute exchange between adjacent cells, or between cytoplasm and extracellular milieu. Our understanding of the structure-function relationship of connexin channels relies on X-ray crystallographic data for human connexin 26 (hCx26) intercellular gap junction channels. Comparison of experimental data and molecular dynamics simulations suggests that the published structures represent neither fully-open nor closed configurations. To facilitate the search for alternative stable configurations, we developed a coarse grained (CG) molecular model of the hCx26 hemichannel and studied its responses to external electric fields. When challenged by a field of 0.06 V/nm, the hemichannel relaxed toward a novel configuration characterized by a widened pore and an increased bending of the second transmembrane helix (TM2) at the level of the conserved Pro87. A point mutation that inhibited such transition in our simulations impeded hemichannel opening in electrophysiology and dye uptake experiments conducted on HeLa tranfectants. These results suggest that the hCx26 hemichannel uses a global degree of freedom to transit between different configuration states, which may be shared among the whole connexin family

    Chemoresistive Nanosensors Employed to Detect Blood Tumor Markers in Patients Affected by Colorectal Cancer in a One-Year Follow Up

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    Simple Summary Since colorectal cancer represents one of the most diffused pathologies worldwide, usually lacking specific symptoms, it is crucial to develop and validate innovative low-invasive techniques to detect it. Here, a device based on an array of nanostructured gas sensors has been employed to analyze and discriminate the exhalations of blood samples collected from colorectal cancer-affected patients at different stages of their pre- and post-surgery therapeutic path. The device was clearly able to distinguish between the pre-surgery samples, where the tumor was present, and the one-year post-surgery ones, following the tumor removal. These results raise high hopes for the device's clinical validation and its future use in clinical follow-up protocols, patient health status monitoring, and to detect possible post-treatment relapses. Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents 10% of the annual tumor diagnosis and deaths occurring worldwide. Given the lack of specific symptoms, which could determine a late diagnosis, the research for specific CRC biomarkers and for innovative low-invasive methods to detect them is crucial. Therefore, on the basis of previously published results, some volatile organic compounds (VOCs), detectable through gas sensors, resulted in particularly promising CRC biomarkers, making these sensors suitable candidates to be employed in CRC screening devices. A new device was employed here to analyze the exhalations of blood samples collected from CRC-affected patients at different stages of their pre- and post-surgery therapeutic path, in order to assess the sensor's capability for discriminating among these samples. The stages considered were: the same day of the surgical treatment (T1); before the hospital discharge (T2); after one month and after 10-12 months from surgery (T3 and T4, respectively). This device, equipped with four different sensors based on different metal-oxide mixtures, enabled a distinction between T1 and T4 with a sensitivity and specificity of 93% and 82%, respectively, making it suitable for clinical follow-up protocols, patient health status monitoring and to detect possible post-treatment relapses

    Reproducibility and Repeatability Tests on (SnTiNb)O2 Sensors in Detecting ppm-Concentrations of CO and Up to 40% of Humidity: A Statistical Approach

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    : Nowadays, most medical-diagnostic, environmental monitoring, etc. devices employ sensors whose fabrication reproducibility and response repeatability assessment are crucial. The former consists of large-scale sensor manufacture through a standardized process with almost identical morphology and behavior, while the latter consists of giving the same response upon repeating the same stimulus. The thermo-activated chemoresistive sensors, which change their conductance by interacting with the molecules composing the surrounding gas, are currently employed in many devices: in particular, thick-film (SnTiNb)O2 nanosensors were demonstrated to be particularly suitable in the medical and biological fields. Therefore, a set of thirteen of them, randomly selected from the same screen-printing deposition, were laboratory tested, and the outcomes were statistically analyzed in order to assess their consistency. At first, the working temperature that maximized both the sensor sensitivity and response repeatability was identified. Then, the sensors were subjected to different gas concentrations and humidities at this optimal working temperature. It resulted in the (SnTiNb)O2 nanosensors detecting and discriminating CO concentrations as low as 1 ppm and at high humidity degrees (up to 40%) with high repeatability since the response relative standard error ranged from 0.8 to 3.3% for CO and from 3.6 to 5.4% for water vapor

    KUINKA AVUSTAN LÄHEISTÄNI? : Toiminnallinen iltapäivä omaishoitajille ergonomisesta työskentelystä

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    Opinnäytetyön tilaaja oli Kokkolan vanhuspalvelut. Kotihoidon työntekijät olivat huomanneet puutteita omaishoitajien työergonomiassa ja tuoneet esiin tarpeen järjestää heille aiheesta koulutusta. Omaishoito ja omaishoitajien jaksaminen on ajankohtainen asia. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin projektina yhteistyössä Kokkolan vanhuspalveluiden ja SenioriKaste-hankkeen kanssa. Projektin tarkoituksena oli järjestää Kokkolan seudun omaishoitajille toiminnallinen iltapäivä ergonomisesta työskentelystä. Projektin tavoitteena oli vähentää omaishoitajien työn kuormittavuutta opettamalla heitä hyödyntämään oman kehon painopisteitä ja luonnollisia liikeratoja avustamis- ja hoitotoimenpiteissä. Projekti sisälsi toiminnallisten iltapäivien suunnittelun, toteutuksen ja kirjallisen osuuden. Tietoperustassa käsittelimme omaishoitoa ja ergonomiaa. Projektin suunnittelu-osiossa selvitimme myös ohjausmenetelmiä omaishoitajille. Toiminnallisia iltapäiviä järjestettiin kolme samanlaista kevään 2016 aikana Kokkolassa, kaksi suomenkielistä ja yksi ruotsinkielinen. Omaishoitajat kutsuttiin tilaisuuteen kirjeillä. Toiminnalliset iltapäivät rakentuivat luennosta, apuväline-esittelystä ja käytännön harjoitteista. Luennoitsijoina toimivat alan asiantuntijat. Lopuksi omaishoitajat vastasivat palautekyselyyn. Omaishoitajilla ei ollut ennestään tietoa perusergonomiasta. Apuvälineiden tuntemuksessa oli myös puutteita. Saamamme palautteen perusteella omaishoitajat kokivat toiminnallisen iltapäivän hyödyllisenä. Se antoi heille perustietoa ergonomiasta ja toimintamalleja käytännön harjoitteiden avulla. Omaishoitajat saivat tiedon lisäksi myös vertaistukea. SenioriKaste-hankkeen asiantuntijat kokivat toiminnallisten iltapäivien järjestämisen tärkeäksi myös tulevaisuudessa.The subscriber for this thesis was the Elderly Care of Kokkola. The workers of the Home Care Unit had noticed lacking skills in work ergonomics of the caregivers and had brought up the need for training. Coping with workload is a current issue among caregivers. The thesis was executed in co-operation with the Elderly Care of Kokkola and the SenioriKaste project. The purpose of the project was to organize a functional afternoon for the caregivers of Kokkola region regarding ergonomic ways of working. The aim of the project was to reduce workload of the caregivers by educating them how to utilize natural trajectories of their body when assisting and giving treatment. The project included planning and executing the functional afternoon as well as the written part. In the knowledge base we covered care and ergonomics. In the planning part we explained training methods for carers. During the spring of 2016 we organized three similar functional afternoons, out of which 2 were conducted in Finnish and one in Swedish. Carers were invited by letters. The functional afternoon consisted of: lecture, presentation of technical aids and practical exercises. As lecturers we had professionals in the field. As an ending the carers answered a feedback questionnaire. The carers had no previous knowledge regarding basic ergonomic working methods. There was also lack of knowledge regarding technical aids. According to the feedback the carers experienced the afternoon to be useful. It gave them basic information regarding ergonomics and procedures through practical exercises. In addition to information the carers also received peer support from other participants. The experts from the SenioriKaste project also supported organizing similar days in the future

    The p.Cys169Tyr variant of connexin 26 is not a polymorphism

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    Mutations in the GJB2 gene, which encodes the gap junction protein connexin 26 (Cx26), are the primary cause of hereditary prelingual hearing impairment. Here, the p.Cys169Tyr missense mutation of Cx26 (Cx26C169Y), previously classified as a polymorphism, has been identified as causative of severe hearing loss in two Qatari families. We have analyzed the effect of this mutation using a combination of confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. At the cellular level, our results show that the mutant protein fails to form junctional channels in HeLa transfectants despite being correctly targeted to the plasma membrane. At the molecular level, this effect can be accounted for by disruption of the disulfide bridge that Cys169 forms with Cys64 in the wild-type structure (Cx26WT). The lack of the disulfide bridge in the Cx26C169Y protein causes a spatial rearrangement of two important residues, Asn176 and Thr177. In the Cx26WT protein, these residues play a crucial role in the intra-molecular interactions that permit the formation of an intercellular channel by the head-to-head docking of two opposing hemichannels resident in the plasma membrane of adjacent cells. Our results elucidate the molecular pathogenesis of hereditary hearing loss due to the connexin mutation and facilitate the understanding of its role in both healthy and affected individuals

    Dissection of the Polar and Non‐Polar Contributions to Aromatic Stacking Interactions in Solution

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    Abstract: Aromatic stacking interactions have been a matter of study and debate due to their crucial role in chemical and biological systems. The strong dependence on orientation and solvent together with the relatively small interaction energies have made evaluation and rationalization a challenge for experimental and theoretical chemists. We have used a supramolecular cage formed by two tris(pyridylmethyl)amines units to build chemical Double Mutant Cycles (DMC) for the experimental measurement of the free energies of π‐stacking interactions. Extrapolating the substituent effects to remove the contribution due to electrostatic interactions reveals that there is a substantial contribution to the measured stacking interaction energies which is due to non‐polar interactions (−3 to −6 kJ mol−1). The perfectly flat nature of the surface of an aromatic ring gives π‐stacking an inherent advantage over non‐polar interactions with alkyl groups and accounts for the wide‐spread prevalence of stacking interactions in Nature

    Electrical transport mechanisms of Neodymium-doped rare-earth semiconductors

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    This study reports the electrical properties of Nd-doped cerium oxide (CeO2) films synthesized by microwave assisted hydrothermal using a two-point probe technique. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy studies evidenced that, as the Nd content rises, a structural disorder occurs. This is caused by an increase in oxygen vacancies surrounded with Nd (defective clusters), with the mean lifetime components ranging between 290 and 300 ps. Particle size estimation showed values from 8.6 to 28.9 nm. Along with the increase of neodymium impurities, also the conductivity increases, due to the hopping conduction mechanism between defective species. This gives rise to a response time of only 6 s, turning these materials candidates to realize gas sensor devices. Ab initio investigations showed that the improved electric conduction is boosted mostly by the reduced Nd2+ than the Ce3+, where the oxygen vacancies play a fundamental role.Fil: Vaz, Isabela C. F.. Federal University of Itajubá; BrasilFil: Macchi, Carlos Eugenio. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Somoza, Alberto Horacio. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rocha, Leandro S. R.. Universidade Federal do São Carlos; BrasilFil: Longo, Elson. Universidade Federal do São Carlos; BrasilFil: Cabral, Luis. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: da Silva, Edison Z.. Universidade Estadual de Campinas; BrasilFil: Simões, Alexandre Zirpoli. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Zonta, Giulia. Università di Ferrara; ItaliaFil: Malagu, Cesare. Università di Ferrara; ItaliaFil: Desimone, Paula Mariela. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Ponce, Miguel Adolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Moura, Francisco. Federal University of Itajubá; Brasi

    WO3 processed by direct laser interference patterning for NO2 detection

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    In this paper two kind of sensors based on WO3 sputtered by magnetron sputtering and annealed at 600 °C have been studied. The first kind was processed by two-dimensional direct laser interfering patterning (DLIP) and the second one without any additional treatment. Morphological and structural characterization have shown a hole structure in a periodic line-pattern for the DLIP-processed sensors and a flat surface for the only-annealed sensors, both with a tetragonal WO3 phase. TOF-SIMS analysis has revealed that the first WO3 layers are reduced for both samples, which could improve sensing performance. Promising response enhancement of DLIP-processed sensors has been observed for low concentrations of NO2 (from 0.5 ppm to 5 ppm) at 200 °C, lowering the limit of detection (LOD) to 10 ppb, half of the LOD of the only-annealed sensors (20 ppb). Cross sensitivity to CO and HCHO have been investigated and the sensing mechanisms discussed