1,328 research outputs found

    MAPFORGEN: Compartir conocimiento para conservar nuestra diversidad genetica forestal

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    Improving access to vegetable seeds for resilient family farms in Costa Rica

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    Potencial ecológico de frutales nativos del neotrópico, aguacate y anonas, en la diversificación de los paisajes cafetales en América Central como estrategia de adaptación al Cambio Climático

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    Aguacate (Persea) y anonas (Annona) están entre los géneros de frutales más importantes nativos del neotrópico. Sus productos tienen un potencial alto para mercados nacionales y son una fuente nutricional promisoria en sistemas de alimentación local. Con el presente trabajo se espera identificar el potencial ecológico de aguacate y anonas para la diversificación de los paisajes cafetales en America Central para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de familias caficulturas, y como posibles cultivos alternativos para generar ingresos. Secundariamente, y para ello, identificamos el área de distribución potencial actual y futura de las especies cultivadas y parientes de los géneros Persea y Annona en América Latina y evaluamos su estado de conservación y diversidad interespecífica. Las hipótesis que planteamos son: 1) los frutales neotropicales son ecológicamente aptos para la diversificación de los paisajes cafetales en América Central, 2) el Cambio Climático tiene un impacto negativo en las especies de frutales seleccionadas, y 3) los parientes de estos frutales pueden servir como recurso para mejoramiento de los mismos ante el Cambio Climático. Se modeló la distribución potencial de los frutales y sus parientes silvestres aplicando el Software Maxent bajo condiciones climáticas actuales y proyecciones climáticas para las 2050s considerando dos escenarios de emisión del IPCC. Los áreas de distribución potencial actual y futura obtenidos se sobrepusieron sobre el área de producción actual de café en América Central para saber cuáles frutales tenían mayor potencial para diversificación en estos areas. Contrariamente a la hipótesis que planteábamos, los resultados obtenidos sugieren que los parientes de los cultivos de aguacate no son tan prioritarios para mejoramiento de agucates a nuevas condiciones climaticas como lo es la diversidad genetica del propio cultigen P. americana Mill. Asimismo, y en base a los análisis realizados, se puede decir que entre las especies evaluadas, la especie con mayor potencial ecológico para la diversificación de los paisajes cafetales es la guanabana (A. muricata L.

    Values of Integrated Care: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Although substantial generic knowledge about integrated care has been developed, better understanding of the factors that drive behaviour, decision-making, collaboration and governance processes in integrated care networks is needed to take integrated care forward. To gain more insight into these topics and to understand integrated care in more depth, a set of underlying values of integrated care has been developed and defined in this study. Theory and methods: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify the underlying values of integrated care. Values theory was used as a theoretical framework for the analysis. Results: This study identified 23 values in the current body of knowledge. The most frequently identified values are ‘collaborative’, ‘co-ordinated’, ‘transparent’, ‘empowering’, ‘comprehensive’, ‘co-produced’ and ‘shared responsibility and accountability’. Discussion and conclusion: The set of values is presented as a potential basis for a values-driven approach to integrated care. This approach enables better understanding of the behaviours and collaboration in integrated care and may also be used to develop guidance or governance in this area. The practical application of the values and their use at multiple levels is discussed. The consequences of different stakeholder perceptions on the values is explored and an agenda for future research is proposed

    Optimising integrated stroke care in regional networks:A nationwide self-assessment study in 2012, 2015 and 2019

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    Background: To help enhance the quality of integrated stroke care delivery, regional stroke services networks in the Netherlands participated in a self-assessment study in 2012, 2015 and 2019. Methods: Coordinators of the regional stroke services networks filled out an online self-assessment questionnaire in 2012, 2015 and 2019. The questionnaire, which was based on the Development Model for Integrated Care, consisted of 97 questions in nine clusters (themes). Cluster scores were calculated as proportions of the activities implemented. Associations between clusters and features of stroke services were assessed by regression analysis. Results: The response rate varied from 93.1% (2012) to 85.5% (2019). Over the years, the regional stroke services networks increased in ‘size’: the median number of organisations involved and the volume of patients per network increased (7 and 499 in 2019, compared to 5 and 364 in 2012). At the same time, fewer coordinators were appointed for more than 1 day a week in 2019 (35.1%) compared to 2012 (45.9%). Between 2012 and 2019, there were statistically significantly more elements implemented in four out of nine clusters: ‘Transparent entrepreneurship’ (MD = 18.0% F(1) = 10.693, p = 0.001), ‘Roles and tasks’ (MD = 14.0% F(1) = 9.255, p = 0.003), ‘Patient-centeredness’ (MD = 12.9% F(1) = 9.255, p = 0.003), and ‘Commitment’ (MD = 11.2%, F(1) = 4.982, p = 0.028). A statistically significant positive correlation was found for all clusters between implementation of activities and age of the network. In addition, the number of involved organisations is associated with better execution of implemented activities for ‘Transparent entrepreneurship’, ‘Result-focused learning’ and ‘Quality of care’. Conversely, there are small but negative associations between the volume of patients and implementation rates for ‘Interprofessional teamwork’ and ‘Patient-centredness’. Conclusion: This long-term analyses of stroke service development in the Netherlands, showed that between 2012 and 2019, integrated care activities within the regional stroke networks increased. Experience in collaboration between organisations within a network benefits the uptake of integrated care activities

    Recovery of extracellular vesicles from human breast milk is influenced by sample collection and vesicle isolation procedures

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    Extracellular vesicles (EV) in breast milk carry immune relevant proteins and could play an important role in the instruction of the neonatal immune system. To further analyze these EV and to elucidate their function it is important that native populations of EV can be recovered from (stored) breast milk samples in a reproducible fashion. However, the impact of isolation and storage procedures on recovery of breast milk EV has remained underexposed. Here, we aimed to define parameters important for EV recovery from fresh and stored breast milk. To compare various protocols across different donors, breast milk was spiked with a well-defined murine EV population. We found that centrifugation of EV down into density gradients largely improved density-based separation and isolation of EV, compared to floatation up into gradients after high-force pelleting of EV. Using cryo-electron microscopy, we identified different subpopulations of human breast milk EV and a not previously described population of lipid tubules. Additionally, the impact of cold storage on breast milk EV was investigated. We determined that storing unprocessed breast milk at −80°C or 4°C caused death of cells present in breast milk, leading to contamination of the breast milk EV population with storage-induced EV. Here, an alternative method is proposed to store breast milk samples for EV analysis at later time points. The proposed adaptations to the breast milk storage and EV isolation procedures can be applied for EV-based biomarker profiling of breast milk and functional analysis of the role of breast milk EV in the development of the neonatal immune system

    The CIPRUS study, a nurse-led psychological treatment for patients with undifferentiated somatoform disorder in primary care: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Up to a third of patients presenting medically unexplained physical symptoms in primary care may have a somatoform disorder, of which undifferentiated somatoform disorder (USD) is the most common type. Psychological interventions can reduce symptoms associated with USD and improve functioning. Previous research has either been conducted in secondary care or interventions have been provided by general practitioners (GPs) or psychologists in primary care. As efficiency and cost-effectiveness are imperative in primary care, it is important to investigate whether nurse-led interventions are effective as well. The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a short cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)-based treatment for patients with USD provided by mental health nurse practitioners (MHNPs), compared to usual care. Methods: In a cluster randomised controlled trial, 212 adult patients with USD will be assigned to the intervention or care as usual. The intervention group will be offered a short, individual CBT-based treatment by the MHNP in addition to usual GP care. The main goal of the intervention is that patients become less impaired by their physical symptoms and cope with symptoms in a more effective way. In six sessions patients will receive problem-solving treatment. The primary outcome is improvement in physical functioning, measured by the physical component summary score of the RAND-36. Secondary outcomes include health-related quality of life measured by the separate subscales of the RAND-36, somatization (PHQ-15) and symptoms of depression and anxiety (HADS). Problem-solving skills, health anxiety, illness perceptions, coping, mastery and working alliance will be assessed as potential mediators. Assessments will be done at 0, 2, 4, 8 and 12 months. An economic evaluation will be conducted from a societal perspective with quality of life as the primary outcome measure assessed by the EQ-5D-5L. Health care, patient and lost productivity costs will be assessed with the Tic-P. Discussion: We expect that the intervention will improve physical functioning and is cost-effective compared to usual care. If so, more patients might successfully be treated in general practice, decreasing the number of referrals to specialist care. Trial registration: Dutch Trial Registry, identifier: NTR4686, Registered on 14 July 2014. © 2017 The Author(s)

    Plan de acción estratégico para fortalecer la conservación y el uso de los recursos fitogenéticos mesoamericanos para la adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático – PAEM 2014-2024

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    El Plan de Acción Estrategico para Fortalecer la Conservacion y el Uso de los Recursos Fitogeneticos Mesoamericanos para la Adaptacion de la Agricultura al Cambio Climatico (PAEM) es un mapa de ruta a diez anos para fortalecer la conservacion, el acceso y el uso de los recursos fitogeneticos de Mesoamerica como elemento estrategico para la seguridad alimentaria y la adaptacion de la agricultura al cambio climatico y otras amenazas

    Reconfiguring tissue banking consent through enrichment of a restricted debate

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    Tissue banks are thought to be an essential resource for medical research in the post-genomic age. Collections of tissue, usually removed in the course of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, enable laboratory-based epidemiological studies to be carried out, linking abnormalities in the tissue to disease aetiology, prognosis and treatment responsiveness. There are, however, a number of technical, regulatory and ethical concerns that challenge those wishing to engage in tissue banking research. It is becoming increasingly apparent that tissue banking research is not without risk of harms, even though there is no direct physical risk to donors. This is because, in order to be most useful, banked specimens need to be linked to personal information about tissue donors and this poses the risk of inadvertent disclosure of personal─ particularly genetic─ information to those who might exploit such information (eg. insurance companies and employers). Furthermore, the long-term storage of specimens, and the impossibility of predicting all potential types of research programs for which they might be useful, raises the possibility that future projects will be carried out that are unacceptable to some (past) tissue donors. The ethical principles of autonomy and respect for persons demand that research subjects be informed of such risks and of the nature of the research, and that they participate willingly. On the other hand, there is a desire for science to progress unhindered by stringent consent requirements. For these reasons, a debate has emerged in the academic (bioethical and biomedical) literature and in the legal (law reform) sphere over what would constitute adequate consent. Despite an extensive discourse, it is still unclear whether it is permissible to carry out research on archival tissue that was originally taken for diagnostic purposes and whether project-specific (as opposed to open-ended) consent is required for research on tissue collected today. This lack of clarity is of concern to researchers, ethics committees and research subjects, all of whom recognise the importance of tissue banking research, yet fear that current consent procedures may be ethically or legally inadequate. Thus it is important that the consent dilemma be resolved as quickly and definitively as possible. Ongoing controversy and regulatory ambiguity are appropriate when morally contentious issues are at stake, and their existence does not, on its own, signal any flaws in the discourse process. There are, however, two reasons to suspect that the current 'consent to tissue banking' debate, as portrayed in the academic literature and law reform documentation, is problematic. Firstly, the debate appears to be mired in an intractable conflict between those who want to maximise personal autonomy through stringent consent requirements, and those who want the scientific endeavour to progress in a manner that is unconstrained by what are viewed as arduous consent procedures. Secondly, the possible practical options (consent models) being generated by the debate are all limited because they are underpinned by a restricted notion of consent as an individualistic, legalistic and static activity, without consideration of any alternative conceptualisations of consent. Through a thematic analysis of the current 'consent to tissue banking' debate in the academic and law reform literature (Section 3), this thesis shows that debate is essentially occurring between those who see individual autonomy (and stringent consent) as being of primary importance, and those who see unimpeded, market-driven scientific progress as the more important social good, which should not be impeded by unnecessarily stringent consent. Thematic analysis also confirms the existence of the two problems described above, and a failure of those engaged in the debate to reflect on, and challenge, the value-level assumptions underpinning their arguments and those of their opponents. It is argued that this lack of reflection accounts for the two problems: • Firstly, it precludes recognition of the cause of─ and, therefore, ways of resolving─ the intractable conflict at the centre of the debate. Value-level reflection shows that this is a result of the logical and moral conflict within western liberalism, between two modernist goods: individual freedom and scientific progress. • Secondly, it precludes the generation of varied conceptions of consent. Value-level reflection shows that the current range of consent models is restricted to procedures which are individualistic, abstract, static and legalistic, since they are underpinned by western liberal notions of autonomy and scientific progress. This recognition paves the way to consideration of alternative notions of autonomy, scientific progress and, therefore, consent, such as those derived from communitarian and feminist systems of values. A conceptually enriched model of tissue banking consent is then developed (Section 4). This model incorporates dominant (liberal) conceptions of autonomy and scientific progress as well as alternative notions of autonomy and scientific progress espoused by communitarian and feminist systems of values. It is argued that this conceptually-enriched model provides a practical solution to the two problems associated with the standard 'consent to tissue banking' debate. In relation to the philosophically intractable conflict─ or what is termed the 'modernist dilemma'─ between those privileging autonomy and those privileging scientific progress, it shows how the two apparently conflicting 'modernist' goods can both be accommodated at a practical level, thus making the 'consent to tissue banking' debate more tractable and fruitful. In relation to the restricted range of consent models being generated by the current debate, it provides new insights into the ways in which consent might be obtained such that a broader range of community values can be accommodated. More specifically, it stimulates the construction of a model that 1) involves communities, as opposed to merely individuals, in all stages of the scientific process; 2) is flexible and able to adapt consent procedures to specific contexts, rather than predefining procedures in abstract terms; and 3) is transactional and relational rather than static and legalistic. This outcome has interesting philosophical as well as practical implications. It shows that despite apparently unresolved, and possibly irresolvable, normative-level conflicts between the two modernist elements of western liberalism (autonomy and scientific progress), and between liberal, feminist and communitarian systems of values, a multi-perspectival, inclusive, model-building approach provides a practical solution that circumvents these normative-level conflicts