145 research outputs found

    PR China's Pursuit of a Blue-Water Navy

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    The development of the navy and the extension of connected capacities is one of the focuses of the military evolution in the People’s Republic of China (later on: China). The directions of the improvement appear to be clear, though achieving their aims are a question of decades, not years. These Chinese steps, the progress they make, new ship classes they develop, advanced technologies they produce will take the upcoming decades to reach their goals – even if sometimes the Western media exaggerates the potential threat posed by the Chinese army. The paper shortly presents the geopolitical environment of the country, after that analyses the necessity of a blue-water navy, the development they have already started and tries to project ahead their capacities and the relevance of that future Navy

    Turbulence-generated proton-scale structures in the terrestrial magnetosheath

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    Recent results of numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations suggest that in collisionless space plasmas turbulence can spontaneously generate thin current sheets. These coherent structures can partially explain intermittency and the non-homogenous distribution of localized plasma heating in turbulence. In this Letter Cluster multi-point observations are used to investigate the distribution of magnetic field discontinuities and the associated small-scale current sheets in the terrestrial magnetosheath downstream of a quasi-parallel bow shock. It is shown experimentally, for the first time, that the strongest turbulence generated current sheets occupy the long tails of probability distribution functions (PDFs) associated with extremal values of magnetic field partial derivatives. During the analyzed one hour long time interval, about a hundred strong discontinuities, possibly proton-scale current sheets were observed.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 819, Number 1, 201

    Belső migráció és szellemvárosok Kínában

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    A tanulmány bemutatja a kínai belső migrációt, annak okait, jellemzőit és következményeit, a 150-200 milliós embertömeg helyzetének bizonytalanságát. A munkások migrációja szorosan kapcsolódik a vidéki és a városi területek között fennálló, jelentős fizetésbeli különbségekhez. A munkahelyek hiánya a migrációs döntés fő oka vidéken, a választási lehetőségük lényegében az otthoni munkanélküliségre vagy a városokban betöltött, alulfizetett pozíciókra szűkült. A vidékiek akár egész megyéket, sőt tartományokat is hajlandóak hátrahagyni a munkáért, sokan közülük a közeli városokba, többek pedig a part menti metropoliszokba indulnak. A tanulmányban érintjük az ún. szellemvárosokat is, melyek a migrációs nyomás mellett a gazdaság pörgetése, az építőipar foglalkoztatása miatt jöttek és jönnek létre

    Preparation of Pyridine N-oxide Derivatives in Microreactor

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    N-oxidations of different nitrogen-containing heterocyclic molecules are often applied for synthetic transformations in chemistry. The industrial implementation of classical batch oxidation processes are limited due to safety concerns derived from metal ion catalyzed decompositions. These restrictions and other safety concern issues can be minimized or even avoided by applying glass made microreactor setups for this transformation. The N-oxidation of different pyridine derivative, quinoline and isoquinoline is studied using two popular oxidizing reagents. The further transformation of pyridine derivatives is studied through the Polonovski rearrangement in microreactor

    Testing Born's Rule in Quantum Mechanics for Three Mutually Exclusive Events

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    We present a new experimental approach using a three-path interferometer and find a tighter empirical upper bound on possible violations of Born's Rule. A deviation from Born's rule would result in multi-order interference. Among the potential systematic errors that could lead to an apparent violation we specifically study the nonlinear response of our detectors and present ways to calibrate this error in order to obtain an even better bound.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Found. Phy

    China and Ethiopia, Part 4: Mekelle Industrial Park

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    In 2018 and 2019 we published three articles about transportation projects in Ethiopia, a key manifestation of China’s Africa policy in the country: the first modern light railway (tram) system of sub-Saharan Africa in the capital, Addis Ababa, and the Addis–Djibouti railway connecting the landlocked country to the maritime trade routes of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. In January 2020, we followed this up by investigating another possible catalyst of economic growth: Mekelle Industrial Park in Ethiopia’s Tigray National Regional State
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