169 research outputs found

    Magnetic shielding and exotic spin-dependent interactions

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    Experiments searching for exotic spin-dependent interactions typically employ magnetic shielding between the source of the exotic field and the interrogated spins. We explore the question of what effect magnetic shielding has on detectable signals induced by exotic fields. Our general conclusion is that for common experimental geometries and conditions, magnetic shields should not significantly reduce sensitivity to exotic spin-dependent interactions, especially when the technique of comagnetometry is used. However, exotic fields that couple to electron spin can induce magnetic fields in the interior of shields made of a soft ferro- or ferrimagnetic material. This induced magnetic field must be taken into account in the interpretation of experiments searching for new spin-dependent interactions and raises the possibility of using a flux concentrator inside magnetic shields to amplify exotic spin-dependent signals.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A new type of bunch compressor and seeding of a short-wavelength coherent radiation.

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    Transverse-to-longitudinal emittance exchange was proposed in [1] as a tool for an effective matching of the electron beam phase space to requirements of a possible application. Here we propose a new purpose, namely, use of two consecutive emittance exchanges equipped with the telescope between them for a bunch compression that can be done without the energy chirp in the electron bunch. In principle it allows to reduce the electron peak current in the linac by moving the bunch compressor to the end of the linac and, thus, to relax collective effects associated with high peak currents. It is also possible to have a split-action compression when the first part is done inside the low-energy part of the linac and the second and final part is done after the linac. We also demonstrate how proposed bunch compressor can be used for frequency up-conversion of the energy modulation provided by the laser interacting with the electron beam and thus can prepare a significantly higher frequency seed for seeded free-electron lasers. The same approach can be used for a frequency down-conversion that can be useful for generation of THz radiation

    Analytical study of ultrasound influence on the molten metals atomization

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    This paper focuses on the study of influence of ultrasound on liquid atomization using ejection nozzles. Two principles of influence of ultrasound on the atomization process such as a change of conditions on gas-liquid boundary during the generation of ultrasound oscillation in the gas and liquid jet (film) disintegration under the action of capillary forces in cases of generation of ultrasound oscillation in the liquid are considered. The optimal values of the ultrasound oscillation frequencies are calculated. Two constructions of the nozzles patented are proposed

    Observation of Target Electron Momentum Effects in Single-Arm M\o ller Polarimetry

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    In 1992, L.G. Levchuk noted that the asymmetries measured in M\o ller scattering polarimeters could be significantly affected by the intrinsic momenta of the target electrons. This effect is largest in devices with very small acceptance or very high resolution in laboratory scattering angle. We use a high resolution polarimeter in the linac of the polarized SLAC Linear Collider to study this effect. We observe that the inclusion of the effect alters the measured beam polarization by -14% of itself and produces a result that is consistent with measurements from a Compton polarimeter. Additionally, the inclusion of the effect is necessary to correctly simulate the observed shape of the two-body elastic scattering peak.Comment: 29 pages, uuencoded gzip-compressed postscript (351 kb). Uncompressed postscript file (898 kb) available to DECNET users as SLC::USER_DISK_SLC1:[MORRIS]levpre.p

    Three-dimensional analysis of free-electron laser performance using brightness scaled variables

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    A three-dimensional analysis of radiation generation in a free-electron laser (FEL) is performed in the small signal regime. The analysis includes beam conditioning, harmonic generation, flat beams, and a new scaling of the FEL equations using the six-dimensional beam brightness. The six-dimensional beam brightness is an invariant under Liouvillian flow; therefore, any nondissipative manipulation of the phase-space, performed, for example, in order to optimize FEL performance, must conserve this brightness. This scaling is more natural than the commonly-used scaling with the one-dimensional growth rate. The brightness-scaled equations allow for the succinct characterization of the optimal FEL performance under various additional constraints. The analysis allows for the simple evaluation of gain enhancement schemes based on beam phase space manipulations such as emittance exchange and conditioning. An example comparing the gain in the first and third harmonics of round or flat and conditioned or unconditioned beams is presented