67 research outputs found

    Realia wyższej edukacji prawnej na Ukrainie

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    In the article the issue of formation and the current state of legal education in Ukraine. Outlined range of problems, including the education sector management and regulation, and brain drain abroad. Attention is paid to the differences in the understanding of the legal profession in Ukraine and Europe

    Legal Principles of Opposition to Separatism in the Modern State

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    The objective of this article is to determine the factors that contribute to separatism in different countries of the world, as well as to find those means (forms and methods) of counteraction that would lead to an effective and preferably painless solution to such problems. The subject matter of the analysis in this article is social relations that are associated with counteracting the tendencies of separatism in the modern world, as well as the legal basis of such opposition. The following methods of scientific cognition were used while writing the article: systematic approach, logical, semantic, documentary, comparative and legal method. The urgent nature of the research problem has been noted, since the problem of the emergence of separatist movements is quite real for every country in the world. The definitions of the terms of “opposition to separatism” and “legal basis of opposition to separatism” have been offered. Suggestions in regard to overcome this negative phenomenon in a particular state have been provided. Factors that are the “catalysts” of separatism tendencies have been distinguished and stated in details. The historically recorded separatist movements and methods of overcoming them have been analyzed. The authors have made the conclusion about the individual causes and manifestations of separatism in a particular state. It has been proved that the existence of individual features associated with separatism, complicates to a large extent the creation of unique methods to combat this socio-political phenomenon. The authors have emphasized on the urgent need to improve the regulatory base of Ukraine on combating and preventing separatism, in particular, to develop and implement effective preventive, punitive and restorative mechanisms

    Registry of acute coronary syndromes in Noyabrsk (Yamal-nenets autonomous district)

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    Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are the cause of many emergency admissions, high level of mortality in Russian Federation, European and North America states. The essential distinctions had been known in frequency, structure, clinic and outcomes of ACS in populations of different climatic and economic regions. Structure, clinical demographic descriptions and clinical outcomes of ACS in population of North industrial City of Noyabrsk (Yamal-Nenets autonomous district) had been learned in the context of carry out register. Men were predominating among examined both in the hospital case group and in the sudden death group. During 18 months of follow-up 273 cases were registered. 43,6% of them died during the 1st hour after development of symptoms, 41,8% - before first medical contact. Patients with ST-segment elevation ACS were prevailing in structure of hospitalized cases. Conducted diagnostics and conservative therapy satisfy the national and international recommendations (the hospital has no invasive possibility of treatment). In-hospital mortality in ACS with ST-segment elevation was 9,2%, in non-ST-segment elevation ACS - 6,7%.Острые коронарные синдромы (ОКС) являются причиной большого числа экстренных госпитализаций, высокого уровня смертности, как в Российской Федерации, так и в странах Европы и Северной Америки. В тоже время хорошо известны существенные различия в частоте, структуре, клинике и исходах ОКС в популяциях различных климато-географических и экономических зон. В рамках проводимого регистра изучены структура, клинико-демографические характеристики, исходы ОКС у жителей промышленного города Крайнего Севера - г. Ноябрьска (Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ). Среди наблюдаемых доминировали мужчины, как в группе госпитальных случаев, так и среди внезапно умерших. За 18 месяцев проведения регистра зарегистрировано 273 случая обострения ИБС, из них в 43,6% случаев смерть наступила в течение первого часа развития симптомов, приведших к летальному исходу. 41,8% больных умерли до первого медицинского контакта. В структуре госпитализированных больных с ОКС преобладали случаи с подъёмам сегмента ST на ЗКГ. Проводимые диагностика и консервативная терапия (в учреждении отсутствует возможность инвазивного лечения ИБС), в целом, соответствовали российским и международным рекомендациям. Госпитальная смертность больных ОКС с подъёмами ST составила 9,2%, больных ОКС без подъёмов ST - 6,7%

    Prospects and Current Status of Defence Information Security in Ukraine

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    Relevance of the article - security has always been one of the priority issues of state policy. Considering that the defence forces are an inseparable part of state security, studying their information security is essential. The feasibility of this study is confirmed by the fact that in the current conditions of development of the information society, the information technology of the Ukrainian defence forces must adapt to the current challenges and threats, to ensure proper protection of information of strategic importance to the state and collected, consolidated and stored by the defence forces. This article aims to identify problems of information security of defense forces in Ukraine to find ways of their elimination. Formal logical, systemic structural, comparative and legal methods were used to conduct the research. It is stated that by dividing the information space and cyber space, the legislator has laid down legal regulation of protection of the state's information space. It is understood that the Lithuanian and Latvian forces for combating threats to the information space were consolidated within the structure of the Ministry of Defence. Consequently, the authorities argue that the system of entities responsible for protecting the information space needs to be optimized, creating conditions for state-private cooperation in this area, as in the case of Germany, and providing these entities with qualified employees. The results obtained are important for research, law-making and law enforcement activities

    Досвід правового забезпечення інформаційної безпеки в країнах Східного партнерства ЄС (Молдова, Грузія)

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    Золотар О. О. Досвід правового забезпечення інформаційної безпеки в країнах Східного партнерства ЄС (Молдова, Грузія) / О. О. Золотар // Lex Portus : юрид. наук. журн. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред. ради), Б. А. Кормич (голов. ред.), І. В. Сафін (заст. голов. ред.), Т. В. Аверочкіна (наук. ред., відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; НУ "ОЮА", ГО "МА Святий Миколай". - Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2017. - № 3. - C. 70-80.В статті проаналізовано досвід країн Східного партнерства, зокрема Молдови та Грузії, щодо правового забезпечення у сфері інформаційної безпеки. Обґрунтовується доцільність вивчення та використання їх досвіду у сфері інформаційної безпеки з перспективи вдосконалення правового забезпечення відповідних відносин в Україні.В статье проанализирован опыт стран Восточного партнерства, в частности Молдовы и Грузии, по правовому обеспечению в сфере информационной безопасности. Обосновывается целесообразность изучения и использования опыта в сфере информационной безопасности в целях совершенствования правового обеспечения соответствующих отношений в Украине.The article analyzes the experience of the Eastern Partnership countries, in particular, Moldova and Georgia, regarding legal security in the information security field. The expediency of studying and using their experience in the information security field from the perspective of improving the legal provision of relevant relations in Ukraine is substantiated

    The role of timely diagnosis and treatment of ENT pathologies in maintaining the physical health of patients

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    The presented work analyzes the need for specialized diagnostic procedures in order to identify the presence of certain ENT pathologies in the patient, since their untimely detection and, as a result, treatment directly affect the physical health of a person as a whole. It is noted that a decrease in patients’ attention to their health, as well as an untimely appeal to a specialized specialist for advice, can lead to the development of serious complications and even surgical intervention. The authors investigate in detail the features of common ENT diseases, possible symptoms, as well as complications that arise in the case of a chronic course of such diseases. At the same time, considerable emphasis is placed on the importance of the prevention of ENT diseases, among these measures are proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, regular medical examinations and following recommendations for the care of ENT organs. The paper emphasizes that timely diagnosis and treatment of ENT pathologies should be identified as key factors that ensure the necessary level of physical health of patients, for this reason, it is necessary to consult a specialist at the first symptoms of the disease. Investigating the methods of diagnosis of ENT diseases, the authors of the work also pay attention to the consideration of methods of treatment of ENT diseases, especially noting conservative therapy, since at the early stages of the development of the disease it allows to restore the patient’s health without resorting to surgical intervention. Based on the results of consideration of the problem, it should be concluded that timely referral to a specialist, diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases are necessary conditions for maintaining and improving the physical health of patients and their quality of life


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    Copper(II) chloride and bromide complexes with 4,5-dihlorizotiazol-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3-carboxamide (L) with the compositions [CuLHal2 ]n , where Hal = Cl– , Br– , are synthesized. The X-ray analysis revealed that the ligand is coordinated to the copper(II) atoms tridentate by the nitrogen atom of the heterocycle and two exocyclic oxygen atoms to form polymer chains. The copper bromide complex showed a synergistic effect in the compositions of insecticides Kerber and Vitan. Разработаны методики синтеза комплексов галогенидов меди(II) с 4,5-дихлоризотиазол-N-(2-гидрокси- этил)-3-карбоксамидом (L) состава [CuLHal2 ]n , где Hal = Cl– , Br– . Методом рентгеноструктурного анализа установлено, что лиганд координируется к атомам меди(II) тридентатно атомом азота гетероцикла и двумя экзоциклическими атомами кислорода, с образованием полимерных цепочек. Комплекс бромида меди проявил синергический эффект в композициях с инсектицидами Кербер и Витан.


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    By acylation of biphenyl and naphthalene 4,5-dichloroisothiazol-3-carbonyl chloride under Friedel-Crafts reaction conditions p-biphenyl- and 1-naphthyl-(4,5-dichloroisothiazol-3-yl) ketones, respectively, were synthesized. It was found that acylation of biphenyl in the dichloromethane medium proceeds nonselectively and leads to a mixture of para- and meta-isomers but in the nitrobenzene solution only the para-isomer is formed. By the reaction of p-biphenyl-(4,5 dichlorisothiazol-3-yl) ketone with sodium phenolate p-biphenyl (5-phenylthio-4-chlorisothiazol-3-yl) ketone was obtained.Ацилированием бифенила и нафталина 4,5-дихлоризотиазол-3-карбонилхлоридом в условиях реакции Фриделя–Крафтса синтезированы п-бифенил- и 1-нафтил-(4,5-дихлоризотиазол-3-ил)кетоны с выходом 38 % и 30 % соответственно. Установлено, что в среде дихлорметана ацилирование бифенила протекает неизбирательно и приводит к смеси пара- и мета-изомеров, а в растворе нитробензола образуется только пара-изомер. Реакцией п-бифенил-(4,5-дихлоризотиазол-3-ил)кетона с фенолятом натрия с выходом 80 % получен п-бифенил-(5-фенилтио-4-хлоризотиазол-3-ил)кетон. Синтезированные соединения представляют интерес для биотестирования в качестве синергистов инсектицидов и являются перспективными лигандами для металлокомплексных катализаторов реакций-кросс-сочетания