225 research outputs found

    Network Security Management Audit at UUM Computer Centre

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    An organization needs to evaluate its network security in order to measure accountability, confidentiality, integrity, authority and also its authenticity. The method that is commonly used for this purpose is by conducting an audit. Using the auditing method, this research attempts to evaluate the network security at the UUM Computer Centre. The purpose of this paper is to identify the network security deficiencies at UUM Computer Centre. Results from the network security audit will then be used to recommend solution to improve those loopholes. The selected audit method is based on the Information Protection and Security Division of University Computing Services (IP & SD UCS), from The State University of New Jersey

    Electricity biogeneration using microbial fuel cells approach

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    Renewable energies are very important because they released clean gasses to the atmosphere. Hence, polluted air and water can be prevented by using renewable energy sources to generate power. Nowadays, primary fuel sources, especially fossil fuels, are used in generation of the electric energy. However, generation of electricity by using these fuel sources gives negative effects on the environment and human health. It is because the power plants will release substances for air pollution such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and also sulphur dioxide (SO2). Besides, Greenhouse gases (GHGs) was produced when the fossil fuels are burned. It will lead to climate changes and degrade the environment..

    Energy harvesting from pressured water flow with IoT monitoring

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    Energy harvesting are required in order to improve the green technology. Energy harvesting or also known as power harvesting is the process where the energy is gain from the outside source for example solar energy, heat energy, wind energy and kinetic energy. This energy can be collected and converted to a useful electrical energy. Harvested energy give a small amount of power for a low energy electronics. This is because the energy converted comes from the recycle of waste energy, example, heat energy that produced from the operation of engine

    Review on IoT Security and Challenge in Industry 4.0

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    Wireless networks are very exposed to the danger of security. The majority of in military, commercial, health, retail, and transportation wireless communication network is used. These systems utilize networks that are wired, mobile, or adhoc. The Internet of Things (IoT) was quite attractive. The future of the Internet is regarded by IoT. In the future, IoT plays an important part and affects our way of life, norms, and business methods. IoT use is predicted to expand quickly in the next years in many applications. The IoT provides for the connection and information sharing of billions of equipment, people, and services. As IoT devices are being used more widely, several security threats are occurring in the IoT networks. In order to provide privacy, authentication, access, and integrity control, it is crucial to implement efficient protocols for the security of IoT networks and privacy among others. In addition, user privacy in the IoT environment is becoming critical since much personal information is provided and distributed among related items. It is, therefore, necessary to guarantee that personal data are protected and controlled from cloud events. The presentation addresses security and privacy dangers and concerns coming out of IoT services and presents ways to the industrial problem of security and privacy. In this article, a study on security and problems in IoT networks are discussed

    The relationship between indices and Kuala Lumpur syariah index / Ungku Zareen Ungku Zolkipli

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    This research will investigate the relationship between Kuala Lumpur Shariah Index and the macroeconomic variables. Generally, the research purpose is to observe the relationship in Malaysian context. In order to achieve the objective, multiple linear regression (MLR) are used to created research model. The variables involved in this research are, Kuala Lumpur Shariah Index (KLSI), Consumer Price Index (CPI), FTSE Bursa Malaysia Hijrah Index (FBMHI), Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI), and Dow Jones Islamic Index (DJII). The data used is a monthly data which is from February 2007 until July 2014. The research finding showed that KLSI are determined only by the shariah stock market variables such as FBMHI and DJII

    Psikoterapi Islami dalam mengatasi gangguan kejiwaan di Darussyifa’ Kuala Ibai Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia

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    Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana psikoterapi Islami Darussyifa’ Kuala Ibai Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia dalam mengatasi dan mengobati pasien yang menghadapi gangguan kejiwaan. Tujuan lainnya untuk mengetahui apa saja jenis kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Darussyifa’ Kuala Ibai Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia dalam proses psikoterapi. Selain itu, tujuan penulis meneliti berkenaan judul ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja hambatan-hambatan yang ditemui dalam proses mengatasi penyembuhan kejiwaan oleh Darussyifa’ Kuala Ibai Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia Penelitian ini adalah studi lapangan dan jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian kualitatif. Informan utama adalah pimpinan Darussyifa’ Kuala Ibai Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia tata usaha dan ustadnya. Penelitian kualitatif adalah suatu pendekatan yang juga disebut pendekatan investigasi karena biasanya peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan cara bertatap muka langsung dan berinteraksi dengan orang-orang di tempat penelitian. Istimewanya Darussyifa’ Kuala Ibai Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia ini adalah mengenai metode pengobatan yang digunakan oleh mereka. Mereka tidak menggunakan obatan atau alatan medis yang moden untuk mengobati pasien yang datang berobat dengan mereka, akan tetapi, mereka menggunakan ayat-ayat suci Alquran, zikir-zikir, doa-doa dan hadis nabi untuk mengobati pasiennya. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, maka hasil yang didapati adalah cara pengobatan yang dijalankan oleh Darussyifa’ Kuala Ibai Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia dapat membantu pasien-pasien yang menghadapi gangguan kejiwaan untuk keluar dari masalah yang mereka hadapi seterusnya bisa menghadapi hari-hari yang mendatang dengan jiwa yang kental. Selain itu juga, hambatan yang dihadapi oleh staf-staf Darussyifa’ Kuala Ibai Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia walaupun agak banyak, akan tetapi hasil daripada penelitian, mendapati bahawa pasien-pasien yang pernah mendapatkan rawatan di Darussyifa’ ini tampak tampil lebih meyakinkan. Hampir rata-rata per-bulan pasien yang datang mendapatkan rawatan di Darussyifa’ Kuala Ibai Kuala Terengganu Terengganu Malaysia ini juga besar jumlahnya yaitu 1000 orang

    Understanding the Root of Attack in Android Malware

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    With the rapid technology of mobile device and fast development of Android versions, Android malware has emerged and become a focus in current research. Security and privacy became the main issues in android malware. Therefore, it is essential to understand the behavior of Android malware in order to conceive an effective technique in malware detection and analysis. This article presents a comprehensive study regarding Android platform, its feature in android malware code and also discusses the result from previous study in order to support forward-looking in Android study

    From Intrusion Detection to an Intrusion Response System: Fundamentals, Requirements, and Future Directions

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    In the past few decades, the rise in attacks on communication devices in networks has resulted in a reduction of network functionality, throughput, and performance. To detect and mitigate these network attacks, researchers, academicians, and practitioners developed Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) with automatic response systems. The response system is considered an important component of IDS, since without a timely response IDSs may not function properly in countering various attacks, especially on a real-time basis. To respond appropriately, IDSs should select the optimal response option according to the type of network attack. This research study provides a complete survey of IDSs and Intrusion Response Systems (IRSs) on the basis of our in-depth understanding of the response option for different types of network attacks. Knowledge of the path from IDS to IRS can assist network administrators and network staffs in understanding how to tackle different attacks with state-of-the-art technologies
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