18 research outputs found

    Links in the functional diversity between soil microorganisms and plant communities during natural succession in coal mine spoil heaps

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    The successful establishment of vegetation, soil development and biogeochemical cycling during the restoration process of mine tailings requires a diverse and metabolically active microbial communities. The objective of this study was to test whether there is any link between the functional groups of both the dominant plant species and soil microbial communities on unreclaimed coal mine spoil heaps of different age located in the Silesian Upland (Poland). At each sampling site the dominant plant species were recorded and characterised based on their Raunkiaer’s life form, socio-ecological group and their potential to form mycorrhiza. The functional diversity of the plantassociated microbial communities was assessed using the microbial carbon-utilisation guilds generated using the Biolog method. We observed no differences in the microbial functional diversity, but a gradual increase in the plant functional diversity with the age of the heap. Our results indicate that trees, plants with the potential to form ectomycorrhiza, and deciduous plants strongly affected the carbon-utilisation profiles. The mean proportion of microbe guilds in dominant plant patches accounts for 60 % of the variance while the soil physicochemical parameters explained only 30 % of the variance. This suggest that in post-industrial habitats the biotic features of the soil substratum are more important for the vegetation development than the abiotic parameters

    The relationship between successional vascular plant assemblages and associated microbial communities on coal mine spoil heaps [streszczenie]

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    The aim of the study was to investigate relationships between vascular plant species and associated soil microbial properties at various stages of vegetation development on unclaimed hard coal mine spoil heaps in Upper Silesia (south Poland). The spontaneous vegetation, soil chemistry as well as the activity and structure of microbial communities were recorded on this specific habitat. The colliery heaps were divided into four age classes and plant species composition and cover abundance were recorded on the established plots (2x2m) (Fragment tekstu)

    Depression development in patients with OA, and its impact on treatment outcome - a literature review

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    Introduction and aim of the study: Osteoarthritis (OA) and depression are leading causes of disease burden worldwide and important public health problems. A number of recent studies reported depression as a comorbidity of OA and its impact on reduced quality of life and worse treatment outcome of OA patients. The clinical management strategies of those patients still haven’t been developed, which is a challenge of future research on this topic. The aim of this review is to shed a light on important aspects of depression relationship with OA including its prevalence among OA patients and its influence on course and treatment of OA with a purpose of increasing awareness of this problem among physicians which may subsequently lead to a better overall medical care of patients with OA and depression. Methods and materials: This literature review is based on articles published in the PubMed database, GoogleScholar, ScienceDirect, and available medical textbooks. Conclusions: Recent literature reports a higher prevalence of depression among OA patients when compared to general population and its impact on osteoarthritis course, both on psychological and biomolecular level. Future research may lead to a better understanding of molecular background of depression and OA interrelation and to more complex and individualized management strategies which may result in a better outcome of treatment and improved life quality of osteoarthritis patients. Therefore, in order to optimize management of OA patients, physicians should pay more attention to depression and use multidisciplinary approach including assessment of mental health status to develop a more effective strategies of medical care in osteoarthritis

    Ash pollen count in the air of selected Polish cities in 2014

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    Celem pracy było porównanie sezonu pyłkowego jesionu w 2014 r. w Szczecinie, Drawsku Pomorskim, Zielonej Górze, Bydgoszczy, Sosnowcu, Krakowie, Łodzi, Piotrkowie Trybunalskim, Olsztynie, Warszawie i Lublinie. Badania koncentracji pyłku w powietrzu prowadzono metodą objętościową z zastosowaniem aparatu Burkard lub Lanzoni. Długość sezonu pyłkowego wyznaczono metodą 95%. W badanych punktach pomiarowych początek sezonu pyłkowego jesionu zarejestrowano w pierwszej dekadzie kwietnia. Długość sezonów pyłkowych wynosiła 21–26 dni. Najwyższe dobowe stężenie pyłku obserwowano w Lublinie (415 z/m3), a najmniejsze w Krakowie (42 z/m3). Ryzyko wystąpienia alergii z powodu utrzymywania się w powietrzu wysokich stężeń pyłku jesionu było największe w Warszawie (17 dni) i Lublinie (14 dni). Najwyższą sumę roczną ziaren pyłku jesionu zanotowano w Lublinie (2413) i była ona ponad 10 razy wyższa niż w Krakowie (230).The aim of the study was to compare the pollen season of ash in Szczecin, Drawsko Pomorskie, Zielona Gora, Bydgoszcz, Sosnowiec, Cracow, Lodz, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Olsztyn, Warsaw and Lublin. Measurements of pollen concentration were performed by the use of volumetric method (Burkard or Lanzoni pollen sampler). The length of season was defined with the 95% method. The pollen season of ash started in all measurement sites in the first week of April. The length of pollen season amounted of 21–25 days. The highest concentration of 415 pollen grains x m3 was noted in Lublin, and the lowest of 42 pollen grains x m3 in Cracow. The risk of pollen allergy because of the presence in the air the high concentrations of ash pollen grains was the biggest in Warsaw (17 days) and in Lublin (14 days). The highest annual sum of ash pollen grains was recorded in Lublin (2413) and it was over 10 times higher than in Cracow (230)

    Analiza elektroforetyczna wiązań DNA -aktyna indukowanych przez ds- i trans-diamminodichloroplatynę (II)

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    Celem pracy jest zbadanie wpływu związków platyny: cis- i trans-diamminodichloroplatyny (II) na interakcję DNA i aktyny in vitro. W doświadczeniu wykorzystano DNA wyizolowany z leukocytów wieprzowej krwi obwodowej oraz aktynę firmy SIGMA. Badania były prowadzone metodą analizy elektroforetycznej. Stwierdzono zmniejszenie ruchliwości elektroforetycznej DNA po inkubacji z cis- i trans-diamminodichloroplatyną (II) przy rt równym 0,5, 1, 2. W przypadku prób inkubacyjnych zawierających cis-diamminodichloroplatynę i aktynę stwierdzono zmniejszenie ruchliwości elektroforetycznej DNA. Elektrotransfer aktyny uwidocznił zmniejszenie ruchliwości elektroforetycznej białka w próbach inkubacyjnych zawierających cis-diamminodichloroplatynę. Obserwacje te świadczą o wytworzeniu wiązań krzyżowych DNA-aktyna przez cis-diamminodichloroplatynę.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Effect of the Partial Replacement of Cement with Waste Granite Powder on the Properties of Fresh and Hardened Mortars for Masonry Applications

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    Granite is a well-known building and decorative material, and, therefore, the amount of produced waste in the form of granite powder is a problem. Granite powder affects the health of people living near landfills. Dust particles floating in the air, which are blown by gusts of wind, can lead to lung silicosis and eye infections, and can also affect the immune system. To find an application for this kind of waste material, it was decided to study the effect of partially replacing cement with waste granite powder on the properties of fresh and hardened mortars intended for masonry applications. The authors planned to replace 5%, 10%, and 15% of cement with waste material. Series of mortar with the addition of granite powder achieved 50% to 70% of the compressive strength of the reference series, and 60% to 76% of the bending strength of the reference series. The partial replacement of cement with the granite powder significantly increased the water sorption coefficient. The consistency of the fresh mortar, and its density and water absorption also increased when compared to the reference series. Therefore, Granite powder can be used as a partial replacement of cement in masonry mortars

    Effect of COVID-19 on Pregnancy and Neonate’s Vital Parameters: A Systematic Review

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    Background. COVID-19 is a new pandemic, which was declared by the World Health Organization in 2019 as a threat to public health. According to numerous reports, it can have negative consequences for pregnant women, labour, and neonates born to infected mothers. The aim of this paper was to gather the evidence and to present a summary of the results of studies concerning COVID-19 in pregnant women and their neonates. Methods. Articles from prestigious journals covering the period from 2020 to February 2023, relevant review papers, and original research articles from PubMed were analysed. In order to analyse the available research literature, the Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed databases were used, in which the search for articles was conducted using terms (“pregnancy,” “coronavirus,” “SARS-CoV-2,” and “newborn”) and using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systemic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guidelines for clinical trials. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews (2022–2023) on symptoms, neonatal course, and risk of COVID-19 infection have been summarized. Summary of meta-analyses and systematic reviews (2022–2023) on the effect and adverse reaction of the COVID-19 vaccination is presented. Results. As a result of the research conducted, it was confirmed that in most pregnant women, no serious signs of the infection were observed, although isolated cases of death related to COVID-19 in pregnant women were reported. Several authors called attention to the more severe course of the infection in pregnant women with obesity. It seemed that no vertical transmission from mother to child was occurring. Nevertheless, the information was not clinching. The condition of the neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 was in most cases described as normal; however, some papers reported deaths of infected neonates. Conclusions. Due to insufficient data, further research is necessary. Further studies and follow-up are recommended, which would make possible an assessment of remote effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy and vital parameters of the newborn

    Branding management in mergers of HEI's in EU

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    Mergers among public universities have been taking place in recent decades just as often and on a larger scale as private universities. However, many management processes related to mergers of public universities vary between public and private universities. One of such cognitive and practical gaps in managing university mergers is brand management in both public and private universities. The aim of the article is to examine various strategies, methods of managing university brands in merger processes, as well as differences between public and private universities in the field of brand management. The research methods will be: literature review and comparative analysis of 3 cases of mergers of universities implemented in two European countries in the years 2000-2016. Mergers of private universities, according to the literature on the subject, are more conditioned by economic goals and implemented using business methods of brand management. In the university sector we are dealing with both acquisitions and mergers. However, the term fusion is more often used for public universities, as usually the merger of universities does not change radically the founding and ownership structures. Public mergers have their own characteristics that are different from private universities. They occur quite often in recent decades as the implementation of public policies. They have various goals, including: qualifying for world university rankings, strengthening their position in international research networks, increasing the efficiency of university management and increasing the quality of education