152 research outputs found

    Slow transitions, slow mixing and starvation in dense random-access networks

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    We consider dense wireless random-access networks, modeled as systems of particles with hard-core interaction. The particles represent the network users that try to become active after an exponential back-off time, and stay active for an exponential transmission time. Due to wireless interference, active users prevent other nearby users from simultaneous activity, which we describe as hard-core interaction on a conflict graph. We show that dense networks with aggressive back-off schemes lead to extremely slow transitions between dominant states, and inevitably cause long mixing times and starvation effects.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Mixing Properties of CSMA Networks on Partite Graphs

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    We consider a stylized stochastic model for a wireless CSMA network. Experimental results in prior studies indicate that the model provides remarkably accurate throughput estimates for IEEE 802.11 systems. In particular, the model offers an explanation for the severe spatial unfairness in throughputs observed in such networks with asymmetric interference conditions. Even in symmetric scenarios, however, it may take a long time for the activity process to move between dominant states, giving rise to potential starvation issues. In order to gain insight in the transient throughput characteristics and associated starvation effects, we examine in the present paper the behavior of the transition time between dominant activity states. We focus on partite interference graphs, and establish how the magnitude of the transition time scales with the activation rate and the sizes of the various network components. We also prove that in several cases the scaled transition time has an asymptotically exponential distribution as the activation rate grows large, and point out interesting connections with related exponentiality results for rare events and meta-stability phenomena in statistical physics. In addition, we investigate the convergence rate to equilibrium of the activity process in terms of mixing times.Comment: Valuetools, 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, October 9-12, 2012, Carg\`ese, Franc

    Delay performance in random-access grid networks

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    We examine the impact of torpid mixing and meta-stability issues on the delay performance in wireless random-access networks. Focusing on regular meshes as prototypical scenarios, we show that the mean delays in an L×LL\times L toric grid with normalized load ρ\rho are of the order (11ρ)L(\frac{1}{1-\rho})^L. This superlinear delay scaling is to be contrasted with the usual linear growth of the order 11ρ\frac{1}{1-\rho} in conventional queueing networks. The intuitive explanation for the poor delay characteristics is that (i) high load requires a high activity factor, (ii) a high activity factor implies extremely slow transitions between dominant activity states, and (iii) slow transitions cause starvation and hence excessively long queues and delays. Our proof method combines both renewal and conductance arguments. A critical ingredient in quantifying the long transition times is the derivation of the communication height of the uniformized Markov chain associated with the activity process. We also discuss connections with Glauber dynamics, conductance and mixing times. Our proof framework can be applied to other topologies as well, and is also relevant for the hard-core model in statistical physics and the sampling from independent sets using single-site update Markov chains

    A 102 dB dynamic-range charge-sampling readout for ionizing particle/radiation detectors based on an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)

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    An original technique for the measurement of charge signals from ionizing particle/radiation detectors has been implemented in an application-specific integrated circuit form. The device performs linear measurements of the charge both within and beyond its output voltage swing. The device features an unprecedented spectroscopic dynamic range of 102 dB and is suitable for high-resolution ion and X-\u3b3 ray spectroscopy. We believe that this approach may change a widespread paradigm according to which no high-resolution spectroscopy is possible when working close to or beyond the limit of the preamplifier's output voltage swing

    Cooperative Localization Enhancement through GNSS Raw Data in Vehicular Networks

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    The evolution and integration of communication networks and positioning technologies are evolving at a fast pace in the framework of vehicular systems. The mutual dependency of such two capabilities can enable several new cooperative paradigms, whose adoption is however slowed down by the lack of suitable open protocols, especially related to the positioning and navigation domain. In light of this, the paper introduces a novel vehicular message type, namely the Cooperative Enhancement Message (CEM), and an associated open protocol to enable the sharing of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) raw measurements among connected vehicles. The proposed CEM aims at extending existent approaches such as Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAM) and Collective Perception Messages (CPM) by complementing their paradigms with a cooperative enhancement of the localization accuracy, precision, and integrity proposed by state-of-the-art solutions. Besides the definition of CEMs and a related protocol, a validation of the approach is proposed through a novel simulation framework. A preliminary analysis of the network performance is presented in the case where CEM and CAM transmissions coexist and are concurrently used to support cooperative vehicle applications

    Experimental observation of non-ideal expanding flows of Siloxane MDM vapor for ORC applications

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    Abstract Extensive experimental results characterizing the supersonic expansion of an organic vapor in non-ideal conditions are reported in this paper for the first time. The collected data also allowed the assessment of the accuracy of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) tools employed to predict the non-ideal behavior of such flows, including the consistency of thermodynamic models adopted. The investigation has been carried out on the converging-diverging nozzle test section of the Test Rig for Organic VApors (TROVA), at the Laboratory of Compressible fluid-dynamics for Renewable Energy Application (CREA) of Politecnico di Milano. Supersonic nozzle flow was chosen as the simplest one of significance for organic Rankine cycle (ORC) turbine channels. The working fluid under scrutiny is Siloxane MDM, a widely employed compound for high temperature ORCs. MDM vapor expands through the TROVA nozzle at moderate non-ideal conditions in the close proximity of the vapor saturation curve. This is the region where ORC expanders typically operate, thus proving the relevance of the investigation for the ORC community. Indeed, detailed experimental data representative of typical ORC expansions were lacking in the open literature up to date. Two different nozzle geometries, featuring exit Mach number of 2.0 and 1.5 respectively, were tested, exploring a wide range of thermodynamic inlet conditions and diverse levels of non-ideality, from moderate non-ideal state, indicated by a compressibility factor Z = Pv/RT ≃ 0.80, to dilute gas conditions, Z ≥ 0.97. Maximum operating total pressure and temperature are Pt ≃ 5 bar and T T ≃ 250 °C. The nozzle flow is characterized in terms of total pressure, total temperature, static pressure at discrete locations along the nozzle axis, and schlieren imaging. In contrast to the well known case of polytropic ideal gas, the vapor expansion through the nozzle is found to be dependent on the inlet conditions, thus proving the non-ideal character of the flow. This influence is found to be consistent with the one predicted by the quasi-1D theory coupled with simple non-ideal gas models. Experimental data at the nozzle centerline are compared with those resulting from a two-dimensional viscous CFD calculation carried out using the SU2 software suite and the improved Peng Robinson Stryjek Vera (iPRSV) thermodynamic model. A very good accordance is found, demonstrating the high accuracy of the applied tools

    The LuGRE project: a scientific opportunity to study GNSS signals at the Moon

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    The Lunar GNSS Receiver Experiment (LuGRE) is a joint NASA-Italian Space Agency (ASI) payload on the Firefly Blue Ghost Mission 1 with the goal to demonstrate GNSS-based positioning, navigation, and timing at the Moon. When launched, LuGRE will collect GPS and Galileo measurements in transit between Earth and the Moon, in lunar orbit, and on the lunar surface, and will conduct onboard and ground-based navigation experiments using the collected data. These investigations will be based on the observation of the data collected by a custom development performed by the company Qascom, based on the Qascom QN400-Space GNSS receiver. The receiver is able to provide, PVT solutions, the GNSS raw observables obtained by the real time operation, as well as snapshots of IF digital samples collected by the RF front-end at frequencies L1/E1 and L5/E5. These data will be the input for the different science investigations, that require then the development of proper analysis tools that will be the core of the ground segment during the mission. The current work done by the science team of NASA and ASI, which is supported by a research team at Politecnico di Torino, is planning the data acquisitions during the time windows dedicated to the LuGRE payload in the checkout, transit and surface mission phases

    Analysis of cascading failures due to dynamic Load-Altering Attacks

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    Large-scale load-altering attacks (LAAs) are known to severely disrupt power grid operations by manipulating several internet-of-things (IoT)-enabled load devices. In this work, we analyze power grid cascading failures induced by such attacks. The inherent security features in power grids such as the N−1 design philosophy dictate LAAs that can trigger cascading failures are \emph{rare} events. We overcome the challenge of efficiently sampling critical LAAs scenarios for a wide range of attack parameters by using the so-called ``skipping sampler'' algorithm. We conduct extensive simulations using a three-area IEEE-39 bus system and provide several novel insights into the composition of cascades due to LAAs. Our results highlight the particular risks to modern power systems posed by strategically designed coordinated LAAs that exploit their structural and real-time operating characteristics

    Mixing properties of CSMA networks on partite graphs Citation for published version

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    Abstract-We consider a stylized stochastic model for a wireless CSMA network. Experimental results in prior studies indicate that the model provides remarkably accurate throughput estimates for IEEE 802.11 systems. In particular, the model offers an explanation for the severe spatial unfairness in throughputs observed in such networks with asymmetric interference conditions. Even in symmetric scenarios, however, it may take a long time for the activity process to move between dominant states, giving rise to potential starvation issues. In order to gain insight in the transient throughput characteristics and associated starvation effects, we examine in the present paper the behavior of the transition time between dominant activity states. We focus on partite interference graphs, and establish how the magnitude of the transition time scales with the activation rate and the sizes of the various network components. We also prove that in several cases the scaled transition time has an asymptotically exponential distribution as the activation rate grows large, and point out interesting connections with related exponentiality results for rare events and meta-stability phenomena in statistical physics. In addition, we investigate the convergence rate to equilibrium of the activity process in terms of mixing times