534 research outputs found

    Pre- and post-estrogen administration in global cerebral ischemia reduces blood-brain barrier breakdown in ovariectomized rats

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    The aim of present study was to determine the effect of estrogen treatment on blood-brain barrier permeability in rats with induced global cerebral ischemia. The study included six-month-old female Sprague-Dawley rats which were divided into the following groups: Control-Ischemia-Reperfusion (C + I-R); Ovariectomy-Ischemia-Reperfusion (Ovx + I-R); Ovariectomy + Estrogen + Ischemia-Reperfusion (Ovx + E + I-R); Ovariectomy + Ischemia-Reperfusion + Estrogen (Ovx + I-R + E). Ischemia-reperfusion was induced by clamping two carotid arteries, then opening the clamp. Blood-brain barrier permeability was visualized by Evans Blue extravasation and quantified by spectrophotometry. Our results indicate that following ischemia-reperfusion the BBB permeability is increased in ovariectomized rats (Evans Blue extravasation) compared to the control group in the cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and brain stem, while in the midbrain no significant increase was detected. In contrast, BBB permeability in the groups treated with estrogen, administered either before or after ischemia-reperfusion, was significantly lower than in ovariectomized animals. In conclusion, the increase in BBB permeability resulting from experimentally induced cerebral ischemia was prevented by exogenous estrogen treatment. The study results indicate that estrogen may be used for therapeutic purposes in ischemia-reperfusion

    17-20 yaş grubundaki güreşçilerde ve sedanterlerdeki iskelet osteoblastik aktivite dağılımlarının karşılaştırılması

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    In this study, the difference in the ratios of bone invasion in wrestlers and sedantery persons has been investigated by using 99m Tc _ MDP scintigraph. By this aim, twenty elite level wrestlers were selected from the activity show wrestling clups in Konya city, whit at least five years in practice and they were 17-20 years old; this group wasconsidered as an experimental group. Ten sedantary persons whith same range of age who never exercised any form of sports were considered as a control group . totally 30 subjects were involved in this study.By using of 99m Tc – MDP scintigraph in both group, for all persons static images were taken in the palm of the hands, head and neck, thoracic cage and in the lumbar, pelvic and both kness and feet regions and in the anterior and posterior regions of bi-lateral shoulders.According to the result of the guantitative analysis of both wrestlers and sedantery persons, the ratios of the radioactive invasion were calculated in the palm of the hands, anterior and posterior regions of the sholdres, anterior and posterior  regions of the pelvic articulations of knees and feed regions and in the shafts of the humerus, tibia and femur.Obtaining data of both groups were statistically analyzed and compared whith Mann Whitney U- test. Result showed that radioactive invasion in the shafts of humeral, radial, and femoral bones in wrestlers was significantly higherthan in controls(p<0,05). Ä°n the other regions no significant differences between group has been found(p>0,05).In case of wrestlers, it was seen that stres over the skaletal system had an excersive effect on the upper limbs namely the shafts of humerus and radius in both sides. However, in the lower limb a same effect was seen in the shafts of bi-lateral femurs and in the knees joint regions. In these regions, it was fount thatin bone scintigraph, increment in the osteoblasttic activity causes secondary increment in the radioactive invasion.According to the physiological changes in bone formation, with more confidence, the streess effect over the skeletal system can be visually and quantitatively evaluated.Bu çalışmayla güreÅŸçilerde ve sedanterlerde 99m Tc- MDP sintigrafisi uygulanarak kemik tutulum oranlarındaki farklılık araÅŸtırılmaya çalışıldı. Bu amaçla Konya ilinde güreÅŸ sporunda faaliyet gösteren kulüplerden en az beÅŸ yıl güreÅŸ yapmış 17-20 yaÅŸları arasında elit düzeydeki 20 güreÅŸçi deney grubu, hiç spor yapmamış aynı yaÅŸ grubunda 10 sedanter kontrol grubu olmak üzere toplam 30 kiÅŸi çalışma kapsamına alınmıştır.Her iki gruba da 99m Tc-MDP sintigrafisi uygulanarak çalışmada tüm kiÅŸilerin elin anterior, baÅŸ, boyun, göÄŸüs kafesi, pelvis, diz ve ayak bölgeleri ile omuzun anterio’u ve posterior’u, lumbal ve pelvisin statik görüntüleri alındı. Kopütürde kantitatif analiz sonucu güreÅŸçi ve sedanterlerin elinin anterior’u ve posterior’u, omuzun  anterior’u ve posterior’u, pelvisin anterior’u ve posterior’u, diz ve ayak bölgesi eklemleri, humerus,tibiave femur ÅŸaftında radyo aktif tutulum (RAT) oranları hesaplandı. Elde edilen deÄŸerler, güreÅŸçi ve sedanterlerin ortalamaları eÅŸleÅŸtirilmiÅŸ gruplar arası Man Whitney U testi ile istatistiksel deÄŸerlendirilmeye alınmıştır. GüreÅŸçilerde her iki humerus, radius ve femur kemik ÅŸaftlarında artmış radyoaktif tutulumları (p<0i05) bulunmuÅŸtur. DiÄŸer bölgelerde pelvis, omuz ve ayak bölgelerinde her iki grup radyoaktif dağılımları arasında anlamlı fark bulunamamıştır (p>0,05).Sonuç olarak güreÅŸçilerde iskelet sistemi üzerinde yüklenmenin üst ekstremitede en fazla her iki humerus ve radius ÅŸaftlarında görülmüÅŸtür. Alt ekstremitede ise her iki femur ÅŸaftı ve diz eklem bölgesinde görülmüÅŸtür. Bu bölgelerde kemik sintigrafisinde osteoblastik aktivite artışına sekonder artmış radyoaktif tutulumlar mevcuttur.Bu sonuçlar güreÅŸçilerde aktivite sonucu kuvvete en fazla maruz kalınan bölgelerin üst eksremitede humerus ve radius olduÄŸu, alt eksremitede ise her iki femur ve diz eklemi olduÄŸu görülmektedir. Ä°skelet sisteminde yüklenmeye baÄŸlı oluÅŸan fizyolojik deÄŸiÅŸiklikleri en doÄŸru güvenilir olarak vizvel  ve kantitatif olarak deÄŸerlendirilmesi mümkündür.&nbsp

    Evaluation of Kdo-8-N<sub>3</sub> incorporation into lipopolysaccharides of various <i>Escherichia coli</i> strains

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    8-Azido-3,8-dideoxy-α/β-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo-8-N3) is a Kdo derivative used in metabolic labeling of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structures found on the cell membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Several studies have reported successful labeling of LPS using Kdo-8-N3 and visualization of LPS by a fluorescent reagent through click chemistry on a selection of Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli strains, Salmonella typhimurium, and Myxococcus xanthus. Motivated by the promise of Kdo-8-N3 to be useful in the investigation of LPS biosynthesis and cell surface labeling across different strains, we set out to explore the variability in nature and efficiency of LPS labeling using Kdo-8-N3 in a variety of E. coli strains and serotypes. We optimized the chemical synthesis of Kdo-8-N3 and subsequently used Kdo-8-N3 to metabolically label pathogenic E. coli strains from commercial and clinical origin. Interestingly, different extents of labeling were observed in different E. coli strains, which seemed to be dependent also on growth media, and the majority of labeled LPS appears to be of the ‘rough’ LPS variant, as visualized using SDS-PAGE and fluorescence microscopy. This knowledge is important for future application of Kdo-8-N3 in the study of LPS biosynthesis and dynamics, especially when working with clinical isolates.</p

    Langer fit met beter eten

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    Ouderen die zelfstandig thuis wonen, lopen het risico ondervoed te raken. Wageningen UR onderzoekt hoe dat is te voorkomen met producten en maaltijden die verrijkt zijn met extra eiwit. Maar hoe breng je die op de markt? De meeste ouderen voelen zich niet oud en zijn zich totaal niet bewust van hun voedingsstatus

    Implementing a Personalized Integrated Stepped-Care Method (STIP-Method) to Prevent and Treat Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Persons With Dementia in Nursing Homes:Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study

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    Background: Neuropsychiatric symptoms occur frequently in many nursing home residents with dementia. Despite the availability of multidisciplinary guidelines, neuropsychiatric symptoms are often inadequately managed. Three proven effective methods for managing neuropsychiatric symptoms were integrated into a single intervention method: the STIP-Method, a personalized integrated stepped-care method to prevent and treat neuropsychiatric symptoms. The STIP-Method comprises 5 phases of clinical reasoning to neuropsychiatric symptoms and 4 stepped-care interventions and is supported with a web application. Objective: This study aims to identify the facilitators and barriers in the implementation of the STIP-Method in nursing homes. Methods: A mixed methods design within a participatory action research was used to implement the STIP-Method in 4 facilities of 2 Dutch nursing home organizations. In total, we aimed at participation of 160-200 persons with dementia and expected an intervention fidelity of 50% or more, based on earlier studies regarding implementation of effective psychosocial interventions to manage neuropsychiatric symptoms. All involved managers and professionals were trained in the principles of the STIP-Method and in using the web application. An advisory board of professionals, managers, and informal caregivers in each facility supported the implementation during 21 months, including an intermission of 6 months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In these 6-weekly advisory board meetings, 2 researchers stimulated the members to reflect on progress of the implementation by making use of available data from patient records and the web application. Additionally, the 2 researchers invited the members to suggest how to improve the implementation. Data analysis will involve (1) analysis of facilitators and barriers to the implementation derived from verbatim text reports of advisory board meetings to better understand the implementation process; (2) analysis of patient records in accordance with multidisciplinary guidelines to neuropsychiatric symptoms: personalized, interdisciplinary, and proactive management of neuropsychiatric symptoms; (3) evaluation of the web application in terms of usability scores; (4) preand postimplementation analysis of patient records and the web application to evaluate the impact of the STIP-Method, such as changes in neuropsychiatric symptoms and informal caregiver burden. Results: We enrolled 328 persons with dementia. Data collection started in July 2019 and ended in December 2021. The first version of this manuscript was submitted in October 2021. The first results of data analysis are expected to be published in December 2022 and final results in June 2023. Conclusions: Our study may increase understanding of facilitators and barriers to the prevention and treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in nursing home residents with dementia by implementing the integrated STIP-Method. The need for well-designed implementation studies is of importance to provide nursing homes with optimal tools to prevent and treat neuropsychiatric symptoms

    Rapportage onderzoeksproject Genieten aan tafel : een toegepast onderzoek naar maaltijdbeleving in verpleeghuizen

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    Er komen steeds meer ouderen in Nederland. Zij doen over het algemeen een groter beroep op de gezondheidszorg, wat tot stijgende zorgkosten leidt en een lagere kwaliteit van leven. Eten en drinken speelt een belangrijke rol bij de preventie van ziekte. Hoewel er steeds meer aandacht is voor de voedingsstatus van ouderen en screeningsprocedures steeds meer toegepast worden, laten de laatste metingen in Nederland zien dat 17% van de cliënten in instellingen ondervoed is en dat 28% risico loopt op ondervoeding. Om ziekte en daarmee verhoogde zorgkosten te voorkomen, en om de kwaliteit van leven te optimaliseren, is preventie van ondervoeding bij ouderen noodzakelijk. Het onderzoek ‘Genieten aan tafel’ beoogde de maaltijdbeleving van verpleeghuiscliënten te optimaliseren, met als doel om eetlust, voedingsstatus, functionele status en kwaliteit van leven te verbeteren en zo zorgkosten te verminderen

    The NESTORE e-Coach: Designing a Multi-Domain Pathway to Well-Being in Older Age

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    This article describes the coaching strategies of the NESTORE e-coach, a virtual coach for promoting healthier lifestyles in older age. The novelty of the NESTORE project is the definition of a multi-domain personalized pathway where the e-coach accompanies the user throughout different structured and non-structured coaching activities and recommendations. The article also presents the design process of the coaching strategies, carried out including older adults from four European countries and experts from the different health domains, and the results of the tests carried out with 60 older adults in Italy, Spain and The Netherlands

    Sodium-Dependent Vitamin C Transporter 2 (SVCT2) Expression and Activity in Brain Capillary Endothelial Cells after Transient Ischemia in Mice

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    Expression and transport activity of Sodium-dependent Vitamin C Transporter 2 (SVCT2) was shown in various tissues and organs. Vitamin C was shown to be cerebroprotective in several animal models of stroke. Data on expression, localization and transport activity of SVCT2 after cerebral ischemia, however, has been scarce so far. Thus, we studied the expression of SVCT2 after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in mice by immunohistochemistry. We found an upregulation of SVCT2 after stroke. Co-stainings with Occludin, Von-Willebrand Factor and CD34 demonstrated localization of SVCT2 in brain capillary endothelial cells in the ischemic area after stroke. Time-course analyses of SVCT2 expression by immunohistochemistry and western blots showed upregulation in the subacute phase of 2–5 days. Radioactive uptake assays using 14C-labelled ascorbic acid showed a significant increase of ascorbic acid uptake into the brain after stroke. Taken together, these results provide evidence for the expression and transport activity of SVCT2 in brain capillary endothelial cells after transient ischemia in mice. These results may lead to the development of novel neuroprotective strategies in stroke therapy

    Keratinocytes as Depository of Ammonium-Inducible Glutamine Synthetase: Age- and Anatomy-Dependent Distribution in Human and Rat Skin

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    In inner organs, glutamine contributes to proliferation, detoxification and establishment of a mechanical barrier, i.e., functions essential for skin, as well. However, the age-dependent and regional peculiarities of distribution of glutamine synthetase (GS), an enzyme responsible for generation of glutamine, and factors regulating its enzymatic activity in mammalian skin remain undisclosed. To explore this, GS localization was investigated using immunohistochemistry and double-labeling of young and adult human and rat skin sections as well as skin cells in culture. In human and rat skin GS was almost completely co-localized with astrocyte-specific proteins (e.g. GFAP). While GS staining was pronounced in all layers of the epidermis of young human skin, staining was reduced and more differentiated among different layers with age. In stratum basale and in stratum spinosum GS was co-localized with the adherens junction component ß-catenin. Inhibition of, glycogen synthase kinase 3β in cultured keratinocytes and HaCaT cells, however, did not support a direct role of ß-catenin in regulation of GS. Enzymatic and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction studies revealed an unusual mode of regulation of this enzyme in keratinocytes, i.e., GS activity, but not expression, was enhanced about 8–10 fold when the cells were exposed to ammonium ions. Prominent posttranscriptional up-regulation of GS activity in keratinocytes by ammonium ions in conjunction with widespread distribution of GS immunoreactivity throughout the epidermis allows considering the skin as a large reservoir of latent GS. Such a depository of glutamine-generating enzyme seems essential for continuous renewal of epidermal permeability barrier and during pathological processes accompanied by hyperammonemia
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