203 research outputs found

    Freezing time emulating new and faster devices with virtual machines

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    Recent proposals of emerging data storage devices make it necessary to reevaluate all levels of the storage hierarchy to optimize the software stack performance. However, these new devices are not always widely available and therefore early experiments may be impossible. Emulators aim at mimicking as close as possible the behavior of a component, nonetheless, emulating new and fast storage devices is a challenging task due to time perception. In this work, we propose an approach to emulate storage devices using virtual machines (VMs) allowing the evaluation of a new device within a real system. We use a technique called freezing time, which pauses a VM to manipulate its clock and hide the real I/O completion time. Our approach is implemented at the hypervisor level and it is transparent to the guest operating system or application. We evaluate the technique under a real system using regular magnetic disks to emulate faster storage devices. Our method presented a latency error of 6.5% compared to a real device. Moreover, decoupled experiment between two laboratories, at the Barcelona Super Computing Center (BSC) in Spain, and the Center of Computer Science and Free Software (C3SL) in Brazil, demonstrated that our approach is reproducible and promising to allow the virtual evaluation of next-gen storage devices.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the TIN2015-65316 Grant, the Generalitat de Catalunya under contract 2014-SGR-1051, the Serrapilheira Institute (Grant number Serra-1709-16621), as well as the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement no. 671951 (NEXTGenIO) for the extensions added after the MASCOTS paper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Freezing Time: a new approach for emulating fast storage devices using VM

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Recently we are seeing a considerable effort from both academy and industry in proposing new technologies for storage devices. Often these devices are not readily available for evaluation and methods to allow performing their tests just from their performance parameters are an important tool for system administrators. Simulators are a traditional approach for carrying out such evaluations, however, they are more suitable for evaluating the storage device as an isolate component, mostly due to time constraints. In this paper, we propose an approach based on virtual machine technology that is capable of emulate storage devices transparently for the operating system allowing evaluation of simulating devices within a real system using any synthetic or real workload. To emulate devices in real environments it is necessary to use the currently available devices as a storage medium which creates a difficulty when the device to be emulated is faster than this storage medium. To circumvent this limitation we introduce a new technique called Freezing Time, which takes advantage of virtual machine pausing mechanism to manipulate the virtual machine clock and hide the real I/O completion time. Our approach can be implemented just requiring the hypervisor to be modified, providing a high degree of compatibility and flexibility since it is not necessary to modify neither the operating system nor the application. We evaluate our tool under a real system using old magnetic disks to emulate faster storage devices. Experiments using our technique presented an average latency error of 6.08% for read operations and 6.78% for write operations when comparing a real to device.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the TIN2015–65316 grant, the Generalitat de Catalunya under contract 2014–SGR–1051.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Weight management interventions in adults with intellectual disabilities and obesity: a systematic review of the evidence

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    o evaluate the clinical effectiveness of weight management interventions in adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) and obesity using recommendations from current clinical guidelines for the first line management of obesity in adults. Full papers on lifestyle modification interventions published between 1982 to 2011 were sought by searching the Medline, Embase, PsycINFO and CINAHL databases. Studies were evaluated based on 1) intervention components, 2) methodology, 3) attrition rate 4) reported weight loss and 5) duration of follow up. Twenty two studies met the inclusion criteria. The interventions were classified according to inclusion of the following components: behaviour change alone, behaviour change plus physical activity, dietary advice or physical activity alone, dietary plus physical activity advice and multi-component (all three components). The majority of the studies had the same methodological limitations: no sample size justification, small heterogeneous samples, no information on randomisation methodologies. Eight studies were classified as multi-component interventions, of which one study used a 600 kilocalorie (2510 kilojoule) daily energy deficit diet. Study durations were mostly below the duration recommended in clinical guidelines and varied widely. No study included an exercise program promoting 225–300 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity per week but the majority of the studies used the same behaviour change techniques. Three studies reported clinically significant weight loss (≥ 5%) at six months post intervention. Current data indicate weight management interventions in those with ID differ from recommended practice and further studies to examine the effectiveness of multi-component weight management interventions for adults with ID and obesity are justified

    Comprehensive Genetic Characterization of Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uniporter Components Reveals Their Different Physiological Requirements In Vivo.

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    Mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake is an important mediator of metabolism and cell death. Identification of components of the highly conserved mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter has opened it up to genetic analysis in model organisms. Here, we report a comprehensive genetic characterization of all known uniporter components conserved in Drosophila. While loss of pore-forming MCU or EMRE abolishes fast mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, this results in only mild phenotypes when young, despite shortened lifespans. In contrast, loss of the MICU1 gatekeeper is developmentally lethal, consistent with unregulated Ca2+ uptake. Mutants for the neuronally restricted regulator MICU3 are viable with mild neurological impairment. Genetic interaction analyses reveal that MICU1 and MICU3 are not functionally interchangeable. More surprisingly, loss of MCU or EMRE does not suppress MICU1 mutant lethality, suggesting that this results from uniporter-independent functions. Our data reveal the interplay among components of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter and shed light on their physiological requirements in vivo.This work is supported by MRC core funding (MC_UU_00015/4, MC-A070-5PSB0, and MC_UU_00015/6) and an ERC starting grant (DYNAMITO; 309742) to A.J.W., as well as by the Italian Ministry of Health “Ricerca Finalizzata” (GR-2011-02351151) to E.Z. T.P.G. and J.J.L. are supported by MRC studentships awarded via the MRC MBU. V.L.H. was funded by an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship (ALTF 740-2015) co-funded by the European Commission FP7 (Marie Curie Actions, LTFCOFUND2013, GA-2013-609409)

    Interventions to support people exposed to adverse childhood experiences : systematic review of systematic reviews

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    BACKGROUND: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) such as abuse, neglect or household adversity may have a range of serious negative impacts. There is a need to understand what interventions are effective to improve outcomes for people who have experienced ACEs. METHODS: Systematic review of systematic reviews. We searched 18 database sources from 2007 to 2018 for systematic reviews of effectiveness data on people who experienced ACEs aged 3-18, on any intervention and any outcome except incidence of ACEs. We included reviews with a summary quality score (AMSTAR) of 5.5 or above. RESULTS: Twenty-five reviews were included. Most reviews focus on psychological interventions and mental health outcomes. The strongest evidence is for cognitive-behavioural therapy for people exposed to abuse. For other interventions - including psychological therapies, parent training, and broader support interventions - the findings overall are inconclusive, although there are some positive results. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant gaps in the evidence on interventions for ACEs. Most approaches focus on mitigating individual psychological harms, and do not address the social pathways which may mediate the negative impacts of ACEs. Many negative impacts of ACEs (e.g. on health behaviours, social relationships and life circumstances) have also not been widely addressed by intervention studies

    SOS: A Screening Instrument to Identify Children with Handwriting Impairments

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    Poor handwriting has been shown to be associated with developmental disorders such as Developmental Coordination Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, autism, and learning disorders. Handwriting difficulties could lead to academic underachievement and poor self-esteem. Therapeutic intervention has been shown to be effective in treating children with poor handwriting, making early identification critical. The SOS test (Systematic Screening for Handwriting Difficulties) has been developed for this purpose. A child copies a sample of writing within 5 min. Handwriting quality is evaluated using six criteria and writing speed is measured. The Dutch SOS test was administered to 860 Flemish children (7-12 years). Inter-and intrarater reliability was excellent. Test-retest reliability was moderate. A correlation coefficient of 0.70 between SOS and "Concise Assessment Methods of Children Handwriting" test (Dutch version) confirmed convergent validity. The SOS allowed discrimination between typically developing children and children in special education, males and females, and different age groups

    Bioenergetic Consequences of PINK1 Mutations in Parkinson Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Mutations of the gene for PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) are a cause of familial Parkinson's disease (PD). PINK1 protein has been localised to mitochondria and PINK1 gene knockout models exhibit abnormal mitochondrial function. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cells derived from PD patients with a range of PINK1 mutations demonstrate similar defects of mitochondrial function, whether the nature and severity of the abnormalities vary between mutations and correlate with clinical features. METHODOLOGY: We investigated mitochondrial bioenergetics in live fibroblasts from PINK1 mutation patients using single cell techniques. We found that fibroblasts from PINK1 mutation patients had significant defects of bioenergetics including reduced mitochondrial membrane potential, altered redox state, a respiratory deficiency that was determined by substrate availability, and enhanced sensitivity to calcium stimulation and associated mitochondrial permeability pore opening. There was an increase in the basal rate of free radical production in the mutant cells. The pattern and severity of abnormality varied between different mutations, and the less severe defects in these cells were associated with later age of onset of PD. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide insight into the molecular pathology of PINK1 mutations in PD and also confirm the critical role of substrate availability in determining the biochemical phenotype--thereby offering the potential for novel therapeutic strategies to circumvent these abnormalities

    PsicologĂ­a Y educaciĂłn a distancia : una revisiĂłn de la literatura

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    O presente estudo investigou as contribuições da Psicologia para a educação a distância – EAD. Para isso, realizou-se revisão bibliográfica de publicações nacionais, entre 1999 e 2009, nas bases de dados SciELO, Lilacs, PsycINFO, BVS e Google Acadêmico. Foram selecionados 69 estudos, dos quais se excluíram 15, por não serem compatíveis com a pesquisa. Os resultados evidenciaram nove eixos temáticos: (1) tecnologia educacional a distância com fundamentos psicológicos, (2) afeição, (3) papel do tutor/professor, (4) teorias psicológicas, (5) interatividade, (6) evasão, (7) relatos de experiências, (8) avaliação de treinamento, desenvolvimento e educação a distância e (9) outros. Os temas tecnologia educacional a distância com fundamentos psicológicos e afeição obtiveram maior frequência nas publicações. Neste estudo, registrou-se, também, que, embora em ascensão desde 2006, os anos de maiores publicações da Psicologia na educação a distância foram 2008 e 2009. Sugere-se que estudos futuros ampliem esta pesquisa para incluir bases de dados internacionais.This study investigated the contributions of Psychology to Distance Learning. A literature review of national publications between 1999 to 2009 was made in the electronic databases SciELO, LILACS, PsycINFO, BVS and Google Scholar. From the 69 studies selected, 15 were excluded because they were not compatible with the research. The results showed nine themes: (1) the distance learning technology with psychological grounding, (2) affection, (3)the role of the tutor/professor, (4) psychological theories, (5) interactivity, (6) dropout, (7) reports of experiences, (8) assessment of distance training, development and education and (9) others. The topics distance education technology with psychological grounding and affection had a larger frequency in the publications. Since 2006, there was an increasing number of publications in psychology distance education, but the years of major publications were from 2008 to 2009. It is suggested that future studies expand this research including international databases.El presente estudio investigó las contribuciones de la Psicología para la Educación a Distancia – EAD. Para eso, fue realizada una revisión bibliográfica de publicaciones nacionales, entre 1999 y 2009 en las bases de datos SciELO, Lilacs, PsycINFO, BVS y Google Académico. Fueron seleccionados 69 estudios, de los cuales se excluyeron 15, por no ser compatibles con la pesquisa. Los resultados evidenciaron nueve ejes temáticos (1) tecnología educacional la distancia con fundamentos psicológicos; (2) afección; (3) papel del tutor/profesor; (4) teorías psicológicas; (5) interactividad; (6) evasión; (7) relatos de experiencias, (8) evaluación de entrenamiento, desarrollo y educación distancia y (9) otros. Los temas tecnología educacional a distancia con fundamentos psicológicos y afección obtuvieron mayor frecuencia en las publicaciones. En ese estudio se registró, también, que, aunque en ascensión desde 2006, los años de mayores publicaciones de la psicología en la educación a distancia, fueron 2008 y 2009. Se sugiere que estudios futuros amplíen esa pesquisa para incluir bases de datos internacionales
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