315 research outputs found

    Improvement of power transformer differential protection through detection and exploitation of the negative sequence currents

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    Introduction. Power transformers are the most important and the most expensive equipment used in transport and distribution of electrical energy. Their failure results in huge economic losses. Despite the great advances in the design of power equipment in recent years, the feeble link in the chain remains the insulation weakness of coil turns of the power transformer. The novelty of the proposed research consists in the development of a new procedure for diagnosing and localizing the occurrence of turn to turn short-circuits in the windings of three-phase power transformer. The main problems of the current differential relay are short circuits of one or more turns of a transformer winding. Hence a new approach using' the amplitude comparison between the negative sequence currents' is developed and a digital discriminator internal / external fault is applied to discriminate turn to turn faults among the other ones. The proposed procedure is based on the exploitation of the negative sequence currents. The purpose of using this new procedure is to identify small faults inside power transformer coils and to distinguish inner faults from the outer faults by using an ameliorate circuit. The method used in this paper is a novel algorithm which based on the comparison between the negative sequence current amplitudes and to calculate the corresponding phase angle shifts. The performance of the proposed procedure has been confirmed by MATLAB/Simulink environment. The results of simulation reveal the efficiency of the suggested procedure, and indicate that this procedure can provide fast and sensitive approach for detecting low level turn-to-turn faults.Вступ. Силові трансформатори – найважливіше і найдорожче устаткування, яке використовується при передачі та розподілі електроенергії. Їх відмова призводить до величезних економічних втрат. Незважаючи на великі успіхи в проектуванні силового обладнання в останні роки, слабкою ланкою в ланцюзі залишається недостатня міцність ізоляції витків котушки силового трансформатора. Новизна запропонованого дослідження полягає в розробці нової методики діагностики та локалізації виникнення міжвиткових коротких замикань в обмотках трифазних силових трансформаторів. Основні проблеми диференціального реле струму – це коротке замикання одного або декількох витків обмотки трансформатора. Тому, розроблено новий підхід, який використовує порівняння амплітуд струмів зворотної послідовності, а також застосовується цифровий дискримінатор внутрішніх/зовнішніх несправностей для розрізнення міжвиткових короткого замкнень серед інших. Запропонована методика заснована на використанні струмів зворотній послідовності. Мета використання цієї нової методики – виявити невеликі несправності всередині котушок силового трансформатора і відрізнити внутрішні несправності від зовнішніх несправностей за допомогою поліпшеної схеми. Метод, який використовується в цій статті, це новий алгоритм, заснований на порівнянні амплітуд струму зворотної послідовності і обчисленні відповідних зміщень фазового кута. Еефективність запропонованої методики підтверджена у середовищі MATLAB/Simulink. Результати моделювання показують ефективність запропонованої методики і вказують на те, що цій метод може забезпечити швидкий і чутливий підхід для виявлення міжвиткових коротких замикань низького рівня

    Nitric Oxide Bioavailability and Its Potential Relevance to the Variation in Susceptibility to the Renal and Vascular Complications in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE—We compared the renal and systemic vascular (renovascular) response to a reduction of bioavailable nitric oxide (NO) in type 2 diabetic patients without nephropathy and of African and Caucasian heritage. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Under euglycemic conditions, renal blood flow was determined by a constant infusion of paraminohippurate and changes in blood pressure and renal vascular resistance estimated before and after an infusion of l-Ng-monomethyl-l-arginine. RESULTS—In the African-heritage group, there was a significant fall in renal blood flow (Δ−46.0 ml/min per 1.73 m(2); P < 0.05) and rise in systolic blood pressure (Δ10.0 mmHg [95% CI 2.3–17.9]; P = 0.017), which correlated with an increase in renal vascular resistance (r(2) = 0.77; P = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS—The renal vasoconstrictive response associated with NO synthase inhibition in this study may be of relevance to the observed vulnerability to renal injury in patients of African heritage

    Sex Differences in Glutathione Peroxidase Activity and Central Obesity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes at High Risk of Cardio-Renal Disease.

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    Women with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) have an increased susceptibility of developing cardio-renal disease compared to men, the reasons and the mechanisms of this vulnerability are unclear. Since oxidative stress plays a key role in the development of cardio-renal disease, we investigated the relationship between sex, plasma antioxidants status (glutathione peroxidase (GPx-3 activity), vitamin E and selenium), and adiposity in patients with T2DM at high risk of cardio-renal disease. Women compared to men had higher GPx-3 activity (p = 0.02), bio-impedance (p ≤ 0.0001), and an increase in waist circumference in relation to recommended cut off-points (p = 0.0001). Waist circumference and BMI were negatively correlated with GPx-3 activity (p ≤ 0.05 and p ≤ 0.01, respectively) and selenium concentration (p ≤ 0.01 and p ≤ 0.02, respectively). In multiple regression analysis, waist circumference and sex were independent predictors of GPx-3 activity (p ≤ 0.05 and p ≤ 0.05, respectively). The data suggest that increased central fat deposits are associated with reduced plasma antioxidants which could contribute to the future risk of cardio-renal disease. The increased GPx-3 activity in women could represent a preserved response to the disproportionate increase in visceral fat. Future studies should be aimed at evaluating if the modulation of GPx-3 activity reduces cardio-renal risk in men and women with T2DM

    Exploring Key Aspects of Sea Level Rise and their Implications: An Overview

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    Sea Level Rise (SLR) is one of the most pressing challenges of climate change and has drawn noticeable research interest over the past few decades. Factors induced by global climate change such as temperature increase, have resulted in both direct and indirect changes in sea levels at different spatial scales. A number of climatic and non-climatic events drive the change in sea level and impose risk on coastal and low-lying areas. Nevertheless, changes in sea level are not uniformly distributed globally due to a number of regional factors such as wave actions, storm surge frequencies, and tectonic land movement. The high exposure to those factors increases the vulnerability of subjected areas to SLR impacts. The impacts of events induced by climate change and SLR are reflected in biophysical, socioeconomic, and environmental aspects. Different indicator-based and model-based approaches are used to assess coastal areas' vulnerabilities, response to impacts, and implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures. Various studies were made to project future SLR impacts and evaluate implemented protection and adaptation approaches to help policymakers plan effective adaptation and mitigation measures and reduce damage. This paper provides an overview of SLR and its key elements encompassing contributing factors, impacts, and mitigation and adaptation measures with a case study focus on the Arabian Gulf

    A 31T split-pair pulsed magnet for single crystal x-ray diffraction at low temperature

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    We have developed a pulsed magnet system with panoramic access for synchrotron x-ray diffraction in magnetic fields up to 31T and at low temperature down to 1.5 K. The apparatus consists of a split-pair magnet, a liquid nitrogen bath to cool the pulsed coil, and a helium cryostat allowing sample temperatures from 1.5 up to 250 K. Using a 1.15MJ mobile generator, magnetic field pulses of 60 ms length were generated in the magnet, with a rise time of 16.5 ms and a repetition rate of 2 pulses/hour at 31 T. The setup was validated for single crystal diffraction on the ESRF beamline ID06

    Synthesis, spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of new covalent assemblies between TTF and various acceptors

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    Five new acceptor-π–TTF-π-acceptor (A–D–A) triads that contain pyridine, quinoline, nitrophenyl or nitrofuryl groups as acceptor unit have been synthesized by two-fold Wittig olefination reactions and their electrochemical behavior has been studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) band in these molecules was characterized by UV–visible electronic absorption spectroscopy and these studies were completed by DFT calculations in the gas phase. These materials appear to be good candidates for the preparation of electroactive discrete metal complexes or coordination polymers as well as for the preparation of radical cations salts

    Angiodysplasies des maxillaires de l’enfant

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    Les angiodysplasies des maxillaires sont des affections rares et graves. Leur mauvais pronostic est surtout lié aux complications hémorragiques redoutables, dues le plus souvent à des extractions dentaires abusives sans examens radiologiques préalables. L’angio-IRM a permis d’une manière non invasive une meilleure connaissance de ces lésions en étudiant leur angio-architecture et leur hémodynamique. Jadis, le seul traitement efficace consistait en une exérèse chirurgicale mutilante entraînant des complications esthétiques et fonctionnelles sévères avec une morbidité importante. Actuellement, la radiologie interventionnelle a révolutionné la prise en charge grâce à l’artériographie hypersélective et àla découverte de nouveaux matériaux d’obturation plus faciles à manier. L’embolisation hypersélective est devenue l’arme de première intention en raison de son caractère conservateur et de son faible taux de  complications. Le but de ce travail est de rappeler les différents aspects étiopathogéniques, cliniques et para cliniques des angiodysplasieset de définir l’attitude thérapeutique.Mots clefs : angiodysplasie, embolisation, chirurgie

    SDF2Net: Shallow to Deep Feature Fusion Network for PolSAR Image Classification

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    Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images encompass valuable information that can facilitate extensive land cover interpretation and generate diverse output products. Extracting meaningful features from PolSAR data poses challenges distinct from those encountered in optical imagery. Deep learning (DL) methods offer effective solutions for overcoming these challenges in PolSAR feature extraction. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) play a crucial role in capturing PolSAR image characteristics by leveraging kernel capabilities to consider local information and the complex-valued nature of PolSAR data. In this study, a novel three-branch fusion of complex-valued CNN, named the Shallow to Deep Feature Fusion Network (SDF2Net), is proposed for PolSAR image classification. To validate the performance of the proposed method, classification results are compared against multiple state-of-the-art approaches using the airborne synthetic aperture radar (AIRSAR) datasets of Flevoland and San Francisco, as well as the ESAR Oberpfaffenhofen dataset. The results indicate that the proposed approach demonstrates improvements in overallaccuracy, with a 1.3% and 0.8% enhancement for the AIRSAR datasets and a 0.5% improvement for the ESAR dataset. Analyses conducted on the Flevoland data underscore the effectiveness of the SDF2Net model, revealing a promising overall accuracy of 96.01% even with only a 1% sampling ratio