5 research outputs found
Identification of myoelectric signals of pregnant rat uterus: new method to detect myometrial contraction
Aim To develop an electromyography method for pregnant
rat uterus in vivo and to separate myometrial signals
from the gastrointestinal tract signals.
Methods: Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 8) were anaesthetized
and their stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
were removed from the abdomen. A pair of thread
electrodes was inserted into the uterus, while a pair of disk
electrodes was placed subcutaneously above the myometrium.
Additionally, a strain gauge sensor was fixed on the
surface of the myometrium and cecum for the parallel detection
of mechanical contractions in rats (n = 18) with intact
gastrointestinal tract. The filtered electric signals were
amplified and recorded by an online computer system and
analyzed by fast Fourier transformation. The frequency of
the electric activity was characterized by cycle per minute
(cpm), the magnitude of the activity was described as
power spectrum density maximum (PsDmax).
Results: The frequency of the pregnant uterine activity
was 1-3 cpm, which falls within the same range as that of
cecum. Measuring by both electrodes, oxytocin (1 μg/kg)
increased and terbutaline (50 μg/kg) decreased the PsDmax
by 25%-50% (P < 0.001) and 25%-40% (P < 0.01), respectively.
We found a strong positive correlation between the
alterations of PsDmax values and the strain gauge sensordetected
mechanical contractions (area under curve). The
GI specific compounds (neostigmine, atropine) mainly affected
the cecal activity, while myometrium specific drugs
(oxytocin, terbutaline) influenced the myometrial signals
Conclusion: Our method proved to be able to detect the
myoelectric activity that reflects the mechanical contraction.
The overlapping myometrial and cecal signals are not
separable, but they can be distinguished based on the
much higher activity and different pharmacological reactivity
of the pregnant uterus. Thus, the early signs of contractions
can be detected and labor may be predicted in a
fast and sensitive way
The effects of estrogen on the α2-adrenergic receptor subtypes in rat uterine function in late pregnancy in vitro
Aim To assess the effect of 17β-estradiol pretreatment on
the function and expression of α2- adrenergic receptors
(ARs) subtypes in late pregnancy in rats.
Methods Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 37) were treated with
17β-estradiol for 4 days starting from the 18th day of pregnancy.
The myometrial expression of the α2-AR subtypes
was determined by real time polymerase chain reaction
and Western blot analysis. In vitro contractions were stimulated
with (-)-noradrenaline, and its effect was modified
with the selective antagonists BRL 44408 (α2A), ARC 239
(α2B/C), and spiroxatrine (α2A). The cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP) accumulation was also measured. The
activated G-protein level was investigated by guanosine
5’-O-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTPγS) binding assay.
Results 17β-estradiol pretreatment decreased the contractile
effect of (-)-noradrenaline via the α2-ARs, and abolished
the contractile effect via the α2B-ARs. All the α2-AR
subtypes’ mRNA was significantly decreased. 17β-estradiol
pretreatment significantly increased the myometrial cAMP
level in the presence of BRL 44408 (P = 0.001), ARC 239
(P = 0.007), and spiroxatrine (P = 0.045), but did not modify
it in the presence of spiroxatrine + BRL 44408 combination
(P = 0.073). It also inhibited the G-protein-activating effect
of (-)-noradrenaline by 25% in the presence of BRL 44408 +
spiroxatrine combination.
Conclusions The expression of the α2-AR subtypes is sensitive
to 17β-estradiol, which decreases the contractile response
of (-)-noradrenaline via the α2B-AR subtype, and
might cause changes in G-protein signaling pathway. Estrogen
dysregulation may be responsible for preterm labor
or uterine inertia via the α2-AR
Recommendations for wider adoption of clinical pharmacy in Central and Eastern Europe in order to optimise pharmacotherapy and improve patient outcomes
Clinical pharmacy as an area of practice, education and research started developing around the 1960s when pharmacists across the globe gradually identified the need to focus more on ensuring the appropriate use of medicines to improve patient outcomes rather than being engaged in manufacturing and supply. Since that time numerous studies have shown the positive impact of clinical pharmacy services (CPS). The need for wider adoption of CPS worldwide becomes urgent, as the global population ages, and the prevalence of polypharmacy as well as shortage of healthcare professionals is rising. At the same time, there is great pressure to provide both high-quality and cost-effective health services. All these challenges urgently require the adoption of a new paradigm of healthcare system architecture. One of the most appropriate answers to these challenges is to increase the utilization of the potential of highly educated and skilled professionals widely available in these countries, i.e., pharmacists, who are well positioned to prevent and manage drug-related problems together with ensuring safe and effective use of medications with further care relating to medication adherence. Unfortunately, CPS are still underdeveloped and underutilized in some parts of Europe, namely, in most of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. This paper reviews current situation of CPS development in CEE countries and the prospects for the future of CPS in that region
A Magyar Belgyógyász Társaság Dél-magyarországi Decentrum 43. Továbbképző Tudományos Ülésén elhangzó előadások rövid összefoglalói
1. Előszó
2. Alsó végtagi oedema ritka oka
3. Diabeteses ketoacidosis változások az utolsó öt évben
4. IGF-2-termelő prostatatumor okozta súlyos hypoglykaemia. Esetismertetés
5. Diabeteses beteg tünetmentes sokér-betegsége. Esetismertetés
6. Egy motorbaleset szövődményei – kardiológiai vonatkozások. Esetismertetés
7. Erectilis diszfunkció és alacsony tesztoszteronszint metabolikus szindróma tüneteit mutató 1-es típusú diabetesben
8. „Egyelőre idiopathiás” AA-amyloidosis. Esetismertetés
9. Anti-TNF-α-terápia mellett kialakuló lupus erythematosus
10. Pancreastumor vagy pancreatitis?
11. Videodenzitometria segítségével vizsgált myocardialis perfúzió eltérései diabetes mellitusban
12. A Clostridium difficile-fertőzések alakulása intézményünk fertőzőosztályán 2011-ig
13. A vesebetegségek felismerhetőségének aránya az eGFR tükrében vizsgálva
14. A gestatiós diabetes mellitus miatt gondozott asszonyok utánvizsgálataival szerzett tapasztalataink
15. Az aortamerevségi (stiffness) index prognosztikus jelentősége acromegaliában
16. Akut máj- és veseelégtelenség ritka oka. Esetismertetés
17. Diabeteses enteropathia, gastroparesis és neuropathia, vagy valami más? Esetismertetés
18. QT-variabilitás és vércukorszint: kimutatható-e összefüggés egészséges szénhidrát-anyagcseréjű egyénekben?
19. Renalis szimpatikus rádiófrekvenciás katéteres ablatio terápiarezisztens hypertoniában
20. A kalcium-anyagcsere útvesztői
21. Humán helminthiasisok: Az ember féregélősködők okozta bántalmainak klinikuma a gyakorlatban
22. Terápiás hatékonyság vizsgálata fokális szegmentális glomerulosclerosisos esetekben
23. Vércukormérés és csúcstechnológia
24. Metformin a terhességben. Áldás vagy átok?
25. Thrombocytopenia és immunhiány
26. Az inzulinkezeléssel járó testsúlynövekedés elkerülése
intenzív inzulinanalóg-kezelési rendszerrel. Esetismertetés
27. Arteria renalis kardiogén eredetű akut thromboemboliás occlusiójának sikeres thrombolyticus kezelése. Esetismertetés
28. Microvascularis vasomotio és vércukorszint: kimutatható-e összefüggés egészséges szénhidrát-anyagcseréjű egyénekben?
29. Fődiagnózis: cardialis decompensatio. Cardialis decompensatio? Esetbemutatás
30. Tíz év tapasztalatai a gestatiós diabetes szűrésében és gondozásában
31. Az autonóm neuropathia prospektív vizsgálata inzulinpumpával kezelt 1-es típusú diabeteses betegekben
32. Vékonybél-kapszulaendoszkópiával szerzett kezdeti tapasztalataink
33. Transrectalis ultrahang (RUH) szerepe a rectum és perirectalis tér kórképeinek diagnosztikájában. Tapasztalatok saját eseteink kapcsán
34. Korszerű inzulinkezelés detemir bázisanalóggal: saját tapasztalataim és a nemzetközi obszervációs vizsgálat (A1chieve®) tükrében
35. Proteinuria mint cardiovascularis rizik