35 research outputs found

    Surface Entanglement in Quantum Spin Networks

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    We study the ground-state entanglement in systems of spins forming the boundary of a quantum spin network in arbitrary geometries and dimensionality. We show that as long as they are weakly coupled to the bulk of the network, the surface spins are strongly entangled, even when distant and non directly interacting, thereby generalizing the phenomenon of long-distance entanglement occurring in quantum spin chains. Depending on the structure of the couplings between surface and bulk spins, we discuss in detail how the patterns of surface entanglement can range from multi-pair bipartite to fully multipartite. In the context of quantum information and communication, these results find immediate application to the implementation of quantum routers, that is devices able to distribute quantum correlations on demand among multiple network nodes.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Generation and detection of large and robust entanglement between two different mechanical resonators in cavity optomechanics

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    We investigate a general scheme for generating, either dynamically or in the steady state, continuous variable entanglement between two mechanical resonators with different frequencies. We employ an optomechanical system in which a single optical cavity mode driven by a suitably chosen two-tone field is coupled to the two resonators. Significantly large mechanical entanglement can be achieved, which is extremely robust with respect to temperature.Comment: To appear in New J. Phys. Small extensions in response to the points raised by the referee and Refs adde

    Ground state cooling in a bad cavity

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    We study the mechanical effects of light on an atom trapped in a harmonic potential when an atomic dipole transition is driven by a laser and it is strongly coupled to a mode of an optical resonator. We investigate the cooling dynamics in the bad cavity limit, focussing on the case in which the effective transition linewidth is smaller than the trap frequency, hence when sideband cooling could be implemented. We show that quantum correlations between the mechanical actions of laser and cavity field can lead to an enhancement of the cooling efficiency with respect to sideband cooling. Such interference effects are found when the resonator losses prevail over spontaneous decay and over the rates of the coherent processes characterizing the dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; J. Mod. Opt. (2007

    Feedback-enabled microwave quantum illumination

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    A simple feedback scheme can be used to operate efficiently a microwave-quantum-illumination device based on electro-optomechanical systems also in regimes in which excess dissipation would, otherwise, prevent to outperform the optimal classical illumination protocol with the same transmitted energy

    Nonreciprocal conversion between radio-frequency and optical photons with an optoelectromechanical system

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    Nonreciprocal systems breaking time-reversal symmetry are essential tools in modern quantum technologies enabling the suppression of unwanted reflected signals or extraneous noise entering through detection ports. Here we propose a scheme enabling nonreciprocal conversion between optical and radio-frequency (rf) photons using exclusively optomechanical and electromechanical interactions. The nonreciprocal transmission is obtained by interference of two dissipative pathways of transmission between the two electromagnetic modes established through two distinct intermediate mechanical modes. In our protocol, we apply a bichromatic drive to the cavity mode and a single-tone drive to the rf resonator, and use the relative phase between the drive tones to obtain nonreciprocity. We show that perfect nonreciprocal transduction can be obtained in the limit of large cooperativity in both directions, from optical to rf and vice versa. We also study the transducer noise and show that mechanical thermal noise is always reflected back onto the isolated port. In the limit of large cooperativity, the input noise is instead transmitted in an unaltered way in the allowed direction; in particular one has only vacuum noise in the output rf port in the case of optical-to-rf conversion

    Entanglement replication in driven-dissipative many body systems

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    We study the dissipative dynamics of two independent arrays of many-body systems, locally driven by a common entangled field. We show that in the steady state the entanglement of the driving field is reproduced in an arbitrarily large series of inter-array entangled pairs over all distances. Local nonclassical driving thus realizes a scale-free entanglement replication and long-distance entanglement distribution mechanism that has immediate bearing on the implementation of quantum communication networks.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Quantum interference from remotely trapped ions

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    We observe quantum interference of photons emitted by two continuously laser-excited single ions, independently trapped in distinct vacuum vessels. High contrast two-photon interference is observed in two experiments with different ion species, calcium and barium. Our experimental findings are quantitatively reproduced by Bloch equation calculations. In particular, we show that the coherence of the individual resonance fluorescence light field is determined from the observed interference

    Collective effects in the dynamics of driven atoms in a high-Q resonator

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    We study the quantum dynamics of N coherently driven two-level atoms coupled to an optical resonator. In the strong coupling regime the cavity field generated by atomic scattering interferes destructively with the pump on the atoms. This suppresses atomic excitation and even for strong driving fields prevents atomic saturation, while the stationary intracavity field amplitude is almost independent of the atom number. The magnitude of the interference effect depends on the detuning between laser and cavity field and on the relative atomic positions and is strongest for a wavelength spaced lattice of atoms placed at the antinodes of the cavity mode. In this case three dimensional intensity minima are created in the vicinity of each atom. In this regime spontaneous emission is suppressed and the dominant loss channel is cavity decay. Even for a cavity linewidth larger than the atomic natural width, one regains strong interference through the cooperative action of a sufficiently large number of atoms. These results give a new key to understand recent experiments on collective cavity cooling and may allow to implement fast tailored atom-atom interactions as well as nonperturbative particle detection with very small energy transfer.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, significantly extended version, slightly different from the published on

    Raman spectroscopy of a single ion coupled to a high-finesse cavity

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    We describe an ion-based cavity-QED system in which the internal dynamics of an atom is coupled to the modes of an optical cavity by vacuum-stimulated Raman transitions. We observe Raman spectra for different excitation polarizations and find quantitative agreement with theoretical simulations. Residual motion of the ion introduces motional sidebands in the Raman spectrum and leads to ion delocalization. The system offers prospects for cavity-assisted resolved-sideband ground-state cooling and coherent manipulation of ions and photons.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Hybrid Mechanical Systems

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    We discuss hybrid systems in which a mechanical oscillator is coupled to another (microscopic) quantum system, such as trapped atoms or ions, solid-state spin qubits, or superconducting devices. We summarize and compare different coupling schemes and describe first experimental implementations. Hybrid mechanical systems enable new approaches to quantum control of mechanical objects, precision sensing, and quantum information processing.Comment: To cite this review, please refer to the published book chapter (see Journal-ref and DOI). This v2 corresponds to the published versio