103 research outputs found

    Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and its isotopic composition in southern Poland: comparison of high-altitude mountain site and a near-by urban environment

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    International audienceThe results of regular observations of atmospheric CO2 mixing ratios and its carbon isotope composition (?13C, ?14C), carried out at two continental sites located in central Europe are presented and discussed. The sites (Kasprowy Wierch, 49°14' N, 19°59' E, 1989 m a.s.l.; Krakow, 50°04' N, 19°55' E, 220 m a.s.l.), are located in two contrasting environments: (i) high-altitude mountaneous area, relatively free of anthropogenic influences, and (ii) typical urban environment with numerous local sources of carbon dioxide. Despite of relative proximity of those sites (ca. 100 km), substantial differences in both the recorded CO2 levels and their isotopic composition were detected. The CO2 mixing ratios measured in the urban atmosphere revealed quasi-permanent excess concentration of this gas when compared with near-by background atmosphere. The annual mean CO2 concentration recorded in Krakow in 2004 was almost 10% higher than that recorded at high-altitude mountain site (Kasprowy Wierch). Such effect is occuring probably in all urban centers. Carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 proved to be efficient tool for identification the surface CO2 fluxes into the atmosphere related to fossil fuel burning and their influence on the recorded levels of this gas in the local atmosphere. The available records of ?14C for Krakow and Kasprowy Wierch suggest gradual reduction of 14C-free CO2 fluxes into the urban atmosphere of Krakow in the past several years

    Analysis of cytosine methylation in genomic dna of solanum × michoacanum (+) s. tuberosum somatic hybrids

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    Interspecific somatic hybridization is a noteworthy breeding strategy that allows the production of novel genetic variability when crossing barriers exist between two parental species. Although the genetic consequences of somatic hybridization have been well documented, little is known on its impact at the epigenetic level. The objective of our research was to investigate the epigenetic changes, in particular DNA methylation, occurring in a population of potato somatic hybrids. The analysis of 96 Solanum × michoacanum (+) S. tuberosum somatic hybrids from five fusion combinations and their parents was carried out by methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods. Six MSAP primer combinations generated 622 unique bands, of which 295 were fully methylated. HPLC analysis showed from 15.5% to 16.9% total cytosine methylation within the parental forms. Overall, the MSAP and HPLC methods indicated an increase in DNA methylation in the somatic hybrids in comparison to their parents. Among the latter, a lower degree of DNA methylation in the wild S. × michoacanum species than S. tuberosum was found. Our findings indicated that somatic hybridization changed the level of cytosine methylation in the studied potato somatic hybrids

    Carbon isotopic signature of coal-derived methane emissions to the atmosphere: from coalification to alteration

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    Currently, the atmospheric methane burden is rising rapidly, but the extent to which shifts in coal production contribute to this rise is not known. Coalbed methane emissions into the atmosphere are poorly characterised, and this study provides representative ή13CCH4 signatures of methane emissions from specific coalfields. Integrated methane emissions from both underground and opencast coal mines in the UK, Australia and Poland were sampled and isotopically characterised. Progression in coal rank and secondary biogenic production of methane due to incursion of water are suggested as the processes affecting the isotopic composition of coal-derived methane. An averaged value of −65 ‰ has been assigned to bituminous coal exploited in open cast mines and of −55 ‰ in deep mines, whereas values of −40 and −30 ‰ can be allocated to anthracite opencast and deep mines respectively. However, the isotopic signatures that are included in global atmospheric modelling of coal emissions should be region- or nation-specific, as greater detail is needed, given the wide global variation in coal type

    Analysis of ground-based Rn-222 measurements over Spain: filling the gap in southwestern Europe

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    Harmonized atmospheric 222Rn observations are required by the scientific community: these data have been lacking in southern Europe. We report on three recently established ground-based atmospheric 222Rn monitoring stations in Spain. We characterize the variability of atmospheric 222Rn concentrations at each of these stations in relation to source strengths, local, and regional atmospheric processes. For the study, measured atmospheric 222Rn concentrations, estimated 222Rn fluxes, and regional footprint analysis have been used. In addition, the atmospheric radon monitor operating at each station has been compared to a 222Rn progeny monitor. Annual means of 222Rn concentrations at Gredos (GIC3), Delta de l'Ebre (DEC3), and Huelva (UHU) stations were 17.3¿±¿2.0¿Bq¿m-3, 5.8¿±¿0.8¿Bq¿m-3, and 5.1¿±¿0.7¿Bq¿m-3, respectively. The GIC3 station showed high 222Rn concentration differences during the day and by seasons. The coastal station DEC3 presented background concentrations typical of the region, except when inland 222Rn-rich air masses are transported into the deltaic area. The highest 222Rn concentrations at UHU station were observed when local recirculation facilitates accumulation of 222Rn from nearby source represented by phosphogypsum piles. Results of the comparison performed between monitors revealed that the performance of the direct radon monitor is not affected by meteorological conditions, whereas the 222Rn progeny monitor seems to underestimate 222Rn concentrations under saturated atmospheric conditions. Initial findings indicate that the monitor responses seem to be in agreement for unsaturated atmospheric conditions but a further long-term comparison study will be needed to confirm this result.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Determination of Mg, Ti and Cl in Ziegler-Natta catalysts by WDXRF

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    Abstract A method for determination of Mg, Ti and Cl in Ziegler-Natta (ZN) catalysts by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometry was developed. For comparative reasons, Ti was determined by spectrophotometry, Mg by complexometry and Cl by argentometric titration. Direct pressing was shown to be unsuitable for sample preparation due to catalyst decomposition. For Ti and Mg measurements, catalyst samples were calcinated at 1000 ‱ C and pressed at 275 MPa. Their determination by the fundamental parameters based on the Ti Ka line measurement was shown to be equivalent to those results obtained by univariate calibration or by the classical methods. Cl was determined by aqueous extraction, followed by deposition on a support. Chloride loss was observed. Fixation of Cl as AgCl on polytetrafluoroethylene (FHLC) millipore membrane afforded the best results. Nevertheless, measurements by WDXRF were shown to be inferior to those obtained by argentometric titration

    High resolution mapping of a novel late blight resistance gene Rpi-avll, from the wild Bolivian species Solanum avilesii

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    Both Mexico and South America are rich in Solanum species that might be valuable sources of resistance (R) genes to late blight (Phytophthora infestans). Here, we focus on an R gene present in the diploid Bolivian species S. avilesii. The genotype carrying the R gene was resistant to eight out of 10 Phytophthora isolates of various provenances. The identification of a resistant phenotype and the generation of a segregating population allowed the mapping of a single dominant R gene, Rpi-avl1, which is located in an R gene cluster on chromosome 11. This R gene cluster is considered as an R gene “hot spot”, containing R genes to at least five different pathogens. High resolution mapping of the Rpi-avl1 gene revealed a marker co-segregating in 3890 F1 individuals, which may be used for marker assisted selection in breeding programs and for further cloning of Rpi-avl

    Heterogeneous Expression of Proangiogenic and Coagulation Proteins in Gliomas of Different Histopathological Grade.

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    Brain gliomas are characterized by remarkably intense invasive growth and the ability to create new blood vessels. Angiogenesis is a key process in the progression of these tumors. Coagulation and fibrinolysis factors play a role in promoting angiogenesis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the expression of proangiogenic proteins (VEGF and bFGF) and hemostatic proteins (TF, fibrinogen, fibrin, D-dimers) associated with neoplastic cells and vascular endothelial cells in brain gliomas of various degrees of malignancy. Immunohistochemical tests were performed using the ABC method with the use of mono- and polyclonal antibodies. The obtained results indicated that both neoplastic cells and vascular endothelial cells in gliomas of various degrees of malignancy are characterized by heterogeneous expression of proteins of the hemostatic system and angiogenesis markers. The strongest expression of proangiogenic factors and procoagulant factors was demonstrated in gliomas of higher-grade malignancy

    Global CO2 fluxes inferred from surface air-sample measurements and from TCCON retrievals of the CO2 total column

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    We present the first estimate of the global distribution of CO2surface fluxes from 14 stations of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). The evaluation of this inversion is based on 1) comparison with the fluxes from a classical inversion of surface air-sample-measurements, and 2) comparison of CO2mixing ratios calculated from the inverted fluxes with independent aircraft measurements made during the two years analyzed here, 2009 and 2010. The former test shows similar seasonal cycles in the northern hemisphere and consistent regional carbon budgets between inversions from the two datasets, even though the TCCON inversion appears to be less precise than the classical inversion. The latter test confirms that the TCCON inversion has improved the quality (i.e., reduced the uncertainty) of the surface fluxes compared to the assumed or prior fluxes. The consistency between the surface-air-sample-based and the TCCON-based inversions despite remaining flaws in transport models opens the possibility of increased accuracy and robustness of flux inversions based on the combination of both data sources and confirms the usefulness of space-borne monitoring of the CO2 column.It was co-funded by the European Commission under the EU Seventh Research Framework Programme (grants agreements 218793, MACC, and 212196, COCOS
